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Subtract this from 0.5in to get headsep value \setlength\headsep{0.333in} %Bibliography File \addbibresource{Biblio.bib} \newcommand{\secheader}[1]{ \underline{#1}} \begin{document} \begin{flushleft} %%%%First page name, class, etc %%%%Title \begin{center} Description of The Levono T420 Thinkpad \end{center} %%%%Changes paragraph indentation to 0.5in \setlength{\parindent}{0in} %%%%Begin body of paper here \textbf{General Description} The Levono T420 Thinkpad is a general purpose mobile computer. The T420 comprises 30 individual parts that each have a unique function. These parts will be described not by specific type, but instead by purpose and function. For a full list of all potential, manufacturer sanctioned parts, see the Thinkpad T420 and T420i Hardware Maintenance Manual. \begin{figure}[H] \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{visual.png} \caption{Breakdown of The Levono T420 Thinkpad} \textbf{Source:} Levono. ThinkPad T420 and T420i Hardware Maintenance Manual. 2012, Online; Accessed October 22, 2021. \label{fig: T420} \end{figure} \textbf{Description of Major Parts} \underline{1. LCD Unit} The LCD Unit is a multipart device used for displaying contents to the user. Optional Camera and Microphone may come embedded in the LCD Unit. %Camera Module %LCD Module (lighting of screen( %Hinges %Wireless Antenna %LCD rear cover assembly %LED Cable with camera bracket %LCD cable %LED sub card %Clear plate kit \pagebreak \underline{2. Wireless Card} The Wireless Card is a chip in the computer that allows for wireless connection to the internet. This device my require external drivers to function depending on the operating system. \underline{3. Memory} The Memory acts as temporary storage for programs to use. May come in different sizes and speed. \underline{4. Keyboard Bezel Assembly} This is the frame around the keyboard itself that holds the keyboard. This device also holds the fingerprint reader (if one came with the device) and the trackpad. \underline{5. Modem daughter card} This card is used to interface with communication cards such as Ethernet, Modems, or Bluetooth cards. \underline{6. Speaker Assembly} The Speaker Assembly is the primary output device for noise on the computer. \underline{7. Magnesium Structure Frame Assembly} The Magnesium Structure Frame Assembly is the storage space of those components hidden away from the user. These components include, but aren't limited to, The CPU, The Wireless Card, and the DVD Drive. \underline{8. DVD Drive} The DVD Drive is where optical discs are inserted. The DVD Drive may come with writing capabilities, however, is not guaranteed to. \underline{9. Audio Sub Card} The Audio Sub Card is commonly known as a Sound Card. The sound card is a device that processes input and output of sound for computer programs. \underline{10. Audio Sub Card Cable} This cable attaches the Audio Sub Card to the System Board Assembly. \underline{11. DC-in Cable} This cable connects the external charging cable to the battery. \underline{12. I/O sub card} The I/O sub card is a card that translates inputs (usually analog) to outputs (usually digital). \underline{13. Battery Pack} A Lithium-ion battery used for storing power. This battery is rechargeable. It comes in 4-cell, 6-cell, and 9-cell variants all with a variety of charging times and storage capabilities. \underline{14. Base cover assembly} Base cover assembly is the storage space of those components hidden away from the user. These components include, but aren't limited to, the Battery, The Hard Disk Drive, and The System Board Assembly. \underline{15. Slice Battery} The Slice Battery is an attachable, extra capacity battery for the laptop. \underline{16. DIMM slot door} The DIMM slot door is where the memory is inserted. \underline{17. Integrated Mobile Broadband} This device allows for radio based internet connection (usually via cellular towers). GPS capabilities may also come with this device. Of note, Malaysia has its own variants of the Integrated Mobile Broadband device. \underline{18. SATA Hard disk drive} Hard disk drives (HDDs) or Solid State Drives (SSDs) (depending on user choice) are used for long term storage in the device. The hard disk drives have a rotating platter that spins upon data requests. Due to this, Hard Disk Drives have varying amount of speeds depending on their RPM (Rotations per minute). Both SSDs and HDDs have differing amounts of storage capacity. \underline{19. Drive Rubbers/Spacers} Drive Rubbers/Spacers are responsible for elevating the drive when it is inserted into the device. \underline{20. HDD Cover} The HDD Cover acts as a protective container for the storage drive. The HDD Cover also comes with a plastic attachment used for ejecting the drive via pulling. \underline{21. System Board Assembly} The System Board Assembly is more commonly known as the mainboard, motherboard, or logic board. This board's job is to manage all connected devices required to offer each device's functionality. Some System Board Assemblies may come with integrated graphics chips used for processing visuals. Some System Board Assemblies may also come with Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) that manage cryptographic keys. Some System Board Assemblies come with discrete graphics, meaning that a separate processor for graphics is used by the motherboard. \underline{22. CPU Assembly} The CPU Assembly is the central processing unit of the computer. Most software calculations are done here. All unmodified T420 Thinkpads come with an Intel brand processor, although the specific variant of Intel processor may very. \underline{23. Backup Battery} A battery used in case of power emergencies such as low power, battery removal, or other possible circumstances where battery power fails. \underline{24. Smartcard reader FPC Cable} This cable connects the Smartcard reader to the System Board Assembly. \underline{25. Smartcard Reader} A reader for Smartcards. These devices are usually used by businesses and government for authentication. \underline{26. Fan Assembly} The Fan Assembly is the cooling device for the laptop. This device may either be integrated with the System Board Assembly or may not be. \underline{27. FPC Cable} The FPC cable is the cable used by the Touch pad to detect user input. \underline{28. Bluetooth Daughter Card} The Bluetooth Daughter Card enabled Bluetooth wireless technology on the device. \underline{29. Keyboard} The Keyboard is the tactile letter input method. The Keyboard may be raised and replaced with relative ease. The keyboard may be different in design depending on the language it supports. \underline{30. Trackpoint Caps} The Trackpoint Cap is a pressure sensitive mouse substitute that is placed in the center of the keyboard. \textbf{The Levono Thinkpad T420 in use} The Levono Thinkpad T420 functions like most general computing laptops. The device, when powered on, boots into the UEFI/BIOS and then into the Operating System. At that point, and if the drivers are installed, all enumerated devices should function as intended. %%%%Works cited \printbibliography \end{flushleft} \hfill \textbf{msglm} \scriptsize{ \begin{center} \vspace*{\fill} Copyright \copyright \the\year{} msglm - This work is licensed under the \href{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}{CC-BY-SA 4.0} with a willingness to sell exceptions. \end{center} } \end{document}