path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 13056 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e6bccc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,13056 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The CCGO Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package ccgo // import ""
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/scanner"
+ "go/token"
+ "hash/maphash"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "math"
+ "math/big"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "runtime"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+var (
+ idAddOverflow = cc.String("__builtin_add_overflow") // bool __builtin_add_overflow (type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
+ idAlias = cc.String("alias")
+ idAligned = cc.String("aligned") // int __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) foo;
+ idAtomicLoadN = cc.String("__atomic_load_n") // type __atomic_load_n (type *ptr, int memorder)
+ idAtomicStoreN = cc.String("__atomic_store_n") // void __atomic_store_n (type *ptr, type val, int memorder)
+ idBp = cc.String("bp")
+ idBuiltinConstantPImpl = cc.String("__builtin_constant_p_impl")
+ idCAPI = cc.String("CAPI")
+ idChooseExpr = cc.String("__builtin_choose_expr")
+ idEnviron = cc.String("environ")
+ idMain = cc.String("main")
+ idMulOverflow = cc.String("__builtin_mul_overflow") // bool __builtin_mul_overflow (type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
+ idPacked = cc.String("packed") // __attribute__((packed))
+ idSubOverflow = cc.String("__builtin_sub_overflow") // bool __builtin_sub_overflow (type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
+ idTls = cc.String("tls")
+ idTransparentUnion = cc.String("__transparent_union__")
+ idTs = cc.String("ts")
+ idVa = cc.String("va")
+ idVaArg = cc.String("__ccgo_va_arg")
+ idVaEnd = cc.String("__ccgo_va_end")
+ idVaList = cc.String("va_list")
+ idVaStart = cc.String("__ccgo_va_start")
+ idWcharT = cc.String("wchar_t")
+ idWinWchar = cc.String("WCHAR")
+ idWtext = cc.String("wtext")
+ bytesBufferPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return &bytes.Buffer{} }}
+ oTraceG bool
+ oTraceW bool
+ oTracePin bool
+type exprMode int
+const (
+ doNotExport = iota
+ doNotChange
+ exportCapitalize
+ exportPrefix
+const (
+ _ exprMode = iota
+ exprAddrOf // &foo as uinptr (must be static/pinned)
+ exprBool // foo in foo != 0
+ exprCondInit // foo or bar in int i = x ? foo : bar;
+ exprCondReturn // foo or bar in return x ? foo : bar;
+ exprDecay // &foo[0] in foo for array foo.
+ exprFunc // foo in foo(bar)
+ exprLValue // foo in foo = bar
+ exprPSelect // foo in foo->bar
+ exprSelect // foo in
+ exprValue // foo in bar = foo
+ exprVoid //
+ exprGoPtr
+const (
+ tooManyErrors = "too many errors"
+type opKind int
+const (
+ opNormal opKind = iota
+ opArray
+ opArrayParameter
+ opFunction
+ opUnion
+ opBitfield
+ opStruct
+type flags byte
+const (
+ fForceConv flags = 1 << iota
+ fForceNoConv
+ fForceRuntimeConv
+ fNoCondAssignment
+ fAddrOfFuncPtrOk
+type imported struct {
+ path string // Eg. "".
+ name string // Eg. "foo" from "package foo".
+ qualifier string // Eg. "foo." or "foo2." if renamed due to name conflict.
+ exports map[string]struct{} // Eg. {"New": {}, "Close": {}, ...}.
+ used bool
+type taggedStruct struct {
+ ctyp cc.Type
+ gotyp string
+ name string
+ node cc.Node
+ conflicts bool
+ emitted bool
+func (s *taggedStruct) emit(p *project, ds *cc.DeclarationSpecifiers) {
+ if s == nil || s.emitted {
+ return
+ }
+ s.emitted = true
+ p.w("%stype %s = %s; /* %v */\n\n", tidyComment("\n", ds),, s.gotyp, p.pos(s.node))
+// Return first non empty token separator within n or dflt otherwise.
+func comment(dflt string, n cc.Node) string {
+ if s := tokenSeparator(n); s != "" {
+ return s
+ }
+ return dflt
+// tidyComment is like comment but makes comment more Go-like.
+func tidyComment(dflt string, n cc.Node) (r string) { return tidyCommentString(comment(dflt, n)) }
+func tidyCommentString(s string) (r string) {
+ defer func() {
+ if !strings.Contains(r, "// <blockquote><pre>") {
+ return
+ }
+ a := strings.Split(r, "\n")
+ in := false
+ for i, v := range a {
+ switch {
+ case in:
+ if strings.HasPrefix(v, "// </pre></blockquote>") {
+ in = false
+ a[i] = "//"
+ break
+ }
+ a[i] = fmt.Sprintf("//\t%s", v[3:])
+ default:
+ if strings.HasPrefix(v, "// <blockquote><pre>") {
+ a[i] = "//"
+ in = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ r = strings.Join(a, "\n")
+ }()
+ s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\f", "")
+ b := bytesBufferPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
+ defer func() { b.Reset(); bytesBufferPool.Put(b) }()
+ for len(s) != 0 {
+ c := s[0]
+ s = s[1:]
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ b.WriteByte(c)
+ break
+ }
+ if c != '/' {
+ b.WriteByte(c)
+ continue
+ }
+ c2 := s[0]
+ s = s[1:]
+ switch c2 {
+ case '/': // line comment start
+ b.WriteByte(c)
+ b.WriteByte(c2)
+ for {
+ c := s[0]
+ s = s[1:]
+ b.WriteByte(c)
+ if c == '\n' {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ case '*': // block comment start
+ b2 := bytesBufferPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
+ defer func() { b2.Reset(); bytesBufferPool.Put(b2) }()
+ for {
+ c := s[0]
+ s = s[1:]
+ if c != '*' {
+ b2.WriteByte(c)
+ continue
+ }
+ more:
+ c2 := s[0]
+ s = s[1:]
+ if c2 == '*' {
+ b2.WriteByte(c)
+ goto more
+ }
+ if c2 != '/' {
+ b2.WriteByte(c)
+ b2.WriteByte(c2)
+ continue
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ s2 := b2.String() // comment sans /* prefix and */ suffix
+ a := strings.Split(s2, "\n")
+ nl := len(s) != 0 && s[0] == '\n'
+ if len(a) == 1 { // /* foo */ form
+ if nl {
+ s = s[1:]
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "//%s\n", s2)
+ break
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "/*%s*/", s2)
+ break
+ }
+ if !nl {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "/*%s*/", s2)
+ break
+ }
+ // Block comment followed by a newline can be safely replaced by a sequence of
+ // line comments. Try to enhance the comment.
+ if commentForm1(b, a) ||
+ commentForm2(b, a) ||
+ commentForm3(b, a) {
+ break
+ }
+ // No enhancement posibilities detected, use the default form.
+ if a[len(a)-1] == "" {
+ a = a[:len(a)-1]
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "//%s", a[0])
+ for _, v := range a[1:] {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n// %s", v)
+ }
+ default:
+ b.WriteByte(c)
+ b.WriteByte(c2)
+ }
+ }
+ return b.String()
+func commentForm1(b *bytes.Buffer, a []string) bool {
+ // Example
+ //
+ // /*
+ // ** Initialize this module.
+ // **
+ // ** This Tcl module contains only a single new Tcl command named "sqlite".
+ // ** (Hence there is no namespace. There is no point in using a namespace
+ // ** if the extension only supplies one new name!) The "sqlite" command is
+ // ** used to open a new SQLite database. See the DbMain() routine above
+ // ** for additional information.
+ // **
+ // ** The EXTERN macros are required by TCL in order to work on windows.
+ // */
+ if strings.TrimSpace(a[0]) != "" {
+ return false
+ }
+ if strings.TrimSpace(a[len(a)-1]) != "" {
+ return false
+ }
+ a = a[1 : len(a)-1]
+ if len(a) == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i, v := range a {
+ v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(v, "*") {
+ return false
+ }
+ a[i] = strings.TrimLeft(v, "*")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "//%s", a[0])
+ for _, v := range a[1:] {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n//%s", v)
+ }
+ return true
+func commentForm2(b *bytes.Buffer, a []string) bool {
+ // Example
+ //
+ // /**************************** sqlite3_column_ *******************************
+ // ** The following routines are used to access elements of the current row
+ // ** in the result set.
+ // */
+ if strings.TrimSpace(a[len(a)-1]) != "" {
+ return false
+ }
+ a = a[:len(a)-1]
+ if len(a) == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i, v := range a[1:] {
+ v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(v, "*") {
+ return false
+ }
+ a[i+1] = strings.TrimLeft(v, "*")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "// %s", strings.TrimSpace(a[0]))
+ if strings.HasPrefix(a[0], "**") && strings.HasSuffix(a[0], "**") {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n//")
+ }
+ for _, v := range a[1:] {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n//%s", v)
+ }
+ return true
+func commentForm3(b *bytes.Buffer, a []string) bool {
+ // Example
+ //
+ // /* Call sqlite3_shutdown() once before doing anything else. This is to
+ // ** test that sqlite3_shutdown() can be safely called by a process before
+ // ** sqlite3_initialize() is. */
+ for i, v := range a[1:] {
+ v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(v, "*") {
+ return false
+ }
+ a[i+1] = strings.TrimLeft(v, "*")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "// %s", strings.TrimSpace(a[0]))
+ if strings.HasPrefix(a[0], "**") && strings.HasSuffix(a[0], "**") {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n//")
+ }
+ for _, v := range a[1:] {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n//%s", v)
+ }
+ return true
+// Return the preceding white space, including any comments, of the first token
+// of n.
+func tokenSeparator(n cc.Node) (r string) {
+ if n == nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ var tok cc.Token
+ cc.Inspect(n, func(n cc.Node, _ bool) bool {
+ if x, ok := n.(*cc.Token); ok {
+ if a, b := tok.Seq(), x.Seq(); a == 0 || a > x.Seq() && b != 0 {
+ tok = *x
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ return tok.Sep.String()
+func source(n (r string) {
+ if len(n) == 0 {
+ return "<nil>"
+ }
+ var a []*cc.Token
+ for _, v := range n {
+ cc.Inspect(v, func(n cc.Node, _ bool) bool {
+ if x, ok := n.(*cc.Token); ok && x.Seq() != 0 {
+ a = append(a, x)
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return a[i].Seq() < a[j].Seq()
+ })
+ w := 0
+ seq := -1
+ for _, v := range a {
+ if n := v.Seq(); n != seq {
+ seq = n
+ a[w] = v
+ w++
+ }
+ }
+ a = a[:w]
+ var b strings.Builder
+ for _, v := range a {
+ b.WriteString(v.Sep.String())
+ b.WriteString(v.Src.String())
+ }
+ return b.String()
+type initPatch struct {
+ t cc.Type
+ init *cc.Initializer
+ fld cc.Field
+type tld struct {
+ name string // Can differ from the original one.
+ patches []initPatch
+type block struct {
+ block *cc.CompoundStatement
+ decls []*cc.Declaration // What to declare in this block.
+ params []*cc.Parameter
+ parent *block
+ scope scope
+ noDecl bool // Locals declared in one of the parent scopes.
+ topDecl bool // Declare locals at block start to avoid "jumps over declaration".
+func newBlock(parent *block, n *cc.CompoundStatement, decls []*cc.Declaration, params []*cc.Parameter, scope scope, topDecl bool) *block {
+ return &block{
+ block: n,
+ decls: decls,
+ params: params,
+ parent: parent,
+ scope: scope,
+ topDecl: topDecl,
+ }
+type local struct {
+ name string
+ off uintptr // If isPinned: bp+off
+ forceRead bool // Possibly never read.
+ isPinned bool // Prevent this local from being placed in Go movable stack.
+type switchState int
+const (
+ _ switchState = iota // Not in switch.
+ inSwitchFirst // Before seeing "case/default".
+ inSwitchCase // Seen "case/default".
+ inSwitchSeenBreak // In switch "case/default" and seen "break/return".
+ inSwitchFlat
+type function struct {
+ block *block
+ blocks map[*cc.CompoundStatement]*block
+ bpName string
+ breakCtx int //TODO merge with continueCtx
+ complits map[*cc.PostfixExpression]uintptr
+ condInitPrefix func()
+ continueCtx int
+ flatLabels int
+ flatSwitchLabels map[*cc.LabeledStatement]int
+ fndef *cc.FunctionDefinition
+ gen *project
+ ifCtx cc.Node
+ ignore map[*cc.Declarator]bool // Pseudo declarators
+ labelNames map[cc.StringID]string
+ labels scope
+ locals map[*cc.Declarator]*local
+ off uintptr // bp+off allocs
+ params []*cc.Parameter // May differ from what fndef says
+ project *project
+ rt cc.Type // May differ from what fndef says
+ scope scope
+ switchCtx switchState
+ tlsName string
+ top *block
+ unusedLabels map[cc.StringID]struct{}
+ vaLists map[*cc.PostfixExpression]uintptr
+ vaName string
+ vaType cc.Type
+ vlas map[*cc.Declarator]struct{}
+ hasJumps bool
+ mainSignatureForced bool
+func newFunction(p *project, n *cc.FunctionDefinition) *function {
+ d := n.Declarator
+ t := d.Type()
+ rt := t.Result()
+ params := t.Parameters()
+ var mainSignatureForced bool
+ var ignore map[*cc.Declarator]bool
+ if d.Name() == idMain && d.Linkage == cc.External {
+ if rt.Kind() != cc.Int {
+ rt = p.task.cfg.ABI.Type(cc.Int)
+ }
+ if len(params) != 2 {
+ mainSignatureForced = true
+ d1 := newDeclarator("argc")
+ t1 := p.task.cfg.ABI.Type(cc.Int)
+ d2 := newDeclarator("argv")
+ t2 := p.task.cfg.ABI.Ptr(n, p.task.cfg.ABI.Type(cc.Void))
+ params = []*cc.Parameter{
+ cc.NewParameter(d1, t1),
+ cc.NewParameter(d2, t2),
+ }
+ ignore = map[*cc.Declarator]bool{d1: true, d2: true}
+ }
+ }
+ f := &function{
+ blocks: map[*cc.CompoundStatement]*block{},
+ complits: map[*cc.PostfixExpression]uintptr{},
+ fndef: n,
+ gen: p,
+ hasJumps: n.CompoundStatement.IsJumpTarget(),
+ ignore: ignore,
+ locals: map[*cc.Declarator]*local{},
+ mainSignatureForced: mainSignatureForced,
+ params: params,
+ project: p,
+ rt: rt,
+ scope: p.newScope(),
+ unusedLabels: map[cc.StringID]struct{}{},
+ vaLists: map[*cc.PostfixExpression]uintptr{},
+ vlas: map[*cc.Declarator]struct{}{},
+ }
+ f.tlsName = f.scope.take(idTls)
+ if t.IsVariadic() {
+ f.vaName = f.scope.take(idVa)
+ }
+ f.layoutLocals(nil, n.CompoundStatement, params)
+ var extern []cc.StringID
+ for _, v := range n.CompoundStatements() { // testdata/gcc-9.1.0/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/scope-1.c
+ for _, v := range v.Declarations() {
+ for list := v.InitDeclaratorList; list != nil; list = list.InitDeclaratorList {
+ if d := list.InitDeclarator.Declarator; d != nil && d.IsExtern() {
+ extern = append(extern, d.Name())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, v := range n.CompoundStatements() {
+ block := f.blocks[v]
+ for _, v := range extern {
+ if tld := f.project.externs[v]; tld != nil {
+ block.scope.take(cc.String(
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, v := range n.CompoundStatements() {
+ f.layoutBlocks(v)
+ }
+ f.renameLabels()
+ f.staticAllocsAndPinned(n.CompoundStatement)
+ return f
+func (f *function) flatLabel() int {
+ if f.project.pass1 {
+ return 1
+ }
+ f.flatLabels++
+ return f.flatLabels
+func (f *function) renameLabels() {
+ var a []cc.StringID
+ for _, v := range f.fndef.Labels {
+ if v.Case != cc.LabeledStatementLabel {
+ continue
+ }
+ a = append(a, v.Token.Value)
+ f.unusedLabels[v.Token.Value] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ for _, v := range f.fndef.Gotos {
+ delete(f.unusedLabels, v.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ if len(a) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i].String() < a[j].String() })
+ f.labels = newScope()
+ f.labelNames = map[cc.StringID]string{}
+ for _, id := range a {
+ f.labelNames[id] = f.labels.take(id)
+ }
+func (f *function) staticAllocsAndPinned(n *cc.CompoundStatement) {
+ for _, v := range f.params {
+ switch {
+ case v.Type().Kind() == cc.Array && v.Type().IsVLA():
+ // trc("VLA")
+ f.project.err(f.fndef, "variable length arrays not supported")
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO use pass1 for this
+ cc.Inspect(n, func(n cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ if !entry {
+ return true
+ }
+ switch x := n.(type) {
+ case *cc.CastExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ if t := x.TypeName.Type(); t != nil && t.Kind() != cc.Void {
+ break
+ }
+ if d := x.CastExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ local.forceRead = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ x, ok := n.(*cc.PostfixExpression)
+ if !ok || x.Case != cc.PostfixExpressionCall {
+ return true
+ }
+ if x.PostfixExpression == nil || x.PostfixExpression.Operand == nil || x.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type() == nil {
+ return true
+ }
+ ft := funcType(x.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type())
+ if ft.Kind() != cc.Function {
+ return true
+ }
+ if !ft.IsVariadic() {
+ return true
+ }
+ fixedParams := len(ft.Parameters())
+ iArg := 0
+ var need uintptr
+ for list := x.ArgumentExpressionList; list != nil; list, iArg = list.ArgumentExpressionList, iArg+1 {
+ if iArg < fixedParams {
+ continue
+ }
+ t := list.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type()
+ if t.IsIntegerType() {
+ need += 8
+ continue
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Array, cc.Ptr, cc.Double, cc.Float, cc.Function:
+ need += 8
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", f.project.pos(x), t, t.Kind()))
+ }
+ }
+ if need != 0 {
+ //TODO- if f.project.task.mingw {
+ //TODO- need += 8 // On windows the va list is prefixed with its length
+ //TODO- }
+ va := roundup(, 8)
+ f.vaLists[x] = va
+ = va + need
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+func funcType(t cc.Type) cc.Type {
+ if t.Kind() == cc.Ptr {
+ t = t.Elem()
+ }
+ return t
+type declarator interface {
+ Declarator() *cc.Declarator
+ cc.Node
+func (p *project) isArrayParameterDeclarator(d *cc.Declarator) bool {
+ if d.Type().Kind() == cc.Array {
+ if d.Type().IsVLA() {
+ return false
+ }
+ return d.IsParameter
+ }
+ return false
+func (p *project) isArrayDeclarator(d *cc.Declarator) bool {
+ if d.Type().Kind() == cc.Array {
+ if d.Type().IsVLA() {
+ return false
+ }
+ return !d.IsParameter
+ }
+ return false
+func (p *project) isArrayParameter(n declarator, t cc.Type) bool {
+ if t.Kind() != cc.Array {
+ return false
+ }
+ if t.IsVLA() {
+ return false
+ }
+ if d := n.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ return d.IsParameter
+ }
+ return false
+func (p *project) isArrayOrPinnedArray(f *function, n declarator, t cc.Type) (r bool) {
+ if t.Kind() != cc.Array {
+ return false
+ }
+ if t.IsVLA() {
+ return false
+ }
+ if d := n.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ return !d.IsParameter
+ }
+ return p.detectArray(f, n.(cc.Node), true, true, nil)
+func (p *project) detectArray(f *function, n cc.Node, pinnedOk, recursiveOk bool, out **cc.Declarator) bool {
+ switch x := n.(type) {
+ case *cc.AssignmentExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.ConditionalExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.UnaryExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.ConditionalExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.LogicalOrExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.LogicalOrExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out) ||
+ p.detectArray(f, x.Expression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out) ||
+ p.detectArray(f, x.ConditionalExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(x), x.Case))
+ }
+ case *cc.LogicalOrExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.LogicalAndExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.LogicalAndExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.InclusiveOrExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.InclusiveOrExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.ExclusiveOrExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.AndExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.AndExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.EqualityExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.EqualityExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.RelationalExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.RelationalExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.ShiftExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.ShiftExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.AdditiveExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.AdditiveExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.MultiplicativeExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case
+ cc.AdditiveExpressionSub, // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.AdditiveExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out) || p.detectArray(f, x.MultiplicativeExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(x), x.Case))
+ }
+ case *cc.MultiplicativeExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.CastExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ case *cc.CastExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.UnaryExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.CastExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(x), x.Case))
+ }
+ case *cc.UnaryExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.PostfixExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case
+ cc.UnaryExpressionDeref, // '*' CastExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.CastExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case
+ cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr, // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType, // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ cc.UnaryExpressionMinus, // '-' CastExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionCpl, // '~' CastExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr, // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType, // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ cc.UnaryExpressionNot, // '!' CastExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionInc, // "++" UnaryExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionDec, // "--" UnaryExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionPlus: // '+' CastExpression
+ return false
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(x), x.Case))
+ }
+ case *cc.PostfixExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.PrimaryExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ return recursiveOk && p.detectArray(f, x.PostfixExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case
+ cc.PostfixExpressionSelect, // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ cc.PostfixExpressionDec, // PostfixExpression "--"
+ cc.PostfixExpressionInc, // PostfixExpression "++"
+ cc.PostfixExpressionCall, // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ cc.PostfixExpressionComplit, // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ return false
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(x), x.Case))
+ }
+ case *cc.PrimaryExpression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionString, // STRINGLITERAL
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum, // ENUMCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionChar, // CHARCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar, // LONGCHARCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionLString, // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat, // FLOATCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ return false
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ d := x.Declarator()
+ if d == nil || d.IsParameter {
+ return false
+ }
+ if d.Type().Kind() != cc.Array {
+ return false
+ }
+ if d.Type().IsVLA() {
+ return false
+ }
+ if pinnedOk {
+ if out != nil {
+ *out = d
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ local := f.locals[d]
+ if local == nil || local.isPinned {
+ return false
+ }
+ if out != nil {
+ *out = d
+ }
+ return true
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.Expression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.err(x, "statement expressions not supported")
+ return false
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(x), x.Case))
+ }
+ case *cc.Expression:
+ switch x.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.AssignmentExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ return p.detectArray(f, x.Expression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out) || p.detectArray(f, x.AssignmentExpression, pinnedOk, recursiveOk, out)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(x), x.Case))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T", x))
+ }
+func (p *project) isArray(f *function, n declarator, t cc.Type) (r bool) {
+ if t.Kind() != cc.Array {
+ return false
+ }
+ if t.IsVLA() {
+ return false
+ }
+ if f == nil {
+ return true
+ }
+ if d := n.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ local := f.locals[d]
+ return !d.IsParameter && (local == nil || !local.isPinned)
+ }
+ return p.detectArray(f, n.(cc.Node), false, true, nil)
+// Return n's position with path reduced to baseName(path) unless
+// p.task.fullPathComments is true.
+func (p *project) pos(n cc.Node) (r token.Position) {
+ if n == nil {
+ return r
+ }
+ r = token.Position(n.Position())
+ if r.IsValid() && !p.task.fullPathComments {
+ r.Filename = filepath.Base(r.Filename)
+ }
+ return r
+// Return n's position with path reduced to baseName(path).
+func pos(n cc.Node) (r token.Position) {
+ if n == nil {
+ return r
+ }
+ r = token.Position(n.Position())
+ if r.IsValid() {
+ r.Filename = filepath.Base(r.Filename)
+ }
+ return r
+func roundup(n, to uintptr) uintptr {
+ if r := n % to; r != 0 {
+ return n + to - r
+ }
+ return n
+func (f *function) pin(n cc.Node, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ local := f.locals[d]
+ if local == nil || local.isPinned {
+ return
+ }
+ local.isPinned = true
+ if oTracePin || f.project.task.tracePinning {
+ fmt.Printf("%v: %s at %v: is pinned (%v)\n", n.Position(), d.Name(), d.Position(), origin(2))
+ }
+ = roundup(, uintptr(d.Type().Align()))
+ = + paramTypeDecay(d).Size()
+func paramTypeDecay(d *cc.Declarator) (r cc.Type) {
+ r = d.Type()
+ if d.IsParameter && r.Kind() == cc.Array {
+ r = r.Decay()
+ }
+ return r
+func (f *function) layoutBlocks(n *cc.CompoundStatement) {
+ block := f.blocks[n]
+ type item struct {
+ ds *cc.DeclarationSpecifiers
+ d *cc.Declarator
+ }
+ var work []item
+ for _, v := range block.params {
+ if v.Type().Kind() == cc.Void {
+ break
+ }
+ work = append(work, item{nil, v.Declarator()})
+ }
+ for _, decl := range block.decls {
+ ds := decl.DeclarationSpecifiers
+ for list := decl.InitDeclaratorList; list != nil; list = list.InitDeclaratorList {
+ work = append(work, item{ds, list.InitDeclarator.Declarator})
+ }
+ }
+ block.scope.take(cc.String(f.tlsName))
+ if f.vaName != "" {
+ block.scope.take(cc.String(f.vaName))
+ }
+ for _, item := range work {
+ d := item.d
+ if f.ignore[d] {
+ continue
+ }
+ if !f.ignore[d] && d.IsStatic() {
+ continue
+ }
+ if d.IsFunctionPrototype() || d.IsExtern() {
+ continue
+ }
+ local := &local{forceRead: d.Read == 0}
+ if t := d.Type(); t != nil && t.Name() == idVaList {
+ local.forceRead = true
+ }
+ f.locals[d] = local
+ = block.scope.take(d.Name())
+ }
+func (f *function) layoutLocals(parent *block, n *cc.CompoundStatement, params []*cc.Parameter) {
+ block := newBlock(parent, n, n.Declarations(), params, f.project.newScope(), n.IsJumpTarget())
+ f.blocks[n] = block
+ if parent == nil {
+ = block
+ = f.hasJumps
+ }
+ for _, ch := range n.Children() {
+ f.layoutLocals(block, ch, nil)
+ if f.hasJumps {
+ chb := f.blocks[ch]
+ chb.noDecl = true
+ = append(, chb.decls...)
+ chb.decls = nil
+ }
+ }
+func newDeclarator(name string) *cc.Declarator {
+ return &cc.Declarator{
+ DirectDeclarator: &cc.DirectDeclarator{
+ Case: cc.DirectDeclaratorIdent,
+ Token: cc.Token{Rune: cc.IDENTIFIER, Value: cc.String(name)},
+ },
+ }
+type enumSpec struct {
+ decl *cc.Declaration
+ spec *cc.EnumSpecifier
+ emitted bool
+func (n *enumSpec) emit(p *project) {
+ if n == nil || p.pass1 || n.emitted {
+ return
+ }
+ n.emitted = true
+ ok := false
+ for list := n.spec.EnumeratorList; list != nil; list = list.EnumeratorList {
+ nm := list.Enumerator.Token.Value
+ if _, ok2 := p.emitedEnums[nm]; !ok2 && p.enumConsts[nm] != "" {
+ ok = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !ok {
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s", tidyComment("\n", n.decl))
+ p.w("const ( /* %v: */", p.pos(n.decl))
+ for list := n.spec.EnumeratorList; list != nil; list = list.EnumeratorList {
+ en := list.Enumerator
+ nm := en.Token.Value
+ if _, ok := p.emitedEnums[nm]; ok || p.enumConsts[nm] == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ p.emitedEnums[nm] = struct{}{}
+ p.w("%s%s = ", tidyComment("\n", en), p.enumConsts[nm])
+ p.intConst(en, "", en.Operand, en.Operand.Type(), fForceNoConv)
+ p.w(";")
+ }
+ p.w(");")
+type typedef struct {
+ sig uint64
+ tld *tld
+type define struct {
+ name string
+ value cc.Value
+type project struct {
+ ast *cc.AST
+ buf bytes.Buffer
+ capi []string
+ defines map[cc.StringID]define
+ defineLines []string
+ emitedEnums map[cc.StringID]struct{}
+ enumConsts map[cc.StringID]string
+ enumSpecs map[*cc.EnumSpecifier]*enumSpec
+ errors scanner.ErrorList
+ externs map[cc.StringID]*tld
+ fn string
+ imports map[string]*imported // C name: import info
+ intType cc.Type
+ localTaggedStructs []func()
+ mainName string
+ ptrSize uintptr
+ ptrType cc.Type
+ scope scope
+ sharedFns map[*cc.FunctionDefinition]struct{}
+ sharedFnsEmitted map[*cc.FunctionDefinition]struct{}
+ staticQueue []*cc.InitDeclarator
+ structs map[cc.StringID]*taggedStruct // key: C tag
+ symtab map[string]interface{} // *tld or *imported
+ task *Task
+ tldScope scope
+ tlds map[*cc.Declarator]*tld
+ ts bytes.Buffer // Text segment
+ tsName string
+ tsNameP string
+ tsOffs map[cc.StringID]uintptr
+ tsW []rune // Text segment, wchar_t
+ tsWName string
+ tsWNameP string
+ tsWOffs map[cc.StringID]uintptr
+ typeSigHash maphash.Hash
+ typedefTypes map[cc.StringID]*typedef
+ typedefsEmited map[string]struct{}
+ verifyStructs map[string]cc.Type
+ wanted map[*cc.Declarator]struct{}
+ wcharSize uintptr
+ isMain bool
+ pass1 bool
+func newProject(t *Task) (*project, error) {
+ voidType := t.cfg.ABI.Type(cc.Void)
+ ptrType := t.cfg.ABI.Ptr(nil, voidType)
+ intType := t.cfg.ABI.Type(cc.Int)
+ if intType.Size() != 4 { // We're assuming wchar_t is int32.
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported C int size: %d", intType.Size())
+ }
+ if n := t.cfg.ABI.Types[cc.UChar].Size; n != 1 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported C unsigned char size: %d", n)
+ }
+ if n := t.cfg.ABI.Types[cc.UShort].Size; n != 2 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported C unsigned short size: %d", n)
+ }
+ if n := t.cfg.ABI.Types[cc.UInt].Size; n != 4 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported C unsigned int size: %d", n)
+ }
+ if n := t.cfg.ABI.Types[cc.ULongLong].Size; n != 8 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported C unsigned long long size: %d", n)
+ }
+ p := &project{
+ defines: map[cc.StringID]define{},
+ emitedEnums: map[cc.StringID]struct{}{},
+ enumConsts: map[cc.StringID]string{},
+ enumSpecs: map[*cc.EnumSpecifier]*enumSpec{},
+ externs: map[cc.StringID]*tld{},
+ imports: map[string]*imported{},
+ intType: intType,
+ ptrSize: t.cfg.ABI.Types[cc.Ptr].Size,
+ ptrType: ptrType,
+ scope: newScope(),
+ sharedFns: t.cfg.SharedFunctionDefinitions.M,
+ sharedFnsEmitted: map[*cc.FunctionDefinition]struct{}{},
+ symtab: map[string]interface{}{},
+ task: t,
+ tlds: map[*cc.Declarator]*tld{},
+ tsWOffs: map[cc.StringID]uintptr{},
+ tsOffs: map[cc.StringID]uintptr{},
+ typedefTypes: map[cc.StringID]*typedef{},
+ typedefsEmited: map[string]struct{}{},
+ verifyStructs: map[string]cc.Type{},
+ wanted: map[*cc.Declarator]struct{}{},
+ wcharSize: t.asts[0].WideCharType.Size(),
+ }
+ p.tldScope = p.scope
+ p.scope.take(idCAPI)
+ for _, v := range t.imported {
+ var err error
+ if, v.exports, err = t.capi(v.path); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ v.qualifier = p.scope.take(cc.String( + "."
+ for k := range v.exports {
+ if p.imports[k] == nil {
+ p.imports[k] = v
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p.tsNameP = p.scope.take(idTs)
+ p.tsName = p.scope.take(idTs)
+ p.tsWNameP = p.scope.take(idWtext)
+ p.tsWName = p.scope.take(idWtext)
+ if err := p.layout(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+func (p *project) newScope() scope {
+ s := newScope()
+ var a []cc.StringID
+ for k := range p.structs {
+ a = append(a, k)
+ }
+ sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i].String() < a[j].String() })
+ for _, k := range a {
+ s.take(cc.String(p.structs[k].name))
+ }
+ return s
+func (p *project) err(n cc.Node, s string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if p.task.errTrace || strings.Contains(s, "internal error") {
+ s = s + "(" + origin(2) + ")"
+ }
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ trc("%v: error: %s (%v)", pos(n), fmt.Sprintf(s, args...), origin(2))
+ }
+ if !p.task.allErrors && len(p.errors) >= 10 {
+ return
+ }
+ switch {
+ case n == nil:
+ p.errors.Add(token.Position{}, fmt.Sprintf(s, args...))
+ default:
+ p.errors.Add(token.Position(n.Position()), fmt.Sprintf(s, args...))
+ if !p.task.allErrors && len(p.errors) == 10 {
+ p.errors.Add(token.Position(n.Position()), tooManyErrors)
+ }
+ }
+func (p *project) o(s string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if oTraceG {
+ fmt.Printf(s, args...)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(p.task.out, s, args...)
+func (p *project) w(s string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if p.pass1 {
+ return
+ }
+ if coverExperiment {
+ pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
+ if ok {
+ coverMap[pc] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ if oTraceW {
+ fmt.Printf(s, args...)
+ }
+ //fmt.Fprintf(&p.buf, "/* %s */", origin(2)) //TODO-
+ fmt.Fprintf(&p.buf, s, args...)
+func (p *project) layout() error {
+ if err := p.layoutTLDs(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := p.layoutSymtab(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := p.layoutStructs(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := p.layoutEnums(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := p.layoutDefines(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return p.layoutStaticLocals()
+func (p *project) layoutSymtab() error {
+ var t0 time.Time
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ fmt.Printf("processing symbol table ... ")
+ t0 = time.Now()
+ defer func() { fmt.Println(time.Since(t0)) }()
+ }
+ for _, i := range p.task.symSearchOrder {
+ switch {
+ case i < 0:
+ imported := p.task.imported[-i-1]
+ for nm := range imported.exports {
+ if _, ok := p.symtab[nm]; !ok {
+ p.symtab[nm] = imported
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ ast := p.task.asts[i]
+ for d := range ast.TLD {
+ if d.IsFunctionPrototype() || d.Linkage != cc.External {
+ continue
+ }
+ nm := d.Name()
+ name := nm.String()
+ if _, ok := p.symtab[name]; !ok {
+ tld := p.externs[nm]
+ if tld == nil {
+ if d.Type().Kind() != cc.Function && !p.task.header {
+ p.err(d, "back-end: undefined: %s %v %v", d.Name(), d.Type(), d.Type().Kind())
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ p.symtab[name] = tld
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (p *project) layoutDefines() error {
+ if !p.task.exportDefinesValid {
+ return nil
+ }
+ var t0 time.Time
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ fmt.Printf("processing #defines ... ")
+ t0 = time.Now()
+ defer func() { fmt.Println(time.Since(t0)) }()
+ }
+ var prefix = p.task.exportDefines
+ taken := map[cc.StringID]struct{}{}
+ for _, ast := range p.task.asts {
+ var a []cc.StringID
+ for nm, m := range ast.Macros {
+ if m.IsFnLike() {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(nm.String(), "__") {
+ continue
+ }
+ if _, ok := taken[nm]; ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ taken[nm] = struct{}{}
+ a = append(a, nm)
+ }
+ sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i].String() < a[j].String() })
+ for _, nm := range a {
+ m := ast.Macros[nm]
+ val, src := evalMacro(m, ast)
+ if src == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ name := nm.String()
+ switch {
+ case prefix == "":
+ name = capitalize(name)
+ default:
+ name = prefix + name
+ }
+ name = p.scope.take(cc.String(name))
+ p.defines[nm] = define{name, val}
+ p.defineLines = append(p.defineLines, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", name, src))
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func evalMacro(m *cc.Macro, ast *cc.AST) (cc.Value, string) {
+ toks := m.ReplacementTokens()
+ if len(toks) != 1 {
+ return evalMacro2(m, ast)
+ }
+ src := strings.TrimSpace(toks[0].Src.String())
+ if len(src) == 0 {
+ return nil, ""
+ }
+ neg := ""
+ switch src[0] {
+ case '"':
+ if _, err := strconv.Unquote(src); err == nil {
+ return cc.StringValue(cc.String(src)), src
+ }
+ case '-':
+ neg = "-"
+ src = src[1:]
+ fallthrough
+ default:
+ src = strings.TrimRight(src, "lLuU")
+ if u64, err := strconv.ParseUint(src, 0, 64); err == nil {
+ switch {
+ case neg == "":
+ return cc.Uint64Value(u64), src
+ default:
+ return cc.Int64Value(-u64), neg + src
+ }
+ }
+ src = strings.TrimRight(src, "fF")
+ if f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(src, 64); err == nil {
+ return cc.Float64Value(f64), neg + src
+ }
+ }
+ return evalMacro2(m, ast)
+func evalMacro2(m *cc.Macro, ast *cc.AST) (cc.Value, string) {
+ op, err := ast.Eval(m)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, ""
+ }
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ return op.Value(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(x))
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ return op.Value(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(x))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", pos(m)))
+ }
+func (p *project) layoutEnums() error {
+ var t0 time.Time
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ fmt.Printf("processing enum values ... ")
+ t0 = time.Now()
+ defer func() { fmt.Println(time.Since(t0)) }()
+ }
+ export := doNotChange
+ if p.task.exportEnumsValid {
+ switch {
+ case p.task.exportEnums != "":
+ export = exportPrefix
+ default:
+ export = exportCapitalize
+ }
+ } else if p.task.defaultUnExport {
+ export = doNotExport
+ }
+ var enumList []*cc.EnumSpecifier
+ for _, v := range p.task.asts {
+ for list := v.TranslationUnit; list != nil; list = list.TranslationUnit {
+ decl := list.ExternalDeclaration
+ switch decl.Case {
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationDecl: // Declaration
+ // ok
+ default:
+ continue
+ }
+ cc.Inspect(decl.Declaration.DeclarationSpecifiers, func(n cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ if !entry {
+ return true
+ }
+ x, ok := n.(*cc.EnumSpecifier)
+ if !ok || x.Case != cc.EnumSpecifierDef {
+ return true
+ }
+ if _, ok := p.enumSpecs[x]; !ok {
+ enumList = append(enumList, x)
+ p.enumSpecs[x] = &enumSpec{decl: decl.Declaration, spec: x}
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ vals := map[cc.StringID]interface{}{}
+ for _, v := range enumList {
+ for list := v.EnumeratorList; list != nil; list = list.EnumeratorList {
+ en := list.Enumerator
+ nm := en.Token.Value
+ var val int64
+ switch x := en.Operand.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ val = int64(x)
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ val = int64(x)
+ default:
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ switch ex, ok := vals[nm]; {
+ case ok:
+ switch {
+ case ex == nil: //
+ continue
+ case ex == val: // same name and same value
+ continue
+ default: // same name, different value
+ vals[nm] = nil
+ }
+ default:
+ vals[nm] = val
+ }
+ p.enumConsts[nm] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ var a []cc.StringID
+ for nm := range p.enumConsts {
+ if val, ok := vals[nm]; ok && val == nil {
+ delete(p.enumConsts, nm)
+ continue
+ }
+ a = append(a, nm)
+ }
+ sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i].String() < a[j].String() })
+ for _, nm := range a {
+ name := nm.String()
+ switch export {
+ case doNotExport:
+ name = unCapitalize(name)
+ case doNotChange:
+ // nop
+ case exportCapitalize:
+ name = capitalize(name)
+ case exportPrefix:
+ name = p.task.exportEnums + name
+ }
+ name = p.scope.take(cc.String(name))
+ p.enumConsts[nm] = name
+ }
+ return nil
+func (p *project) layoutStaticLocals() error {
+ var t0 time.Time
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ fmt.Printf("processing static local declarations ... ")
+ t0 = time.Now()
+ defer func() { fmt.Println(time.Since(t0)) }()
+ }
+ for _, v := range p.task.asts {
+ for list := v.TranslationUnit; list != nil; list = list.TranslationUnit {
+ decl := list.ExternalDeclaration
+ switch decl.Case {
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationFuncDef: // FunctionDefinition
+ // ok
+ default:
+ continue
+ }
+ cc.Inspect(decl.FunctionDefinition.CompoundStatement, func(n cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ switch x := n.(type) {
+ case *cc.Declarator:
+ if !entry || !x.IsStatic() || x.Read == 0 || x.IsParameter {
+ break
+ }
+ nm := x.Name()
+ if s := p.task.staticLocalsPrefix; s != "" {
+ nm = cc.String(s + nm.String())
+ }
+ p.tlds[x] = &tld{name: p.scope.take(nm)}
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (p *project) layoutStructs() error {
+ var t0 time.Time
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ fmt.Printf("processing struct/union types ... ")
+ t0 = time.Now()
+ defer func() { fmt.Println(time.Since(t0)) }()
+ }
+ export := doNotChange
+ if p.task.exportStructsValid {
+ switch {
+ case p.task.exportStructs != "":
+ export = exportPrefix
+ default:
+ export = exportCapitalize
+ }
+ } else if p.task.defaultUnExport {
+ export = doNotExport
+ }
+ m := map[cc.StringID]*taggedStruct{}
+ var tags []cc.StringID
+ for _, v := range p.task.asts {
+ cc.Inspect(v.TranslationUnit, func(n cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ if entry {
+ switch x := n.(type) {
+ case *cc.Declarator:
+ if nm := x.Name().String(); strings.HasPrefix(nm, "_") {
+ break
+ }
+ p.captureStructTags(x, x.Type(), m, &tags)
+ case *cc.Declaration:
+ cc.Inspect(x.DeclarationSpecifiers, func(nn cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ switch y := nn.(type) {
+ case *cc.StructOrUnionSpecifier:
+ if tag := y.Token.Value; tag != 0 {
+ p.captureStructTags(y, y.Type(), m, &tags)
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ sort.Slice(tags, func(i, j int) bool { return tags[i].String() < tags[j].String() })
+ for _, k := range tags {
+ v := m[k]
+ //TODO rename conflicts
+ if v.conflicts {
+ delete(m, k)
+ continue
+ }
+ name := k.String()
+ switch export {
+ case doNotExport:
+ name = unCapitalize(name)
+ case doNotChange:
+ // nop
+ case exportCapitalize:
+ name = capitalize(name)
+ case exportPrefix:
+ name = p.task.exportStructs + name
+ }
+ = p.scope.take(cc.String(name))
+ }
+ for _, k := range tags {
+ v := m[k]
+ if v != nil {
+ v.gotyp = p.structType(nil, v.ctyp)
+ }
+ }
+ p.structs = m
+ return nil
+func (p *project) captureStructTags(n cc.Node, t cc.Type, m map[cc.StringID]*taggedStruct, tags *[]cc.StringID) {
+ if t == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ t = t.Alias()
+ for t.Kind() == cc.Ptr {
+ t = t.Alias().Elem().Alias()
+ }
+ if t.Kind() == cc.Invalid || t.IsIncomplete() {
+ return
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ tag := t.Tag()
+ if tag == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ ex := m[tag]
+ if ex != nil {
+ ts := p.typeSignature(n, t)
+ exs := p.typeSignature(n, ex.ctyp)
+ if ts != exs {
+ ex.conflicts = true
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ nf := t.NumField()
+ m[tag] = &taggedStruct{ctyp: t, node: n}
+ for idx := []int{0}; idx[0] < nf; idx[0]++ {
+ p.captureStructTags(n, t.FieldByIndex(idx).Type(), m, tags)
+ }
+ *tags = append(*tags, tag)
+ case cc.Array:
+ p.captureStructTags(n, t.Elem(), m, tags)
+ }
+func (p *project) typeSignature(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) (r uint64) {
+ p.typeSigHash.Reset()
+ p.typeSignature2(n, &p.typeSigHash, t)
+ return p.typeSigHash.Sum64()
+func (p *project) typeSignature2(n cc.Node, b *maphash.Hash, t cc.Type) {
+ t = t.Alias()
+ if t.IsIntegerType() {
+ if !t.IsSignedType() {
+ b.WriteByte('u')
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "int%d", t.Size()*8)
+ return
+ }
+ if t.IsArithmeticType() {
+ b.WriteString(t.Kind().String())
+ return
+ }
+ structOrUnion := "struct"
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "*%s", t.Elem())
+ case cc.Array:
+ if t.IsVLA() {
+ // trc("VLA")
+ p.err(n, "variable length arrays not supported: %v", t)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "[%d]%s", t.Len(), t.Elem())
+ case cc.Vector:
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "[%d]%s", t.Len(), t.Elem())
+ case cc.Union:
+ structOrUnion = "union"
+ fallthrough
+ case cc.Struct:
+ b.WriteString(structOrUnion)
+ nf := t.NumField()
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, " %d{", nf)
+ b.WriteByte('{')
+ for idx := []int{0}; idx[0] < nf; idx[0]++ {
+ f := t.FieldByIndex(idx)
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s:%d:%d:%v:%d:%d:",
+ f.Name(), f.BitFieldOffset(), f.BitFieldWidth(), f.IsBitField(), f.Offset(), f.Padding(),
+ )
+ p.typeSignature2(f.Declarator(), b, f.Type())
+ b.WriteByte(';')
+ }
+ b.WriteByte('}')
+ case cc.Void:
+ b.WriteString("void")
+ case cc.Invalid:
+ b.WriteString("invalid") //TODO fix cc/v3
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), t, t.Kind()))
+ }
+func (p *project) structType(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) string {
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ tag := t.Tag()
+ if tag != 0 && p.structs != nil {
+ s := p.structs[tag]
+ if s == nil {
+ return p.structLiteral(n, t)
+ }
+ if s.gotyp == "" {
+ s.gotyp = p.structLiteral(n, t)
+ }
+ return s.gotyp
+ }
+ return p.structLiteral(n, t)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("internal error: %v", t.Kind()))
+ }
+func (p *project) padName(n *int) string {
+ if !p.task.exportFieldsValid {
+ return "_"
+ }
+ *n++
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s__ccgo_pad%d", p.task.exportFields, *n)
+func (p *project) structLiteral(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) string {
+ var npad int
+ b := bytesBufferPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
+ defer func() { b.Reset(); bytesBufferPool.Put(b) }()
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Struct:
+ info := cc.NewStructLayout(t)
+ // trc("%v: %q\n%s", p.pos(n), t.Tag(), info)
+ b.WriteString("struct {")
+ if info.NeedExplicitAlign {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s [0]uint%d;", p.padName(&npad), 8*p.align(n, t))
+ }
+ var max uintptr
+ for _, off := range info.Offsets {
+ flds := info.OffsetToFields[off]
+ if off < max {
+ var a []string
+ var nmf cc.Field
+ for _, f := range flds {
+ if f.Name() != 0 && nmf == nil {
+ nmf = f
+ }
+ if !f.IsBitField() {
+ panic(todo("internal error %q, off %v max %v\n%s", f.Name(), off, max, info))
+ }
+ a = append(a, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %d", f.Type(), f.Name(), f.BitFieldWidth()))
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "/* %s */", strings.Join(a, ", "))
+ continue
+ }
+ f := flds[0]
+ switch pad := info.PaddingsBefore[f]; {
+ case pad < 0:
+ continue
+ case pad > 0:
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s [%d]byte;", p.padName(&npad), pad)
+ }
+ switch {
+ case f.IsBitField():
+ max += uintptr(f.BitFieldBlockWidth()) >> 3
+ var a []string
+ var nmf cc.Field
+ for _, f := range flds {
+ if f.Name() != 0 && nmf == nil {
+ nmf = f
+ }
+ if !f.IsBitField() {
+ panic(todo("internal error %q\n%s", f.Name(), info))
+ }
+ a = append(a, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %d", f.Type(), f.Name(), f.BitFieldWidth()))
+ }
+ if nmf == nil {
+ nmf = f
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s uint%d /* %s */;", p.bitFieldName(n, nmf), f.BitFieldBlockWidth(), strings.Join(a, ", "))
+ default:
+ ft := f.Type()
+ if ft.Kind() == cc.Array && ft.IsIncomplete() || ft.Size() == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ max += ft.Size()
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s %s;", p.fieldName2(n, f), p.typ(n, ft))
+ }
+ }
+ if info.PaddingAfter != 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s [%d]byte;", p.padName(&npad), info.PaddingAfter)
+ }
+ b.WriteByte('}')
+ case cc.Union:
+ b.WriteString("struct {")
+ info := cc.NewStructLayout(t)
+ if info.NeedExplicitAlign {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s [0]uint%d;", p.padName(&npad), 8*p.align(n, t))
+ }
+ al := uintptr(t.Align())
+ sz := t.Size()
+ if al > sz {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ f := t.FieldByIndex([]int{0})
+ ft := f.Type()
+ al0 := ft.Align()
+ if f.IsBitField() {
+ al0 = f.BitFieldBlockWidth() >> 3
+ }
+ if al != uintptr(al0) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s [0]uint%d;", p.padName(&npad), 8*al)
+ }
+ fsz := ft.Size()
+ switch {
+ case f.IsBitField():
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s ", p.fieldName2(n, f))
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "uint%d;", f.BitFieldBlockWidth())
+ fsz = uintptr(f.BitFieldBlockWidth()) >> 3
+ default:
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s %s;", p.fieldName2(n, f), p.typ(n, ft))
+ }
+ if pad := sz - fsz; pad != 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s [%d]byte;", p.padName(&npad), pad)
+ }
+ b.WriteByte('}')
+ default:
+ panic(todo("internal error: %v", t.Kind()))
+ }
+ r := b.String()
+ if p.task.verifyStructs {
+ if _, ok := p.verifyStructs[r]; !ok {
+ p.verifyStructs[r] = t
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) align(nd cc.Node, t cc.Type) int {
+ switch n := t.Align(); {
+ case n <= 1:
+ return 1
+ case n <= 2:
+ return 2
+ case n <= 4:
+ return 4
+ case n <= 8:
+ return 8
+ default:
+ if !p.task.ignoreUnsupportedAligment {
+ p.err(nd, "unsupported alignment of type %s: %v", t, n)
+ }
+ return 8
+ }
+func (p *project) bitFieldName(n cc.Node, f cc.Field) string {
+ if id := f.Name(); id != 0 {
+ return p.fieldName(n, id)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("__%d", f.Offset())
+func (p *project) fieldName2(n cc.Node, f cc.Field) string {
+ if f.Name() != 0 {
+ return p.fieldName(n, f.Name())
+ }
+ return p.fieldName(n, cc.String(fmt.Sprintf("__%d", f.Offset())))
+func (p *project) fieldName(n cc.Node, id cc.StringID) string {
+ if id == 0 {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ if !p.task.exportFieldsValid {
+ s := id.String()
+ if p.task.defaultUnExport {
+ s = unCapitalize(s)
+ }
+ if !reservedNames[s] {
+ return s
+ }
+ return "__" + s
+ }
+ if s := p.task.exportFields; s != "" {
+ return s + id.String()
+ }
+ return capitalize(id.String())
+func (p *project) dtyp(d *cc.Declarator) (r string) {
+ t := d.Type()
+ if t.IsIncomplete() {
+ if t.Kind() == cc.Array && d.IsParameter {
+ return "uintptr"
+ }
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ return p.typ(d, t)
+func (p *project) typ(nd cc.Node, t cc.Type) (r string) {
+ if t.IsIncomplete() {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(nd), t))
+ }
+ if t.IsAliasType() {
+ if tld := p.tlds[t.AliasDeclarator()]; tld != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ b := bytesBufferPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
+ defer func() { b.Reset(); bytesBufferPool.Put(b) }()
+ if t.IsIntegerType() {
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%sInt128", p.task.crt)
+ return b.String()
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%sUint128", p.task.crt)
+ return b.String()
+ }
+ if !t.IsSignedType() {
+ b.WriteByte('u')
+ }
+ if t.Size() > 8 {
+ p.err(nd, "unsupported C type: %v", t)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "int%d", 8*t.Size())
+ return b.String()
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr, cc.Function:
+ return "uintptr"
+ case cc.Double:
+ return "float64"
+ case cc.Float:
+ return "float32"
+ case cc.Array:
+ n := t.Len()
+ switch {
+ case t.IsVLA():
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "uintptr")
+ default:
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "[%d]%s", n, p.typ(nd, t.Elem()))
+ }
+ return b.String()
+ case cc.Vector:
+ n := t.Len()
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "[%d]%s", n, p.typ(nd, t.Elem()))
+ return b.String()
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ if tag := t.Tag(); tag != 0 {
+ if s := p.structs[tag]; s != nil {
+ if == "" {
+ panic(todo("internal error %q", tag))
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ return p.structType(nd, t)
+ }
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(nd), t.Kind(), t))
+func isScalarKind(k cc.Kind) bool {
+ switch k {
+ case
+ cc.Char, cc.SChar, cc.UChar,
+ cc.Short, cc.UShort,
+ cc.Int, cc.UInt,
+ cc.Long, cc.ULong,
+ cc.LongLong, cc.ULongLong,
+ cc.Float, cc.Double,
+ cc.Ptr:
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func (p *project) layoutTLDs() error {
+ var t0 time.Time
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ fmt.Printf("processing file scope declarations ... ")
+ t0 = time.Now()
+ defer func() { fmt.Println(time.Since(t0)) }()
+ }
+ exportExtern, exportTypedef := doNotChange, doNotChange
+ if p.task.exportExternsValid {
+ switch {
+ case p.task.exportExterns != "":
+ exportExtern = exportPrefix
+ default:
+ exportExtern = exportCapitalize
+ }
+ } else if p.task.defaultUnExport {
+ exportExtern = doNotExport
+ }
+ if p.task.exportTypedefsValid {
+ switch {
+ case p.task.exportTypedefs != "":
+ exportTypedef = exportPrefix
+ default:
+ exportTypedef = exportCapitalize
+ }
+ } else if p.task.defaultUnExport {
+ exportTypedef = doNotExport
+ }
+ var a []*cc.Declarator
+ if p.task.pkgName == "" || p.task.pkgName == "main" {
+ out:
+ for _, ast := range p.task.asts {
+ if a := ast.Scope[idMain]; len(a) != 0 {
+ switch x := a[0].(type) {
+ case *cc.Declarator:
+ if x.Linkage == cc.External {
+ p.isMain = true
+ p.scope.take(idMain)
+ break out
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sharedFns := map[*cc.FunctionDefinition]struct{}{}
+ for _, ast := range p.task.asts {
+ a = a[:0]
+ for d := range ast.TLD {
+ if d.IsFunctionPrototype() {
+ continue
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ // If you specify both inline and extern in the function definition, then the
+ // definition is used only for inlining. In no case is the function compiled on
+ // its own, not even if you refer to its address explicitly. Such an address
+ // becomes an external reference, as if you had only declared the function, and
+ // had not defined it.
+ //
+ // This combination of inline and extern has almost the effect of a macro. The
+ // way to use it is to put a function definition in a header file with these
+ // keywords, and put another copy of the definition (lacking inline and extern)
+ // in a library file. The definition in the header file causes most calls to
+ // the function to be inlined. If any uses of the function remain, they refer
+ // to the single copy in the library.
+ if d.IsExtern() && d.Type().Inline() {
+ continue
+ }
+ if fn := d.FunctionDefinition(); fn != nil {
+ if _, ok := p.sharedFns[fn]; ok {
+ if _, ok := sharedFns[fn]; ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ sharedFns[fn] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ a = append(a, d)
+ p.wanted[d] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return a[i].NameTok().Seq() < a[j].NameTok().Seq()
+ })
+ for _, d := range a {
+ switch d.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ p.checkAttributes(d.Type())
+ }
+ nm := d.Name()
+ name := nm.String()
+ switch d.Linkage {
+ case cc.External:
+ if ex := p.externs[nm]; ex != nil {
+ if _, ok := p.task.hide[name]; ok {
+ break
+ }
+ if d.Type().Kind() != cc.Function {
+ break
+ }
+ p.err(d, "redeclared: %s", d.Name())
+ break
+ }
+ isMain := p.isMain && nm == idMain
+ switch exportExtern {
+ case doNotExport:
+ name = unCapitalize(name)
+ case doNotChange:
+ // nop
+ case exportCapitalize:
+ name = capitalize(name)
+ case exportPrefix:
+ name = p.task.exportExterns + name
+ }
+ name = p.scope.take(cc.String(name))
+ if isMain {
+ p.mainName = name
+ d.Read++
+ }
+ tld := &tld{name: name}
+ p.externs[nm] = tld
+ for _, v := range ast.Scope[nm] {
+ if d, ok := v.(*cc.Declarator); ok {
+ p.tlds[d] = tld
+ }
+ }
+ if !isMain {
+ p.capi = append(p.capi, d.Name().String())
+ }
+ case cc.Internal:
+ if token.IsExported(name) && !p.isMain && p.task.exportExternsValid {
+ name = "s" + name
+ }
+ tld := &tld{name: p.scope.take(cc.String(name))}
+ for _, v := range ast.Scope[nm] {
+ if d, ok := v.(*cc.Declarator); ok {
+ p.tlds[d] = tld
+ }
+ }
+ case cc.None:
+ if d.IsTypedefName {
+ if d.Type().IsIncomplete() {
+ break
+ }
+ if exportTypedef == doNotChange && strings.HasPrefix(name, "__") {
+ break
+ }
+ ex, ok := p.typedefTypes[d.Name()]
+ if ok {
+ sig := p.typeSignature(d, d.Type())
+ if ex.sig == sig {
+ tld := ex.tld
+ for _, v := range ast.Scope[nm] {
+ if d, ok := v.(*cc.Declarator); ok {
+ p.tlds[d] = tld
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ switch exportTypedef {
+ case doNotExport:
+ name = unCapitalize(name)
+ case doNotChange:
+ // nop
+ case exportCapitalize:
+ name = capitalize(name)
+ case exportPrefix:
+ name = p.task.exportTypedefs + name
+ }
+ tld := &tld{name: p.scope.take(cc.String(name))}
+ p.typedefTypes[d.Name()] = &typedef{p.typeSignature(d, d.Type()), tld}
+ for _, v := range ast.Scope[nm] {
+ if d, ok := v.(*cc.Declarator); ok {
+ p.tlds[d] = tld
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(d), nm, d.Linkage))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, ast := range p.task.asts {
+ for list := ast.TranslationUnit; list != nil; list = list.TranslationUnit {
+ decl := list.ExternalDeclaration
+ switch decl.Case {
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationFuncDef: // FunctionDefinition
+ // ok
+ default:
+ continue
+ }
+ cc.Inspect(decl.FunctionDefinition.CompoundStatement, func(n cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ switch x := n.(type) {
+ case *cc.Declarator:
+ if x.IsFunctionPrototype() {
+ nm := x.Name()
+ if extern := p.externs[nm]; extern != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ tld := &tld{name: nm.String()}
+ for _, nd := range ast.Scope[nm] {
+ if d, ok := nd.(*cc.Declarator); ok {
+ p.tlds[d] = tld
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (p *project) checkAttributes(t cc.Type) (r bool) {
+ r = true
+ for _, v := range t.Attributes() {
+ cc.Inspect(v, func(n cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ if !entry {
+ return true
+ }
+ switch x := n.(type) {
+ case *cc.AttributeValue:
+ if x.Token.Value != idAligned {
+ break
+ }
+ //TODO switch v := x.ExpressionList.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Value().(type) {
+ //TODO default:
+ //TODO panic(todo("%T(%v)", v, v))
+ //TODO }
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ for i := []int{0}; i[0] < t.NumField(); i[0]++ {
+ f := t.FieldByIndex(i)
+ if !p.checkAttributes(f.Type()) {
+ return false
+ }
+ sd := f.Declarator()
+ if sd == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ cc.Inspect(sd.StructDeclaration().SpecifierQualifierList, func(n cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ if !entry {
+ return true
+ }
+ switch x := n.(type) {
+ case *cc.AttributeValue:
+ if x.Token.Value == idPacked {
+ p.err(sd, "unsupported attribute: packed")
+ r = false
+ return false
+ }
+ if x.Token.Value != idAligned {
+ break
+ }
+ switch v := x.ExpressionList.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ if int(v) != t.Align() {
+ p.err(sd, "unsupported attribute: alignment")
+ r = false
+ return false
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v)", v, v))
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ if !r {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+func unCapitalize(s string) string {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(s, "_") {
+ return s
+ }
+ a := []rune(s)
+ return strings.ToLower(string(a[0])) + string(a[1:])
+func capitalize(s string) string {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(s, "_") {
+ s = "X" + s
+ }
+ a := []rune(s)
+ return strings.ToUpper(string(a[0])) + string(a[1:])
+func (p *project) main() error {
+ targs := append([]string(nil), p.task.args...)
+ for i, v := range targs {
+ if v == "" {
+ targs[i] = `""`
+ }
+ }
+ p.o(`// Code generated by '%s %s', DO NOT EDIT.
+package %s
+ filepath.Base(p.task.args[0]),
+ strings.Join(targs[1:], " "),
+ p.task.pkgName,
+ )
+ if len(p.defineLines) != 0 {
+ p.w("\nconst (")
+ p.w("%s", strings.Join(p.defineLines, "\n"))
+ p.w("\n)\n\n")
+ }
+ var a []*enumSpec
+ for _, es := range p.enumSpecs {
+ if es.spec.LexicalScope().Parent() == nil && !es.emitted {
+ a = append(a, es)
+ }
+ }
+ sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return a[i].decl.Position().String() < a[j].decl.Position().String()
+ })
+ for _, es := range a {
+ es.emit(p)
+ }
+ for i, v := range p.task.asts {
+ var t0 time.Time
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ fmt.Printf("Go back end %v/%v: %s ... ", i+1, len(p.task.asts), filepath.Base(p.task.sources[i].Name))
+ t0 = time.Now()
+ }
+ p.oneAST(v)
+ if p.task.traceTranslationUnits {
+ fmt.Println(time.Since(t0))
+ }
+ p.task.asts[i] = nil
+ memGuard(i, p.task.isScripted)
+ }
+ sort.Slice(p.task.imported, func(i, j int) bool { return p.task.imported[i].path < p.task.imported[j].path })
+ p.o(`import (
+ "math"
+ "reflect"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "unsafe"
+ if len(p.verifyStructs) != 0 {
+ p.o("\t\"fmt\"\n")
+ }
+ first := true
+ libc := false
+ for _, v := range p.task.imported {
+ if v.used {
+ if v.path == p.task.crtImportPath {
+ libc = true
+ }
+ if first {
+ p.o("\n")
+ first = false
+ }
+ p.o("\t%q\n", v.path)
+ }
+ }
+ if p.task.crtImportPath != "" {
+ if !libc {
+ p.o("\t%q\n", p.task.crtImportPath)
+ }
+ p.o("\t%q\n", p.task.crtImportPath+"/sys/types")
+ }
+ p.o(`)
+var _ = math.Pi
+var _ reflect.Kind
+var _ atomic.Value
+var _ unsafe.Pointer
+ if p.task.crtImportPath != "" {
+ if libc {
+ p.o("var _ *libc.TLS\n")
+ }
+ p.o("var _ types.Size_t\n")
+ }
+ if p.isMain {
+ p.o(`
+func main() { %sStart(%s) }`, p.task.crt, p.mainName)
+ }
+ p.flushStructs()
+ p.initPatches()
+ p.flushTS()
+ if !p.task.noCapi {
+ p.flushCAPI()
+ }
+ p.doVerifyStructs()
+ if err := p.Err(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if _, err := p.buf.WriteTo(p.task.out); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return p.Err()
+func (p *project) doVerifyStructs() {
+ if len(p.verifyStructs) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ var a []string
+ for k := range p.verifyStructs {
+ a = append(a, k)
+ }
+ sort.Strings(a)
+ p.w("\n\nfunc init() {")
+ n := 0
+ for _, k := range a {
+ t := p.verifyStructs[k]
+ p.w("\nvar v%d %s", n, k)
+ p.w("\nif g, e := unsafe.Sizeof(v%d), uintptr(%d); g != e { panic(fmt.Sprintf(`invalid struct/union size, got %%v, expected %%v`, g, e))}", n, t.Size())
+ nf := t.NumField()
+ for idx := []int{0}; idx[0] < nf; idx[0]++ {
+ f := t.FieldByIndex(idx)
+ if f.IsFlexible() {
+ break
+ }
+ if f.IsBitField() || f.Type().Size() == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ nm := p.fieldName2(f.Declarator(), f)
+ switch {
+ case t.Kind() == cc.Union:
+ if f.Offset() != 0 {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ if idx[0] != 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ fallthrough
+ default:
+ p.w("\nif g, e := unsafe.Offsetof(v%d.%s), uintptr(%d); g != e { panic(fmt.Sprintf(`invalid struct/union field offset, got %%v, expected %%v`, g, e))}", n, nm, f.Offset())
+ p.w("\nif g, e := unsafe.Sizeof(v%d.%s), uintptr(%d); g != e { panic(fmt.Sprintf(`invalid struct/union field size, got %%v, expected %%v`, g, e))}", n, nm, f.Type().Size())
+ }
+ }
+ n++
+ }
+ p.w("\n}\n")
+func (p *project) flushCAPI() {
+ if p.isMain {
+ return
+ }
+ b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, `// Code generated by '%s %s', DO NOT EDIT.
+package %s
+ filepath.Base(p.task.args[0]),
+ strings.Join(p.task.args[1:], " "),
+ p.task.pkgName,
+ )
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n\nvar CAPI = map[string]struct{}{")
+ sort.Strings(p.capi)
+ for _, nm := range p.capi {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n%q: {},", nm)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "\n}\n")
+ if err := ioutil.WriteFile(p.task.capif, b.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
+ p.err(nil, "%v", err)
+ return
+ }
+ if out, err := exec.Command("gofmt", "-r", "(x) -> x", "-l", "-s", "-w", p.task.capif).CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
+ p.err(nil, "%s: %v", out, err)
+ }
+ if out, err := exec.Command("gofmt", "-l", "-s", "-w", p.task.capif).CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
+ p.err(nil, "%s: %v", out, err)
+ }
+func (p *project) initPatches() {
+ var tlds []*tld
+ for _, tld := range p.tlds {
+ if len(tld.patches) != 0 {
+ tlds = append(tlds, tld)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(tlds) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ sort.Slice(tlds, func(i, j int) bool { return tlds[i].name < tlds[j].name })
+ p.w("\n\nfunc init() {")
+ for _, tld := range tlds {
+ for _, patch := range tld.patches {
+ var fld string
+ if patch.fld != nil {
+ fld = fmt.Sprintf("/* .%s */", patch.fld.Name())
+ }
+ init := patch.init
+ expr := init.AssignmentExpression
+ d := expr.Declarator()
+ switch {
+ case d != nil && d.Type().Kind() == cc.Function:
+ p.w("\n*(*")
+ p.functionSignature(d, nil, d.Type(), "")
+ p.w(")(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))+%d%s)) = ",, init.Offset, fld)
+ p.declarator(init, nil, d, d.Type(), exprFunc, 0)
+ default:
+ p.w("\n*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))+%d%s)) = ", p.typ(init, patch.t),, init.Offset, fld)
+ p.assignmentExpression(nil, expr, patch.t, exprValue, 0)
+ }
+ p.w("// %s:", p.pos(init))
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("\n}\n")
+func (p *project) Err() error {
+ if len(p.errors) == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ var lpos token.Position
+ w := 0
+ for _, v := range p.errors {
+ if lpos.Filename != "" {
+ if v.Pos.Filename == lpos.Filename && v.Pos.Line == lpos.Line && !strings.HasPrefix(v.Msg, tooManyErrors) {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ p.errors[w] = v
+ w++
+ lpos = v.Pos
+ }
+ p.errors = p.errors[:w]
+ sort.Slice(p.errors, func(i, j int) bool {
+ a := p.errors[i]
+ if a.Msg == tooManyErrors {
+ return false
+ }
+ b := p.errors[j]
+ if b.Msg == tooManyErrors {
+ return true
+ }
+ if !a.Pos.IsValid() && b.Pos.IsValid() {
+ return true
+ }
+ if a.Pos.IsValid() && !b.Pos.IsValid() {
+ return false
+ }
+ if a.Pos.Filename < b.Pos.Filename {
+ return true
+ }
+ if a.Pos.Filename > b.Pos.Filename {
+ return false
+ }
+ if a.Pos.Line < b.Pos.Line {
+ return true
+ }
+ if a.Pos.Line > b.Pos.Line {
+ return false
+ }
+ return a.Pos.Column < b.Pos.Column
+ })
+ a := make([]string, 0, len(p.errors))
+ for _, v := range p.errors {
+ a = append(a, v.Error())
+ }
+ return fmt.Errorf("%s", strings.Join(a, "\n"))
+func (p *project) flushTS() {
+ b := p.ts.Bytes()
+ if len(b) != 0 {
+ p.w("\n\n")
+ //TODO add cmd line option for this
+ //TODO s := strings.TrimSpace(hex.Dump(b))
+ //TODO a := strings.Split(s, "\n")
+ //TODO p.w("// %s\n", strings.Join(a, "\n// "))
+ p.w("var %s = %q\n", p.tsName, b)
+ p.w("var %s = (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&%s)).Data\n", p.tsNameP, p.tsName)
+ }
+ if len(p.tsW) != 0 {
+ p.w("var %s = [...]%s{", p.tsWName, p.typ(nil, p.ast.WideCharType))
+ for _, v := range p.tsW {
+ p.w("%d, ", v)
+ }
+ p.w("}\n")
+ p.w("var %s = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s[0]))\n", p.tsWNameP, p.tsWName)
+ }
+func (p *project) flushStructs() {
+ var a []*taggedStruct
+ for _, v := range p.structs {
+ if !v.emitted {
+ a = append(a, v)
+ }
+ }
+ sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i].name < a[j].name })
+ for _, v := range a {
+ v.emit(p, nil)
+ }
+func (p *project) oneAST(ast *cc.AST) {
+ p.ast = ast
+ for list := ast.TranslationUnit; list != nil; list = list.TranslationUnit {
+ p.externalDeclaration(list.ExternalDeclaration)
+ }
+ p.w("%s", tidyCommentString(ast.TrailingSeperator.String()))
+func (p *project) externalDeclaration(n *cc.ExternalDeclaration) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationFuncDef: // FunctionDefinition
+ p.functionDefinition(n.FunctionDefinition)
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationDecl: // Declaration
+ p.declaration(nil, n.Declaration, false)
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationAsm: // AsmFunctionDefinition
+ // nop
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationAsmStmt: // AsmStatement
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationEmpty: // ';'
+ // nop
+ case cc.ExternalDeclarationPragma: // PragmaSTDC
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaration(f *function, n *cc.Declaration, topDecl bool) {
+ cc.Inspect(n.DeclarationSpecifiers, func(m cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ switch x := m.(type) {
+ case *cc.EnumSpecifier:
+ if f == nil {
+ p.enumSpecs[x].emit(p)
+ }
+ case *cc.StructOrUnionSpecifier:
+ if tag := x.Token.Value; tag != 0 {
+ switch {
+ case f == nil:
+ p.structs[tag].emit(p, n.DeclarationSpecifiers)
+ default:
+ p.localTaggedStructs = append(p.localTaggedStructs, func() {
+ p.structs[tag].emit(p, n.DeclarationSpecifiers)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ if n.InitDeclaratorList == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // DeclarationSpecifiers InitDeclaratorList ';'
+ sep := tidyComment("\n", n) //TODO repeats
+ for list := n.InitDeclaratorList; list != nil; list = list.InitDeclaratorList {
+ p.initDeclarator(f, list.InitDeclarator, sep, topDecl)
+ sep = "\n"
+ }
+func (p *project) initDeclarator(f *function, n *cc.InitDeclarator, sep string, topDecl bool) {
+ if f == nil {
+ p.tld(f, n, sep, false)
+ return
+ }
+ d := n.Declarator
+ if d.IsExtern() || d.IsTypedefName {
+ return
+ }
+ if tld := p.tlds[d]; tld != nil && !topDecl { // static local
+ if !p.pass1 {
+ p.staticQueue = append(p.staticQueue, n)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ local := f.locals[d]
+ if local == nil { // Dead declaration.
+ return
+ }
+ block := f.block
+ t := d.Type()
+ vla := t.Kind() == cc.Array && t.IsVLA()
+ if vla && p.pass1 {
+ f.vlas[d] = struct{}{}
+ return
+ }
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InitDeclaratorDecl: // Declarator AttributeSpecifierList
+ if block.noDecl || block.topDecl && !topDecl {
+ return
+ }
+ switch {
+ case vla:
+ p.initDeclaratorDeclVLA(f, n, sep)
+ default:
+ p.initDeclaratorDecl(f, n, sep)
+ }
+ case cc.InitDeclaratorInit: // Declarator AttributeSpecifierList '=' Initializer
+ if vla {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ if f.block.topDecl {
+ switch {
+ case topDecl:
+ p.initDeclaratorDecl(f, n, sep)
+ if local.forceRead && !local.isPinned {
+ p.w("_ = %s;",
+ }
+ default:
+ sv := f.condInitPrefix
+ f.condInitPrefix = func() {
+ p.declarator(d, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, 0)
+ p.w(" = ")
+ }
+ switch {
+ case p.isConditionalInitializer(n.Initializer):
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.Initializer.AssignmentExpression, d.Type(), exprCondInit, 0)
+ default:
+ f.condInitPrefix()
+ p.initializer(f, n.Initializer, d.Type(), d.StorageClass, nil)
+ }
+ f.condInitPrefix = sv
+ p.w(";")
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s", sep)
+ switch {
+ case local.isPinned:
+ sv := f.condInitPrefix
+ f.condInitPrefix = func() {
+ //TODO- p.declarator(d, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, 0)
+ //TODO- p.w(" = ")
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s/* %s */)) = ", p.typ(n, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ }
+ switch {
+ case p.isConditionalInitializer(n.Initializer):
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.Initializer.AssignmentExpression, d.Type(), exprCondInit, 0)
+ default:
+ f.condInitPrefix()
+ p.initializer(f, n.Initializer, d.Type(), d.StorageClass, nil)
+ p.w(";")
+ }
+ f.condInitPrefix = sv
+ p.w(";")
+ default:
+ var semi string
+ switch {
+ case block.noDecl:
+ semi = ""
+ default:
+ p.w("var %s ",
+ if !isAggregateTypeOrUnion(d.Type()) {
+ p.w("%s ", p.typ(n, d.Type()))
+ }
+ semi = ";"
+ }
+ switch {
+ case p.isConditionalInitializer(n.Initializer):
+ p.w("%s", semi)
+ sv := f.condInitPrefix
+ f.condInitPrefix = func() { p.w("%s = ", }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.Initializer.AssignmentExpression, d.Type(), exprCondInit, 0)
+ f.condInitPrefix = sv
+ default:
+ if block.noDecl {
+ p.w("%s",
+ }
+ p.w(" = ")
+ p.initializer(f, n.Initializer, d.Type(), d.StorageClass, nil)
+ }
+ p.w(";")
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+ if !block.noDecl && local.forceRead && !local.isPinned {
+ p.w("_ = %s;",
+ }
+func (p *project) isConditionalInitializer(n *cc.Initializer) bool {
+ return n.Case == cc.InitializerExpr && p.isConditionalAssignmentExpr(n.AssignmentExpression)
+func (p *project) isConditionalAssignmentExpr(n *cc.AssignmentExpression) bool {
+ return n.Case == cc.AssignmentExpressionCond &&
+ n.ConditionalExpression.Case == cc.ConditionalExpressionCond
+func (p *project) initDeclaratorDeclVLA(f *function, n *cc.InitDeclarator, sep string) {
+ d := n.Declarator
+ local := f.locals[d]
+ if strings.TrimSpace(sep) == "" {
+ sep = "\n"
+ }
+ if local.isPinned {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ p.w("%s// var %s %s at %s%s, %d\n", sep,, p.typ(n, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(, d.Type().Size())
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s%s = %sXrealloc(%s, %s, types.Size_t(", sep,, p.task.crt, f.tlsName,
+ e := d.Type().LenExpr()
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, e, e.Operand.Type(), exprValue, 0)
+ if sz := d.Type().Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ p.w("));")
+func (p *project) initDeclaratorDecl(f *function, n *cc.InitDeclarator, sep string) {
+ d := n.Declarator
+ local := f.locals[d]
+ if strings.TrimSpace(sep) == "" {
+ sep = "\n"
+ }
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("%s// var %s %s at %s%s, %d\n", sep,, p.typ(n, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(, d.Type().Size())
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%svar %s %s;", sep,, p.typ(n, d.Type()))
+func (p *project) declarator(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.declaratorLValue(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.declaratorFunc(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue:
+ p.declaratorValue(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.declaratorAddrOf(n, f, d, t, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.declaratorSelect(n, f, d)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.declaratorDecay(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorDecay(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if d.Type().Kind() != cc.Array {
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), p.pos(d)))
+ }
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if d.Type().IsVLA() {
+ switch {
+ case local.isPinned:
+ panic(todo(""))
+ default:
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if d.IsParameter {
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ if p.pass1 {
+ if !d.Type().IsVLA() {
+, d)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("(%s%s)/* &%s[0] */", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if x := p.tlds[d]; x != nil && d.IsStatic() {
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))",
+ return
+ }
+ switch x := p.symtab[d.Name().String()].(type) {
+ case *tld:
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))",
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%sX%s))", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v: %q %T", n.Position(), p.pos(d), d.Name(), x))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorValue(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch k := p.declaratorKind(d); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.declaratorValueNormal(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArray:
+ p.declaratorValueArray(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ case opFunction:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, t, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ case opUnion:
+ p.declaratorValueUnion(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.declaratorValueArrayParameter(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", d.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorValueArrayParameter(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if d.Type().IsScalarType() {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, d.Type(), t, flags))
+ }
+ local := f.locals[d]
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s/* %s */))", p.typ(n, paramTypeDecay(d)), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+func (p *project) declaratorValueUnion(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if d.Type().IsScalarType() {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, d.Type(), t, flags))
+ }
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s/* %s */))", p.typ(d, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+func (p *project) isVolatileOrAtomic(d *cc.Declarator) bool {
+ if d.Type().IsVolatile() || d.Type().IsAtomic() {
+ return true
+ }
+ _, ok := p.task.volatiles[d.Name()]
+ return ok
+func (p *project) declaratorDefault(n cc.Node, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ if x := p.tlds[d]; x != nil && d.IsStatic() {
+ if p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ p.atomicLoadNamedAddr(n, d.Type(),
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ switch x := p.symtab[d.Name().String()].(type) {
+ case *tld:
+ if p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ p.atomicLoadNamedAddr(n, d.Type(),
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ if p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ p.atomicLoadNamedAddr(n, d.Type(), fmt.Sprintf("%sX%s", x.qualifier, d.Name()))
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%sX%s", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ default:
+ if d.IsExtern() {
+ switch d.Name() {
+ case idEnviron:
+ if d.Type().String() == "pointer to pointer to char" {
+ p.w("%sEnviron()", p.task.crt)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if d.Linkage == cc.External && p.task.nostdlib {
+ p.w("X%s", d.Name())
+ return
+ }
+ id := fmt.Sprintf("__builtin_%s", d.Name())
+ switch x := p.symtab[id].(type) {
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ p.w("%sX%s", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ return
+ }
+ if !d.IsImplicit() {
+ nm := d.Name()
+ name := nm.String()
+ switch d.Linkage {
+ case cc.External:
+ name = p.task.exportExterns + name
+ tld := &tld{name: name}
+ p.externs[nm] = tld
+ p.w("%s", name)
+ return
+ case cc.Internal:
+ if token.IsExported(name) {
+ name = "s" + name
+ }
+ tld := &tld{name: p.scope.take(cc.String(name))}
+ for _, v := range p.ast.Scope[nm] {
+ if d, ok := v.(*cc.Declarator); ok {
+ p.tlds[d] = tld
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%s", name)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.err(n, "back-end: undefined: %s", d.Name())
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorValueArray(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if t.IsIntegerType() {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, nil, t, flags))
+ }
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("(%s%s)/* %s */", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+func (p *project) declaratorValueNormal(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if d.Type().IsScalarType() {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, d.Type(), t, flags))
+ }
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ if p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) && d.IsParameter && d.Write != 0 {
+ p.w("%sAtomicLoadP%s(%s%s/* %s */)", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s/* %s */))", p.typ(d, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ if p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) && d.IsParameter && d.Write != 0 {
+ p.atomicLoadNamedAddr(n, d.Type(),
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+func (p *project) declaratorFunc(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch k := p.declaratorKind(d); k {
+ case opFunction:
+ p.declaratorFuncFunc(n, f, d, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case opNormal:
+ p.declaratorFuncNormal(n, f, d, t, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", d.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorFuncNormal(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ u := d.Type()
+ if u.Kind() == cc.Ptr {
+ u = u.Elem()
+ }
+ switch u.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("(*(*")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, u, "")
+ p.w(")(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s)))", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(
+ return
+ }
+ if d.IsParameter {
+ p.w("(*(*")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, u, "")
+ p.w(")(unsafe.Pointer(&%s)))",
+ return
+ }
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(d)))
+ }
+ if x := p.tlds[d]; x != nil && d.IsStatic() {
+ p.w("(*(*")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, u, "")
+ p.w(")(unsafe.Pointer(&%s)))",
+ return
+ }
+ switch x := p.symtab[d.Name().String()].(type) {
+ case *tld:
+ p.w("(*(*")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, u, "")
+ p.w(")(unsafe.Pointer(&%s)))",
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%sX%s))", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v: %q", n.Position(), p.pos(d), d.Name()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(d), u))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorFuncFunc(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch d.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ // ok
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(d), d.Type(), d.Type().Kind()))
+ }
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ p.w(" %s",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+func (p *project) declaratorLValue(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch k := p.declaratorKind(d); k {
+ case opNormal, opArrayParameter, opUnion:
+ p.declaratorLValueNormal(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArray:
+ p.declaratorLValueArray(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", d.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorLValueArray(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s/* %s */))", p.typ(d, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+func (p *project) declaratorLValueNormal(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), d.Position()))
+ }
+ if d.Type().IsScalarType() {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, d.Type(), t, flags))
+ }
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s/* %s */))", p.dtyp(d), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.declaratorLValueDefault(n, d)
+func (p *project) declaratorLValueDefault(n cc.Node, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ if x := p.tlds[d]; x != nil && d.IsStatic() {
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ switch x := p.symtab[d.Name().String()].(type) {
+ case *tld:
+ p.w("%s",
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ p.w("%sX%s", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ default:
+ if d.IsExtern() {
+ switch d.Name() {
+ case idEnviron:
+ if d.Type().String() == "pointer to pointer to char" {
+ p.w("*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(%sEnvironP()))", p.task.crt)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ panic(todo("%v: %v: %q", n.Position(), p.pos(d), d.Name()))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorKind(d *cc.Declarator) opKind {
+ switch {
+ case p.isArrayParameterDeclarator(d):
+ return opArrayParameter
+ case !p.pass1 && p.isArrayDeclarator(d):
+ return opArray
+ case d.Type().Kind() == cc.Function && !d.IsParameter:
+ return opFunction
+ case d.Type().Kind() == cc.Union:
+ return opUnion
+ default:
+ return opNormal
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorSelect(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ switch k := p.declaratorKind(d); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.declaratorSelectNormal(n, f, d)
+ case opArray:
+ p.declaratorSelectArray(n, f, d)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", d.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorSelectArray(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ //TODO type error
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s/* &%s */))", p.typ(d, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+func (p *project) declaratorSelectNormal(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s/* &%s */))", p.typ(d, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%s",
+ return
+ }
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+func (p *project) declaratorAddrOf(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, flags flags) {
+ switch k := p.declaratorKind(d); k {
+ case opArray:
+ p.declaratorAddrOfArray(n, f, d)
+ case opNormal:
+ p.declaratorAddrOfNormal(n, f, d, flags)
+ case opUnion:
+ p.declaratorAddrOfUnion(n, f, d)
+ case opFunction:
+ p.declaratorAddrOfFunction(n, f, d)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.declaratorAddrOfArrayParameter(n, f, d)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", d.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorAddrOfArrayParameter(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ if p.pass1 {
+, d)
+ return
+ }
+ local := f.locals[d]
+ p.w("(%s%s)/* &%s */", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+func (p *project) declaratorAddrOfFunction(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ if d.Type().Kind() != cc.Function {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ if x := p.tlds[d]; x != nil && d.IsStatic() {
+ p.w("*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{f ")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, d.Type(), "")
+ p.w("}{%s}))",
+ return
+ }
+ switch x := p.symtab[d.Name().String()].(type) {
+ case *tld:
+ p.w("*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{f ")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, d.Type(), "")
+ p.w("}{%s}))",
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ p.w("*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{f ")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, d.Type(), "")
+ p.w("}{%sX%s}))", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ default:
+ p.err(d, "back-end: undefined: %s", d.Name())
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorAddrOfUnion(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if p.pass1 {
+, d)
+ return
+ }
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("(%s%s)/* &%s */", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ }
+ if x := p.tlds[d]; x != nil && d.IsStatic() {
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))",
+ return
+ }
+ switch x := p.symtab[d.Name().String()].(type) {
+ case *tld:
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))",
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%sX%s))", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v: %q", n.Position(), p.pos(d), d.Name()))
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorAddrOfNormal(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator, flags flags) {
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if p.pass1 && flags&fAddrOfFuncPtrOk == 0 {
+, d)
+ return
+ }
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("(%s%s)/* &%s */", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ if flags&fAddrOfFuncPtrOk != 0 {
+ if dt := d.Type(); dt.Kind() == cc.Ptr {
+ if elem := dt.Elem(); elem.Kind() == cc.Function || elem.Kind() == cc.Ptr && elem.Elem().Kind() == cc.Function {
+ p.w("&%s",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), p.pos(d), d.Name(), d.Type(), d.IsParameter, d.AddressTaken, flags&fAddrOfFuncPtrOk != 0))
+ }
+ }
+ if x := p.tlds[d]; x != nil && d.IsStatic() {
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))",
+ return
+ }
+ switch x := p.symtab[d.Name().String()].(type) {
+ case *tld:
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))",
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%sX%s))", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "undefined: %s", d.Name())
+ }
+func (p *project) declaratorAddrOfArray(n cc.Node, f *function, d *cc.Declarator) {
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if p.pass1 {
+, d)
+ return
+ }
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("(%s%s)/* &%s */", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ return
+ }
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(d), d.Name(), d.Type(), d.IsParameter))
+ }
+ }
+ if x := p.tlds[d]; x != nil && d.IsStatic() {
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))",
+ return
+ }
+ switch x := p.symtab[d.Name().String()].(type) {
+ case *tld:
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s))",
+ case *imported:
+ x.used = true
+ p.w("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%sX%s))", x.qualifier, d.Name())
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v: %q", n.Position(), p.pos(d), d.Name()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertType(n cc.Node, from, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ // trc("%v: %v: %v -> %v %v", n.Position(), origin(1), from, to, flags) //TODO- DBG
+ if from != nil {
+ switch from.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ return p.convertTypeFromInt128(n, to, flags)
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ return p.convertTypeFromUint128(n, to, flags)
+ }
+ }
+ switch to.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ return p.convertTypeToInt128(n, from, flags)
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ return p.convertTypeToUint128(n, from, flags)
+ }
+ // trc("%v: %v -> %v\n%s", p.pos(n), from, to, debug.Stack()[:600]) //TODO-
+ force := flags&fForceConv != 0
+ if from == nil {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ if from.IsScalarType() {
+ switch {
+ case force:
+ p.w("%s(", p.helperType2(n, from, to))
+ return ")"
+ case from.Kind() == to.Kind():
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ }
+ switch from.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function, cc.Struct, cc.Union, cc.Ptr, cc.Array:
+ if from.Kind() == to.Kind() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), from, to, from.Alias(), to.Alias()))
+ case cc.Double, cc.Float:
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), from, to, from.Alias(), to.Alias()))
+func (p *project) convertTypeFromInt128(n cc.Node, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ switch k := to.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Float, k == cc.Double:
+ p.w("(")
+ return fmt.Sprintf(").Float%d()", to.Size()*8)
+ case k == cc.Int128:
+ return ""
+ case k == cc.UInt128:
+ p.w("%sUint128FromInt128(", p.task.crt)
+ return ")"
+ case to.IsIntegerType() && to.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("int%d((", to.Size()*8)
+ return ").Lo)"
+ case to.IsIntegerType() && !to.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("uint%d((", to.Size()*8)
+ return ").Lo)"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), to, to.Alias()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertTypeFromUint128(n cc.Node, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ switch k := to.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Float, k == cc.Double:
+ p.w("(")
+ return fmt.Sprintf(").Float%d()", to.Size()*8)
+ case k == cc.Int128:
+ p.w("(")
+ return ").Int128()"
+ case k == cc.UInt128:
+ return ""
+ case to.IsIntegerType() && to.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("int%d((", to.Size()*8)
+ return ").Lo)"
+ case to.IsIntegerType() && !to.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("uint%d((", to.Size()*8)
+ return ").Lo)"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), to, to.Alias()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertTypeToInt128(n cc.Node, from cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ switch k := from.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Float, k == cc.Double:
+ p.w("%sInt128FromFloat%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case k == cc.Int128:
+ return ""
+ case k == cc.UInt128:
+ p.w("%sInt128FromUint128(", p.task.crt)
+ return ")"
+ case from.IsIntegerType() && from.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sInt128FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case from.IsIntegerType() && !from.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sInt128FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), from, from.Alias()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertTypeToUint128(n cc.Node, from cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ switch k := from.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Float, k == cc.Double:
+ p.w("%sUint128FromFloat%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case k == cc.Int128:
+ p.w("(")
+ return ").Uint128()"
+ case k == cc.UInt128:
+ return ""
+ case from.IsIntegerType() && from.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sUint128FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case from.IsIntegerType() && !from.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sUint128FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), from, from.Alias()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertFromInt128(n cc.Node, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ switch k := to.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Float, k == cc.Double:
+ p.w("(")
+ return fmt.Sprintf(").Float%d()", to.Size()*8)
+ case k == cc.Int128:
+ return ""
+ case k == cc.UInt128:
+ p.w("(")
+ return ").Uint128()"
+ case to.IsIntegerType() && to.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sInt%d(", p.task.crt, to.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case to.IsIntegerType() && !to.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sUint%d(", p.task.crt, to.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), to, to.Alias()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertFromUint128(n cc.Node, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ switch k := to.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Float, k == cc.Double:
+ p.w("%sUint128FromFloat%d(", p.task.crt, to.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case k == cc.Int128:
+ p.w("(")
+ return ").Int128()"
+ case k == cc.UInt128:
+ return ""
+ case to.IsIntegerType() && to.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sInt%d(", p.task.crt, to.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case to.IsIntegerType() && !to.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sUint%d(", p.task.crt, to.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), to, to.Alias()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertToInt128(n cc.Node, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ from := op.Type()
+ switch k := from.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Float, k == cc.Double:
+ p.w("%sInt128FromFloat%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case k == cc.Int128:
+ return ""
+ case k == cc.UInt128:
+ p.w("(")
+ return ").Int128()"
+ case from.IsIntegerType() && from.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sInt128FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case from.IsIntegerType() && !from.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sInt128FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), from, from.Alias()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertToUint128(n cc.Node, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ from := op.Type()
+ switch k := from.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Float, k == cc.Double:
+ p.w("%sUint128FromFloat%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case k == cc.Int128:
+ p.w("(")
+ return ").Uint128()"
+ case k == cc.UInt128:
+ return ""
+ case from.IsIntegerType() && from.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sUint128FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case from.IsIntegerType() && !from.IsSignedType():
+ p.w("%sUint128FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), from, from.Alias()))
+ }
+func (p *project) convertNil(n cc.Node, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ switch to.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ }
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+func (p *project) convert(n cc.Node, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ if op == nil {
+ panic(todo("internal error"))
+ }
+ from := op.Type()
+ switch from.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ return p.convertFromInt128(n, op, to, flags)
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ return p.convertFromUint128(n, op, to, flags)
+ }
+ switch to.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ return p.convertToInt128(n, op, to, flags)
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ return p.convertToUint128(n, op, to, flags)
+ }
+ if flags&fForceRuntimeConv != 0 {
+ flags |= fForceConv
+ }
+ force := flags&fForceConv != 0
+ if !force && from.IsScalarType() && from.Kind() == to.Kind() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if from.IsIntegerType() {
+ return p.convertInt(n, op, to, flags)
+ }
+ if from == to {
+ return ""
+ }
+ switch from.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ if !force && from.Kind() == to.Kind() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if to.IsIntegerType() {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ if to.Kind() == cc.Ptr {
+ return ""
+ }
+ panic(todo("%v: force %v, %q %v -> %q %v", p.pos(n), force, from, from.Kind(), to, to.Kind()))
+ case cc.Function, cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ if !force && from.Kind() == to.Kind() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ trc("%p %p", from, to)
+ panic(todo("%q %v -> %q %v", from, from.Kind(), to, to.Kind()))
+ case cc.Double, cc.Float:
+ switch {
+ case to.IsIntegerType():
+ p.w("%s(", p.helperType2(n, from, to))
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ case cc.Array:
+ if from.Kind() == to.Kind() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ switch to.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ return ""
+ }
+ panic(todo("%q, %v -> %q, %v", from, from.Kind(), to.Kind()))
+ }
+ panic(todo("%q -> %q", from, to))
+func (p *project) convertInt(n cc.Node, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) string {
+ from := op.Type()
+ switch from.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ }
+ switch to.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ }
+ force := flags&fForceConv != 0
+ value := op.Value()
+ if value == nil || !to.IsIntegerType() {
+ if to.IsScalarType() {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ panic(todo("", op.Type(), to))
+ }
+ if flags&fForceRuntimeConv != 0 {
+ p.w("%s(", p.helperType2(n, op.Type(), to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ switch {
+ case from.IsSignedType():
+ switch {
+ case to.IsSignedType():
+ switch x := value.(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ switch to.Size() {
+ case 1:
+ if x >= math.MinInt8 && x <= math.MaxInt8 {
+ switch {
+ case !force && from.Size() == to.Size():
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("int8(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%sInt8FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 2:
+ if x >= math.MinInt16 && x <= math.MaxInt16 {
+ switch {
+ case !force && from.Size() == to.Size():
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("int16(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%sInt16FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 4:
+ if x >= math.MinInt32 && x <= math.MaxInt32 {
+ switch {
+ case !force && from.Size() == to.Size():
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("int32(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%sInt32FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 8:
+ switch {
+ case !force && from.Size() == to.Size():
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("int64(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ default: // to is unsigned
+ switch x := value.(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ switch to.Size() {
+ case 1:
+ if x >= 0 && x <= math.MaxUint8 {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint8FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 2:
+ if x >= 0 && x <= math.MaxUint16 {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint16FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 4:
+ if x >= 0 && x <= math.MaxUint32 {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint32FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 8:
+ if x >= 0 {
+ p.w("uint64(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint64FromInt%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ switch to.Size() {
+ case 1:
+ if x <= math.MaxUint8 {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint8FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 2:
+ if x <= math.MaxUint16 {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint16FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 4:
+ if x <= math.MaxUint32 {
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, to))
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint32FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 8:
+ p.w("uint64(")
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ }
+ default: // from is unsigned
+ switch {
+ case to.IsSignedType():
+ switch x := value.(type) {
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ switch to.Size() {
+ case 1:
+ if x <= math.MaxInt8 {
+ p.w("int8(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sInt8FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 2:
+ if x <= math.MaxInt16 {
+ p.w("int16(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sInt16FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 4:
+ if x <= math.MaxInt32 {
+ p.w("int32(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sInt32FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 8:
+ if x <= math.MaxInt64 {
+ p.w("int64(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ p.w("%sInt64FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ default: // to is unsigned
+ switch x := value.(type) {
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ switch to.Size() {
+ case 1:
+ if x <= math.MaxUint8 {
+ switch {
+ case !force && from.Size() == 1:
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("uint8(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint8FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 2:
+ if x <= math.MaxUint16 {
+ switch {
+ case !force && from.Size() == 2:
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("uint16(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint16FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 4:
+ if x <= math.MaxUint32 {
+ switch {
+ case !force && from.Size() == 4:
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("uint32(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%sUint32FromUint%d(", p.task.crt, from.Size()*8)
+ return ")"
+ case 8:
+ switch {
+ case !force && from.Size() == 8:
+ return ""
+ default:
+ p.w("uint64(")
+ return ")"
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v) %v -> %v", x, op.Value(), from, to))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func nonZeroUintptr(n uintptr) string {
+ if n == 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%+d", n)
+func alias(attr []*cc.AttributeSpecifier) (r cc.StringID) {
+ for _, v := range attr {
+ cc.Inspect(v, func(n cc.Node, entry bool) bool {
+ if !entry {
+ return true
+ }
+ if x, ok := n.(*cc.AttributeValue); ok && x.Token.Value == idAlias {
+ switch y := x.ExpressionList.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.StringValue:
+ r = cc.StringID(y)
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ if r != 0 {
+ return r
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+func (p *project) tld(f *function, n *cc.InitDeclarator, sep string, staticLocal bool) {
+ d := n.Declarator
+ if d.IsExtern() && d.Linkage == cc.External && !d.IsTypedefName {
+ if alias := alias(attrs(d.Type())); alias != 0 {
+ p.capi = append(p.capi, d.Name().String())
+ p.w("\n\nvar %s%s = %s\t// %v:\n", p.task.exportExterns, d.Name(), p.externs[alias].name, p.pos(d))
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if _, ok := p.wanted[d]; !ok && !staticLocal {
+ isFn := d.Type().Kind() == cc.Function
+ if isFn && p.task.header && p.task.funcSig {
+ if nm := d.Name().String(); !strings.HasPrefix(nm, "__") {
+ p.w("\n\n")
+ t := p.tlds[d]
+ if t == nil {
+ t = &tld{}
+ = p.tldScope.take(d.Name())
+ }
+ p.functionSignature2(n, nil, d.Type(),
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ tld := p.tlds[d]
+ if tld == nil { // Dead declaration.
+ return
+ }
+ t := d.Type()
+ if d.IsTypedefName {
+ p.checkAttributes(t)
+ if _, ok := p.typedefsEmited[]; ok {
+ return
+ }
+ p.typedefsEmited[] = struct{}{}
+ if t.Kind() != cc.Void {
+ p.w("%stype %s = %s; /* %v */", sep,, p.typ(n, t), p.pos(d))
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InitDeclaratorDecl: // Declarator AttributeSpecifierList
+ p.w("%svar %s %s\t/* %v: */", sep,, p.typ(n, t), p.pos(n))
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ p.structs[t.Tag()].emit(p, nil)
+ }
+ case cc.InitDeclaratorInit: // Declarator AttributeSpecifierList '=' Initializer
+ if d.IsStatic() && d.Read == 0 && d.Write == 1 && n.Initializer.IsConst() { // Initialized with no side effects and unused.
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("%svar %s ", sep,
+ if !isAggregateTypeOrUnion(d.Type()) {
+ p.w("%s ", p.typ(n, d.Type()))
+ }
+ p.w("= ")
+ p.initializer(f, n.Initializer, d.Type(), d.StorageClass, tld)
+ p.w("; /* %v */", p.pos(d))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) functionDefinition(n *cc.FunctionDefinition) {
+ // DeclarationSpecifiers Declarator DeclarationList CompoundStatement
+ if p.task.header && !p.task.funcSig {
+ return
+ }
+ if _, ok := p.sharedFns[n]; ok {
+ if _, ok := p.sharedFnsEmitted[n]; ok {
+ return
+ }
+ p.sharedFnsEmitted[n] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ d := n.Declarator
+ if d.IsExtern() && d.Type().Inline() {
+ //
+ //
+ // If you specify both inline and extern in the function definition, then the
+ // definition is used only for inlining. In no case is the function compiled on
+ // its own, not even if you refer to its address explicitly. Such an address
+ // becomes an external reference, as if you had only declared the function, and
+ // had not defined it.
+ //
+ // This combination of inline and extern has almost the effect of a macro. The
+ // way to use it is to put a function definition in a header file with these
+ // keywords, and put another copy of the definition (lacking inline and extern)
+ // in a library file. The definition in the header file causes most calls to
+ // the function to be inlined. If any uses of the function remain, they refer
+ // to the single copy in the library.
+ return
+ }
+ name := d.Name().String()
+ if _, ok := p.task.hide[name]; ok {
+ return
+ }
+ if p.isMain && d.Linkage == cc.External && d.Read == 0 && !d.AddressTaken && len(p.task.asts) == 1 {
+ return
+ }
+ if d.Linkage == cc.Internal && d.Read == 0 && !d.AddressTaken /*TODO- && strings.HasPrefix(name, "__") */ {
+ return
+ }
+ tld := p.tlds[d]
+ if tld == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ p.fn = name
+ defer func() { p.fn = "" }()
+ f := newFunction(p, n)
+ p.pass1 = true
+ p.compoundStatement(f, n.CompoundStatement, "", false, false, 0)
+ p.pass1 = false
+ p.w("\n\n")
+ p.functionDefinitionSignature(n, f, tld)
+ if p.task.header && p.task.funcSig {
+ return
+ }
+ p.w(" ")
+ comment := fmt.Sprintf("/* %v: */", p.pos(d))
+ if p.task.panicStubs {
+ p.w("%s{ panic(%q) }", comment,
+ return
+ }
+ brace := "{"
+ if need :=; need != 0 {
+ scope := f.blocks[n.CompoundStatement].scope
+ f.bpName = scope.take(idBp)
+ p.w("{%s\n%s := %s.Alloc(%d)\n", comment, f.bpName, f.tlsName, need)
+ p.w("defer %s.Free(%d)\n", f.tlsName, need)
+ for _, v := range d.Type().Parameters() {
+ if local := f.locals[v.Declarator()]; local != nil && local.isPinned { // Pin it.
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s)) = %s\n", p.typ(v.Declarator(), paramTypeDecay(v.Declarator())), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ }
+ }
+ comment = ""
+ brace = ""
+ }
+ if len(f.vlas) != 0 {
+ p.w("%s%s\n", brace, comment)
+ var vlas []*cc.Declarator
+ for k := range f.vlas {
+ vlas = append(vlas, k)
+ }
+ sort.Slice(vlas, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return vlas[i].NameTok().Seq() < vlas[j].NameTok().Seq()
+ })
+ for _, v := range vlas {
+ local := f.locals[v]
+ switch {
+ case local.isPinned:
+ panic(todo("", v.Position()))
+ default:
+ p.w("var %s uintptr // %v: %v\n",, p.pos(v), v.Type())
+ }
+ }
+ switch {
+ case len(vlas) == 1:
+ p.w("defer %sXfree(%s, %s)\n", p.task.crt, f.tlsName, f.locals[vlas[0]].name)
+ default:
+ p.w("defer func() {\n")
+ for _, v := range vlas {
+ p.w("%sXfree(%s, %s)\n", p.task.crt, f.tlsName, f.locals[v].name)
+ }
+ p.w("\n}()\n")
+ }
+ }
+ p.compoundStatement(f, n.CompoundStatement, comment, false, true, 0)
+ p.w(";")
+ p.flushLocalTaggesStructs()
+ p.flushStaticTLDs()
+func (p *project) flushLocalTaggesStructs() {
+ for _, v := range p.localTaggedStructs {
+ v()
+ }
+ p.localTaggedStructs = nil
+func (p *project) flushStaticTLDs() {
+ for _, v := range p.staticQueue {
+ p.tld(nil, v, "\n", true)
+ }
+ p.staticQueue = nil
+func (p *project) compoundStatement(f *function, n *cc.CompoundStatement, scomment string, forceNoBraces, fnBody bool, mode exprMode) {
+ if p.task.panicStubs {
+ return
+ }
+ // '{' BlockItemList '}'
+ brace := (!n.IsJumpTarget() || n.Parent() == nil) && !forceNoBraces
+ if brace && len(f.vlas) == 0 && (n.Parent() != nil || == 0) {
+ p.w("{%s", scomment)
+ }
+ if fnBody {
+ p.instrument(n)
+ }
+ sv := f.block
+ f.block = f.blocks[n]
+ if f.block.topDecl {
+ for _, v := range f.block.decls {
+ p.declaration(f, v, true)
+ }
+ }
+ var r *cc.JumpStatement
+ for list := n.BlockItemList; list != nil; list = list.BlockItemList {
+ m := mode
+ if list.BlockItemList != nil {
+ m = 0
+ }
+ r = p.blockItem(f, list.BlockItem, m)
+ }
+ if n.Parent() == nil && r == nil && f.rt.Kind() != cc.Void {
+ p.w("\nreturn ")
+ p.zeroValue(n, f.rt)
+ }
+ s := tidyComment("\n", &n.Token2)
+ p.w("%s", s)
+ if brace {
+ if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "\n") {
+ p.w("\n")
+ }
+ p.w("}")
+ }
+ f.block = sv
+func (p *project) zeroValue(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) {
+ if t.IsScalarType() {
+ p.w("%s(0)", p.typ(n, t))
+ return
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ p.w("%s{}", p.typ(n, t))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", t, t.Kind()))
+ }
+func (p *project) blockItem(f *function, n *cc.BlockItem, mode exprMode) (r *cc.JumpStatement) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.BlockItemDecl: // Declaration
+ p.declaration(f, n.Declaration, false)
+ case cc.BlockItemStmt: // Statement
+ r = p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, mode)
+ p.w(";")
+ if r == nil {
+ p.instrument(n)
+ }
+ case cc.BlockItemLabel: // LabelDeclaration
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ p.w(";")
+ case cc.BlockItemFuncDef: // DeclarationSpecifiers Declarator CompoundStatement
+ p.err(n, "nested functions not supported")
+ p.w(";")
+ case cc.BlockItemPragma: // PragmaSTDC
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ p.w(";")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) instrument(n cc.Node) {
+ if p.task.cover {
+ p.w("%sCover();", p.task.crt)
+ }
+ if p.task.coverC {
+ p.w("%sCoverC(%q);", p.task.crt, p.pos(n).String()+" "+p.fn)
+ }
+ if {
+ p.w("%sWatch();", p.task.crt)
+ }
+var dummyJumpStatement = &cc.JumpStatement{}
+func (p *project) statement(f *function, n *cc.Statement, forceCompoundStmtBrace, forceNoBraces, switchBlock bool, mode exprMode) (r *cc.JumpStatement) {
+ if forceCompoundStmtBrace {
+ p.w(" {")
+ if !switchBlock {
+ p.instrument(n)
+ }
+ }
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.StatementLabeled: // LabeledStatement
+ r = p.labeledStatement(f, n.LabeledStatement)
+ case cc.StatementCompound: // CompoundStatement
+ if !forceCompoundStmtBrace {
+ p.w("%s", n.CompoundStatement.Token.Sep)
+ }
+ if f.hasJumps {
+ forceNoBraces = true
+ }
+ p.compoundStatement(f, n.CompoundStatement, "", forceCompoundStmtBrace || forceNoBraces, false, 0)
+ case cc.StatementExpr: // ExpressionStatement
+ if mode != 0 {
+ p.w("return ")
+ e := n.ExpressionStatement.Expression
+ p.expression(f, e, e.Operand.Type(), exprValue, 0)
+ r = dummyJumpStatement
+ break
+ }
+ p.expressionStatement(f, n.ExpressionStatement)
+ case cc.StatementSelection: // SelectionStatement
+ p.selectionStatement(f, n.SelectionStatement)
+ case cc.StatementIteration: // IterationStatement
+ p.iterationStatement(f, n.IterationStatement)
+ case cc.StatementJump: // JumpStatement
+ r = p.jumpStatement(f, n.JumpStatement)
+ case cc.StatementAsm: // AsmStatement
+ // AsmStatement:
+ // Asm AttributeSpecifierList ';'
+ // Asm:
+ // "__asm__" AsmQualifierList '(' STRINGLITERAL AsmArgList ')'
+ if n.AsmStatement.Asm.Token3.Value == 0 && n.AsmStatement.Asm.AsmArgList == nil {
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("panic(`%s: assembler statements not supported`)", n.Position())
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+ if forceCompoundStmtBrace {
+ p.w("}")
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) jumpStatement(f *function, n *cc.JumpStatement) (r *cc.JumpStatement) {
+ p.w("%s", tidyComment("\n", n))
+ if _, ok := n.Context().(*cc.SelectionStatement); ok && f.ifCtx == nil {
+ switch f.switchCtx {
+ case inSwitchCase:
+ f.switchCtx = inSwitchSeenBreak
+ case inSwitchSeenBreak:
+ // nop but TODO
+ case inSwitchFlat:
+ // ok
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), f.switchCtx))
+ }
+ }
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.JumpStatementGoto: // "goto" IDENTIFIER ';'
+ p.w("goto %s", f.labelNames[n.Token2.Value])
+ case cc.JumpStatementGotoExpr: // "goto" '*' Expression ';'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.JumpStatementContinue: // "continue" ';'
+ switch {
+ case f.continueCtx != 0:
+ p.w("goto __%d", f.continueCtx)
+ default:
+ p.w("continue")
+ }
+ case cc.JumpStatementBreak: // "break" ';'
+ switch {
+ case f.breakCtx != 0:
+ p.w("goto __%d", f.breakCtx)
+ default:
+ p.w("break")
+ }
+ case cc.JumpStatementReturn: // "return" Expression ';'
+ r = n
+ switch {
+ case f.rt != nil && f.rt.Kind() == cc.Void:
+ if n.Expression != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, 0)
+ p.w(";")
+ }
+ p.w("return")
+ case f.rt != nil && f.rt.Kind() != cc.Void:
+ if n.Expression != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, f.rt, exprCondReturn, 0)
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("return ")
+ p.zeroValue(n, f.rt)
+ default:
+ if n.Expression != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, 0)
+ p.w(";")
+ }
+ p.w("return")
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) expression(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.expressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue, exprCondReturn, exprCondInit:
+ p.expressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.expressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.expressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.expressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.expressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.expressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.expressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.expressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ p.w("func() uintptr {")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, flags)
+ p.w("; return ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w("}()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ p.w(" func() uintptr {")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, flags)
+ p.w("; return ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w("}()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionBool(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ p.w("func() bool {")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, flags)
+ p.w("; return ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ p.w("}()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionValue(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ if mode == exprCondReturn {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, flags)
+ p.w("; return ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ switch {
+ case n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.expressionDecay(f, n, t, exprDecay, flags)
+ default:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, n.Operand.Type(), t, flags))
+ p.w("func() %v {", p.typ(n, n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type()))
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, flags)
+ p.w("; return ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("}()")
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) expressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.Expression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExpressionComma: // Expression ',' AssignmentExpression
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w(";")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) opKind(f *function, d declarator, t cc.Type) opKind {
+ switch {
+ case p.isArrayParameter(d, t):
+ return opArrayParameter
+ case !p.pass1 && p.isArray(f, d, t):
+ return opArray
+ case t.Kind() == cc.Union:
+ return opUnion
+ case t.Kind() == cc.Struct:
+ return opStruct
+ case t.IsBitFieldType():
+ return opBitfield
+ case t.Kind() == cc.Function:
+ return opFunction
+ default:
+ return opNormal
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpression(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.assignmentExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue, exprCondReturn, exprCondInit:
+ p.assignmentExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.assignmentExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.assignmentExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.assignmentExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.assignmentExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.assignmentExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.assignmentExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.assignmentExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpression "<<= AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpremode, ssion "<<=
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type().Elem()))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ // case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0 ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpressionValueAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionValueAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ if mode == exprCondReturn {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opStruct, opUnion:
+ p.assignmentExpressionValueAssignStructAddrof(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionValueAssignStructAddrof(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()
+ rhs := n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type()
+ if lhs.Kind() == cc.Array || rhs.Kind() == cc.Array {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ if d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ if !p.pass1 {
+ p.w("%sXmemmove(tls, ", p.task.crt)
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, lhs, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, rhs, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", %d)", lhs.Size())
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if !p.pass1 {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%sXmemmove(tls, ", p.task.crt)
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, lhs, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, rhs, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", %d)", lhs.Size())
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpressionValueAssign(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "*", "Mul", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "/", "Div", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "%", "Rem", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "+", "Add", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "-", "Sub", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpremode, ssion "<<=
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "<<", "Shl", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, ">>", "Shr", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "&", "And", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "^", "Xor", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "|", "Or", flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionValueAssign(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ if mode == exprCondReturn {
+ p.w("return ")
+ }
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.assignmentExpressionValueAssignNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opBitfield:
+ p.assignmentExpressionValueAssignBitfield(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opStruct, opUnion:
+ p.assignmentExpressionValueAssignStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionValueAssignStruct(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()
+ rhs := n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type()
+ if lhs.Kind() == cc.Array || rhs.Kind() == cc.Array {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ p.w(" func() %s { __v := ", p.typ(n, lhs))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, rhs, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(";")
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, lhs, exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(" = __v; return __v}()")
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionValueAssignBitfield(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ lt := lhs.Operand.Type()
+ bf := lt.BitField()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, lt, t, flags))
+ p.w("%sAssignBitFieldPtr%d%s(", p.task.crt, bf.BitFieldBlockWidth(), p.bfHelperType(lt))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lt, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, lt, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(", %d, %d, %#x)", bf.BitFieldWidth(), bf.BitFieldOffset(), bf.Mask())
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionValueAssignNormal(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ if !d.Type().IsScalarType() {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ defer p.w(")%s", p.convertType(n, d.Type(), t, flags))
+ p.w("%sAssignPtr%s(", p.task.crt, p.helperType(d, d.Type()))
+ p.w("%s%s /* %s */", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ defer p.w(")%s", p.convertType(n, d.Type(), t, flags))
+ p.w("%sAssign%s(&%s, ", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, d.Type()),
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ defer p.w(")%s", p.convertType(n, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type(), t, flags))
+ p.w("%sAssignPtr%s(", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+func (p *project) assignmentExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAssign: // UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression
+ d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator()
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ lt := lhs.Operand.Type()
+ sv := f.condInitPrefix
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, lhs, lt); k {
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ lt = lt.Decay()
+ fallthrough
+ case opNormal, opStruct:
+ mode = exprValue
+ if p.isArrayOrPinnedArray(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type()) {
+ mode = exprDecay
+ }
+ switch {
+ case flags&fNoCondAssignment == 0 && mode == exprValue && n.UnaryExpression.Declarator() != nil && p.isConditionalAssignmentExpr(n.AssignmentExpression):
+ f.condInitPrefix = func() {
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lt, exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(" = ")
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, lt, exprCondInit, flags)
+ p.w(";")
+ default:
+ if d != nil && p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ p.setVolatileDeclarator(d, f, n.AssignmentExpression, lt, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lt, exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(" = ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, lt, mode, flags)
+ }
+ case opBitfield:
+ bf := lt.BitField()
+ p.w("%sSetBitFieldPtr%d%s(", p.task.crt, bf.BitFieldBlockWidth(), p.bfHelperType(lt))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lt, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, lt, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(", %d, %#x)", bf.BitFieldOffset(), bf.Mask())
+ case opUnion:
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lt, exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(" = ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, lt, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+ f.condInitPrefix = sv
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMul: // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "*", "Mul", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionDiv: // UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "/", "Div", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionMod: // UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "%", "Mod", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAdd: // UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "+", "Add", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionSub: // UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "-", "Sub", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionLsh: // UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignShiftOp(f, n, t, mode, "<<", "Shl", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionRsh: // UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignShiftOp(f, n, t, mode, ">>", "Shr", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionAnd: // UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "&", "And", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionXor: // UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "^", "Xor", flags)
+ case cc.AssignmentExpressionOr: // UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignOp(f, n, t, mode, "|", "Or", flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) setVolatileDeclarator(d *cc.Declarator, f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ sz := d.Type().Size()
+ switch sz {
+ case 4, 8:
+ // ok
+ default:
+ p.err(d, "unsupported volatile declarator size: %v", sz)
+ return
+ }
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ p.w("%sAtomicStoreP%s(%s%s /* %s */, ", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, d.Type()), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(,
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ }
+ p.atomicStoreNamedAddr(n, d.Type(),, n, f, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ if tld := p.tlds[d]; tld != nil {
+ p.atomicStoreNamedAddr(n, d.Type(),, n, f, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ if imp := p.imports[d.Name().String()]; imp != nil {
+ p.atomicStoreNamedAddr(n, d.Type(), fmt.Sprintf("%sX%s", imp.qualifier, d.Name()), n, f, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), d.Position(), d.Name()))
+func (p *project) atomicStoreNamedAddr(n cc.Node, t cc.Type, nm string, expr *cc.AssignmentExpression, f *function, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ sz := t.Size()
+ switch sz {
+ case 4, 8:
+ // ok
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator size: %v", sz)
+ return
+ }
+ var ht string
+ switch {
+ case t.IsScalarType():
+ ht = p.helperType(n, t)
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator type: %v", t)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%sAtomicStore%s(&%s, %s(", p.task.crt, ht, nm, p.typ(n, t))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, expr, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+func (p *project) atomicLoadNamedAddr(n cc.Node, t cc.Type, nm string) {
+ sz := t.Size()
+ switch sz {
+ case 4, 8:
+ // ok
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator size: %v", sz)
+ return
+ }
+ var ht string
+ switch {
+ case t.IsScalarType():
+ ht = p.helperType(n, t)
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator type: %v", t)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%sAtomicLoad%s(&%s)", p.task.crt, ht, nm)
+func isRealType(op cc.Operand) bool {
+ switch op.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Float, cc.Double:
+ return true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+func (p *project) bfHelperType(t cc.Type) string {
+ switch {
+ case t.IsSignedType():
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Int%d", t.Size()*8)
+ default:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Uint%d", t.Size()*8)
+ }
+func (p *project) helperType(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) string {
+ for t.IsAliasType() {
+ if t2 := t.Alias(); t2 != t { //TODO HDF5 H5O.c
+ t = t2
+ continue
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128:
+ return "Int128"
+ case cc.UInt128:
+ return "Uint128"
+ }
+ s := p.typ(n, t)
+ return strings.ToUpper(s[:1]) + s[1:]
+func (p *project) helperType2(n cc.Node, from, to cc.Type) string {
+ if from.Kind() == to.Kind() {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, from))
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s%sFrom%s", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, to), p.helperType(n, from))
+func (p *project) conditionalExpression(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.conditionalExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.conditionalExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.conditionalExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.conditionalExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.conditionalExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.conditionalExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.conditionalExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.conditionalExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprCondReturn:
+ p.conditionalExpressionReturn(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprCondInit:
+ p.conditionalExpressionInit(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.conditionalExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ t = t.Decay()
+ p.w(" func() %s { if ", p.typ(n, t))
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" { return ")
+ switch n.Expression.Operand.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Array:
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, exprDecay, flags)
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ panic(todo("", n.Expression.Position(), n.Expression.Operand.Type()))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Expression.Position(), n.Expression.Operand.Type()))
+ }
+ p.w("}; return ")
+ switch n.ConditionalExpression.Operand.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Array:
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, exprDecay, flags)
+ default:
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ p.w("}()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionInit(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ f.condInitPrefix()
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ t = t.Decay()
+ p.w("if ")
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" {")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w("} else { ")
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w("}")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionReturn(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.w("return ")
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ t = t.Decay()
+ p.w("if ")
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" {")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w("}; ")
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ switch ot := n.Operand.Type(); ot.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ if t.Kind() != cc.Function {
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", ot.Kind()))
+ }
+ p.w(" func() ")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, t, "")
+ p.w("{ if ")
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" { return ")
+ switch d := n.Expression.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ }
+ p.w("}; return ")
+ switch d := n.ConditionalExpression.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ p.declaratorDefault(n, d)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ }
+ p.w("}()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type().Elem()))
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0 ")
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ t = t.Decay()
+ p.w(" func() %s { if ", p.typ(n, t))
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" { return ")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("}; return ")
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("}()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ switch {
+ case n.Expression.IsSideEffectsFree:
+ p.w("if !(")
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(") {")
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, n.ConditionalExpression.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ p.w("}")
+ default:
+ p.w("if ")
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" {")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ p.w("} else {")
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, n.ConditionalExpression.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ p.w("}")
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) conditionalExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.ConditionalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.ConditionalExpressionCond: // LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
+ t = t.Decay()
+ p.w(" func() %s { if ", p.typ(n, t))
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" { return ")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("}; return ")
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("}()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpression(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.logicalOrExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ p.binaryLogicalOrExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalOrExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalOrExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression
+ p.binaryLogicalOrExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryLogicalOrExpression(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.binaryLogicalOrExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.binaryLogicalOrExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryLogicalOrExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.booleanBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, n.Operand.Type(), &mode, flags))
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" ||%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, n.LogicalAndExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+func (p *project) binaryLogicalOrExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.LogicalOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.booleanBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.logicalOrExpression(f, n.LogicalOrExpression, n.LogicalOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" ||%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, n.LogicalAndExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+func (p *project) booleanBinaryExpression(n cc.Node, from cc.Operand, to cc.Type, mode *exprMode, flags flags) (r string) {
+ p.w("(")
+ r = ")"
+ switch *mode {
+ case exprBool:
+ *mode = exprValue
+ default:
+ r = p.convert(n, from, to, flags) + r
+ p.w("%sBool32(", p.task.crt)
+ r = ")" + r
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpression(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.logicalAndExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.binaryLogicalAndExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.binaryLogicalAndExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) logicalAndExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.LogicalAndExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression
+ p.binaryLogicalAndExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryLogicalAndExpression(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprBool:
+ p.binaryLogicalAndExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue:
+ p.binaryLogicalAndExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryLogicalAndExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.booleanBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, n.LogicalAndExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" &&%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, n.InclusiveOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+func (p *project) binaryLogicalAndExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.LogicalAndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.booleanBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.logicalAndExpression(f, n.LogicalAndExpression, n.LogicalAndExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w(" &&%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, n.InclusiveOrExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpression(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionAddrof(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.binaryInclusiveOrExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionAddrof(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) inclusiveOrExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.InclusiveOrExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ p.binaryInclusiveOrExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryInclusiveOrExpression(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ switch mode {
+ case exprBool:
+ p.binaryInclusiveOrExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue:
+ p.binaryInclusiveOrExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryInclusiveOrExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ lt := n.InclusiveOrExpression.Operand.Type()
+ rt := n.ExclusiveOrExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch lk, rk := lt.Kind(), rt.Kind(); {
+ case
+ lk == cc.UInt128 || rk == cc.UInt128,
+ lk == cc.Int128 || rk == cc.Int128:
+ p.binaryOrExpressionUint128(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ switch {
+ case orOverflows(n.InclusiveOrExpression.Operand, n.ExclusiveOrExpression.Operand, n.Promote()):
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" |%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" |%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryOrExpressionUint128(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(".Or(")
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+func (p *project) binaryInclusiveOrExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.InclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ switch {
+ case orOverflows(n.InclusiveOrExpression.Operand, n.ExclusiveOrExpression.Operand, n.Promote()):
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" |%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ p.inclusiveOrExpression(f, n.InclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" |%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func orOverflows(lo, ro cc.Operand, promote cc.Type) bool {
+ a, b, ok := getIntOperands(lo, ro)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return overflows(a.Or(a, b), promote)
+func (p *project) artithmeticBinaryExpression(n cc.Node, from cc.Operand, to cc.Type, mode *exprMode, flags flags) (r string) {
+ p.w("(")
+ r = ")"
+ switch *mode {
+ case exprBool:
+ p.w("(")
+ r = ") != 0" + r
+ *mode = exprValue
+ default:
+ switch fk, tk := from.Type().Kind(), to.Kind(); {
+ case fk != tk && fk == cc.Int128:
+ return fmt.Sprintf(".%s()%s", p.helperType(n, to), r)
+ case fk != tk && fk == cc.UInt128:
+ return fmt.Sprintf(".%s()%s", p.helperType(n, to), r)
+ default:
+ r = p.convert(n, from, to, flags) + r
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpression(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ p.binaryExclusiveOrExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) exclusiveOrExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ExclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ p.binaryExclusiveOrExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryExclusiveOrExpression(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue, exprBool:
+ p.binaryExclusiveOrExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryExclusiveOrExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ lt := n.ExclusiveOrExpression.Operand.Type()
+ rt := n.AndExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch lk, rk := lt.Kind(), rt.Kind(); {
+ case
+ lk == cc.UInt128 || rk == cc.UInt128,
+ lk == cc.Int128 || rk == cc.Int128:
+ p.binaryExclusiveOrExpressionUint128(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ switch {
+ case xorOverflows(n.ExclusiveOrExpression.Operand, n.AndExpression.Operand, n.Promote()):
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" ^%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" ^%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryExclusiveOrExpressionUint128(f *function, n *cc.ExclusiveOrExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.exclusiveOrExpression(f, n.ExclusiveOrExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(".Xor(")
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+func xorOverflows(lo, ro cc.Operand, promote cc.Type) bool {
+ a, b, ok := getIntOperands(lo, ro)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return !lo.Type().IsSignedType() && a.Sign() == 0 ||
+ !ro.Type().IsSignedType() && b.Sign() == 0 ||
+ overflows(a.Xor(a, b), promote)
+func (p *project) andExpression(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.andExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.andExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.andExpressionAddrof(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.andExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.andExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.andExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.andExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.andExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.andExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ p.binaryAndExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionAddrof(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.andExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) andExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AndExpressionAnd: // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ p.binaryAndExpression(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryAndExpression(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.binaryAndExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.binaryAndExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryAndExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, n.Operand.Type(), &mode, flags))
+ switch {
+ case andOverflows(n.AndExpression.Operand, n.EqualityExpression.Operand, n.Promote()):
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" &%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" &%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryAndExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ lt := n.AndExpression.Operand.Type()
+ rt := n.EqualityExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch lk, rk := lt.Kind(), rt.Kind(); {
+ case
+ lk == cc.UInt128 || rk == cc.UInt128,
+ lk == cc.Int128 || rk == cc.Int128:
+ p.binaryAndExpressionUint128(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ switch {
+ case andOverflows(n.AndExpression.Operand, n.EqualityExpression.Operand, n.Promote()):
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" &%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" &%s", tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryAndExpressionUint128(f *function, n *cc.AndExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.andExpression(f, n.AndExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(".And(")
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+func andOverflows(lo, ro cc.Operand, promote cc.Type) bool {
+ a, b, ok := getIntOperands(lo, ro)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return overflows(a.And(a, b), promote)
+func (p *project) equalityExpression(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.equalityExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.equalityExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.equalityExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.equalityExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.equalityExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.equalityExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.equalityExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.equalityExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.equalityExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ p.binaryEqualityExpression(f, n, " == ", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ p.binaryEqualityExpression(f, n, " != ", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ // case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ // case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) equalityExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression
+ p.binaryEqualityExpression(f, n, " == ", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.EqualityExpressionNeq: // EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression
+ p.binaryEqualityExpression(f, n, " != ", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryEqualityExpression(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.binaryEqualityExpressionValue(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.binaryEqualityExpressionBool(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryEqualityExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.booleanBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+func (p *project) binaryEqualityExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.EqualityExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.booleanBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.equalityExpression(f, n.EqualityExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+func (p *project) relationalExpression(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.relationalExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.relationalExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.relationalExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.relationalExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.relationalExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.relationalExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.relationalExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.relationalExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.relationalExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ p.binaryRelationalExpression(f, n, " < ", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ p.binaryRelationalExpression(f, n, " > ", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ p.binaryRelationalExpression(f, n, " <= ", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ p.binaryRelationalExpression(f, n, " >= ", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ // case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ // case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ // case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ // case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) relationalExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLt: // RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression
+ p.binaryRelationalExpression(f, n, " < ", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGt: // RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression
+ p.binaryRelationalExpression(f, n, " > ", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionLeq: // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ p.binaryRelationalExpression(f, n, " <= ", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.RelationalExpressionGeq: // RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression
+ p.binaryRelationalExpression(f, n, " >= ", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryRelationalExpression(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ lt := n.RelationalExpression.Operand.Type()
+ rt := n.ShiftExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch lk, rk := lt.Kind(), rt.Kind(); {
+ case
+ lk == cc.UInt128 || rk == cc.UInt128,
+ lk == cc.Int128 || rk == cc.Int128:
+ p.binaryRelationalExpressionInt128(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.booleanBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+func (p *project) binaryRelationalExpressionInt128(f *function, n *cc.RelationalExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.booleanBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.relationalExpression(f, n.RelationalExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(".Cmp(")
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(") %s 0", oper)
+func (p *project) shiftExpression(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.shiftExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.shiftExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.shiftExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.shiftExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.shiftExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.shiftExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.shiftExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.shiftExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.shiftExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ p.binaryShiftExpression(f, n, "<<", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ p.binaryShiftExpression(f, n, ">>", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) shiftExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionLsh: // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ p.binaryShiftExpression(f, n, "<<", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.ShiftExpressionRsh: // ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression
+ p.binaryShiftExpression(f, n, ">>", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryShiftExpression(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.binaryShiftExpressionValue(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.binaryShiftExpressionBool(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) todo(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) {
+ p.w("func() %s { panic(`%v: TODO (%v)`)}()", p.typ(n, t), n.Position(), origin(2))
+func (p *project) binaryShiftExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, n.Operand.Type(), &mode, flags))
+ switch {
+ case n.ShiftExpression.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ p.w("(")
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")&%#x", bfValueMask(n.ShiftExpression.Operand.Type().BitField()))
+ case shiftOverflows(n, n.ShiftExpression.Operand, n.AdditiveExpression.Operand, oper, n.Operand.Type()):
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ case isConstInteger(n.ShiftExpression.Operand):
+ s := p.convertNil(n, n.Operand.Type(), 0)
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("%s %s%s", s, oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func shiftOp(s string) string {
+ switch s {
+ case "<<":
+ return "Shl"
+ case ">>":
+ return "Shr"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%q", s))
+ }
+func bfValueMask(bf cc.Field) uint64 {
+ return uint64(1)<<bf.BitFieldWidth() - 1
+func (p *project) binaryShiftExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.ShiftExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ switch k := n.ShiftExpression.Operand.Type().Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Int128, k == cc.UInt128:
+ p.w("(")
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(").%s(", shiftOp(oper))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, p.intType, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ case n.ShiftExpression.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ p.w("(")
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")&%#x", bfValueMask(n.ShiftExpression.Operand.Type().BitField()))
+ case shiftOverflows(n, n.ShiftExpression.Operand, n.AdditiveExpression.Operand, oper, n.Operand.Type()):
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ case isConstInteger(n.ShiftExpression.Operand):
+ s := p.convertNil(n, n.Operand.Type(), 0)
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("%s %s%s", s, oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ p.shiftExpression(f, n.ShiftExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func shiftOverflows(n cc.Node, lo, ro cc.Operand, oper string, result cc.Type) bool {
+ a, b, ok := getIntOperands(lo, ro)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !b.IsUint64() {
+ return true
+ }
+ bits := b.Uint64()
+ if bits > mathutil.MaxUint {
+ return true
+ }
+ switch oper {
+ case "<<":
+ return overflows(a.Lsh(a, uint(bits)), result)
+ case ">>":
+ return overflows(a.Rsh(a, uint(bits)), result)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpression(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.additiveExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.additiveExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.additiveExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.additiveExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.additiveExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.additiveExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.additiveExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.additiveExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.additiveExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, t.Elem()))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, t.Elem()))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.binaryAdditiveExpression(f, n, "+", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.binaryAdditiveExpression(f, n, "-", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case
+ cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd, // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) additiveExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.binaryAdditiveExpression(f, n, "+", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.AdditiveExpressionSub: // AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
+ p.binaryAdditiveExpression(f, n, "-", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryAdditiveExpression(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.binaryAdditiveExpressionValue(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.binaryAdditiveExpressionBool(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryAdditiveExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, n.Operand.Type(), &mode, flags))
+ lo := n.AdditiveExpression.Operand
+ ro := n.MultiplicativeExpression.Operand
+ lt := lo.Type()
+ rt := ro.Type()
+ switch {
+ case lt.Kind() == cc.Ptr && rt.Kind() == cc.Ptr && oper == "-":
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ case lt.IsArithmeticType() && rt.IsArithmeticType(): // x +- y
+ defer p.w("%s", p.bitFieldPatch2(n, lo, ro, n.Promote())) //TODO bit field big endian
+ switch {
+ case intAddOverflows(n, lo, ro, oper, n.Promote()): // i +- j
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ var s string
+ if isRealType(n.Operand) && n.Operand.Value() != nil {
+ s = p.convertNil(n, n.Promote(), flags)
+ }
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("%s %s%s", s, oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), lt, rt, oper))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryAdditiveExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ lt := n.AdditiveExpression.Operand.Type()
+ rt := n.MultiplicativeExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch lk, rk := lt.Kind(), rt.Kind(); {
+ case
+ lk == cc.UInt128 || rk == cc.UInt128,
+ lk == cc.Int128 || rk == cc.Int128:
+ p.binaryAdditiveExpressionUint128(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ lo := n.AdditiveExpression.Operand
+ ro := n.MultiplicativeExpression.Operand
+ switch {
+ case lt.IsArithmeticType() && rt.IsArithmeticType(): // x +- y
+ defer p.w("%s", p.bitFieldPatch2(n, lo, ro, n.Promote())) //TODO bit field big endian
+ switch {
+ case intAddOverflows(n, lo, ro, oper, n.Promote()): // i +- j
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ var s string
+ if isRealType(n.Operand) && n.Operand.Value() != nil {
+ s = p.convertNil(n, n.Promote(), flags)
+ }
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("%s %s%s", s, oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ case lt.Kind() == cc.Ptr && rt.IsIntegerType(): // p +- i
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, lt, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s uintptr(", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, rt, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ if sz := lt.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ case lt.Kind() == cc.Array && rt.IsIntegerType(): // p +- i
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, lt, exprDecay, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s uintptr(", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, rt, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ if sz := lt.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ case lt.IsIntegerType() && rt.Kind() == cc.Ptr: // i +- p
+ p.w("uintptr(")
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, lt, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ if sz := rt.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ p.w(" %s%s ", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, rt, exprValue, flags)
+ case lt.IsIntegerType() && rt.Kind() == cc.Array: // i +- p
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case lt.Kind() == cc.Ptr && rt.Kind() == cc.Ptr && oper == "-": // p - q
+ p.w("(")
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")/%d", lt.Elem().Size())
+ case lt.Kind() == cc.Ptr && rt.Kind() == cc.Array && oper == "-": // p - q
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, nil, n.Operand.Type(), 0))
+ p.w("(")
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, lt, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, rt.Decay(), exprDecay, flags)
+ p.w(")/%d", lt.Elem().Size())
+ case lt.Kind() == cc.Array && rt.Kind() == cc.Ptr && oper == "-": // p - q
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case lt.Kind() == cc.Array && rt.Kind() == cc.Array && oper == "-": // p - q
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), lt, rt, oper))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryAdditiveExpressionUint128(f *function, n *cc.AdditiveExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.additiveExpression(f, n.AdditiveExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ switch oper {
+ case "+":
+ p.w(".Add(")
+ case "-":
+ p.w(".Sub(")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%q", oper))
+ }
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+func (p *project) bitFieldPatch2(n cc.Node, a, b cc.Operand, promote cc.Type) string {
+ //TODO bit field big endian
+ var m uint64
+ var w int
+ switch {
+ case a.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ bf := a.Type().BitField()
+ w = bf.BitFieldWidth()
+ m = bf.Mask() >> bf.BitFieldOffset()
+ if b.Type().IsBitFieldType() {
+ bf = b.Type().BitField()
+ w2 := bf.BitFieldWidth()
+ if w2 != w {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ }
+ case b.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ bf := b.Type().BitField()
+ w = bf.BitFieldWidth()
+ m = bf.Mask() >> bf.BitFieldOffset()
+ default:
+ return ""
+ }
+ p.w("((")
+ switch {
+ case promote.IsSignedType():
+ n := int(promote.Size())*8 - w
+ var s string
+ switch promote.Size() {
+ case 4:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf(")&%#x", int32(m))
+ default:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf(")&%#x", m)
+ }
+ if n != 0 {
+ s += fmt.Sprintf("<<%d>>%[1]d", n)
+ }
+ return ")" + s
+ default:
+ return fmt.Sprintf(")&%#x)", m)
+ }
+func intAddOverflows(n cc.Node, lo, ro cc.Operand, oper string, promote cc.Type) bool {
+ a, b, ok := getIntOperands(lo, ro)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ switch oper {
+ case "+":
+ return overflows(a.Add(a, b), promote)
+ case "-":
+ return overflows(a.Sub(a, b), promote)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ }
+func getIntOperands(a, b cc.Operand) (x, y *big.Int, ok bool) {
+ switch n := a.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ x = big.NewInt(int64(n))
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ x = big.NewInt(0).SetUint64(uint64(n))
+ default:
+ return nil, nil, false
+ }
+ switch n := b.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ return x, big.NewInt(int64(n)), true
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ return x, big.NewInt(0).SetUint64(uint64(n)), true
+ default:
+ return nil, nil, false
+ }
+func overflows(n *big.Int, promote cc.Type) bool {
+ switch k := promote.Kind(); {
+ case k == cc.Int128, k == cc.UInt128:
+ return false
+ case isSigned(promote):
+ switch promote.Size() {
+ case 4:
+ return n.Cmp(minInt32) < 0 || n.Cmp(maxInt32) > 0
+ case 8:
+ return n.Cmp(minInt64) < 0 || n.Cmp(maxInt64) > 0
+ }
+ default:
+ switch promote.Size() {
+ case 4:
+ return n.Sign() < 0 || n.Cmp(maxUint32) > 0
+ case 8:
+ return n.Sign() < 0 || n.Cmp(maxUint64) > 0
+ }
+ }
+ panic(todo("", promote.Size(), promote))
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpression(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.multiplicativeExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv: // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv: // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv: // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv: // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv: // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case
+ cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul, // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv, // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0 ")
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv: // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv: // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) multiplicativeExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ p.binaryMultiplicativeExpression(f, n, "*", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionDiv: // MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression
+ p.binaryMultiplicativeExpression(f, n, "/", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.MultiplicativeExpressionMod: // MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression
+ p.binaryMultiplicativeExpression(f, n, "%", t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryMultiplicativeExpression(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.binaryMultiplicativeExpressionValue(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryMultiplicativeExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ lt := n.MultiplicativeExpression.Operand.Type()
+ rt := n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch lk, rk := lt.Kind(), rt.Kind(); {
+ case
+ lk == cc.UInt128 || rk == cc.UInt128,
+ lk == cc.Int128 || rk == cc.Int128:
+ p.binaryMultiplicativeExpressionUint128(f, n, oper, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ switch {
+ case intMulOverflows(n, n.Operand, n.MultiplicativeExpression.Operand, n.CastExpression.Operand, oper, n.Promote()):
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ p.w(" %s%s", oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.bitFieldPatch2(n, n.MultiplicativeExpression.Operand, n.CastExpression.Operand, n.Promote())) //TODO bit field big endian
+ var s string
+ if isRealType(n.Operand) && n.Operand.Value() != nil {
+ s = p.convertNil(n, n.Promote(), flags)
+ }
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("%s %s%s", s, oper, tidyComment(" ", &n.Token))
+ if (oper == "/" || oper == "%") && (isZeroReal(n.MultiplicativeExpression.Operand) || isZeroReal(n.CastExpression.Operand)) {
+ p.w("%s%sFrom%[2]s(", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, n.Promote()))
+ defer p.w(")")
+ }
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) binaryMultiplicativeExpressionUint128(f *function, n *cc.MultiplicativeExpression, oper string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.artithmeticBinaryExpression(n, n.Operand, t, &mode, flags))
+ p.multiplicativeExpression(f, n.MultiplicativeExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ switch oper {
+ case "*":
+ p.w(".Mul(")
+ case "/":
+ p.w(".Div(")
+ case "%":
+ p.w(".Mod(")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%q", oper))
+ }
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+func isZeroReal(op cc.Operand) bool {
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Float32Value:
+ return x == 0
+ case cc.Float64Value:
+ return x == 0
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+func intMulOverflows(n cc.Node, r, lo, ro cc.Operand, oper string, promote cc.Type) bool {
+ if (isReal(lo) && !isInf(lo) || isReal(ro) && !isInf(ro)) && isInf(r) {
+ return true
+ }
+ a, b, ok := getIntOperands(lo, ro)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ switch oper {
+ case "*":
+ return overflows(a.Mul(a, b), promote)
+ case "/":
+ if b.Sign() == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ return overflows(a.Div(a, b), promote)
+ case "%":
+ if b.Sign() == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ return overflows(a.Mod(a, b), promote)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", pos(n)))
+ }
+func isReal(op cc.Operand) bool {
+ switch op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Float32Value, cc.Float64Value:
+ return true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+func isInf(op cc.Operand) bool {
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Float32Value:
+ return math.IsInf(float64(x), 0)
+ case cc.Float64Value:
+ return math.IsInf(float64(x), 0)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpression(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if n.Case == cc.CastExpressionCast {
+ if f != nil && n.CastExpression.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Ptr { // void *__ccgo_va_arg(__builtin_va_list ap);
+ sv := f.vaType
+ f.vaType = n.TypeName.Type()
+ defer func() { f.vaType = sv }()
+ }
+ }
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.castExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.castExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.castExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.castExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.castExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.castExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.castExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.castExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.castExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.TypeName.Type(), mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ ot := n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()
+ tn := n.TypeName.Type()
+ var ft cc.Type
+ switch tn.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := ot.Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function, cc.Void:
+ // ok
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v, %v -> %v, %v -> %v, %v", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind(), tn, tn.Kind(), t, t.Kind()))
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := t.Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ ft = et
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v, %v -> %v, %v -> %v, %v", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind(), tn, tn.Kind(), t, t.Kind()))
+ }
+ switch ot.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := ot.Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function, cc.Void:
+ p.w("(*(*")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, ft, "")
+ p.w(")(unsafe.Pointer(")
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, ot, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(")))")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v, %v -> %v, %v -> %v, %v", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind(), tn, tn.Kind(), t, t.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.TypeName.Type(), mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0 ")
+ p.castExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ p.castExpressionAddrOf(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.CastExpressionCast: // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal, opBitfield:
+ p.castExpressionValueNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArray:
+ p.castExpressionValueArray(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opFunction:
+ p.castExpressionValueFunction(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.castExpressionValueNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionValueArrayParameter(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ tn := n.TypeName.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, tn, t, flags))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, tn, mode, flags)
+func (p *project) castExpressionValueFunction(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ op := n.CastExpression.Operand
+ tn := n.TypeName.Type()
+ switch {
+ case op.Type().Kind() == cc.Function:
+ switch {
+ case tn.Kind() == cc.Ptr && t.Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, op.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ case tn.IsIntegerType():
+ p.w("%s(", p.typ(n, tn))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, op.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: tn %v expr %v", n.Position(), tn, op.Type()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v -> %v -> %v", p.pos(n), op.Type(), tn, t))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionValueArray(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ tn := n.TypeName.Type()
+ switch {
+ case tn.IsScalarType():
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, nil, t, flags))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, tn, exprDecay, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+func (p *project) castExpressionValueNormal(f *function, n *cc.CastExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression
+ op := n.CastExpression.Operand
+ tn := n.TypeName.Type()
+ switch {
+ case op.Type().Kind() == cc.Ptr && tn.IsArithmeticType():
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, nil, t, flags|fForceConv))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, op.Type(), mode, flags)
+ case tn.IsArithmeticType():
+ switch {
+ case (tn.Kind() == cc.Float || tn.Kind() == cc.Double) && op.Type().IsIntegerType() && op.Value() != nil && t.IsIntegerType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case isNegativeInt(op) && isUnsigned(t):
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, tn, t, flags|fForceConv))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, tn, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, tn, t, flags))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, tn, exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ default:
+ switch tn.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch {
+ case t.Kind() == cc.Ptr && isNegativeInt(op):
+ p.w("%s(", p.helperType2(n, op.Type(), tn))
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, op.Type(), mode, flags)
+ default:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, tn, t, flags))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, tn, mode, flags)
+ }
+ case cc.Void:
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, tn, exprVoid, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%s: %s %s -> %s %s -> %s %s", n.Position(), op.Type(), op.Type().Kind(), tn, tn.Kind(), t, t.Kind()))
+ }
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpression(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.unaryExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue:
+ p.unaryExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.unaryExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.unaryExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.unaryExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.unaryExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.unaryExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.unaryExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.unaryExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionInc: // "++" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDec: // "--" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDeref: // '*' CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPlus: // '+' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionMinus: // '-' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionCpl: // '~' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionNot: // '!' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr: // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType: // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionLabelAddr: // "&&" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr: // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType: // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionImag: // "__imag__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionReal: // "__real__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionInc: // "++" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDec: // "--" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDeref: // '*' CastExpression
+ ot := n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch ot.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := ot.Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case
+ cc.Struct,
+ cc.Union:
+ p.w("(*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")))")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ case cc.Array:
+ p.w("(*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(")))")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind()))
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPlus: // '+' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionMinus: // '-' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionCpl: // '~' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionNot: // '!' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr: // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType: // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionLabelAddr: // "&&" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr: // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType: // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionImag: // "__imag__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionReal: // "__real__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionInc: // "++" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDec: // "--" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDeref: // '*' CastExpression
+ ot := n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch ot.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := ot.Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, ot, mode, flags|fAddrOfFuncPtrOk)
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et2 := et.Elem(); et2.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ // C: (**)()
+ p.fnVal(n, f, func() { p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, p.ptrType, exprValue, flags|fAddrOfFuncPtrOk) }, n.CastExpression.Declarator(), n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), 1, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et2, et2.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ case cc.Function:
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, ot, mode, flags|fAddrOfFuncPtrOk)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind(), mode))
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPlus: // '+' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionMinus: // '-' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionCpl: // '~' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionNot: // '!' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr: // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType: // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionLabelAddr: // "&&" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr: // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType: // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionImag: // "__imag__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionReal: // "__real__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionInc: // "++" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDec: // "--" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ //TODO- p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type().Elem()))
+ //TODO- p.unaryExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ //TODO- p.w("))")
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDeref: // '*' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ //TODO- ot := n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()
+ //TODO- switch ot.Kind() {
+ //TODO- case cc.Ptr:
+ //TODO- switch et := ot.Elem(); {
+ //TODO- case et.Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ //TODO- switch et2 := et.Elem(); et2.Kind() {
+ //TODO- case cc.Struct:
+ //TODO- if et2.IsIncomplete() {
+ //TODO- p.w("(*(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(")
+ //TODO- p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ //TODO- p.w(")))")
+ //TODO- break
+ //TODO- }
+ //TODO- p.w("(*(**%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type().Elem()))
+ //TODO- p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, exprValue, flags)
+ //TODO- p.w(")))")
+ //TODO- default:
+ //TODO- panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et2, et2.Kind()))
+ //TODO- }
+ //TODO- default:
+ //TODO- panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ //TODO- }
+ //TODO- default:
+ //TODO- panic(todo("", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind()))
+ //TODO- }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPlus: // '+' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionMinus: // '-' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionCpl: // '~' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionNot: // '!' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr: // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType: // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionLabelAddr: // "&&" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr: // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType: // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionImag: // "__imag__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionReal: // "__real__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionNot: // '!' CastExpression
+ p.w("!(")
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ default:
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0 ")
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionInc: // "++" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDec: // "--" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDeref: // '*' CastExpression
+ ot := n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch ot.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := ot.Elem(); {
+ case
+ et.IsScalarType(),
+ et.Kind() == cc.Struct,
+ et.Kind() == cc.Union,
+ et.Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.unaryExpressionDeref(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind()))
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPlus: // '+' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionMinus: // '-' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionCpl: // '~' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionNot: // '!' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr: // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType: // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionLabelAddr: // "&&" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr: // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType: // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionImag: // "__imag__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionReal: // "__real__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionInc: // "++" UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDec(f, n, "++", "+=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDec: // "--" UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDec(f, n, "--", "-=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ switch {
+ case n.CastExpression.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDeref: // '*' CastExpression
+ p.w("_ = *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(")
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ case
+ cc.UnaryExpressionPlus, // '+' CastExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionMinus, // '-' CastExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionNot, // '!' CastExpression
+ cc.UnaryExpressionCpl: // '~' CastExpression
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.CastExpression.Operand, p.intType, flags))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr: // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ // nop
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType: // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ // nop
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionLabelAddr: // "&&" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr: // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType: // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionImag: // "__imag__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionReal: // "__real__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionInc: // "++" UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDec(f, n, "++", "+=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDec: // "--" UnaryExpression
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDec(f, n, "--", "-=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ if t.Kind() != cc.Ptr {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ }
+ switch {
+ case n.CastExpression.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDeref: // '*' CastExpression
+ ot := n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch ot.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr, cc.Array:
+ switch et := ot.Elem(); {
+ case
+ et.IsScalarType(),
+ et.Kind() == cc.Array,
+ et.Kind() == cc.Struct,
+ et.Kind() == cc.Union:
+ p.unaryExpressionDeref(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case et.Kind() == cc.Function:
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind()))
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPlus: // '+' CastExpression
+ p.w(" +")
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionMinus: // '-' CastExpression
+ switch {
+ case isNonNegativeInt(n.CastExpression.Operand) && t.Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ p.w(" -%sUintptr(", p.task.crt)
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ case isZeroReal(n.CastExpression.Operand):
+ p.w(" -")
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.CastExpression.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("%s%sFrom%[2]s(", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ case isNonNegativeInt(n.CastExpression.Operand) && isUnsigned(n.Operand.Type()):
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.CastExpression.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("%sNeg%s(", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ default:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w(" -")
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionCpl: // '~' CastExpression
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ switch {
+ case n.CastExpression.Operand.Value() != nil:
+ switch {
+ case !t.IsIntegerType():
+ p.w(" ^")
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags|fForceRuntimeConv)
+ default:
+ p.w("%sCpl%s(", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ }
+ default:
+ p.w(" ^")
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionNot: // '!' CastExpression
+ p.w("%sBool%s(!(", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, t))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr: // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ p.checkSizeof(n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type())
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertNil(n, t, flags))
+ if d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ var isLocal bool
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ isLocal = true
+ if !local.isPinned {
+ p.w("unsafe.Sizeof(%s)",
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !isLocal {
+ if tld := p.tlds[d]; tld != nil {
+ p.w("unsafe.Sizeof(%s)",
+ break
+ }
+ nm := d.Name().String()
+ if imp := p.imports[nm]; imp != nil {
+ imp.used = true
+ p.w("unsafe.Sizeof(%sX%s)", imp.qualifier, nm)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ t := n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()
+ if p.isArray(f, n.UnaryExpression, t) {
+ p.w("%d", t.Len()*t.Elem().Size())
+ break
+ }
+ s := "(0)"
+ if !t.IsArithmeticType() {
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ // ok
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union, cc.Array:
+ s = "{}"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", t.Kind()))
+ }
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128, cc.UInt128:
+ s = "{}"
+ }
+ p.w("unsafe.Sizeof(%s%s)", p.typ(n, t), s)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType: // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertNil(n, t, flags))
+ t := n.TypeName.Type()
+ p.checkSizeof(n.TypeName, t)
+ if t.Kind() == cc.Array {
+ p.w("%d", t.Len()*t.Elem().Size())
+ break
+ }
+ s := "(0)"
+ if !t.IsArithmeticType() {
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ // ok
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ s = "{}"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", t.Kind()))
+ }
+ }
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128, cc.UInt128:
+ s = "{}"
+ }
+ p.w("unsafe.Sizeof(%s%s)", p.typ(n, t), s)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionLabelAddr: // "&&" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr: // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ if n.TypeName.Type().Kind() == cc.Void {
+ p.intConst(n, "", n.Operand, t, flags)
+ break
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertNil(n, t, flags))
+ t := n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()
+ if p.isArray(f, n.UnaryExpression, t) {
+ p.w("%d", t.Len()*t.Elem().Size())
+ break
+ }
+ s := "(0)"
+ if !t.IsArithmeticType() {
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ // ok
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ s = "{}"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", t.Kind()))
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("unsafe.Alignof(%s%s)", p.typ(n, t), s)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType: // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ if n.TypeName.Type().Kind() == cc.Void {
+ p.intConst(n, "", n.Operand, t, flags)
+ break
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertNil(n, t, flags))
+ t := n.TypeName.Type()
+ if t.Kind() == cc.Array {
+ p.w("%d", t.Len()*t.Elem().Size())
+ break
+ }
+ s := "(0)"
+ if !t.IsArithmeticType() {
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ // ok
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ s = "{}"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", t.Kind()))
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("unsafe.Alignof(%s%s)", p.typ(n, t), s)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionImag: // "__imag__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionReal: // "__real__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) checkSizeof(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) {
+ if !p.checkSizeof0(n, t) {
+ p.err(n, "sizeof type %s: not supported", t.Alias())
+ }
+func (p *project) checkSizeof0(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) (ok bool) {
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case cc.Array:
+ return !t.IsVLA()
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ nf := t.NumField()
+ for i := []int{0}; i[0] < nf; i[0]++ {
+ if !p.checkSizeof0(n, t.FieldByIndex(i).Type()) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionInc: // "++" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDec: // "--" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAddrof: // '&' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionDeref: // '*' CastExpression
+ ot := n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch ot.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr, cc.Array:
+ switch et := ot.Elem(); {
+ case
+ et.IsScalarType(),
+ et.Kind() == cc.Struct,
+ et.Kind() == cc.Union:
+ p.unaryExpressionDeref(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), ot, ot.Kind()))
+ }
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPlus: // '+' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionMinus: // '-' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionCpl: // '~' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionNot: // '!' CastExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofExpr: // "sizeof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionSizeofType: // "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionLabelAddr: // "&&" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofExpr: // "_Alignof" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionAlignofType: // "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionImag: // "__imag__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionReal: // "__real__" UnaryExpression
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func isSigned(t cc.Type) bool { return t.IsIntegerType() && t.IsSignedType() }
+func isUnsigned(t cc.Type) bool { return t.IsIntegerType() && !t.IsSignedType() }
+func isConstInteger(op cc.Operand) bool {
+ switch op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value, cc.Uint64Value:
+ return true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+func isNegativeInt(op cc.Operand) bool {
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ return x < 0
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+func isNonNegativeInt(op cc.Operand) bool {
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ return x >= 0
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ return true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionPreIncDec(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // "++" UnaryExpression etc.
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDecValue(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDecVoid(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionPreIncDecVoid(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // "++" UnaryExpression etc.
+ switch n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128, cc.UInt128:
+ p.unaryExpressionLValue(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type(), exprLValue, 0)
+ switch oper {
+ case "++":
+ p.w(".LValueInc()")
+ case "--":
+ p.w(".LValueDec()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("internal error: %q", oper))
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ // "++" UnaryExpression etc.
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDecVoidNormal(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDecVoidArrayParameter(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionPreIncDecVoidArrayParameter(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // "++" UnaryExpression etc.
+ ut := n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ switch d := p.incDelta(n, ut); d {
+ case 1:
+ p.w("%s", oper)
+ default:
+ p.w("%s %d", oper2, d)
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionPreIncDecVoidNormal(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // "++" UnaryExpression etc.
+ ut := n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()
+ if d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator(); d != nil && p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ x := "Dec"
+ if oper == "++" {
+ x = "Inc"
+ }
+ p.w("%sPre%sAtomic%s(&", p.task.crt, x, p.helperType(n, d.Type()))
+ switch local, tld := f.locals[d], p.tlds[d]; {
+ case local != nil:
+ p.w("%s",
+ case tld != nil:
+ p.w("%s",
+ default:
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ p.w(", %d)", p.incDelta(n.PostfixExpression, ut))
+ return
+ }
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ if ut.IsIntegerType() || ut.Kind() == cc.Ptr && p.incDelta(n, ut) == 1 {
+ p.w("%s", oper)
+ return
+ }
+ switch ut.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr, cc.Double, cc.Float:
+ p.w("%s %d", oper2, p.incDelta(n, ut))
+ return
+ }
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionPreIncDecValue(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // "++" UnaryExpression etc.
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.unaryExpressionPreIncDecValueNormal(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionPreIncDecValueNormal(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // "++" UnaryExpression etc.
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.UnaryExpression.Operand, t, flags))
+ x := "Dec"
+ if oper == "++" {
+ x = "Inc"
+ }
+ ut := n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.w("%sPre%s%s(&", p.task.crt, x, p.helperType(n, ut))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, n.UnaryExpression, ut, exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(", %d)", p.incDelta(n.PostfixExpression, ut))
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDeref(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '*' CastExpression
+ switch mode {
+ case exprValue:
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDerefBool(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '*' CastExpression
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")) != 0")
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDerefAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '*' CastExpression
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDerefLValue(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '*' CastExpression
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefLValueNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArray:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefLValueArray(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefLValueNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDerefLValueArray(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("))%s", p.convertType(n, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type().Elem(), t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDerefLValueNormal(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("))%s", p.convertType(n, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type().Elem(), t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDerefValue(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '*' CastExpression
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal, opArrayParameter:
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefValueNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArray:
+ p.unaryExpressionDerefValueArray(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDerefValueArray(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type().Elem(), t, flags))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("[0]")
+func (p *project) unaryExpressionDerefValueNormal(f *function, n *cc.UnaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // '*' CastExpression
+ switch op := n.Operand.Type(); {
+ case op.Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ default:
+ defer p.w("))%s", p.convertType(n, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type().Elem(), t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.castExpression(f, n.CastExpression, n.CastExpression.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpression(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.postfixExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue:
+ p.postfixExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.postfixExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.postfixExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.postfixExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.postfixExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.postfixExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.w("(")
+ switch {
+ case pe.Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprDecay, flags)
+ case pe.Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ p.postfixExpressionCall(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr:
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelectIndex(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelectCall(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelectSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelectPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelectSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opStruct:
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelectSelectStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opUnion:
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelectSelectUnion(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelectSelectUnion(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ if fld.Offset() != 0 {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, union field with non-zero offset: %s %v", n.Token2.Value, fld.Offset())
+ }
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("(*(**%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type().Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w("/* .%s */", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ p.w(")))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelectSelectStruct(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, t.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprSelect, flags)
+ p.w(".%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelectCall(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type().Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpressionCall(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelectIndex(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ // case opArray:
+ // p.postfixExpressionSelectIndexArray(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opNormal:
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelectIndexNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectIndexArrayParamater(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelectIndexNormal(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case pe.Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.w("(*(**%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type().Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Decay().Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w(")))")
+ default:
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.w("(*(**%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type().Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Decay().Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w(")))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectIndex(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelectPSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type().Elem()); k {
+ case opStruct:
+ p.postfixExpressionPSelectPSelectStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionPSelectPSelectStruct(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, t.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprPSelect, flags)
+ p.w(".%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectPSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type().Elem()); k {
+ case opStruct:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectPSelectStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opUnion:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectPSelectUnion(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectPSelectUnion(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ if fld.Offset() != 0 {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, union field with non-zero offset: %s %v", n.Token2.Value, fld.Offset())
+ }
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectPSelectStruct(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ et := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type().Elem()
+ fld, path, ok := et.FieldByName2(n.Token2.Value)
+ switch {
+ case !ok:
+ panic(todo("", n.Token.Position()))
+ case fld.InUnion():
+ p.w("(*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("%s)))", nonZeroUintptr(pathOff(et, path)))
+ case len(path) != 1:
+ panic(todo("", n.Token.Position()))
+ default:
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ switch {
+ case pe.Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ default:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ p.w(")).%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ }
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opUnion:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectSelectUnion(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opStruct:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectSelectStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectSelectStruct(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprSelect, flags)
+ p.w(".%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectSelectUnion(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ if fld.Offset() != 0 {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, union field with non-zero offset: %s %v", n.Token2.Value, fld.Offset())
+ }
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectIndex(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opArray:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectIndexArray(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opNormal:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectIndexNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.postfixExpressionSelectIndexArrayParamater(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectIndexArrayParamater(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Decay().Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectIndexNormal(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case pe.Kind() != cc.Ptr:
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Decay().Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+ default:
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Decay().Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionSelectIndexArray(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, mode, flags)
+ p.w("[")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("]")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ p.postfixExpressionAddrOfIndex(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ ot := n.Operand.Type()
+ switch ot.Kind() {
+ case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
+ // ok
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "cannot take address of value of type %v", n.Operand.Type())
+ return
+ }
+ if p.pass1 {
+ off := roundup(, uintptr(ot.Align()))
+ f.complits[n] = off
+ += ot.Size()
+ return
+ }
+ off := f.complits[n]
+ p.w("func() uintptr { *(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s)) = ", p.typ(n, ot), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ p.postfixExpressionValue(f, n, ot, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("; return %s%s }()", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionAddrOfSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionAddrOfPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDec(f, n, "++", "+=", t, exprLValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ tn := n.TypeName.Type()
+ switch tn.Decay().Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch tn.Kind() {
+ case cc.Array:
+ switch {
+ case p.pass1:
+ off := roundup(, uintptr(tn.Elem().Align()))
+ f.complits[n] = off
+ += tn.Size()
+ default:
+ off := f.complits[n]
+ p.w(" func() uintptr { *(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s)) = ", p.typ(n, tn), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ p.initializer(f, &cc.Initializer{Case: cc.InitializerInitList, InitializerList: n.InitializerList}, tn, cc.Automatic, nil)
+ p.w("; return %s%s }()", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v", n.Position(), tn))
+ }
+ default:
+ switch {
+ case p.pass1:
+ off := roundup(, uintptr(tn.Align()))
+ f.complits[n] = off
+ += tn.Size()
+ default:
+ off := f.complits[n]
+ p.w(" func() uintptr { *(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s)) = ", p.typ(n, tn), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ p.initializer(f, &cc.Initializer{Case: cc.InitializerInitList, InitializerList: n.InitializerList}, tn, cc.Automatic, nil)
+ p.w("; return %s%s }()", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ }
+ }
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionAddrOfPSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.bitFldOff(pe.Elem(), n.Token2)
+ case pe.Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprDecay, flags)
+ p.fldOff(pe.Elem(), n.Token2)
+ default:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.fldOff(pe.Elem(), n.Token2)
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionAddrOfIndex(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ fallthrough
+ default:
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ d := n.PostfixExpression.Declarator()
+ switch {
+ case pe.Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ case pe.Kind() == cc.Array && d != nil && d.IsParameter:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, mode, flags)
+ }
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Decay().Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionAddrOfSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, nil, mode, flags)
+ p.bitFldOff(pe, n.Token2)
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ fallthrough
+ default:
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, nil, mode, flags)
+ p.fldOff(pe, n.Token2)
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch n.Operand.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := n.Operand.Type().Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ p.fnVal(n, f, func() {
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ }, nil, n.Operand.Type(), 0, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), n.Operand.Type()))
+ }
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ switch n.Operand.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := n.Operand.Type().Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ p.fnVal(n, f, func() {
+ p.postfixExpressionCall(f, n, t, exprValue, flags)
+ }, nil, n.Operand.Type(), 0, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), n.Operand.Type()))
+ }
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ switch n.Operand.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch n.Operand.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := n.Operand.Type().Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ p.fnVal(n, f, func() { p.postfixExpression(f, n, p.ptrType, exprValue, flags) }, nil, n.Operand.Type(), 0, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), et, et.Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), n.Operand.Type(), n.Operand.Type().Kind()))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), n.Operand.Type()))
+ }
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.fnVal(n, f, func() { p.postfixExpression(f, n, p.ptrType, exprValue, flags) }, nil, n.Operand.Type(), 0, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ p.postfixExpressionCall(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDec(f, n, "++", "+=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDec(f, n, "--", "-=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ tn := n.TypeName.Type()
+ switch tn.Decay().Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch tn.Kind() {
+ case cc.Array:
+ switch {
+ case p.pass1:
+ off := roundup(, uintptr(tn.Elem().Align()))
+ f.complits[n] = off
+ += tn.Size()
+ default:
+ off := f.complits[n]
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s)) = ", p.typ(n, tn), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ p.initializer(f, &cc.Initializer{Case: cc.InitializerInitList, InitializerList: n.InitializerList}, tn, cc.Automatic, nil)
+ }
+ return
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v", n.Position(), tn))
+ }
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, tn, t, flags))
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.initializer(f, &cc.Initializer{Case: cc.InitializerInitList, InitializerList: n.InitializerList}, tn, cc.Automatic, nil)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ if p.isArray(f, n.PrimaryExpression, n.Operand.Type()) && t.Kind() == cc.Ptr {
+ mode = exprDecay
+ }
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ p.postfixExpressionValueIndex(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ p.postfixExpressionCall(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionValueSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionValuePSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDec(f, n, "++", "+=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDec(f, n, "--", "-=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ tn := n.TypeName.Type()
+ switch tn.Decay().Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch tn.Kind() {
+ case cc.Array:
+ switch {
+ case p.pass1:
+ off := roundup(, uintptr(tn.Elem().Align()))
+ f.complits[n] = off
+ += tn.Size()
+ default:
+ off := f.complits[n]
+ p.w(" func() uintptr { *(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s)) = ", p.typ(n, tn), f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ p.initializer(f, &cc.Initializer{Case: cc.InitializerInitList, InitializerList: n.InitializerList}, tn, cc.Automatic, nil)
+ p.w("; return %s%s }()", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ }
+ return
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v", n.Position(), tn))
+ }
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, tn, t, flags))
+ p.initializer(f, &cc.Initializer{Case: cc.InitializerInitList, InitializerList: n.InitializerList}, tn, cc.Automatic, nil)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ // Built-in Function: int __builtin_types_compatible_p (type1, type2) You can
+ // use the built-in function __builtin_types_compatible_p to determine whether
+ // two types are the same.
+ //
+ // This built-in function returns 1 if the unqualified versions of the types
+ // type1 and type2 (which are types, not expressions) are compatible, 0
+ // otherwise. The result of this built-in function can be used in integer
+ // constant expressions.
+ //
+ // This built-in function ignores top level qualifiers (e.g., const, volatile).
+ // For example, int is equivalent to const int.
+ //
+ // The type int[] and int[5] are compatible. On the other hand, int and char *
+ // are not compatible, even if the size of their types, on the particular
+ // architecture are the same. Also, the amount of pointer indirection is taken
+ // into account when determining similarity. Consequently, short * is not
+ // similar to short **. Furthermore, two types that are typedefed are
+ // considered compatible if their underlying types are compatible.
+ //
+ // An enum type is not considered to be compatible with another enum type even
+ // if both are compatible with the same integer type; this is what the C
+ // standard specifies. For example, enum {foo, bar} is not similar to enum
+ // {hot, dog}.
+ //
+ // You typically use this function in code whose execution varies depending on
+ // the arguments’ types. For example:
+ //
+ // #define foo(x) \
+ // ({ \
+ // typeof (x) tmp = (x); \
+ // if (__builtin_types_compatible_p (typeof (x), long double)) \
+ // tmp = foo_long_double (tmp); \
+ // else if (__builtin_types_compatible_p (typeof (x), double)) \
+ // tmp = foo_double (tmp); \
+ // else if (__builtin_types_compatible_p (typeof (x), float)) \
+ // tmp = foo_float (tmp); \
+ // else \
+ // abort (); \
+ // tmp; \
+ // })
+ //
+ // Note: This construct is only available for C.
+ p.w(" %d ", n.Operand.Value())
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr: // "__builtin_choose_expr" '(' AssignmentExpression ',' AssignmentExpression ',' AssignmentExpression ')'
+ // You can use the built-in function __builtin_choose_expr to evaluate code
+ // depending on the value of a constant expression. This built-in function
+ // returns exp1 if const_exp, which is an integer constant expression, is
+ // nonzero. Otherwise it returns exp2.
+ //
+ // This built-in function is analogous to the ‘? :’ operator in C, except that
+ // the expression returned has its type unaltered by promotion rules. Also, the
+ // built-in function does not evaluate the expression that is not chosen. For
+ // example, if const_exp evaluates to true, exp2 is not evaluated even if it
+ // has side effects.
+ //
+ // This built-in function can return an lvalue if the chosen argument is an
+ // lvalue.
+ //
+ // If exp1 is returned, the return type is the same as exp1’s type. Similarly,
+ // if exp2 is returned, its return type is the same as exp2.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ //
+ // #define foo(x) \
+ // __builtin_choose_expr ( \
+ // __builtin_types_compatible_p (typeof (x), double), \
+ // foo_double (x), \
+ // __builtin_choose_expr ( \
+ // __builtin_types_compatible_p (typeof (x), float), \
+ // foo_float (x), \
+ // /* The void expression results in a compile-time error \
+ // when assigning the result to something. */ \
+ // (void)0))
+ //
+ // Note: This construct is only available for C. Furthermore, the unused
+ // expression (exp1 or exp2 depending on the value of const_exp) may still
+ // generate syntax errors. This may change in future revisions.
+ switch op := n.AssignmentExpression.Operand; {
+ case op.IsNonZero():
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression2, t, mode, flags)
+ case op.IsZero():
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression3, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValuePSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type().Elem()); k {
+ case opStruct:
+ p.postfixExpressionValuePSelectStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opUnion:
+ p.postfixExpressionValuePSelectUnion(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValuePSelectUnion(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ if fld.Offset() != 0 {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, union field with non-zero offset: %s %v", n.Token2.Value, fld.Offset())
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("/* .%s */", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValuePSelectStruct(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type())
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ fld := n.Field
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, fld.Promote(), t, flags))
+ switch pe.Kind() {
+ case cc.Array:
+ x := p.convertType(n, nil, fld.Promote(), flags)
+ p.w("*(*uint%d)(unsafe.Pointer(", fld.BitFieldBlockWidth())
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprDecay, flags)
+ p.bitFldOff(pe.Elem(), n.Token2)
+ p.w("))")
+ p.w("&%#x>>%d%s", fld.Mask(), fld.BitFieldOffset(), x)
+ if fld.Type().IsSignedType() {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ p.w("<<%d>>%[1]d", int(fld.Promote().Size()*8)-fld.BitFieldWidth())
+ }
+ default:
+ x := p.convertType(n, nil, fld.Promote(), flags)
+ p.w("*(*uint%d)(unsafe.Pointer(", fld.BitFieldBlockWidth())
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.bitFldOff(pe.Elem(), n.Token2)
+ p.w("))&%#x>>%d%s", fld.Mask(), fld.BitFieldOffset(), x)
+ if fld.Type().IsSignedType() {
+ p.w("<<%d>>%[1]d", int(fld.Promote().Size()*8)-fld.BitFieldWidth())
+ }
+ }
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, n.Operand.Type().Decay(), t.Decay(), flags))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.fldOff(n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type().Elem(), n.Token2)
+ case k == opArray:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("[0].%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ et := pe.Elem()
+ fld, path, ok := et.FieldByName2(n.Token2.Value)
+ switch {
+ case !ok:
+ panic(todo(""))
+ case fld.InUnion():
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("%s))", nonZeroUintptr(pathOff(et, path)))
+ case len(path) != 1:
+ panic(todo(""))
+ default:
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")).%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ }
+ }
+func pathOff(t cc.Type, path []int) (r uintptr) {
+ for len(path) != 0 {
+ f := t.FieldByIndex(path[:1])
+ r += f.Offset()
+ path = path[1:]
+ t = f.Type()
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValueIndex(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opArray:
+ p.postfixExpressionValueIndexArray(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opNormal:
+ p.postfixExpressionValueIndexNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.postfixExpressionValueIndexArrayParameter(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValueIndexArrayParameter(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValueIndexNormal(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ switch pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type(); pe.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+ case cc.Array:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprDecay, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), pe, pe.Kind()))
+ }
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValueIndexArray(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch n.Operand.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Array:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprDecay, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, mode, flags)
+ p.w("[")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("]")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValueSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opStruct:
+ p.postfixExpressionValueSelectStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opUnion:
+ p.postfixExpressionValueSelectUnion(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValueSelectUnion(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ fld := n.Field
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w("%s)", p.convertType(n, fld.Promote(), t, flags))
+ x := p.convertType(n, nil, fld.Promote(), flags)
+ p.w("*(*uint%d)(unsafe.Pointer(", fld.BitFieldBlockWidth())
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.bitFldOff(pe, n.Token2)
+ p.w("))&%#x>>%d%s", fld.Mask(), fld.BitFieldOffset(), x)
+ if fld.Type().IsSignedType() {
+ p.w("<<%d>>%[1]d", int(fld.Promote().Size()*8)-fld.BitFieldWidth())
+ }
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionValueSelectStruct(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ fld := n.Field
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w("%s)", p.convertType(n, fld.Promote(), t, flags))
+ x := p.convertType(n, nil, fld.Promote(), flags)
+ p.w("*(*uint%d)(unsafe.Pointer(", fld.BitFieldBlockWidth())
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.bitFldOff(pe, n.Token2)
+ p.w("))&%#x>>%d%s", fld.Mask(), fld.BitFieldOffset(), x)
+ if fld.Type().IsSignedType() {
+ p.w("<<%d>>%[1]d", int(fld.Promote().Size()*8)-fld.BitFieldWidth())
+ }
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n, t, exprDecay, flags)
+ case fld.InUnion():
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, fld.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.fldOff(pe, n.Token2)
+ p.w("))")
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprSelect, flags)
+ p.w(".%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n.PrimaryExpression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionIndex: // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ p.postfixExpressionLValueIndex(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionCall: // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionLValueSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ p.postfixExpressionLValuePSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionInc: // PostfixExpression "++"
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDec(f, n, "++", "+=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionDec: // PostfixExpression "--"
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDec(f, n, "--", "-=", t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionComplit: // '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionTypeCmp: // "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')'
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionChooseExpr:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValuePSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type().Elem()); k {
+ case opStruct:
+ if !p.inUnion(n, pe.Operand.Type().Elem(), n.Token2.Value) {
+ p.postfixExpressionLValuePSelectStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, pe, pe.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.fldOff(pe.Operand.Type().Elem(), n.Token2)
+ p.w("))")
+ case opUnion:
+ p.postfixExpressionLValuePSelectUnion(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValuePSelectUnion(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ if fld.Offset() != 0 {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, union field with non-zero offset: %s %v", n.Token2.Value, fld.Offset())
+ }
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("(*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("/* .%s */", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ p.w(")))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValuePSelectStruct(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type())
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case k == opArray:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("[0].%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")).%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValueIndex(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opArray:
+ p.postfixExpressionLValueIndexArray(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opNormal:
+ p.postfixExpressionLValueIndexNormal(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.postfixExpressionLValueIndexArrayParameter(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValueIndexArrayParameter(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValueIndexNormal(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ switch pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type(); pe.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprValue, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+ case cc.Array:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, pe.Elem()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprDecay, flags)
+ if !n.Expression.Operand.IsZero() {
+ p.nzUintptr(n, func() { p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Expression.Operand)
+ if sz := pe.Elem().Size(); sz != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", sz)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("))")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), pe))
+ }
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValueIndexArray(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']'
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, mode, flags)
+ p.w("[")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("]")
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValueSelect(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, pe, pe.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opStruct:
+ if !p.inUnion(n, pe.Operand.Type(), n.Token2.Value) {
+ p.postfixExpressionLValueSelectStruct(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, pe, pe.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.fldOff(pe.Operand.Type(), n.Token2)
+ p.w("))")
+ case opUnion:
+ p.postfixExpressionLValueSelectUnion(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) inUnion(n cc.Node, t cc.Type, fname cc.StringID) bool {
+ f, ok := t.FieldByName(fname)
+ if !ok {
+ p.err(n, "unknown field: %s", fname)
+ return false
+ }
+ return f.InUnion()
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValueSelectUnion(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ fld := n.Field
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch {
+ case pe.Kind() == cc.Array:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ nonZeroUintptr(fld.Offset())
+ p.w("))")
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionLValueSelectStruct(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ fld := n.Field
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if fld.IsBitField() {
+ p.err(&n.Token2, "internal error, wrong function for accessing a bit field: %s", n.Token2.Value)
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprSelect, flags)
+ p.w(".%s", p.fieldName(n, n.Token2.Value))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDec(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDecVoid(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDecLValue(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDecValue(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDecValue(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "++"
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDecValueNormal(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ case opBitfield:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDecValueBitfield(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDecValueArrayParameter(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), pe, pe.Kind(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDecValueArrayParameter(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "++"
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.PostfixExpression.Operand, t, flags))
+ x := "Dec"
+ if oper == "++" {
+ x = "Inc"
+ }
+ p.w("%sPost%s%s(&", p.task.crt, x, p.helperType(n, pe.Decay()))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(", %d)", p.incDelta(n.PostfixExpression, pe))
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDecValueBitfield(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "++"
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.PostfixExpression.Operand, t, flags))
+ x := "Dec"
+ if oper == "++" {
+ x = "Inc"
+ }
+ bf := pe.BitField()
+ p.w("%sPost%sBitFieldPtr%d%s(", p.task.crt, x, bf.BitFieldBlockWidth(), p.bfHelperType(pe))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", %d, %d, %d, %#x)", p.incDelta(n.PostfixExpression, pe), bf.BitFieldBlockWidth(), bf.BitFieldOffset(), bf.Mask())
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDecValueNormal(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression "++"
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.PostfixExpression.Operand, t, flags))
+ x := "Dec"
+ if oper == "++" {
+ x = "Inc"
+ }
+ if d := n.PostfixExpression.Declarator(); d != nil && p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ p.w("%sPost%sAtomic%s(&", p.task.crt, x, p.helperType(n, pe))
+ var local *local
+ var tld *tld
+ if f != nil {
+ local = f.locals[d]
+ }
+ if local == nil {
+ tld = p.tlds[d]
+ }
+ switch {
+ case local != nil:
+ p.w("%s",
+ case tld != nil:
+ p.w("%s",
+ default:
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ p.w(", %d)", p.incDelta(n.PostfixExpression, pe))
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%sPost%s%s(&", p.task.crt, x, p.helperType(n, pe))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(", %d)", p.incDelta(n.PostfixExpression, pe))
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDecLValue(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n, n.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDecLValueNormal(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDecLValueNormal(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.PostfixExpression.Operand, t, flags))
+ x := "Dec"
+ if oper == "++" {
+ x = "Inc"
+ }
+ p.w("%sPost%s%s(&", p.task.crt, x, p.helperType(n, pe))
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(", %d)", p.incDelta(n.PostfixExpression, pe))
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDecVoid(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n, n.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDecVoidNormal(f, n, oper, oper2, t, mode, flags)
+ case opBitfield:
+ p.postfixExpressionIncDec(f, n, oper, oper2, t, exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionIncDecVoidNormal(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, oper, oper2 string, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if d := n.PostfixExpression.Declarator(); d != nil && p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ switch d.Type().Size() {
+ case 4, 8:
+ if !d.Type().IsIntegerType() {
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator type: %v", d.Type())
+ return
+ }
+ if f != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ p.w("atomic.Add%s(&%s, ", p.helperType(n, d.Type()),
+ switch oper {
+ case "++":
+ // ok
+ case "--":
+ p.w("-")
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator operation: %v", oper)
+ }
+ p.w("%d)", p.incDelta(n, d.Type()))
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if tld := p.tlds[d]; tld != nil {
+ p.w("atomic.Add%s(&%s, ", p.helperType(n, d.Type()),
+ switch oper {
+ case "++":
+ // ok
+ case "--":
+ p.w("-")
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator operation: %v", oper)
+ }
+ p.w("%d)", p.incDelta(n, d.Type()))
+ return
+ }
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), d.Position()))
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator size: %v", d.Type().Size())
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ pe := n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type().Decay()
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, pe, exprLValue, flags)
+ if pe.IsIntegerType() || pe.Kind() == cc.Ptr && p.incDelta(n, pe) == 1 {
+ p.w("%s", oper)
+ return
+ }
+ switch pe.Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr, cc.Float, cc.Double:
+ p.w("%s %d", oper2, p.incDelta(n, pe))
+ return
+ }
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), pe, pe.Kind()))
+func (p *project) incDelta(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) uintptr {
+ if t.IsArithmeticType() {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if t.Kind() == cc.Ptr || t.Kind() == cc.Array {
+ return t.Elem().Size()
+ }
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), t.Kind()))
+func (p *project) bitFldOff(t cc.Type, tok cc.Token) {
+ var off uintptr
+ fld, ok := t.FieldByName(tok.Value)
+ switch {
+ case ok && !fld.IsBitField():
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: bitFdlOff must not be used with non bit fields", origin(2)))
+ case !ok:
+ p.err(&tok, "uknown field: %s", tok.Value)
+ default:
+ off = fld.BitFieldBlockFirst().Offset()
+ }
+ if off != 0 {
+ p.w("+%d", off)
+ }
+ p.w("/* &.%s */", tok.Value)
+func (p *project) fldOff(t cc.Type, tok cc.Token) {
+ if t.Kind() == cc.Ptr {
+ t = t.Elem()
+ }
+ var off uintptr
+ fld, ok := t.FieldByName(tok.Value)
+ switch {
+ case ok && fld.IsBitField():
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: fdlOff must not be used with bit fields", origin(2)))
+ case !ok:
+ p.err(&tok, "uknown field: %s", tok.Value)
+ default:
+ off = fld.Offset()
+ }
+ if off != 0 {
+ p.w("+%d", off)
+ }
+ p.w("/* &.%s */", tok.Value)
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionCall(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ switch mode {
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.postfixExpressionCallVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue:
+ p.postfixExpressionCallValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.postfixExpressionCallBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionCallBool(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ defer p.w(" != 0")
+ if d := n.PostfixExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ switch d.Name() {
+ case idVaArg:
+ if !f.vaType.IsScalarType() {
+ panic(todo("", f.vaType))
+ }
+ lhs := n.ArgumentExpressionList.AssignmentExpression
+ p.w("%sVa%s(&", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, f.vaType))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ case idAtomicLoadN:
+ p.atomicLoadN(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ case idBuiltinConstantPImpl:
+ p.w("%v", n.Operand.Value())
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ var va uintptr
+ if f != nil {
+ va = f.vaLists[n]
+ }
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type(), exprFunc, flags)
+ p.argumentExpressionList(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.ArgumentExpressionList, va)
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionCallValue(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ if d := n.PostfixExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ switch d.Name() {
+ case idVaEnd:
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ arg := n.ArgumentExpressionList.AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, arg, arg.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ return
+ case idVaStart:
+ lhs := n.ArgumentExpressionList.AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(" = %s", f.vaName)
+ return
+ case idVaArg:
+ if !f.vaType.IsScalarType() {
+ panic(todo("", f.vaType))
+ }
+ lhs := n.ArgumentExpressionList.AssignmentExpression
+ p.w("%sVa%s(&", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, f.vaType))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ case idAtomicLoadN:
+ p.atomicLoadN(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ case idAddOverflow:
+ p.addOverflow(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ case idSubOverflow:
+ p.subOverflow(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ case idMulOverflow:
+ p.mulOverflow(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ case idBuiltinConstantPImpl:
+ p.w("%v", n.Operand.Value())
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ var va uintptr
+ if f != nil {
+ va = f.vaLists[n]
+ }
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type(), exprFunc, flags)
+ p.argumentExpressionList(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.ArgumentExpressionList, va)
+// bool __builtin_mul_overflow (type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
+func (p *project) mulOverflow(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ args := p.argList(n.ArgumentExpressionList)
+ if len(args) != 3 {
+ p.err(n, "expected 3 arguments in call to __builtin_mul_overflow")
+ return
+ }
+ pt := args[2].Operand.Type()
+ if pt.Kind() != cc.Ptr {
+ p.err(n, "invalid argument of __builtin_mul_overflow (expected pointer): %s", pt)
+ return
+ }
+ vt := pt.Elem()
+ switch {
+ case vt.IsIntegerType():
+ switch vt.Size() {
+ case 1, 2, 4, 8, 16:
+ p.w("%sX__builtin_mul_overflow%s", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, vt))
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "invalid argument of __builtin_mul_overflow: %v, elem kind %v", pt, vt.Kind())
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("(%s", f.tlsName)
+ types := []cc.Type{vt, vt, pt}
+ for i, v := range args[:3] {
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, v, types[i], exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ }
+ p.err(n, "invalid arguments of __builtin_mul_overflow: (%v, %v, %v)", args[0].Operand.Type(), args[1].Operand.Type(), args[2].Operand.Type())
+// bool __builtin_sub_overflow (type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
+func (p *project) subOverflow(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ args := p.argList(n.ArgumentExpressionList)
+ if len(args) != 3 {
+ p.err(n, "expected 3 arguments in call to __builtin_sub_overflow")
+ return
+ }
+ pt := args[2].Operand.Type()
+ if pt.Kind() != cc.Ptr {
+ p.err(n, "invalid argument of __builtin_sub_overflow (expected pointer): %s", pt)
+ return
+ }
+ vt := pt.Elem()
+ switch {
+ case vt.IsIntegerType():
+ switch vt.Size() {
+ case 1, 2, 4, 8:
+ p.w("%sX__builtin_sub_overflow%s", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, vt))
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "invalid argument of __builtin_sub_overflow: %v, elem kind %v", pt, vt.Kind())
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("(%s", f.tlsName)
+ types := []cc.Type{vt, vt, pt}
+ for i, v := range args[:3] {
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, v, types[i], exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ }
+ p.err(n, "invalid arguments of __builtin_sub_overflow: (%v, %v, %v)", args[0].Operand.Type(), args[1].Operand.Type(), args[2].Operand.Type())
+// bool __builtin_add_overflow (type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
+func (p *project) addOverflow(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ args := p.argList(n.ArgumentExpressionList)
+ if len(args) != 3 {
+ p.err(n, "expected 3 arguments in call to __builtin_add_overflow")
+ return
+ }
+ pt := args[2].Operand.Type()
+ if pt.Kind() != cc.Ptr {
+ p.err(n, "invalid argument of __builtin_add_overflow (expected pointer): %s", pt)
+ return
+ }
+ vt := pt.Elem()
+ switch {
+ case vt.IsIntegerType():
+ switch vt.Size() {
+ case 1, 2, 4, 8:
+ p.w("%sX__builtin_add_overflow%s", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, vt))
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "invalid argument of __builtin_add_overflow: %v, elem kind %v", pt, vt.Kind())
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("(%s", f.tlsName)
+ types := []cc.Type{vt, vt, pt}
+ for i, v := range args[:3] {
+ p.w(", ")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, v, types[i], exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ }
+ p.err(n, "invalid arguments of __builtin_add_overflow: (%v, %v, %v)", args[0].Operand.Type(), args[1].Operand.Type(), args[2].Operand.Type())
+// type __atomic_load_n (type *ptr, int memorder)
+func (p *project) atomicLoadN(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ args := p.argList(n.ArgumentExpressionList)
+ if len(args) != 2 {
+ p.err(n, "expected 2 arguments in call to __atomic_load_n")
+ return
+ }
+ pt := args[0].Operand.Type()
+ if pt.Kind() != cc.Ptr {
+ p.err(n, "invalid argument of __atomic_load_n (expected pointer): %s", pt)
+ return
+ }
+ vt := pt.Elem()
+ switch {
+ case vt.IsIntegerType():
+ var s string
+ switch {
+ case vt.IsSignedType():
+ s = "Int"
+ default:
+ s = "Uint"
+ }
+ switch vt.Size() {
+ case 2, 4, 8:
+ p.w("%sAtomicLoadN%s%d", p.task.crt, s, 8*vt.Size())
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "invalid argument of __atomic_load_n: %v, elem kind %v", pt, vt.Kind())
+ return
+ }
+ types := []cc.Type{pt, p.intType}
+ p.w("(")
+ for i, v := range args[:2] {
+ if i != 0 {
+ p.w(", ")
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, v, types[i], exprValue, flags)
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ case vt.Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ panic(todo("", pt, vt))
+ }
+ p.err(n, "invalid first argument of __atomic_load_n: %v, elem kind %v", pt, vt.Kind())
+func (p *project) postfixExpressionCallVoid(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')'
+ if d := n.PostfixExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ switch d.Name() {
+ case idVaEnd:
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ arg := n.ArgumentExpressionList.AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, arg, arg.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ return
+ case idVaStart:
+ lhs := n.ArgumentExpressionList.AssignmentExpression
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(" = %s", f.vaName)
+ return
+ case idVaArg:
+ if !f.vaType.IsScalarType() {
+ panic(todo("", f.vaType))
+ }
+ lhs := n.ArgumentExpressionList.AssignmentExpression
+ p.w("%sVa%s(&", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, f.vaType))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ case idAtomicStoreN:
+ p.atomicStoreN(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ case idMulOverflow:
+ p.mulOverflow(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ var va uintptr
+ if f != nil {
+ va = f.vaLists[n]
+ }
+ p.postfixExpression(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.PostfixExpression.Operand.Type(), exprFunc, flags)
+ p.argumentExpressionList(f, n.PostfixExpression, n.ArgumentExpressionList, va)
+// void __atomic_store_n (type *ptr, type val, int memorder)
+func (p *project) atomicStoreN(f *function, n *cc.PostfixExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ args := p.argList(n.ArgumentExpressionList)
+ if len(args) != 3 {
+ p.err(n, "expected 3 arguments in call to __atomic_store_n")
+ return
+ }
+ pt := args[0].Operand.Type()
+ if pt.Kind() != cc.Ptr {
+ p.err(n, "invalid first argument of __atomic_store_n (expected pointer): %s", pt)
+ return
+ }
+ vt := args[1].Operand.Type()
+ switch {
+ case vt.IsIntegerType():
+ var s string
+ switch {
+ case vt.IsSignedType():
+ s = "Int"
+ default:
+ s = "Uint"
+ }
+ switch vt.Size() {
+ case 2, 4, 8:
+ p.w("%sAtomicStoreN%s%d", p.task.crt, s, 8*vt.Size())
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "invalid arguments of __atomic_store_n: (%v, %v), element kind %v", pt, vt, vt.Kind())
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("(")
+ types := []cc.Type{pt, vt, p.intType}
+ for i, v := range args[:3] {
+ if i != 0 {
+ p.w(", ")
+ }
+ if i == 1 {
+ p.w("%s(", strings.ToLower(p.helperType(n, vt)))
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, v, types[i], exprValue, flags)
+ if i == 1 {
+ p.w(")")
+ }
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ case vt.Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ panic(todo("", pt, vt))
+ }
+ p.err(n, "invalid arguments of __atomic_store_n: (%v, %v), element kind %v", pt, vt, vt.Kind())
+func (p *project) argList(n *cc.ArgumentExpressionList) (r []*cc.AssignmentExpression) {
+ for ; n != nil; n = n.ArgumentExpressionList {
+ r = append(r, n.AssignmentExpression)
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) argumentExpressionList(f *function, pe *cc.PostfixExpression, n *cc.ArgumentExpressionList, bpOff uintptr) {
+ switch {
+ case f == nil:
+ p.w("(nil")
+ default:
+ p.w("(%s", f.tlsName)
+ }
+ ft := funcType(pe.Operand.Type())
+ isVariadic := ft.IsVariadic()
+ params := ft.Parameters()
+ if len(params) == 1 && params[0].Type().Kind() == cc.Void {
+ params = nil
+ }
+ var args []*cc.AssignmentExpression
+ for ; n != nil; n = n.ArgumentExpressionList {
+ args = append(args, n.AssignmentExpression)
+ }
+ if len(args) < len(params) {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ va := true
+ if len(args) > len(params) && !isVariadic {
+ var a []string
+ for _, v := range args {
+ a = append(a, v.Operand.Type().String())
+ }
+ sargs := strings.Join(a, ",")
+ switch d := pe.Declarator(); {
+ case d == nil:
+ p.err(pe, "too many arguments (%s) in call to %s", sargs, ft)
+ default:
+ p.err(pe, "too many arguments (%s) in call to %s of type %s", sargs, d.Name(), ft)
+ }
+ va = false
+ }
+ paren := ""
+ for i, arg := range args {
+ p.w(",%s", tidyComment(" ", arg))
+ mode := exprValue
+ if at := arg.Operand.Type(); at.Kind() == cc.Array {
+ mode = exprDecay
+ }
+ switch {
+ case i < len(params):
+ switch pt := params[i].Type(); {
+ case isTransparentUnion(params[i].Type()):
+ p.callArgTransparentUnion(f, arg, pt)
+ default:
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, arg, arg.Promote(), mode, 0)
+ }
+ case va && i == len(params):
+ p.w("%sVaList(%s%s, ", p.task.crt, f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(bpOff))
+ paren = ")"
+ fallthrough
+ default:
+ var flags flags
+ if arg.Promote().IsIntegerType() {
+ switch x := arg.Operand.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ if x < mathutil.MinInt || x > mathutil.MaxInt {
+ flags |= fForceConv
+ }
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ if x > mathutil.MaxInt {
+ flags |= fForceConv
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, arg, arg.Promote(), mode, flags)
+ }
+ }
+ if isVariadic && len(args) == len(params) {
+ p.w(", 0")
+ }
+ p.w("%s)", paren)
+// transparent_union
+// This attribute, attached to a union type definition, indicates that any
+// function parameter having that union type causes calls to that function to
+// be treated in a special way.
+// First, the argument corresponding to a transparent union type can be of any
+// type in the union; no cast is required. Also, if the union contains a
+// pointer type, the corresponding argument can be a null pointer constant or a
+// void pointer expression; and if the union contains a void pointer type, the
+// corresponding argument can be any pointer expression. If the union member
+// type is a pointer, qualifiers like const on the referenced type must be
+// respected, just as with normal pointer conversions.
+// Second, the argument is passed to the function using the calling conventions
+// of first member of the transparent union, not the calling conventions of the
+// union itself. All members of the union must have the same machine
+// representation; this is necessary for this argument passing to work
+// properly.
+// Transparent unions are designed for library functions that have multiple
+// interfaces for compatibility reasons. For example, suppose the wait function
+// must accept either a value of type int * to comply with Posix, or a value of
+// type union wait * to comply with the 4.1BSD interface. If wait's parameter
+// were void *, wait would accept both kinds of arguments, but it would also
+// accept any other pointer type and this would make argument type checking
+// less useful. Instead, <sys/wait.h> might define the interface as follows:
+// typedef union
+// {
+// int *__ip;
+// union wait *__up;
+// } wait_status_ptr_t __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__));
+// pid_t wait (wait_status_ptr_t);
+// This interface allows either int * or union wait * arguments to be passed,
+// using the int * calling convention. The program can call wait with arguments
+// of either type:
+// int w1 () { int w; return wait (&w); }
+// int w2 () { union wait w; return wait (&w); }
+// With this interface, wait's implementation might look like this:
+// pid_t wait (wait_status_ptr_t p)
+// {
+// return waitpid (-1, p.__ip, 0);
+// }
+func (p *project) callArgTransparentUnion(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, pt cc.Type) {
+ if pt.Kind() != cc.Union {
+ panic(todo("internal error"))
+ }
+ ot := n.Operand.Type()
+ switch k := pt.UnionCommon(); k {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ if ot.Kind() != k {
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k, pt))
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n, ot, exprValue, 0)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k, pt))
+ }
+func isTransparentUnion(t cc.Type) (r bool) {
+ for _, v := range attrs(t) {
+ cc.Inspect(v, func(n cc.Node, _ bool) bool {
+ if x, ok := n.(*cc.AttributeValue); ok && x.Token.Value == idTransparentUnion {
+ r = true
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ return r
+func attrs(t cc.Type) []*cc.AttributeSpecifier {
+ if a := t.Attributes(); len(a) != 0 {
+ return a
+ }
+ if t.IsAliasType() {
+ if a := t.Alias().Attributes(); len(a) != 0 {
+ return a
+ }
+ return t.AliasDeclarator().Type().Attributes()
+ }
+ return nil
+func (p *project) nzUintptr(n cc.Node, f func(), op cc.Operand) {
+ if op.Type().IsIntegerType() {
+ switch {
+ case op.IsZero():
+ return
+ case op.Value() != nil:
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ if x > 0 && uint64(x) <= 1<<(8*p.ptrSize)-1 {
+ p.w("+%d", x)
+ return
+ }
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ if uint64(x) <= 1<<(8*p.ptrSize)-1 {
+ p.w("+%d", x)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.w(" +%sUintptrFrom%s(", p.task.crt, p.helperType(n, op.Type()))
+ default:
+ p.w(" +uintptr(")
+ }
+ f()
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ }
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+func (p *project) primaryExpression(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch mode {
+ case exprLValue:
+ p.primaryExpressionLValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprValue:
+ p.primaryExpressionValue(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprFunc:
+ p.primaryExpressionFunc(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprAddrOf:
+ p.primaryExpressionAddrOf(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprSelect:
+ p.primaryExpressionSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprPSelect:
+ p.primaryExpressionPSelect(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprBool:
+ p.primaryExpressionBool(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.primaryExpressionVoid(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ case exprDecay:
+ p.primaryExpressionDecay(f, n, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionDecay(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ switch d := n.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ p.intConst(n, n.Token.Src.String(), n.Operand, t, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat: // FLOATCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum: // ENUMCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionChar: // CHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar: // LONGCHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionString: // STRINGLITERAL
+ p.w("%s", p.stringLiteral(n.Operand.Value()))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ p.w("%s", p.wideStringLiteral(n.Operand.Value(), 0))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.err(n, "statement expressions not supported")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionVoid(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ p.w("_ = ")
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt, // INTCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat, // FLOATCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum, // ENUMCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionChar, // CHARCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar, // LONGCHARCONST
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionString, // STRINGLITERAL
+ cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ // nop
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.compoundStatement(f, n.CompoundStatement, "", true, false, 0)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionBool(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if n.Case != cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr {
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ }
+ if n.Case != cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr {
+ defer p.w(" != 0")
+ }
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ switch d := n.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, d.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ p.intConst(n, n.Token.Src.String(), n.Operand, n.Operand.Type(), flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat: // FLOATCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum: // ENUMCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionChar: // CHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar: // LONGCHARCONST
+ p.charConst(n, n.Token.Src.String(), n.Operand, t, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionString: // STRINGLITERAL
+ p.w(" 1 ")
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.w("func() %v {", p.typ(n, n.CompoundStatement.Operand.Type()))
+ p.compoundStatement(f, n.CompoundStatement, "", true, false, exprValue)
+ p.w("}()")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionPSelect(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ switch d := n.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ switch k := p.declaratorKind(d); k {
+ case opArray:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ p.primaryExpression(f, n, t, exprDecay, flags)
+ default:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat: // FLOATCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum: // ENUMCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionChar: // CHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar: // LONGCHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionString: // STRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.err(n, "statement expressions not supported")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionSelect(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ switch d := n.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat: // FLOATCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum: // ENUMCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionChar: // CHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar: // LONGCHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionString: // STRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.err(n, "statement expressions not supported")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionAddrOf(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ switch d := n.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat: // FLOATCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum: // ENUMCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionChar: // CHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar: // LONGCHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionString: // STRINGLITERAL
+ p.w("%s", p.stringLiteral(n.Operand.Value()))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ p.w("%s", p.wideStringLiteral(n.Operand.Value(), 0))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.err(n, "statement expressions not supported")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionFunc(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ p.fnVal(n, f, func() { p.primaryExpression(f, n, n.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags) }, n.Declarator(), n.Operand.Type(), 0, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat: // FLOATCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum: // ENUMCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionChar: // CHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar: // LONGCHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionString: // STRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.err(n, "statement expressions not supported")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func cmpNormalizeValue(v cc.Value) cc.Value {
+ switch x := v.(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ if x >= 0 {
+ return cc.Uint64Value(x)
+ }
+ }
+ return v
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionValue(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ switch d := n.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ if m := n.Token.Macro(); m != 0 {
+ if d := p.defines[m]; != "" {
+ if cmpNormalizeValue(n.Operand.Value()) == cmpNormalizeValue(d.value) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w(" %s ",
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("/* %s */", m)
+ }
+ }
+ p.intConst(n, n.Token.Src.String(), n.Operand, t, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat: // FLOATCONST
+ //TODO use #define
+ p.floatConst(n, n.Token.Src.String(), n.Operand, t, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum: // ENUMCONST
+ en := n.ResolvedTo().(*cc.Enumerator)
+ if n.ResolvedIn().Parent() == nil {
+ if nm := p.enumConsts[en.Token.Value]; nm != "" {
+ p.w(" %s ", nm)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.intConst(n, "", n.Operand, t, flags)
+ p.w("/* %s */", en.Token.Value)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionChar: // CHARCONST
+ p.charConst(n, n.Token.Src.String(), n.Operand, t, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar: // LONGCHARCONST
+ p.charConst(n, n.Token.Src.String(), n.Operand, t, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionString: // STRINGLITERAL
+ p.w("%s", p.stringLiteral(n.Operand.Value()))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ p.w("%s", p.wideStringLiteral(n.Operand.Value(), 0))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.statementExpression(f, n.CompoundStatement, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) statementExpression(f *function, n *cc.CompoundStatement, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, n.Operand, t, flags))
+ p.w(" func() %v {", p.typ(n, n.Operand.Type()))
+ p.compoundStatement(f, n, "", true, false, mode)
+ p.w("}()")
+func (p *project) primaryExpressionLValue(f *function, n *cc.PrimaryExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
+ switch d := n.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, t, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionInt: // INTCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionFloat: // FLOATCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionEnum: // ENUMCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionChar: // CHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLChar: // LONGCHARCONST
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionString: // STRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionLString: // LONGSTRINGLITERAL
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
+ p.w("(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, t, mode, flags)
+ case cc.PrimaryExpressionStmt: // '(' CompoundStatement ')'
+ p.err(n, "statement expressions not supported")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) stringLiteralString(s string) string {
+ if p.pass1 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ id := cc.String(s)
+ off, ok := p.tsOffs[id]
+ if !ok {
+ off = uintptr(p.ts.Len())
+ p.ts.WriteString(s)
+ p.ts.WriteByte(0)
+ p.tsOffs[id] = off
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%s%s)%s", p.tsNameP, nonZeroUintptr(off), p.stringSnippet(s))
+func (p *project) stringLiteral(v cc.Value) string {
+ if p.pass1 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ switch x := v.(type) {
+ case cc.StringValue:
+ id := cc.StringID(x)
+ off, ok := p.tsOffs[id]
+ s := id.String()
+ if !ok {
+ off = uintptr(p.ts.Len())
+ p.ts.WriteString(s)
+ p.ts.WriteByte(0)
+ p.tsOffs[id] = off
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%s%s)%s", p.tsNameP, nonZeroUintptr(off), p.stringSnippet(s))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T", x))
+ }
+func (p *project) stringSnippet(s string) string {
+ s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "*/", "*\\/")
+ const max = 16
+ switch {
+ case len(s) <= max:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("/* %q */", s)
+ default:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("/* %q */", s[:16]+"...")
+ }
+func (p *project) wideStringLiteral(v cc.Value, pad int) string {
+ if p.pass1 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ switch x := v.(type) {
+ case cc.WideStringValue:
+ id := cc.StringID(x)
+ off, ok := p.tsWOffs[id]
+ if !ok {
+ off = p.wcharSize * uintptr(len(p.tsW))
+ s := []rune(id.String())
+ if pad != 0 {
+ s = append(s, make([]rune, pad)...)
+ }
+ p.tsW = append(p.tsW, s...)
+ p.tsW = append(p.tsW, 0)
+ p.tsWOffs[id] = off
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%s%s)", p.tsWNameP, nonZeroUintptr(off))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T", x))
+ }
+func (p *project) charConst(n cc.Node, src string, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) {
+ switch {
+ case to.IsArithmeticType():
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, op, to, flags))
+ case to.Kind() == cc.Ptr && op.IsZero():
+ p.w(" 0 ")
+ return
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: t %v, to %v, to.Alias() %v", n.Position(), op.Type(), to, to.Alias()))
+ }
+ r, mb, _, err := strconv.UnquoteChar(src[1:len(src)-1], '\'')
+ rValid := !mb && err == nil
+ var on uint64
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ on = uint64(x)
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ on = uint64(x)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v)", x, x))
+ }
+ var mask uint64
+ switch {
+ case !to.IsIntegerType():
+ // ok
+ if rValid { // Prefer original form
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%d", on)
+ return
+ case to.IsSignedType():
+ var in int64
+ var ok bool
+ switch to.Size() {
+ case 1:
+ in = int64(int8(on))
+ ok = int8(on) >= 0
+ case 2:
+ in = int64(int16(on))
+ ok = int16(on) >= 0
+ case 4:
+ in = int64(int32(on))
+ ok = int32(on) >= 0
+ case 8:
+ in = int64(int64(on))
+ ok = in >= 0
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", op.Type().Size()))
+ }
+ if ok && rValid && uint64(in) == on { // Prefer original form
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%d", in)
+ default:
+ switch to.Size() {
+ case 1:
+ mask = 0xff
+ case 2:
+ mask = 0xffff
+ case 4:
+ mask = 0xffffffff
+ case 8:
+ mask = 0xffffffffffffffff
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", op.Type().Size()))
+ }
+ if rValid && uint64(r)&mask == on { // Prefer original form
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%d", on&mask)
+ }
+func (p *project) floatConst(n cc.Node, src string, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) {
+ if flags&fForceRuntimeConv != 0 {
+ p.w("%s(", p.helperType2(n, op.Type(), to))
+ defer p.w(")")
+ }
+ bits := 64
+ switch to.Kind() {
+ case cc.Float:
+ bits = 32
+ }
+ src = strings.TrimRight(src, "flFL")
+ sn, err := strconv.ParseFloat(src, bits)
+ snValid := err == nil
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Float64Value:
+ switch to.Kind() {
+ case cc.Double:
+ if snValid && sn == float64(x) { // Prefer original form.
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("math.Float64frombits(%#x)", math.Float64bits(float64(x)))
+ case cc.Float:
+ if snValid && float32(sn) == float32(x) { // Prefer original form.
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("math.Float32frombits(%#x)", math.Float32bits(float32(x)))
+ default:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, op, to, 0))
+ if snValid && sn == float64(x) { // Prefer original form.
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("math.Float64frombits(%#x)", math.Float64bits(float64(x)))
+ }
+ case cc.Float32Value:
+ switch to.Kind() {
+ case cc.Double:
+ if snValid && float32(sn) == float32(x) { // Prefer original form.
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("math.Float64frombits(%#x)", math.Float64bits(float64(x)))
+ case cc.Float:
+ if snValid && float32(sn) == float32(x) { // Prefer original form.
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("math.Float32frombits(%#x)", math.Float32bits(float32(x)))
+ default:
+ if to.IsIntegerType() {
+ if s := p.float2Int(n, x, to); s != "" {
+ defer p.w("%s%s", s, p.convertType(n, op.Type(), to, 0))
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, op, to, 0))
+ if snValid && float32(sn) == float32(x) { // Prefer original form.
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("math.Float32frombits(%#x)", math.Float32bits(float32(x)))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v)", x, x))
+ }
+func (p *project) float2Int(n cc.Node, x cc.Float32Value, to cc.Type) string {
+ switch {
+ case to.IsSignedType():
+ limits := &signedSaturationLimits[to.Size()]
+ v := float64(x)
+ switch {
+ case math.IsNaN(v):
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case math.IsInf(v, -1):
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case math.IsInf(v, 1):
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case v < limits.fmin:
+ return fmt.Sprint(limits.min)
+ case v > limits.fmax:
+ return fmt.Sprint(limits.max)
+ }
+ default:
+ limits := &unsignedSaturationLimits[to.Size()]
+ v := float64(x)
+ switch {
+ case math.IsNaN(v):
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case math.IsInf(v, -1):
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case math.IsInf(v, 1):
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ case v < 0:
+ return "0"
+ case v > limits.fmax:
+ return fmt.Sprint(limits.max)
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+type signedSaturationLimit struct {
+ fmin, fmax float64
+ min, max int64
+type unsignedSaturationLimit struct {
+ fmax float64
+ max uint64
+var (
+ signedSaturationLimits = [...]signedSaturationLimit{
+ 1: {math.Nextafter(math.MinInt32, 0), math.Nextafter(math.MaxInt32, 0), math.MinInt32, math.MaxInt32},
+ 2: {math.Nextafter(math.MinInt32, 0), math.Nextafter(math.MaxInt32, 0), math.MinInt32, math.MaxInt32},
+ 4: {math.Nextafter(math.MinInt32, 0), math.Nextafter(math.MaxInt32, 0), math.MinInt32, math.MaxInt32},
+ 8: {math.Nextafter(math.MinInt64, 0), math.Nextafter(math.MaxInt64, 0), math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64},
+ }
+ unsignedSaturationLimits = [...]unsignedSaturationLimit{
+ 1: {math.Nextafter(math.MaxUint32, 0), math.MaxUint32},
+ 2: {math.Nextafter(math.MaxUint32, 0), math.MaxUint32},
+ 4: {math.Nextafter(math.MaxUint32, 0), math.MaxUint32},
+ 8: {math.Nextafter(math.MaxUint64, 0), math.MaxUint64},
+ }
+func (p *project) intConst(n cc.Node, src string, op cc.Operand, to cc.Type, flags flags) {
+ ptr := to.Kind() == cc.Ptr
+ switch {
+ case to.IsArithmeticType():
+ // p.w("/*10568 %T(%#[1]x) %v -> %v */", op.Value(), op.Type(), to) //TODO-
+ if flags&fForceNoConv != 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ if !op.Type().IsSignedType() && op.Type().Size() == 8 && op.Value().(cc.Uint64Value) > math.MaxInt64 {
+ flags |= fForceRuntimeConv
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, op, to, flags))
+ case ptr:
+ p.w(" uintptr(")
+ defer p.w(")")
+ // ok
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v -> %v", pos(n), op.Type(), to))
+ }
+ src = strings.TrimRight(src, "luLU")
+ sn, err := strconv.ParseUint(src, 0, 64)
+ snValid := err == nil
+ var on uint64
+ switch x := op.Value().(type) {
+ case cc.Int64Value:
+ if x < 0 {
+ sn, err := strconv.ParseInt(src, 0, 64)
+ snValid := err == nil
+ if snValid && sn == int64(x) { // Prefer original form
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%d", x)
+ return
+ }
+ on = uint64(x)
+ case cc.Uint64Value:
+ on = uint64(x)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%T(%v)", x, x))
+ }
+ if snValid && sn == on { // Prefer original form
+ p.w("%s", src)
+ return
+ }
+ p.w("%d", on)
+func (p *project) assignShiftOp(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, oper, oper2 string, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ switch mode {
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.assignShiftOpVoid(f, n, t, mode, oper, oper2, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignShiftOpVoid(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, oper, oper2 string, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.assignShiftOpVoidNormal(f, n, t, mode, oper, oper2, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignShiftOpVoidNormal(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, oper, oper2 string, flags flags) {
+ switch {
+ case n.Operand.Type().IsBitFieldType():
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ if d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ switch d.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Int128, cc.UInt128:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(".LValue%s(", oper2)
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, p.intType, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ default:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s= ", oper)
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ switch {
+ case lhs.Operand.Type().IsArithmeticType():
+ p.w("%sAssign%sPtr%s(", p.task.crt, oper2, p.helperType(n, lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", int(")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ }
+ }
+func (p *project) assignOp(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, oper, oper2 string, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ switch mode {
+ case exprVoid:
+ p.assignOpVoid(f, n, t, mode, oper, oper2, flags)
+ case exprValue, exprCondReturn:
+ p.assignOpValue(f, n, t, mode, oper, oper2, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), mode))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignOpValue(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, oper, oper2 string, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.assignOpValueNormal(f, n, t, oper, oper2, mode, flags)
+ case opBitfield:
+ p.assignOpValueBitfield(f, n, t, oper, oper2, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignOpValueBitfield(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, oper, oper2 string, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ asInt := oper2 == "Shl" || oper2 == "Shr"
+ if asInt {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ ot := n.Operand.Type()
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ bf := lhs.Operand.Type().BitField()
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, ot, t, flags))
+ p.w(" func() %v {", p.typ(n, ot))
+ switch lhs.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ pe := n.UnaryExpression.PostfixExpression
+ switch pe.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ p.w("__p := ")
+ p.postfixExpression(f, pe, pe.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w("; __v := ")
+ p.readBitfield(lhs, "__p", bf, ot)
+ p.w(" %s (", oper)
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, ot, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("); return %sAssignBitFieldPtr%d%s(__p, __v, %d, %d, %#x)", p.task.crt, bf.BitFieldBlockWidth(), p.bfHelperType(ot), bf.BitFieldWidth(), bf.BitFieldOffset(), bf.Mask())
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), pe.Case))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), lhs.Case))
+ }
+ p.w("}()")
+func (p *project) readBitfield(n cc.Node, ptr string, bf cc.Field, promote cc.Type) {
+ bw := bf.BitFieldBlockWidth()
+ m := bf.Mask()
+ o := bf.BitFieldOffset()
+ w := bf.BitFieldWidth()
+ p.w("(%s(*(*uint%d)(unsafe.Pointer(%s))&%#x)", p.typ(n, promote), bw, ptr, m)
+ switch {
+ case bf.Type().IsSignedType():
+ bits := int(promote.Size()) * 8
+ p.w("<<%d>>%d)", bits-w-o, bits-w)
+ default:
+ p.w(">>%d)", o)
+ }
+func (p *project) assignOpValueNormal(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, oper, oper2 string, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ if mode == exprCondReturn {
+ p.w("return ")
+ }
+ asInt := oper2 == "Shl" || oper2 == "Shr"
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ if d := lhs.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil && local.isPinned {
+ switch {
+ case lhs.Operand.Type().IsArithmeticType():
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, lhs.Operand.Type(), t, flags))
+ p.w("%sAssign%sPtr%s(", p.task.crt, oper2, p.helperType(n, lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ if asInt {
+ p.w("int(")
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ if asInt {
+ p.w(")")
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ switch {
+ case d.Type().Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, d.Type(), t, flags))
+ p.w("%sAssign%s%s(&", p.task.crt, oper2, p.helperType(n, d.Type()))
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ if dd := p.incDelta(d, d.Type()); dd != 1 {
+ p.w("%d*(", dd)
+ defer p.w(")")
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, d.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ case d.Type().IsArithmeticType():
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, d.Type(), t, flags))
+ p.w("%sAssign%s%s(&", p.task.crt, oper2, p.helperType(n, d.Type()))
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ if asInt {
+ p.w("int(")
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, d.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ if asInt {
+ p.w(")")
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n), p.pos(d), d.Name()))
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ switch {
+ case lhs.Operand.Type().IsArithmeticType():
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convertType(n, lhs.Operand.Type(), t, flags))
+ p.w("%sAssign%sPtr%s(", p.task.crt, oper2, p.helperType(n, lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", ")
+ if asInt {
+ p.w("int(")
+ }
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ if asInt {
+ p.w(")")
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignOpVoid(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, oper, oper2 string, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ switch k := p.opKind(f, n.UnaryExpression, n.UnaryExpression.Operand.Type()); k {
+ case opNormal:
+ p.assignOpVoidNormal(f, n, t, oper, oper2, mode, flags)
+ case opBitfield:
+ p.assignOpVoidBitfield(f, n, t, oper, oper2, mode, flags)
+ case opArrayParameter:
+ p.assignOpVoidArrayParameter(f, n, t, oper, oper2, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), k))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignOpVoidArrayParameter(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, oper, oper2 string, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ if oper != "+" && oper != "-" {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator()
+ switch local := f.locals[d]; {
+ case local != nil && local.isPinned:
+ p.w("*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(%s%s))", f.bpName, nonZeroUintptr(
+ default:
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ }
+ p.w(" %s= ", oper)
+ if dd := p.incDelta(d, d.Type()); dd != 1 {
+ p.w("%d*", dd)
+ }
+ p.w("uintptr(")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.AssignmentExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+func (p *project) assignOpVoidBitfield(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, oper, oper2 string, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ lt := lhs.Operand.Type()
+ switch lhs.Case {
+ case cc.UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
+ pe := n.UnaryExpression.PostfixExpression
+ switch pe.Case {
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionSelect: // PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ bf := lt.BitField()
+ p.w("%sSetBitFieldPtr%d%s(", p.task.crt, bf.BitFieldBlockWidth(), p.bfHelperType(n.Promote()))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lt, exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(", (")
+ s := p.convertType(n, lt, n.Promote(), flags)
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lt, exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")%s %s ", s, oper)
+ s = p.convertType(n, lt, n.Promote(), flags)
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("%s", s)
+ p.w(", %d, %#x)", bf.BitFieldOffset(), bf.Mask())
+ case cc.PostfixExpressionPSelect: // PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER
+ switch d := pe.PostfixExpression.Declarator(); {
+ case d != nil:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), pe.Case))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), lhs.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) assignOpVoidNormal(f *function, n *cc.AssignmentExpression, t cc.Type, oper, oper2 string, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression etc.
+ rop := n.AssignmentExpression.Operand
+ if d := n.UnaryExpression.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil && local.isPinned {
+ if p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ switch {
+ case d.Type().Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ p.w(" %s= ", oper)
+ if dd := p.incDelta(d, d.Type()); dd != 1 {
+ p.w("%d*(", dd)
+ defer p.w(")")
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, rop.ConvertTo(n.Promote()), d.Type(), flags))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ case d.Type().IsArithmeticType():
+ p.w(" %s= ", oper)
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, rop.ConvertTo(n.Promote()), d.Type(), flags))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), d.Type().Kind()))
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if p.isVolatileOrAtomic(d) {
+ var local *local
+ var tld *tld
+ var nm string
+ if f != nil {
+ if local = f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ nm =
+ }
+ }
+ if local == nil {
+ if tld = p.tlds[d]; tld == nil {
+ p.err(n, "%v: internal error (%v: %v)", n.Position(), d.Position(), d.Name())
+ return
+ }
+ nm =
+ }
+ var sign string
+ switch oper {
+ case "-":
+ sign = oper
+ fallthrough
+ case "+":
+ sz := d.Type().Size()
+ var ht string
+ switch sz {
+ case 4, 8:
+ if !d.Type().IsScalarType() {
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator type: %v", d.Type())
+ break
+ }
+ ht = p.helperType(n, d.Type())
+ default:
+ p.err(n, "unsupported volatile declarator size: %v", sz)
+ return
+ }
+ if local != nil {
+ if local.isPinned {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ }
+ p.w("%sAtomicAdd%s(&%s, %s%s(", p.task.crt, ht, nm, sign, p.typ(n, d.Type()))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w("))")
+ return
+ default:
+ p.warn(n, "unsupported volatile declarator operation: %v", oper)
+ p.w("%s = ", nm)
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, rop.ConvertTo(n.Promote()), d.Type(), flags))
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s (", oper)
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, d.Type(), exprLValue, flags)
+ switch d.Type().Kind() {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ if oper != "+" && oper != "-" {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ p.w(" %s= ", oper)
+ if dd := p.incDelta(d, d.Type()); dd != 1 {
+ p.w("%d*(", dd)
+ defer p.w(")")
+ }
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, rop.ConvertTo(n.Promote()), d.Type(), flags))
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ case cc.Int128, cc.UInt128:
+ p.w(" = ")
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(".%s(", oper2)
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ default:
+ p.w(" = ")
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, rop.ConvertTo(n.Promote()), d.Type(), flags))
+ p.declarator(n, f, d, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(" %s (", oper)
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ lhs := n.UnaryExpression
+ switch {
+ case lhs.Operand.Type().IsArithmeticType():
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(")) %s= ", oper)
+ defer p.w("%s", p.convert(n, rop.ConvertTo(n.Promote()), lhs.Operand.Type(), flags))
+ p.w("(")
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, n.Promote(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ case lhs.Operand.Type().Kind() == cc.Ptr:
+ p.w("*(*%s)(unsafe.Pointer(", p.typ(n, lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ p.unaryExpression(f, lhs, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprAddrOf, flags)
+ p.w(")) %s= (", oper)
+ p.assignmentExpression(f, n.AssignmentExpression, lhs.Operand.Type(), exprValue, flags)
+ p.w(")")
+ if dd := p.incDelta(n, lhs.Operand.Type()); dd != 1 {
+ p.w("*%d", dd)
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", lhs.Operand.Type()))
+ }
+func (p *project) warn(n cc.Node, s string, args ...interface{}) {
+ s = fmt.Sprintf(s, args...)
+ s = strings.TrimRight(s, "\t\n\r")
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v: warning: %s\n", n.Position(), s)
+func (p *project) iterationStatement(f *function, n *cc.IterationStatement) {
+ sv := f.switchCtx
+ sv2 := f.continueCtx
+ sv3 := f.breakCtx
+ f.switchCtx = 0
+ f.continueCtx = 0
+ f.breakCtx = 0
+ defer func() {
+ f.breakCtx = sv3
+ f.continueCtx = sv2
+ f.switchCtx = sv
+ }()
+ p.w("%s", tidyComment("\n", n))
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.IterationStatementWhile: // "while" '(' Expression ')' Statement
+ if f.hasJumps {
+ // a: if !expr goto b
+ // stmt
+ // goto a
+ // b:
+ a := f.flatLabel()
+ b := f.flatLabel()
+ f.continueCtx = a
+ f.breakCtx = b
+ p.w("__%d: if !(", a)
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.w(") { goto __%d };", b)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+ p.w("; goto __%d; __%d:", a, b)
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("for ")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, true, false, false, 0)
+ case cc.IterationStatementDo: // "do" Statement "while" '(' Expression ')' ';'
+ if f.hasJumps {
+ // a: stmt
+ // b: if expr goto a // b is the continue label
+ // c:
+ a := f.flatLabel()
+ b := f.flatLabel()
+ c := f.flatLabel()
+ f.continueCtx = b
+ f.breakCtx = c
+ p.w("__%d:", a)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+ p.w(";goto __%d; __%[1]d: if ", b)
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.w("{goto __%d};goto __%d;__%[2]d:", a, c)
+ break
+ }
+ v := "ok"
+ if !p.pass1 {
+ v = f.scope.take(cc.String(v))
+ }
+ p.w("for %v := true; %[1]v; %[1]v = ", v)
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, true, false, false, 0)
+ case cc.IterationStatementFor: // "for" '(' Expression ';' Expression ';' Expression ')' Statement
+ if f.hasJumps || n.Expression3 != nil && n.Expression3.Case == cc.ExpressionComma {
+ // expr
+ // a: if !expr2 goto c
+ // stmt
+ // b: expr3 // label for continue
+ // goto a
+ // c:
+ a := f.flatLabel()
+ b := f.flatLabel()
+ f.continueCtx = b
+ c := f.flatLabel()
+ f.breakCtx = c
+ if n.Expression != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, fNoCondAssignment)
+ }
+ semi := ""
+ if n.Expression != nil || n.Expression2 != nil || n.Expression3 != nil {
+ semi = ";"
+ }
+ p.w("%s__%d:", semi, a)
+ if n.Expression2 != nil {
+ p.w("if !(")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression2, n.Expression2.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.w(") { goto __%d }", c)
+ }
+ p.w("%s", semi)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+ p.w(";goto __%d; __%[1]d:", b)
+ if n.Expression3 != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression3, n.Expression3.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, fNoCondAssignment)
+ }
+ p.w("%sgoto __%d; goto __%d;__%[3]d:", semi, a, c)
+ break
+ }
+ expr := true
+ if n.Expression != nil && n.Expression.Case == cc.ExpressionComma {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, 0)
+ p.w(";")
+ expr = false
+ }
+ p.w("for ")
+ if expr && n.Expression != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, fNoCondAssignment)
+ }
+ p.w("; ")
+ if n.Expression2 != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression2, n.Expression2.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ }
+ p.w("; ")
+ if n.Expression3 != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression3, n.Expression3.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, fNoCondAssignment)
+ }
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, true, false, false, 0)
+ case cc.IterationStatementForDecl: // "for" '(' Declaration Expression ';' Expression ')' Statement
+ var ids []*cc.InitDeclarator
+ for list := n.Declaration.InitDeclaratorList; list != nil; list = list.InitDeclaratorList {
+ ids = append(ids, list.InitDeclarator)
+ }
+ // declaration
+ // a: if !expr goto c
+ // stmt
+ // b: expr2 // label for continue
+ // goto a
+ // c:
+ a := f.flatLabel()
+ b := f.flatLabel()
+ f.continueCtx = b
+ c := f.flatLabel()
+ f.breakCtx = c
+ p.w("{")
+ p.declaration(f, n.Declaration, false)
+ p.w(";")
+ p.w("__%d:", a)
+ if n.Expression != nil {
+ p.w("if !(")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.w(") { goto __%d }", c)
+ }
+ p.w(";")
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+ p.w(";goto __%d; __%[1]d:", b)
+ if n.Expression2 != nil {
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression2, n.Expression2.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, fNoCondAssignment)
+ }
+ p.w("; goto __%d; goto __%d;__%[2]d:\n}", a, c)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) selectionStatement(f *function, n *cc.SelectionStatement) {
+ p.w("%s", tidyComment("\n", n))
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.SelectionStatementIf: // "if" '(' Expression ')' Statement
+ sv := f.ifCtx
+ f.ifCtx = n
+ defer func() { f.ifCtx = sv }()
+ if f.hasJumps {
+ // if !expr goto a
+ // stmt
+ // a:
+ f.ifCtx = n
+ a := f.flatLabel()
+ p.w("if !(")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.w(") { goto __%d };", a)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+ p.w(";__%d: ", a)
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("if ")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, true, false, false, 0)
+ case cc.SelectionStatementIfElse: // "if" '(' Expression ')' Statement "else" Statement
+ sv := f.ifCtx
+ f.ifCtx = n
+ defer func() { f.ifCtx = sv }()
+ if f.hasJumps {
+ // if !expr goto a
+ // stmt
+ // goto b
+ // a:
+ // stmt2
+ // b:
+ a := f.flatLabel()
+ b := f.flatLabel()
+ p.w("if !(")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.w(") { goto __%d };", a)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+ p.w(";goto __%d; __%d:", b, a)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement2, false, false, false, 0)
+ p.w(";__%d:", b)
+ break
+ }
+ p.w("if ")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprBool, 0)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, true, false, false, 0)
+ p.w(" else ")
+ switch {
+ case p.isIfStmt(n.Statement2):
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement2, false, true, false, 0)
+ default:
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement2, true, false, false, 0)
+ }
+ case cc.SelectionStatementSwitch: // "switch" '(' Expression ')' Statement
+ sv := f.switchCtx
+ svBreakCtx := f.breakCtx
+ f.breakCtx = 0
+ defer func() {
+ f.switchCtx = sv
+ f.breakCtx = svBreakCtx
+ }()
+ if f.hasJumps {
+ f.switchCtx = inSwitchFlat
+ p.flatSwitch(f, n)
+ break
+ }
+ f.switchCtx = inSwitchFirst
+ p.w("switch ")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Promote(), exprValue, 0)
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, true, false, true, 0)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+func (p *project) isIfStmt(n *cc.Statement) bool {
+ if n.Case != cc.StatementSelection {
+ return false
+ }
+ switch n.SelectionStatement.Case {
+ case cc.SelectionStatementIf, cc.SelectionStatementIfElse:
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func (p *project) flatSwitch(f *function, n *cc.SelectionStatement) {
+ if n.Statement.Case != cc.StatementCompound {
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ }
+ sv := f.block
+ f.block = f.blocks[n.Statement.CompoundStatement]
+ defer func() { f.block = sv }()
+ // "switch" '(' Expression ')' Statement
+ cases := n.Cases()
+ labels := map[*cc.LabeledStatement]int{}
+ svBreakCtx := f.breakCtx
+ f.breakCtx = f.flatLabel()
+ p.w("switch ")
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Promote(), exprValue, 0)
+ p.w("{")
+ for _, ls := range cases {
+ switch ls.Case {
+ case cc.LabeledStatementLabel: // IDENTIFIER ':' AttributeSpecifierList Statement
+ continue
+ case cc.LabeledStatementCaseLabel: // "case" ConstantExpression ':' Statement
+ p.w("%scase ", tidyComment("\n", ls))
+ p.constantExpression(f, ls.ConstantExpression, ls.ConstantExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, 0)
+ p.w(":")
+ case cc.LabeledStatementDefault: // "default" ':' Statement
+ p.w("%sdefault:", tidyComment("\n", ls))
+ case cc.LabeledStatementRange: // "case" ConstantExpression "..." ConstantExpression ':' Statement
+ panic(todo("", p.pos(n)))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+ label := f.flatLabel()
+ labels[ls] = label
+ p.w("goto __%d;", label)
+ }
+ p.w("}; goto __%d;", f.breakCtx)
+ svLabels := f.flatSwitchLabels
+ f.flatSwitchLabels = labels
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, true, false, 0)
+ f.flatSwitchLabels = svLabels
+ p.w("__%d:", f.breakCtx)
+ f.breakCtx = svBreakCtx
+func (p *project) expressionStatement(f *function, n *cc.ExpressionStatement) {
+ p.w("%s", tidyComment("\n", n))
+ // Expression AttributeSpecifierList ';'
+ if n.Expression == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ p.expression(f, n.Expression, n.Expression.Operand.Type(), exprVoid, 0)
+func (p *project) labeledStatement(f *function, n *cc.LabeledStatement) (r *cc.JumpStatement) {
+ if f.hasJumps { //TODO merge with ...Flat below
+ return p.labeledStatementFlat(f, n)
+ }
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LabeledStatementLabel: // IDENTIFIER ':' AttributeSpecifierList Statement
+ if _, ok := f.unusedLabels[n.Token.Value]; ok {
+ p.w("goto %s;", f.labelNames[n.Token.Value])
+ }
+ p.w("%s%s:", comment("\n", n), f.labelNames[n.Token.Value])
+ r = p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+ case
+ cc.LabeledStatementCaseLabel, // "case" ConstantExpression ':' Statement
+ cc.LabeledStatementDefault: // "default" ':' Statement
+ p.labeledStatementCase(f, n)
+ case cc.LabeledStatementRange: // "case" ConstantExpression "..." ConstantExpression ':' Statement
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) labeledStatementFlat(f *function, n *cc.LabeledStatement) (r *cc.JumpStatement) {
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LabeledStatementLabel: // IDENTIFIER ':' AttributeSpecifierList Statement
+ if _, ok := f.unusedLabels[n.Token.Value]; ok {
+ p.w("goto %s;", f.labelNames[n.Token.Value])
+ }
+ p.w("%s%s:", tidyComment("\n", n), f.labelNames[n.Token.Value])
+ r = p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+ case
+ cc.LabeledStatementCaseLabel, // "case" ConstantExpression ':' Statement
+ cc.LabeledStatementDefault: // "default" ':' Statement
+ p.labeledStatementCase(f, n)
+ case cc.LabeledStatementRange: // "case" ConstantExpression "..." ConstantExpression ':' Statement
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+ return r
+func (p *project) labeledStatementCase(f *function, n *cc.LabeledStatement) {
+ switch f.switchCtx {
+ case inSwitchFirst:
+ f.switchCtx = inSwitchCase
+ case inSwitchCase:
+ p.w("\nfallthrough;")
+ case inSwitchSeenBreak:
+ f.switchCtx = inSwitchCase
+ case inSwitchFlat:
+ // ok
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), f.switchCtx))
+ }
+ switch n.Case {
+ case cc.LabeledStatementCaseLabel: // "case" ConstantExpression ':' Statement
+ switch {
+ case f.switchCtx == inSwitchFlat:
+ p.w("%s__%d:", tidyComment("\n", n), f.flatSwitchLabels[n])
+ default:
+ p.w("%scase ", tidyComment("\n", n))
+ p.constantExpression(f, n.ConstantExpression, n.ConstantExpression.Operand.Type(), exprValue, 0)
+ p.w(":")
+ }
+ case cc.LabeledStatementDefault: // "default" ':' Statement
+ switch {
+ case f.switchCtx == inSwitchFlat:
+ p.w("%s__%d:", tidyComment("\n", n), f.flatSwitchLabels[n])
+ default:
+ p.w("%sdefault:", tidyComment("\n", n))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: internal error: %v", n.Position(), n.Case))
+ }
+ p.statement(f, n.Statement, false, false, false, 0)
+func (p *project) constantExpression(f *function, n *cc.ConstantExpression, t cc.Type, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // ConditionalExpression
+ p.conditionalExpression(f, n.ConditionalExpression, t, mode, flags)
+func (p *project) functionDefinitionSignature(n cc.Node, f *function, tld *tld) {
+ switch {
+ case f.mainSignatureForced:
+ p.w("%sfunc %s(%s *%sTLS, _ int32, _ uintptr) int32", tidyComment("\n", f.fndef),, f.tlsName, p.task.crt)
+ default:
+ p.w("%s", tidyComment("\n", f.fndef))
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, f.fndef.Declarator.Type(),
+ }
+func (p *project) functionSignature2(n cc.Node, f *function, t cc.Type, nm string) {
+ p.w("func %s", nm)
+ p.w("(_ *%sTLS", p.task.crt)
+ suffix := 1
+ for _, v := range t.Parameters() {
+ if v.Type().Kind() == cc.Void {
+ break
+ }
+ pn := "_"
+ if d := v.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ pn = d.Name().String()
+ if _, ok := reservedNames[pn]; ok {
+ pn += strconv.Itoa(suffix)
+ suffix++
+ }
+ }
+ p.w(", %s %s", pn, p.paramTyp(v.Declarator(), v.Type()))
+ }
+ if t.IsVariadic() {
+ p.w(", _ /* va_list */ uintptr")
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ if rt := t.Result(); rt != nil && rt.Kind() != cc.Void {
+ p.w(" %s", p.typ(n, rt))
+ }
+func (p *project) functionSignature(n cc.Node, f *function, t cc.Type, nm string) {
+ p.w("func")
+ if nm != "" {
+ p.w(" %s", nm)
+ }
+ switch {
+ case f == nil || nm == "":
+ p.w("(*%sTLS", p.task.crt)
+ default:
+ p.w("(%s *%sTLS", f.tlsName, p.task.crt)
+ }
+ for _, v := range t.Parameters() {
+ if v.Type().Kind() == cc.Void {
+ break
+ }
+ var pn string
+ if f != nil && nm != "" {
+ pn = "_"
+ if d := v.Declarator(); d != nil {
+ if local := f.locals[d]; local != nil {
+ pn =
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p.w(", %s %s", pn, p.paramTyp(v.Declarator(), v.Type()))
+ }
+ if t.IsVariadic() {
+ switch {
+ case f == nil || nm == "":
+ p.w(", uintptr")
+ default:
+ p.w(", %s uintptr", f.vaName)
+ }
+ }
+ p.w(")")
+ if rt := t.Result(); rt != nil && rt.Kind() != cc.Void {
+ p.w(" %s", p.typ(n, rt))
+ }
+func (p *project) paramTyp(n cc.Node, t cc.Type) string {
+ if t.Kind() == cc.Array {
+ return "uintptr"
+ }
+ if isTransparentUnion(t) {
+ switch k := t.UnionCommon(); k {
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ return "uintptr"
+ default:
+ panic(todo("%v: %v %k", n, t, k))
+ }
+ }
+ return p.typ(n, t)
+func (p *project) dbg(a ...interface{}) {
+ p.w("/*DBG.%v %v */", a, origin(2))
+func (p *project) fnVal(n cc.Node, f *function, expr func(), exprDecl *cc.Declarator, exprType cc.Type, deref int, mode exprMode, flags flags) {
+ // C type Go type
+ // fn N/A: produce name from exprDecl
+ // (*)() func()
+ // (**)() *func()
+ if deref < 0 || deref > 1 {
+ panic(todo(""))
+ }
+ switch exprType.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ // C: fn
+ switch deref {
+ case 0:
+ p.declarator(n, f, exprDecl, exprType, mode, flags)
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ }
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et := exprType.Elem(); et.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ // C: (*)()
+ switch deref {
+ case 0:
+ // (*struct{ f func()})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{uintptr}{fprintfptr})).f()
+ p.w("(*struct{ f ")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, et, "")
+ p.w("})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{uintptr}{")
+ expr()
+ p.w("})).f")
+ default:
+ p.declarator(n, f, exprDecl, et, mode, flags)
+ }
+ case cc.Ptr:
+ switch et2 := et.Elem(); et2.Kind() {
+ case cc.Function:
+ // C: (**)()
+ switch deref {
+ case 0:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position()))
+ default:
+ // (*struct{ f func()})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{uintptr}{fprintfptr})).f()
+ p.w("(*(**struct{ f ")
+ p.functionSignature(n, f, et2, "")
+ p.w("})(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{uintptr}{")
+ expr()
+ p.w("}))).f")
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), et2.Kind(), deref))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), et.Kind(), deref))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(todo("", n.Position(), exprType.Kind(), deref))
+ }