path: root/vendor/
blob: c506bb7093535eb5be4f1aee79c771b45a2be179 (plain) (tree)

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package msgraph

// DeviceManagementSettingDefinition Entity representing the defintion for a given setting
type DeviceManagementSettingDefinition struct {
	// Entity is the base model of DeviceManagementSettingDefinition
	// ValueType The data type of the value
	ValueType *DeviceManangementIntentValueType `json:"valueType,omitempty"`
	// DisplayName The setting's display name
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// IsTopLevel If the setting is top level, it can be configured without the need to be wrapped in a collection or complex setting
	IsTopLevel *bool `json:"isTopLevel,omitempty"`
	// Description The setting's description
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// DocumentationURL Url to setting documentation
	DocumentationURL *string `json:"documentationUrl,omitempty"`
	// Keywords Keywords associated with the setting
	Keywords []string `json:"keywords,omitempty"`
	// Constraints Collection of constraints for the setting value
	Constraints []DeviceManagementConstraint `json:"constraints,omitempty"`
	// Dependencies Collection of dependencies on other settings
	Dependencies []DeviceManagementSettingDependency `json:"dependencies,omitempty"`