path: root/vendor/
blob: 77e7e1c3ab27a4567c176d1049f6f4de638b01a4 (plain) (tree)









































































package whatsapp

import (


type MediaType string

const (
	MediaImage    MediaType = "WhatsApp Image Keys"
	MediaVideo    MediaType = "WhatsApp Video Keys"
	MediaAudio    MediaType = "WhatsApp Audio Keys"
	MediaDocument MediaType = "WhatsApp Document Keys"

func (wac *Conn) Send(msg interface{}) (string, error) {
	var msgProto *proto.WebMessageInfo

	switch m := msg.(type) {
	case *proto.WebMessageInfo:
		msgProto = m
	case TextMessage:
		msgProto = getTextProto(m)
	case ImageMessage:
		var err error
		m.url, m.mediaKey, m.fileEncSha256, m.fileSha256, m.fileLength, err = wac.Upload(m.Content, MediaImage)
		if err != nil {
			return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("image upload failed: %v", err)
		msgProto = getImageProto(m)
	case VideoMessage:
		var err error
		m.url, m.mediaKey, m.fileEncSha256, m.fileSha256, m.fileLength, err = wac.Upload(m.Content, MediaVideo)
		if err != nil {
			return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("video upload failed: %v", err)
		msgProto = getVideoProto(m)
	case DocumentMessage:
		var err error
		m.url, m.mediaKey, m.fileEncSha256, m.fileSha256, m.fileLength, err = wac.Upload(m.Content, MediaDocument)
		if err != nil {
			return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("document upload failed: %v", err)
		msgProto = getDocumentProto(m)
	case AudioMessage:
		var err error
		m.url, m.mediaKey, m.fileEncSha256, m.fileSha256, m.fileLength, err = wac.Upload(m.Content, MediaAudio)
		if err != nil {
			return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("audio upload failed: %v", err)
		msgProto = getAudioProto(m)
	case LocationMessage:
		msgProto = GetLocationProto(m)
	case LiveLocationMessage:
		msgProto = GetLiveLocationProto(m)
	case ContactMessage:
		msgProto = getContactMessageProto(m)
		return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("cannot match type %T, use message types declared in the package", msg)

	ch, err := wac.sendProto(msgProto)
	if err != nil {
		return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("could not send proto: %v", err)

	select {
	case response := <-ch:
		var resp map[string]interface{}
		if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(response), &resp); err != nil {
			return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("error decoding sending response: %v\n", err)
		if int(resp["status"].(float64)) != 200 {
			return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("message sending responded with %d", resp["status"])
		if int(resp["status"].(float64)) == 200 {
			return getMessageInfo(msgProto).Id, nil
	case <-time.After(wac.msgTimeout):
		return "ERROR", fmt.Errorf("sending message timed out")

	return "ERROR", nil

func (wac *Conn) sendProto(p *proto.WebMessageInfo) (<-chan string, error) {
	n := binary.Node{
		Description: "action",
		Attributes: map[string]string{
			"type":  "relay",
			"epoch": strconv.Itoa(wac.msgCount),
		Content: []interface{}{p},
	return wac.writeBinary(n, message, ignore, p.Key.GetId())

func init() {

MessageInfo contains general message information. It is part of every of every message type.
type MessageInfo struct {
	Id        string
	RemoteJid string
	SenderJid string
	FromMe    bool
	Timestamp uint64
	PushName  string
	Status    MessageStatus

	Source *proto.WebMessageInfo

type MessageStatus int

const (
	Error       MessageStatus = 0
	Pending                   = 1
	ServerAck                 = 2
	DeliveryAck               = 3
	Read                      = 4
	Played                    = 5

func getMessageInfo(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) MessageInfo {
	return MessageInfo{
		Id:        msg.GetKey().GetId(),
		RemoteJid: msg.GetKey().GetRemoteJid(),
		SenderJid: msg.GetKey().GetParticipant(),
		FromMe:    msg.GetKey().GetFromMe(),
		Timestamp: msg.GetMessageTimestamp(),
		Status:    MessageStatus(msg.GetStatus()),
		PushName:  msg.GetPushName(),
		Source:    msg,

func getInfoProto(info *MessageInfo) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	if info.Id == "" || len(info.Id) < 2 {
		b := make([]byte, 10)
		info.Id = strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(b))
	if info.Timestamp == 0 {
		info.Timestamp = uint64(time.Now().Unix())
	info.FromMe = true

	status := proto.WebMessageInfo_WEB_MESSAGE_INFO_STATUS(info.Status)

	return &proto.WebMessageInfo{
		Key: &proto.MessageKey{
			FromMe:    &info.FromMe,
			RemoteJid: &info.RemoteJid,
			Id:        &info.Id,
		MessageTimestamp: &info.Timestamp,
		Status:           &status,

ContextInfo represents contextinfo of every message
type ContextInfo struct {
	QuotedMessageID string //StanzaId
	QuotedMessage   *proto.Message
	Participant     string
	IsForwarded     bool

func getMessageContext(msg *proto.ContextInfo) ContextInfo {

	return ContextInfo{
		QuotedMessageID: msg.GetStanzaId(), //StanzaId
		QuotedMessage:   msg.GetQuotedMessage(),
		Participant:     msg.GetParticipant(),
		IsForwarded:     msg.GetIsForwarded(),

func getContextInfoProto(context *ContextInfo) *proto.ContextInfo {
	if len(context.QuotedMessageID) > 0 {
		contextInfo := &proto.ContextInfo{
			StanzaId: &context.QuotedMessageID,

		if &context.QuotedMessage != nil {
			contextInfo.QuotedMessage = context.QuotedMessage
			contextInfo.Participant = &context.Participant

		return contextInfo

	return nil

TextMessage represents a text message.
type TextMessage struct {
	Info        MessageInfo
	Text        string
	ContextInfo ContextInfo

func getTextMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) TextMessage {
	text := TextMessage{Info: getMessageInfo(msg)}
	if m := msg.GetMessage().GetExtendedTextMessage(); m != nil {
		text.Text = m.GetText()

		text.ContextInfo = getMessageContext(m.GetContextInfo())
	} else {
		text.Text = msg.GetMessage().GetConversation()


	return text

func getTextProto(msg TextMessage) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	p := getInfoProto(&msg.Info)
	contextInfo := getContextInfoProto(&msg.ContextInfo)

	if contextInfo == nil {
		p.Message = &proto.Message{
			Conversation: &msg.Text,
	} else {
		p.Message = &proto.Message{
			ExtendedTextMessage: &proto.ExtendedTextMessage{
				Text:        &msg.Text,
				ContextInfo: contextInfo,

	return p

ImageMessage represents a image message. Unexported fields are needed for media up/downloading and media validation.
Provide a io.Reader as Content for message sending.
type ImageMessage struct {
	Info          MessageInfo
	Caption       string
	Thumbnail     []byte
	Type          string
	Content       io.Reader
	url           string
	mediaKey      []byte
	fileEncSha256 []byte
	fileSha256    []byte
	fileLength    uint64
	ContextInfo   ContextInfo

func getImageMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) ImageMessage {
	image := msg.GetMessage().GetImageMessage()

	imageMessage := ImageMessage{
		Info:          getMessageInfo(msg),
		Caption:       image.GetCaption(),
		Thumbnail:     image.GetJpegThumbnail(),
		url:           image.GetUrl(),
		mediaKey:      image.GetMediaKey(),
		Type:          image.GetMimetype(),
		fileEncSha256: image.GetFileEncSha256(),
		fileSha256:    image.GetFileSha256(),
		fileLength:    image.GetFileLength(),
		ContextInfo:   getMessageContext(image.GetContextInfo()),

	return imageMessage

func getImageProto(msg ImageMessage) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	p := getInfoProto(&msg.Info)
	contextInfo := getContextInfoProto(&msg.ContextInfo)

	p.Message = &proto.Message{
		ImageMessage: &proto.ImageMessage{
			Caption:       &msg.Caption,
			JpegThumbnail: msg.Thumbnail,
			Url:           &msg.url,
			MediaKey:      msg.mediaKey,
			Mimetype:      &msg.Type,
			FileEncSha256: msg.fileEncSha256,
			FileSha256:    msg.fileSha256,
			FileLength:    &msg.fileLength,
			ContextInfo:   contextInfo,
	return p

Download is the function to retrieve media data. The media gets downloaded, validated and returned.
func (m *ImageMessage) Download() ([]byte, error) {
	return Download(m.url, m.mediaKey, MediaImage, int(m.fileLength))

VideoMessage represents a video message. Unexported fields are needed for media up/downloading and media validation.
Provide a io.Reader as Content for message sending.
type VideoMessage struct {
	Info          MessageInfo
	Caption       string
	Thumbnail     []byte
	Length        uint32
	Type          string
	Content       io.Reader
	GifPlayback   bool
	url           string
	mediaKey      []byte
	fileEncSha256 []byte
	fileSha256    []byte
	fileLength    uint64
	ContextInfo   ContextInfo

func getVideoMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) VideoMessage {
	vid := msg.GetMessage().GetVideoMessage()

	videoMessage := VideoMessage{
		Info:          getMessageInfo(msg),
		Caption:       vid.GetCaption(),
		Thumbnail:     vid.GetJpegThumbnail(),
		GifPlayback:   vid.GetGifPlayback(),
		url:           vid.GetUrl(),
		mediaKey:      vid.GetMediaKey(),
		Length:        vid.GetSeconds(),
		Type:          vid.GetMimetype(),
		fileEncSha256: vid.GetFileEncSha256(),
		fileSha256:    vid.GetFileSha256(),
		fileLength:    vid.GetFileLength(),
		ContextInfo:   getMessageContext(vid.GetContextInfo()),

	return videoMessage

func getVideoProto(msg VideoMessage) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	p := getInfoProto(&msg.Info)
	contextInfo := getContextInfoProto(&msg.ContextInfo)

	p.Message = &proto.Message{
		VideoMessage: &proto.VideoMessage{
			Caption:       &msg.Caption,
			JpegThumbnail: msg.Thumbnail,
			Url:           &msg.url,
			GifPlayback:   &msg.GifPlayback,
			MediaKey:      msg.mediaKey,
			Seconds:       &msg.Length,
			FileEncSha256: msg.fileEncSha256,
			FileSha256:    msg.fileSha256,
			FileLength:    &msg.fileLength,
			Mimetype:      &msg.Type,
			ContextInfo:   contextInfo,
	return p

Download is the function to retrieve media data. The media gets downloaded, validated and returned.
func (m *VideoMessage) Download() ([]byte, error) {
	return Download(m.url, m.mediaKey, MediaVideo, int(m.fileLength))

AudioMessage represents a audio message. Unexported fields are needed for media up/downloading and media validation.
Provide a io.Reader as Content for message sending.
type AudioMessage struct {
	Info          MessageInfo
	Length        uint32
	Type          string
	Content       io.Reader
	Ptt           bool
	url           string
	mediaKey      []byte
	fileEncSha256 []byte
	fileSha256    []byte
	fileLength    uint64
	ContextInfo   ContextInfo

func getAudioMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) AudioMessage {
	aud := msg.GetMessage().GetAudioMessage()

	audioMessage := AudioMessage{
		Info:          getMessageInfo(msg),
		url:           aud.GetUrl(),
		mediaKey:      aud.GetMediaKey(),
		Length:        aud.GetSeconds(),
		Type:          aud.GetMimetype(),
		fileEncSha256: aud.GetFileEncSha256(),
		fileSha256:    aud.GetFileSha256(),
		fileLength:    aud.GetFileLength(),
		ContextInfo:   getMessageContext(aud.GetContextInfo()),

	return audioMessage

func getAudioProto(msg AudioMessage) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	p := getInfoProto(&msg.Info)
	contextInfo := getContextInfoProto(&msg.ContextInfo)
	p.Message = &proto.Message{
		AudioMessage: &proto.AudioMessage{
			Url:           &msg.url,
			MediaKey:      msg.mediaKey,
			Seconds:       &msg.Length,
			FileEncSha256: msg.fileEncSha256,
			FileSha256:    msg.fileSha256,
			FileLength:    &msg.fileLength,
			Mimetype:      &msg.Type,
			ContextInfo:   contextInfo,
			Ptt:           &msg.Ptt,
	return p

Download is the function to retrieve media data. The media gets downloaded, validated and returned.
func (m *AudioMessage) Download() ([]byte, error) {
	return Download(m.url, m.mediaKey, MediaAudio, int(m.fileLength))

DocumentMessage represents a document message. Unexported fields are needed for media up/downloading and media
validation. Provide a io.Reader as Content for message sending.
type DocumentMessage struct {
	Info          MessageInfo
	Title         string
	PageCount     uint32
	Type          string
	FileName      string
	Thumbnail     []byte
	Content       io.Reader
	url           string
	mediaKey      []byte
	fileEncSha256 []byte
	fileSha256    []byte
	fileLength    uint64
	ContextInfo   ContextInfo

func getDocumentMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) DocumentMessage {
	doc := msg.GetMessage().GetDocumentMessage()

	documentMessage := DocumentMessage{
		Info:          getMessageInfo(msg),
		Title:         doc.GetTitle(),
		PageCount:     doc.GetPageCount(),
		Type:          doc.GetMimetype(),
		FileName:      doc.GetFileName(),
		Thumbnail:     doc.GetJpegThumbnail(),
		url:           doc.GetUrl(),
		mediaKey:      doc.GetMediaKey(),
		fileEncSha256: doc.GetFileEncSha256(),
		fileSha256:    doc.GetFileSha256(),
		fileLength:    doc.GetFileLength(),
		ContextInfo:   getMessageContext(doc.GetContextInfo()),

	return documentMessage

func getDocumentProto(msg DocumentMessage) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	p := getInfoProto(&msg.Info)
	contextInfo := getContextInfoProto(&msg.ContextInfo)
	p.Message = &proto.Message{
		DocumentMessage: &proto.DocumentMessage{
			JpegThumbnail: msg.Thumbnail,
			Url:           &msg.url,
			MediaKey:      msg.mediaKey,
			FileEncSha256: msg.fileEncSha256,
			FileSha256:    msg.fileSha256,
			FileLength:    &msg.fileLength,
			PageCount:     &msg.PageCount,
			Title:         &msg.Title,
			Mimetype:      &msg.Type,
			ContextInfo:   contextInfo,
	return p

Download is the function to retrieve media data. The media gets downloaded, validated and returned.
func (m *DocumentMessage) Download() ([]byte, error) {
	return Download(m.url, m.mediaKey, MediaDocument, int(m.fileLength))

LocationMessage represents a location message
type LocationMessage struct {
	Info             MessageInfo
	DegreesLatitude  float64
	DegreesLongitude float64
	Name             string
	Address          string
	Url              string
	JpegThumbnail    []byte
	ContextInfo      ContextInfo

func GetLocationMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) LocationMessage {
	loc := msg.GetMessage().GetLocationMessage()

	locationMessage := LocationMessage{
		Info:             getMessageInfo(msg),
		DegreesLatitude:  loc.GetDegreesLatitude(),
		DegreesLongitude: loc.GetDegreesLongitude(),
		Name:             loc.GetName(),
		Address:          loc.GetAddress(),
		Url:              loc.GetUrl(),
		JpegThumbnail:    loc.GetJpegThumbnail(),
		ContextInfo:      getMessageContext(loc.GetContextInfo()),

	return locationMessage

func GetLocationProto(msg LocationMessage) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	p := getInfoProto(&msg.Info)
	contextInfo := getContextInfoProto(&msg.ContextInfo)

	p.Message = &proto.Message{
		LocationMessage: &proto.LocationMessage{
			DegreesLatitude:  &msg.DegreesLatitude,
			DegreesLongitude: &msg.DegreesLongitude,
			Name:             &msg.Name,
			Address:          &msg.Address,
			Url:              &msg.Url,
			JpegThumbnail:    msg.JpegThumbnail,
			ContextInfo:      contextInfo,
	return p

LiveLocationMessage represents a live location message
type LiveLocationMessage struct {
	Info                              MessageInfo
	DegreesLatitude                   float64
	DegreesLongitude                  float64
	AccuracyInMeters                  uint32
	SpeedInMps                        float32
	DegreesClockwiseFromMagneticNorth uint32
	Caption                           string
	SequenceNumber                    int64
	JpegThumbnail                     []byte
	ContextInfo                       ContextInfo

func GetLiveLocationMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) LiveLocationMessage {
	loc := msg.GetMessage().GetLiveLocationMessage()

	liveLocationMessage := LiveLocationMessage{
		Info:                              getMessageInfo(msg),
		DegreesLatitude:                   loc.GetDegreesLatitude(),
		DegreesLongitude:                  loc.GetDegreesLongitude(),
		AccuracyInMeters:                  loc.GetAccuracyInMeters(),
		SpeedInMps:                        loc.GetSpeedInMps(),
		DegreesClockwiseFromMagneticNorth: loc.GetDegreesClockwiseFromMagneticNorth(),
		Caption:                           loc.GetCaption(),
		SequenceNumber:                    loc.GetSequenceNumber(),
		JpegThumbnail:                     loc.GetJpegThumbnail(),
		ContextInfo:                       getMessageContext(loc.GetContextInfo()),

	return liveLocationMessage

func GetLiveLocationProto(msg LiveLocationMessage) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	p := getInfoProto(&msg.Info)
	contextInfo := getContextInfoProto(&msg.ContextInfo)
	p.Message = &proto.Message{
		LiveLocationMessage: &proto.LiveLocationMessage{
			DegreesLatitude:                   &msg.DegreesLatitude,
			DegreesLongitude:                  &msg.DegreesLongitude,
			AccuracyInMeters:                  &msg.AccuracyInMeters,
			SpeedInMps:                        &msg.SpeedInMps,
			DegreesClockwiseFromMagneticNorth: &msg.DegreesClockwiseFromMagneticNorth,
			Caption:                           &msg.Caption,
			SequenceNumber:                    &msg.SequenceNumber,
			JpegThumbnail:                     msg.JpegThumbnail,
			ContextInfo:                       contextInfo,
	return p

StickerMessage represents a sticker message.
type StickerMessage struct {
	Info MessageInfo

	Type          string
	Content       io.Reader
	url           string
	mediaKey      []byte
	fileEncSha256 []byte
	fileSha256    []byte
	fileLength    uint64

	ContextInfo ContextInfo

func getStickerMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) StickerMessage {
	sticker := msg.GetMessage().GetStickerMessage()

	stickerMessage := StickerMessage{
		Info:          getMessageInfo(msg),
		url:           sticker.GetUrl(),
		mediaKey:      sticker.GetMediaKey(),
		Type:          sticker.GetMimetype(),
		fileEncSha256: sticker.GetFileEncSha256(),
		fileSha256:    sticker.GetFileSha256(),
		fileLength:    sticker.GetFileLength(),
		ContextInfo:   getMessageContext(sticker.GetContextInfo()),

	return stickerMessage

Download is the function to retrieve Sticker media data. The media gets downloaded, validated and returned.

func (m *StickerMessage) Download() ([]byte, error) {
	return Download(m.url, m.mediaKey, MediaImage, int(m.fileLength))

ContactMessage represents a contact message.
type ContactMessage struct {
	Info MessageInfo

	DisplayName string
	Vcard       string

	ContextInfo ContextInfo

func getContactMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) ContactMessage {
	contact := msg.GetMessage().GetContactMessage()

	contactMessage := ContactMessage{
		Info: getMessageInfo(msg),

		DisplayName: contact.GetDisplayName(),
		Vcard:       contact.GetVcard(),

		ContextInfo: getMessageContext(contact.GetContextInfo()),

	return contactMessage

func getContactMessageProto(msg ContactMessage) *proto.WebMessageInfo {
	p := getInfoProto(&msg.Info)
	contextInfo := getContextInfoProto(&msg.ContextInfo)

	p.Message = &proto.Message{
		ContactMessage: &proto.ContactMessage{
			DisplayName: &msg.DisplayName,
			Vcard:       &msg.Vcard,
			ContextInfo: contextInfo,

	return p

func ParseProtoMessage(msg *proto.WebMessageInfo) interface{} {

	switch {

	case msg.GetMessage().GetAudioMessage() != nil:
		return getAudioMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetImageMessage() != nil:
		return getImageMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetVideoMessage() != nil:
		return getVideoMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetDocumentMessage() != nil:
		return getDocumentMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetConversation() != "":
		return getTextMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetExtendedTextMessage() != nil:
		return getTextMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetLocationMessage() != nil:
		return GetLocationMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetLiveLocationMessage() != nil:
		return GetLiveLocationMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetStickerMessage() != nil:
		return getStickerMessage(msg)

	case msg.GetMessage().GetContactMessage() != nil:
		return getContactMessage(msg)

		//cannot match message


	return nil