path: root/vendor/
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// IOSManagedAppProtection Policy used to configure detailed management settings targeted to specific security groups and for a specified set of apps on an iOS device
type IOSManagedAppProtection struct {
	// TargetedManagedAppProtection is the base model of IOSManagedAppProtection
	// AppDataEncryptionType Type of encryption which should be used for data in a managed app.
	AppDataEncryptionType *ManagedAppDataEncryptionType `json:"appDataEncryptionType,omitempty"`
	// MinimumRequiredSdkVersion Versions less than the specified version will block the managed app from accessing company data.
	MinimumRequiredSdkVersion *string `json:"minimumRequiredSdkVersion,omitempty"`
	// DeployedAppCount Count of apps to which the current policy is deployed.
	DeployedAppCount *int `json:"deployedAppCount,omitempty"`
	// FaceIDBlocked Indicates whether use of the FaceID is allowed in place of a pin if PinRequired is set to True.
	FaceIDBlocked *bool `json:"faceIdBlocked,omitempty"`
	// ExemptedAppProtocols Apps in this list will be exempt from the policy and will be able to receive data from managed apps.
	ExemptedAppProtocols []KeyValuePair `json:"exemptedAppProtocols,omitempty"`
	// MinimumWipeSdkVersion Versions less than the specified version will block the managed app from accessing company data.
	MinimumWipeSdkVersion *string `json:"minimumWipeSdkVersion,omitempty"`
	// AllowedIOSDeviceModels Semicolon seperated list of device models allowed, as a string, for the managed app to work.
	AllowedIOSDeviceModels *string `json:"allowedIosDeviceModels,omitempty"`
	// AppActionIfIOSDeviceModelNotAllowed Defines a managed app behavior, either block or wipe, if the specified device model is not allowed.
	AppActionIfIOSDeviceModelNotAllowed *ManagedAppRemediationAction `json:"appActionIfIosDeviceModelNotAllowed,omitempty"`
	// ThirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked Defines if third party keyboards are allowed while accessing a managed app
	ThirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked *bool `json:"thirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked,omitempty"`
	// FilterOpenInToOnlyManagedApps Defines if open-in operation is supported from the managed app to the filesharing locations selected. This setting only applies when AllowedOutboundDataTransferDestinations is set to ManagedApps and DisableProtectionOfManagedOutboundOpenInData is set to False.
	FilterOpenInToOnlyManagedApps *bool `json:"filterOpenInToOnlyManagedApps,omitempty"`
	// DisableProtectionOfManagedOutboundOpenInData Disable protection of data transferred to other apps through IOS OpenIn option. This setting is only allowed to be True when AllowedOutboundDataTransferDestinations is set to ManagedApps.
	DisableProtectionOfManagedOutboundOpenInData *bool `json:"disableProtectionOfManagedOutboundOpenInData,omitempty"`
	// ProtectInboundDataFromUnknownSources Protect incoming data from unknown source. This setting is only allowed to be True when AllowedInboundDataTransferSources is set to AllApps.
	ProtectInboundDataFromUnknownSources *bool `json:"protectInboundDataFromUnknownSources,omitempty"`
	// CustomBrowserProtocol A custom browser protocol to open weblink on iOS.
	CustomBrowserProtocol *string `json:"customBrowserProtocol,omitempty"`
	// Apps undocumented
	Apps []ManagedMobileApp `json:"apps,omitempty"`
	// DeploymentSummary undocumented
	DeploymentSummary *ManagedAppPolicyDeploymentSummary `json:"deploymentSummary,omitempty"`