path: root/vendor/
blob: ec19dc26d024d49c4600b89ea7c2b5fcaf2b0ff5 (plain) (tree)


// Copyright (c) 2021 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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// Package appstate implements encoding and decoding WhatsApp's app state patches.
package appstate

import (

	waLog ""

// WAPatchName represents a type of app state patch.
type WAPatchName string

const (
	// WAPatchCriticalBlock contains the user's settings like push name and locale.
	WAPatchCriticalBlock WAPatchName = "critical_block"
	// WAPatchCriticalUnblockLow contains the user's contact list.
	WAPatchCriticalUnblockLow WAPatchName = "critical_unblock_low"
	// WAPatchRegularLow contains some local chat settings like pin, archive status, and the setting of whether to unarchive chats when messages come in.
	WAPatchRegularLow WAPatchName = "regular_low"
	// WAPatchRegularHigh contains more local chat settings like mute status and starred messages.
	WAPatchRegularHigh WAPatchName = "regular_high"
	// WAPatchRegular contains protocol info about app state patches like key expiration.
	WAPatchRegular WAPatchName = "regular"

// AllPatchNames contains all currently known patch state names.
var AllPatchNames = [...]WAPatchName{WAPatchCriticalBlock, WAPatchCriticalUnblockLow, WAPatchRegularHigh, WAPatchRegular, WAPatchRegularLow}

type Processor struct {
	keyCache     map[string]ExpandedAppStateKeys
	keyCacheLock sync.Mutex
	Store        *store.Device
	Log          waLog.Logger

func NewProcessor(store *store.Device, log waLog.Logger) *Processor {
	return &Processor{
		keyCache: make(map[string]ExpandedAppStateKeys),
		Store:    store,
		Log:      log,

type ExpandedAppStateKeys struct {
	Index           []byte
	ValueEncryption []byte
	ValueMAC        []byte
	SnapshotMAC     []byte
	PatchMAC        []byte

func expandAppStateKeys(keyData []byte) (keys ExpandedAppStateKeys) {
	appStateKeyExpanded := hkdfutil.SHA256(keyData, nil, []byte("WhatsApp Mutation Keys"), 160)
	return ExpandedAppStateKeys{appStateKeyExpanded[0:32], appStateKeyExpanded[32:64], appStateKeyExpanded[64:96], appStateKeyExpanded[96:128], appStateKeyExpanded[128:160]}

func (proc *Processor) getAppStateKey(keyID []byte) (keys ExpandedAppStateKeys, err error) {
	keyCacheID := base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(keyID)
	var ok bool

	defer proc.keyCacheLock.Unlock()

	keys, ok = proc.keyCache[keyCacheID]
	if !ok {
		var keyData *store.AppStateSyncKey
		keyData, err = proc.Store.AppStateKeys.GetAppStateSyncKey(keyID)
		if keyData != nil {
			keys = expandAppStateKeys(keyData.Data)
			proc.keyCache[keyCacheID] = keys
		} else if err == nil {
			err = ErrKeyNotFound

func (proc *Processor) GetMissingKeyIDs(pl *PatchList) [][]byte {
	cache := make(map[string]bool)
	var missingKeys [][]byte
	checkMissing := func(keyID []byte) {
		if keyID == nil {
		stringKeyID := base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(keyID)
		_, alreadyAdded := cache[stringKeyID]
		if !alreadyAdded {
			keyData, err := proc.Store.AppStateKeys.GetAppStateSyncKey(keyID)
			if err != nil {
				proc.Log.Warnf("Error fetching key %X while checking if it's missing: %v", keyID, err)
			missing := keyData == nil && err == nil
			cache[stringKeyID] = missing
			if missing {
				missingKeys = append(missingKeys, keyID)
	if pl.Snapshot != nil {
		for _, record := range pl.Snapshot.GetRecords() {
	for _, patch := range pl.Patches {
	return missingKeys