Please complete the Pacific Trails Case Study for Chapters 5 - 8. Each chapter may or may not have anything for you to do. Create a Test2 folder on Boole to place all of your files. Ftp(submit) all of the files/graphics needed for this site to Boole. Do NOT zip your test folder to ftp it to Boole. Create the folder on Boole and then ftp the files to that folder. Submit here, the address for your working website that you have now published on Boole. Try the address of your site in a web browser to see if it is visible when you enter the site address. THEN submit it. Remember, I want the full complete address to your home page of the site on Boole. BOTH components of Test 2 are due by 11:59PM on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 Point Values: Hands-On Test - 100 Concepts Exam - 100 Use your email address for the test and and make sure it works! You are required to include an email address as part of the hands-on test. SUBMIT HERE, the URL to the home page of the site that you've completed for the Pacific Trail Case Study at the end of Chapter 8 It will reflect what you have done in all the chapters up to now. The beginning of your site address will be similar to the beginning of mine on Boole: but yours will take me directly to the home page of your site.