path: root/vendor/
blob: 1fc7fececbccab8aa108ba692ca01a88b20568e9 (plain) (tree)

package slack

// @NOTE: Blocks are in beta and subject to change.

// More Information:

// MessageBlockType defines a named string type to define each block type
// as a constant for use within the package.
type MessageBlockType string

const (
	MBTSection MessageBlockType = "section"
	MBTDivider MessageBlockType = "divider"
	MBTImage   MessageBlockType = "image"
	MBTAction  MessageBlockType = "actions"
	MBTContext MessageBlockType = "context"

// Block defines an interface all block types should implement
// to ensure consistency between blocks.
type Block interface {
	BlockType() MessageBlockType

// Blocks is a convenience struct defined to allow dynamic unmarshalling of
// the "blocks" value in Slack's JSON response, which varies depending on block type
type Blocks struct {
	BlockSet []Block `json:"blocks,omitempty"`

// BlockAction is the action callback sent when a block is interacted with
type BlockAction struct {
	ActionID             string            `json:"action_id"`
	BlockID              string            `json:"block_id"`
	Type                 actionType        `json:"type"`
	Text                 TextBlockObject   `json:"text"`
	Value                string            `json:"value"`
	ActionTs             string            `json:"action_ts"`
	SelectedOption       OptionBlockObject `json:"selected_option"`
	SelectedUser         string            `json:"selected_user"`
	SelectedChannel      string            `json:"selected_channel"`
	SelectedConversation string            `json:"selected_conversation"`
	SelectedDate         string            `json:"selected_date"`
	InitialOption        OptionBlockObject `json:"initial_option"`
	InitialUser          string            `json:"initial_user"`
	InitialChannel       string            `json:"initial_channel"`
	InitialConversation  string            `json:"initial_conversation"`
	InitialDate          string            `json:"initial_date"`

// actionType returns the type of the action
func (b BlockAction) actionType() actionType {
	return b.Type

// NewBlockMessage creates a new Message that contains one or more blocks to be displayed
func NewBlockMessage(blocks ...Block) Message {
	return Message{
		Msg: Msg{
			Blocks: Blocks{
				BlockSet: blocks,

// AddBlockMessage appends a block to the end of the existing list of blocks
func AddBlockMessage(message Message, newBlk Block) Message {
	message.Msg.Blocks.BlockSet = append(message.Msg.Blocks.BlockSet, newBlk)
	return message