path: root/vendor/
blob: fd77fce06ff5ef7d15c012151a660243619d7ad0 (plain) (tree)






























































// Package gomatrix implements the Matrix Client-Server API.
// Specification can be found at
package gomatrix

import (

// Client represents a Matrix client.
type Client struct {
	HomeserverURL *url.URL     // The base homeserver URL
	Prefix        string       // The API prefix eg '/_matrix/client/r0'
	UserID        string       // The user ID of the client. Used for forming HTTP paths which use the client's user ID.
	AccessToken   string       // The access_token for the client.
	Client        *http.Client // The underlying HTTP client which will be used to make HTTP requests.
	Syncer        Syncer       // The thing which can process /sync responses
	Store         Storer       // The thing which can store rooms/tokens/ids

	// The ?user_id= query parameter for application services. This must be set *prior* to calling a method. If this is empty,
	// no user_id parameter will be sent.
	// See
	AppServiceUserID string

	syncingMutex sync.Mutex // protects syncingID
	syncingID    uint32     // Identifies the current Sync. Only one Sync can be active at any given time.

// HTTPError An HTTP Error response, which may wrap an underlying native Go Error.
type HTTPError struct {
	Contents     []byte
	WrappedError error
	Message      string
	Code         int

func (e HTTPError) Error() string {
	var wrappedErrMsg string
	if e.WrappedError != nil {
		wrappedErrMsg = e.WrappedError.Error()
	return fmt.Sprintf("contents=%v msg=%s code=%d wrapped=%s", e.Contents, e.Message, e.Code, wrappedErrMsg)

// BuildURL builds a URL with the Client's homserver/prefix/access_token set already.
func (cli *Client) BuildURL(urlPath ...string) string {
	ps := append([]string{cli.Prefix}, urlPath...)
	return cli.BuildBaseURL(ps...)

// BuildBaseURL builds a URL with the Client's homeserver/access_token set already. You must
// supply the prefix in the path.
func (cli *Client) BuildBaseURL(urlPath ...string) string {
	// copy the URL. Purposefully ignore error as the input is from a valid URL already
	hsURL, _ := url.Parse(cli.HomeserverURL.String())
	parts := []string{hsURL.Path}
	parts = append(parts, urlPath...)
	hsURL.Path = path.Join(parts...)
	// Manually add the trailing slash back to the end of the path if it's explicitly needed
	if strings.HasSuffix(urlPath[len(urlPath)-1], "/") {
		hsURL.Path = hsURL.Path + "/"
	query := hsURL.Query()
	if cli.AccessToken != "" {
		query.Set("access_token", cli.AccessToken)
	if cli.AppServiceUserID != "" {
		query.Set("user_id", cli.AppServiceUserID)
	hsURL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
	return hsURL.String()

// BuildURLWithQuery builds a URL with query parameters in addition to the Client's homeserver/prefix/access_token set already.
func (cli *Client) BuildURLWithQuery(urlPath []string, urlQuery map[string]string) string {
	u, _ := url.Parse(cli.BuildURL(urlPath...))
	q := u.Query()
	for k, v := range urlQuery {
		q.Set(k, v)
	u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
	return u.String()

// SetCredentials sets the user ID and access token on this client instance.
func (cli *Client) SetCredentials(userID, accessToken string) {
	cli.AccessToken = accessToken
	cli.UserID = userID

// ClearCredentials removes the user ID and access token on this client instance.
func (cli *Client) ClearCredentials() {
	cli.AccessToken = ""
	cli.UserID = ""

// Sync starts syncing with the provided Homeserver. If Sync() is called twice then the first sync will be stopped and the
// error will be nil.
// This function will block until a fatal /sync error occurs, so it should almost always be started as a new goroutine.
// Fatal sync errors can be caused by:
//   - The failure to create a filter.
//   - Client.Syncer.OnFailedSync returning an error in response to a failed sync.
//   - Client.Syncer.ProcessResponse returning an error.
// If you wish to continue retrying in spite of these fatal errors, call Sync() again.
func (cli *Client) Sync() error {
	// Mark the client as syncing.
	// We will keep syncing until the syncing state changes. Either because
	// Sync is called or StopSync is called.
	syncingID := cli.incrementSyncingID()
	nextBatch := cli.Store.LoadNextBatch(cli.UserID)
	filterID := cli.Store.LoadFilterID(cli.UserID)
	if filterID == "" {
		filterJSON := cli.Syncer.GetFilterJSON(cli.UserID)
		resFilter, err := cli.CreateFilter(filterJSON)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		filterID = resFilter.FilterID
		cli.Store.SaveFilterID(cli.UserID, filterID)

	for {
		resSync, err := cli.SyncRequest(30000, nextBatch, filterID, false, "")
		if err != nil {
			duration, err2 := cli.Syncer.OnFailedSync(resSync, err)
			if err2 != nil {
				return err2

		// Check that the syncing state hasn't changed
		// Either because we've stopped syncing or another sync has been started.
		// We discard the response from our sync.
		if cli.getSyncingID() != syncingID {
			return nil

		// Save the token now *before* processing it. This means it's possible
		// to not process some events, but it means that we won't get constantly stuck processing
		// a malformed/buggy event which keeps making us panic.
		cli.Store.SaveNextBatch(cli.UserID, resSync.NextBatch)
		if err = cli.Syncer.ProcessResponse(resSync, nextBatch); err != nil {
			return err

		nextBatch = resSync.NextBatch

func (cli *Client) incrementSyncingID() uint32 {
	defer cli.syncingMutex.Unlock()
	return cli.syncingID

func (cli *Client) getSyncingID() uint32 {
	defer cli.syncingMutex.Unlock()
	return cli.syncingID

// StopSync stops the ongoing sync started by Sync.
func (cli *Client) StopSync() {
	// Advance the syncing state so that any running Syncs will terminate.

// MakeRequest makes a JSON HTTP request to the given URL.
// The response body will be stream decoded into an interface. This will automatically stop if the response
// body is nil.
// Returns an error if the response is not 2xx along with the HTTP body bytes if it got that far. This error is
// an HTTPError which includes the returned HTTP status code, byte contents of the response body and possibly a
// RespError as the WrappedError, if the HTTP body could be decoded as a RespError.
func (cli *Client) MakeRequest(method string, httpURL string, reqBody interface{}, resBody interface{}) error {
	var req *http.Request
	var err error
	if reqBody != nil {
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		if err := json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(reqBody); err != nil {
			return err
		req, err = http.NewRequest(method, httpURL, buf)
	} else {
		req, err = http.NewRequest(method, httpURL, nil)

	if err != nil {
		return err
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	res, err := cli.Client.Do(req)
	if res != nil {
		defer res.Body.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if res.StatusCode/100 != 2 { // not 2xx
		contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		var wrap error
		var respErr RespError
		if _ = json.Unmarshal(contents, &respErr); respErr.ErrCode != "" {
			wrap = respErr

		// If we failed to decode as RespError, don't just drop the HTTP body, include it in the
		// HTTP error instead (e.g proxy errors which return HTML).
		msg := "Failed to " + method + " JSON to " + req.URL.Path
		if wrap == nil {
			msg = msg + ": " + string(contents)

		return HTTPError{
			Contents:     contents,
			Code:         res.StatusCode,
			Message:      msg,
			WrappedError: wrap,

	if resBody != nil && res.Body != nil {
		return json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&resBody)

	return nil

// CreateFilter makes an HTTP request according to
func (cli *Client) CreateFilter(filter json.RawMessage) (resp *RespCreateFilter, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("user", cli.UserID, "filter")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", urlPath, &filter, &resp)

// SyncRequest makes an HTTP request according to
func (cli *Client) SyncRequest(timeout int, since, filterID string, fullState bool, setPresence string) (resp *RespSync, err error) {
	query := map[string]string{
		"timeout": strconv.Itoa(timeout),
	if since != "" {
		query["since"] = since
	if filterID != "" {
		query["filter"] = filterID
	if setPresence != "" {
		query["set_presence"] = setPresence
	if fullState {
		query["full_state"] = "true"
	urlPath := cli.BuildURLWithQuery([]string{"sync"}, query)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &resp)

func (cli *Client) register(u string, req *ReqRegister) (resp *RespRegister, uiaResp *RespUserInteractive, err error) {
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, req, &resp)
	if err != nil {
		httpErr, ok := err.(HTTPError)
		if !ok { // network error
		if httpErr.Code == 401 {
			// body should be RespUserInteractive, if it isn't, fail with the error
			err = json.Unmarshal(httpErr.Contents, &uiaResp)

// Register makes an HTTP request according to
// Registers with kind=user. For kind=guest, see RegisterGuest.
func (cli *Client) Register(req *ReqRegister) (*RespRegister, *RespUserInteractive, error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("register")
	return cli.register(u, req)

// RegisterGuest makes an HTTP request according to
// with kind=guest.
// For kind=user, see Register.
func (cli *Client) RegisterGuest(req *ReqRegister) (*RespRegister, *RespUserInteractive, error) {
	query := map[string]string{
		"kind": "guest",
	u := cli.BuildURLWithQuery([]string{"register"}, query)
	return cli.register(u, req)

// RegisterDummy performs m.login.dummy registration according to
// Only a username and password need to be provided on the ReqRegister struct. Most local/developer homeservers will allow registration
// this way. If the homeserver does not, an error is returned.
// This does not set credentials on the client instance. See SetCredentials() instead.
// 	res, err := cli.RegisterDummy(&gomatrix.ReqRegister{
//		Username: "alice",
//		Password: "wonderland",
//	})
//  if err != nil {
// 		panic(err)
// 	}
// 	token := res.AccessToken
func (cli *Client) RegisterDummy(req *ReqRegister) (*RespRegister, error) {
	res, uia, err := cli.Register(req)
	if err != nil && uia == nil {
		return nil, err
	if uia != nil && uia.HasSingleStageFlow("m.login.dummy") {
		req.Auth = struct {
			Type    string `json:"type"`
			Session string `json:"session,omitempty"`
		}{"m.login.dummy", uia.Session}
		res, _, err = cli.Register(req)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	if res == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("registration failed: does this server support m.login.dummy?")
	return res, nil

// Login a user to the homeserver according to
// This does not set credentials on this client instance. See SetCredentials() instead.
func (cli *Client) Login(req *ReqLogin) (resp *RespLogin, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("login")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", urlPath, req, &resp)

// Logout the current user. See
// This does not clear the credentials from the client instance. See ClearCredentials() instead.
func (cli *Client) Logout() (resp *RespLogout, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("logout")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", urlPath, nil, &resp)

// LogoutAll logs the current user out on all devices. See
// This does not clear the credentials from the client instance. See ClearCredentails() instead.
func (cli *Client) LogoutAll() (resp *RespLogoutAll, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("logout/all")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", urlPath, nil, &resp)

// Versions returns the list of supported Matrix versions on this homeserver. See
func (cli *Client) Versions() (resp *RespVersions, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildBaseURL("_matrix", "client", "versions")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &resp)

// PublicRooms returns the list of public rooms on target server. See
func (cli *Client) PublicRooms(limit int, since string, server string) (resp *RespPublicRooms, err error) {
	args := map[string]string{}

	if limit != 0 {
		args["limit"] = strconv.Itoa(limit)
	if since != "" {
		args["since"] = since
	if server != "" {
		args["server"] = server

	urlPath := cli.BuildURLWithQuery([]string{"publicRooms"}, args)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &resp)

// PublicRoomsFiltered returns a subset of PublicRooms filtered server side.
// See
func (cli *Client) PublicRoomsFiltered(limit int, since string, server string, filter string) (resp *RespPublicRooms, err error) {
	content := map[string]string{}

	if limit != 0 {
		content["limit"] = strconv.Itoa(limit)
	if since != "" {
		content["since"] = since
	if filter != "" {
		content["filter"] = filter

	var urlPath string
	if server == "" {
		urlPath = cli.BuildURL("publicRooms")
	} else {
		urlPath = cli.BuildURLWithQuery([]string{"publicRooms"}, map[string]string{
			"server": server,

	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", urlPath, content, &resp)

// JoinRoom joins the client to a room ID or alias. See
// If serverName is specified, this will be added as a query param to instruct the homeserver to join via that server. If content is specified, it will
// be JSON encoded and used as the request body.
func (cli *Client) JoinRoom(roomIDorAlias, serverName string, content interface{}) (resp *RespJoinRoom, err error) {
	var urlPath string
	if serverName != "" {
		urlPath = cli.BuildURLWithQuery([]string{"join", roomIDorAlias}, map[string]string{
			"server_name": serverName,
	} else {
		urlPath = cli.BuildURL("join", roomIDorAlias)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", urlPath, content, &resp)

// GetDisplayName returns the display name of the user from the specified MXID. See
func (cli *Client) GetDisplayName(mxid string) (resp *RespUserDisplayName, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("profile", mxid, "displayname")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &resp)

// GetOwnDisplayName returns the user's display name. See
func (cli *Client) GetOwnDisplayName() (resp *RespUserDisplayName, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("profile", cli.UserID, "displayname")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &resp)

// SetDisplayName sets the user's profile display name. See
func (cli *Client) SetDisplayName(displayName string) (err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("profile", cli.UserID, "displayname")
	s := struct {
		DisplayName string `json:"displayname"`
	err = cli.MakeRequest("PUT", urlPath, &s, nil)

// GetAvatarURL gets the user's avatar URL. See
func (cli *Client) GetAvatarURL() (string, error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("profile", cli.UserID, "avatar_url")
	s := struct {
		AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"`

	err := cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &s)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return s.AvatarURL, nil

// SetAvatarURL sets the user's avatar URL. See
func (cli *Client) SetAvatarURL(url string) error {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("profile", cli.UserID, "avatar_url")
	s := struct {
		AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"`
	err := cli.MakeRequest("PUT", urlPath, &s, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

// GetStatus returns the status of the user from the specified MXID. See
func (cli *Client) GetStatus(mxid string) (resp *RespUserStatus, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("presence", mxid, "status")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &resp)

// GetOwnStatus returns the user's status. See
func (cli *Client) GetOwnStatus() (resp *RespUserStatus, err error) {
	return cli.GetStatus(cli.UserID)

// SetStatus sets the user's status. See
func (cli *Client) SetStatus(presence, status string) (err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("presence", cli.UserID, "status")
	s := struct {
		Presence  string `json:"presence"`
		StatusMsg string `json:"status_msg"`
	}{presence, status}
	err = cli.MakeRequest("PUT", urlPath, &s, nil)

// SendMessageEvent sends a message event into a room. See
// contentJSON should be a pointer to something that can be encoded as JSON using json.Marshal.
func (cli *Client) SendMessageEvent(roomID string, eventType string, contentJSON interface{}) (resp *RespSendEvent, err error) {
	txnID := txnID()
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "send", eventType, txnID)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("PUT", urlPath, contentJSON, &resp)

// SendStateEvent sends a state event into a room. See
// contentJSON should be a pointer to something that can be encoded as JSON using json.Marshal.
func (cli *Client) SendStateEvent(roomID, eventType, stateKey string, contentJSON interface{}) (resp *RespSendEvent, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "state", eventType, stateKey)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("PUT", urlPath, contentJSON, &resp)

// SendText sends an event into the given room with a msgtype of m.text
// See
func (cli *Client) SendText(roomID, text string) (*RespSendEvent, error) {
	return cli.SendMessageEvent(roomID, "",
		TextMessage{MsgType: "m.text", Body: text})

// SendFormattedText sends an event into the given room with a msgtype of m.text, supports a subset of HTML for formatting.
// See
func (cli *Client) SendFormattedText(roomID, text, formattedText string) (*RespSendEvent, error) {
	return cli.SendMessageEvent(roomID, "",
		TextMessage{MsgType: "m.text", Body: text, FormattedBody: formattedText, Format: "org.matrix.custom.html"})

// SendImage sends an event into the given room with a msgtype of m.image
// See
func (cli *Client) SendImage(roomID, body, url string) (*RespSendEvent, error) {
	return cli.SendMessageEvent(roomID, "",
			MsgType: "m.image",
			Body:    body,
			URL:     url,

// SendVideo sends an event into the given room with a msgtype of
// See
func (cli *Client) SendVideo(roomID, body, url string) (*RespSendEvent, error) {
	return cli.SendMessageEvent(roomID, "",
			MsgType: "",
			Body:    body,
			URL:     url,

// SendNotice sends an event into the given room with a msgtype of m.notice
// See
func (cli *Client) SendNotice(roomID, text string) (*RespSendEvent, error) {
	return cli.SendMessageEvent(roomID, "",
		TextMessage{MsgType: "m.notice", Body: text})

// RedactEvent redacts the given event. See
func (cli *Client) RedactEvent(roomID, eventID string, req *ReqRedact) (resp *RespSendEvent, err error) {
	txnID := txnID()
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "redact", eventID, txnID)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("PUT", urlPath, req, &resp)

// MarkRead marks eventID in roomID as read, signifying the event, and all before it have been read. See
func (cli *Client) MarkRead(roomID, eventID string) error {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "receipt", "", eventID)
	return cli.MakeRequest("POST", urlPath, nil, nil)

// CreateRoom creates a new Matrix room. See
//  resp, err := cli.CreateRoom(&gomatrix.ReqCreateRoom{
//  	Preset: "public_chat",
//  })
//  fmt.Println("Room:", resp.RoomID)
func (cli *Client) CreateRoom(req *ReqCreateRoom) (resp *RespCreateRoom, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("createRoom")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", urlPath, req, &resp)

// LeaveRoom leaves the given room. See
func (cli *Client) LeaveRoom(roomID string) (resp *RespLeaveRoom, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "leave")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, struct{}{}, &resp)

// ForgetRoom forgets a room entirely. See
func (cli *Client) ForgetRoom(roomID string) (resp *RespForgetRoom, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "forget")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, struct{}{}, &resp)

// InviteUser invites a user to a room. See
func (cli *Client) InviteUser(roomID string, req *ReqInviteUser) (resp *RespInviteUser, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "invite")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, req, &resp)

// InviteUserByThirdParty invites a third-party identifier to a room. See
func (cli *Client) InviteUserByThirdParty(roomID string, req *ReqInvite3PID) (resp *RespInviteUser, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "invite")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, req, &resp)

// KickUser kicks a user from a room. See
func (cli *Client) KickUser(roomID string, req *ReqKickUser) (resp *RespKickUser, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "kick")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, req, &resp)

// BanUser bans a user from a room. See
func (cli *Client) BanUser(roomID string, req *ReqBanUser) (resp *RespBanUser, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "ban")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, req, &resp)

// UnbanUser unbans a user from a room. See
func (cli *Client) UnbanUser(roomID string, req *ReqUnbanUser) (resp *RespUnbanUser, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "unban")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, req, &resp)

// UserTyping sets the typing status of the user. See
func (cli *Client) UserTyping(roomID string, typing bool, timeout int64) (resp *RespTyping, err error) {
	req := ReqTyping{Typing: typing, Timeout: timeout}
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "typing", cli.UserID)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("PUT", u, req, &resp)

// StateEvent gets a single state event in a room. It will attempt to JSON unmarshal into the given "outContent" struct with
// the HTTP response body, or return an error.
// See
func (cli *Client) StateEvent(roomID, eventType, stateKey string, outContent interface{}) (err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "state", eventType, stateKey)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", u, nil, outContent)

// UploadLink uploads an HTTP URL and then returns an MXC URI.
func (cli *Client) UploadLink(link string) (*RespMediaUpload, error) {
	res, err := cli.Client.Get(link)
	if res != nil {
		defer res.Body.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return cli.UploadToContentRepo(res.Body, res.Header.Get("Content-Type"), res.ContentLength)

// UploadToContentRepo uploads the given bytes to the content repository and returns an MXC URI.
// See
func (cli *Client) UploadToContentRepo(content io.Reader, contentType string, contentLength int64) (*RespMediaUpload, error) {
	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", cli.BuildBaseURL("_matrix/media/r0/upload"), content)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", contentType)
	req.ContentLength = contentLength
	res, err := cli.Client.Do(req)
	if res != nil {
		defer res.Body.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if res.StatusCode != 200 {
		contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, HTTPError{
				Message: "Upload request failed - Failed to read response body: " + err.Error(),
				Code:    res.StatusCode,
		return nil, HTTPError{
			Contents: contents,
			Message:  "Upload request failed: " + string(contents),
			Code:     res.StatusCode,
	var m RespMediaUpload
	if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&m); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &m, nil

// JoinedMembers returns a map of joined room members. See TODO-SPEC.
// In general, usage of this API is discouraged in favour of /sync, as calling this API can race with incoming membership changes.
// This API is primarily designed for application services which may want to efficiently look up joined members in a room.
func (cli *Client) JoinedMembers(roomID string) (resp *RespJoinedMembers, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", roomID, "joined_members")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", u, nil, &resp)

// JoinedRooms returns a list of rooms which the client is joined to. See TODO-SPEC.
// In general, usage of this API is discouraged in favour of /sync, as calling this API can race with incoming membership changes.
// This API is primarily designed for application services which may want to efficiently look up joined rooms.
func (cli *Client) JoinedRooms() (resp *RespJoinedRooms, err error) {
	u := cli.BuildURL("joined_rooms")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", u, nil, &resp)

// Messages returns a list of message and state events for a room. It uses
// pagination query parameters to paginate history in the room.
// See
func (cli *Client) Messages(roomID, from, to string, dir rune, limit int) (resp *RespMessages, err error) {
	query := map[string]string{
		"from": from,
		"dir":  string(dir),
	if to != "" {
		query["to"] = to
	if limit != 0 {
		query["limit"] = strconv.Itoa(limit)

	urlPath := cli.BuildURLWithQuery([]string{"rooms", roomID, "messages"}, query)
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &resp)

// TurnServer returns turn server details and credentials for the client to use when initiating calls.
// See
func (cli *Client) TurnServer() (resp *RespTurnServer, err error) {
	urlPath := cli.BuildURL("voip", "turnServer")
	err = cli.MakeRequest("GET", urlPath, nil, &resp)

func txnID() string {
	return "go" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)

// NewClient creates a new Matrix Client ready for syncing
func NewClient(homeserverURL, userID, accessToken string) (*Client, error) {
	hsURL, err := url.Parse(homeserverURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// By default, use an in-memory store which will never save filter ids / next batch tokens to disk.
	// The client will work with this storer: it just won't remember across restarts.
	// In practice, a database backend should be used.
	store := NewInMemoryStore()
	cli := Client{
		AccessToken:   accessToken,
		HomeserverURL: hsURL,
		UserID:        userID,
		Prefix:        "/_matrix/client/r0",
		Syncer:        NewDefaultSyncer(userID, store),
		Store:         store,
	// By default, use the default HTTP client.
	cli.Client = http.DefaultClient

	return &cli, nil