path: root/vendor/
blob: aaf4bbdb01876c82e9868e7cab2190278c463d04 (plain) (tree)

package object // import ""

// AppsApp type application type.
const (
	AppTypeApp          = "app"
	AppTypeGame         = "game"
	AppTypeSite         = "site"
	AppTypeStandalone   = "standalone"
	AppTypeVkApp        = "vk_app"
	AppTypeCommunityApp = "community_app"
	AppTypeHTML5Game    = "html5_game"

// AppsLeaderboardType leaderboardType type.
const (
	AppsLeaderboardTypeNotSupported = iota

// AppsScreenOrientation supported screen orientation.
type AppsScreenOrientation int

// Possible values.
const (
	AppsScreenOrientationBoth AppsScreenOrientation = iota

// AppsCatalogBanner struct.
type AppsCatalogBanner struct {
	BackgroundColor  string `json:"background_color"`
	DescriptionColor string `json:"description_color"`
	Description      string `json:"description"`
	TitleColor       string `json:"title_color"`

// AppsApp struct.
type AppsApp struct {
	AuthorOwnerID   int         `json:"author_owner_id"`
	AuthorURL       string      `json:"author_url"`
	Banner1120      string      `json:"banner_1120"`      // URL of the app banner with 1120 px in width
	Banner560       string      `json:"banner_560"`       // URL of the app banner with 560 px in width
	CatalogPosition int         `json:"catalog_position"` // Catalog position
	Description     string      `json:"description"`      // Application description
	Friends         []int       `json:"friends"`
	Genre           string      `json:"genre"`         // Genre name
	GenreID         int         `json:"genre_id"`      // Genre ID
	Icon139         string      `json:"icon_139"`      // URL of the app icon with 139 px in width
	Icon150         string      `json:"icon_150"`      // URL of the app icon with 150 px in width
	Icon278         string      `json:"icon_278"`      // URL of the app icon with 279 px in width
	Icon75          string      `json:"icon_75"`       // URL of the app icon with 75 px in width
	ID              int         `json:"id"`            // Application ID
	International   BaseBoolInt `json:"international"` // Information whether the application is multi language
	IsInCatalog     BaseBoolInt `json:"is_in_catalog"` // Information whether application is in mobile catalog
	Installed       BaseBoolInt `json:"installed"`
	PushEnabled     BaseBoolInt `json:"push_enabled"`
	HideTabbar      BaseBoolInt `json:"hide_tabbar"`
	IsNew           BaseBoolInt `json:"is_new"`
	New             BaseBoolInt `json:"new"`
	IsInstalled     BaseBoolInt `json:"is_installed"`
	LeaderboardType int         `json:"leaderboard_type"`
	MembersCount    int         `json:"members_count"` // Members number
	PlatformID      int         `json:"platform_id"`   // Application ID in store

	// Date when the application has been published in Unixtime.
	PublishedDate     int                   `json:"published_date"`
	ScreenName        string                `json:"screen_name"` // Screen name
	Screenshots       []PhotosPhoto         `json:"screenshots"`
	Section           string                `json:"section"` // Application section name
	Title             string                `json:"title"`   // Application title
	Type              string                `json:"type"`
	Icon16            string                `json:"icon_16"`
	Icon576           string                `json:"icon_576"`
	ScreenOrientation AppsScreenOrientation `json:"screen_orientation"`
	CatalogBanner     AppsCatalogBanner     `json:"catalog_banner"`

	// mobile_controls_type = 0 - прозрачный элемент управления поверх области с игрой;
	// mobile_controls_type = 1 - чёрная полоска над областью с игрой;
	// mobile_controls_type = 2 - только для vk apps, без контроллов.
	MobileControlsType int `json:"mobile_controls_type"`

	// mobile_view_support_type = 0 - игра не использует нижнюю часть экрана на iPhoneX, черная полоса есть.
	// mobile_view_support_type = 1 - игра использует нижнюю часть экрана на iPhoneX, черной полосы нет.
	MobileViewSupportType int `json:"mobile_view_support_type"`

// AppsLeaderboard struct.
type AppsLeaderboard struct {
	Level  int `json:"level"`   // Level
	Points int `json:"points"`  // Points number
	Score  int `json:"score"`   // Score number
	UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID

// AppsScope Scope description.
type AppsScope struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`  // Scope name
	Title string `json:"title"` // Scope title