The logo of Sneed's Feed and Seed. It has a red hat with the title of the company on it.

Sneed's Feed and Seed

Formerly Chuck's


This site is under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 and uses other free content from Wikimedia Commons. All content is under a Free Culture license. Any content not mentioned in the "Works Used" section is likely originating from the site's author and therefore is governed by the CC-BY-SA 4.0.

Works Used

Photo of a Carolina Reaper plant

Photo of a Yellow Squash plant

Photo of a Cucumber

Photo of a Soybean

Photo of Asian Rice

Photo of a Tobacco Flower

Photo of a Habanero pepper

Photo of a Taiwanese Watermelon

Photo of a Black Cherry Tree

Photo of a Red Onion

Photo of a Garlic Plant

Photo of a Potato Tuber

Photo of Red Chilis

Photo of Cubanelle Peppers

Photo of a Green Chilis

Photo of a Mother of Vinegar

Photo of Mason Jars

Photo of a Yeast Colony

Photo of a hand shovel

Photo of a Pitchfork

Photo of a Copper Adze

Photo of a Mattock

Photo of a Pickaxe

Photo of a Soil Rake

Photo of a Weeder

Photo of a Trowel

Photo of a Spade

Photo of a Gardening Hoe

Photo of a Copper Coil

Photo of a Metal Bucket

Photo of a Thermometer

Photo of a Copper Saucepot