Project 5: Structs Due Friday, September 30th before midnight 100 Points Create a program that uses a struct with array or vector variables that do the following: Get the below information: First Name Last Name Job Title Employee Number Hours Worked Hourly Wage Number of Deductions Claimed Determine if the employee is entitled to overtime (see videos for explanation of overtime) Determine tax rate based on deductions claimed (see videos for explanation of deductions) Determine gross pay, taxes withheld, and netpay Output all information to the screen, but only output overtime if the employee has it Assignment Notes: You may get the data from the user via the keyboard or use an input file to read in an unknown number of records into your program. Your choice. Also, you may also use vectors instead of arrays in your struct. Again, your choice You should not ask the user for their tax rate, gross pay, net pay, or taxes withheld. Your program should do this for the user. I expect to see functions for steps 1 - 5 above, however, you may combine functions if you wish to save space in your program General Notes: Be sure to use comments in your program: Name, Program Description, Date and anywhere else in the program you deem necessary. If you are stuck, I will help you! Grading Rubric: If you do not include comments at the top of the program (name, program description, date), you will lose 15 points If your program does not use functions, you will lose up to 50 points (depending on the number of functions missing) If your program does not compile (run), then I will give a grade of 0/100. But will give you the change to repair for points back (some points are better than none) If your program is late (within 48 hours of the due date), you will lose 25 points If your program is late beyond the 48 hour due date, I will typically still accept it, but you will lose far more points. Depends on when you turn it in If your program uses global variables, I will deduct 5 points for each used If your program is not formatted nicely (code all over the place, ugly), you will lose up to 25 points depending on the extent If your program stops working when I run it, you will lose points. The exact amount depends on the severity of the error If your program still has your friend's name on it, I will send you a message asking you to try harder while giving you a 0/100 If your program looks like a a professional programmer wrote it, I will write to you to ask if you want a job. Well, maybe not. But, I will ask about the code This is just a list of typical issues I run into when grading to give you some idea of where your points go. Points can be taken off for other reasons.