# Documentation These scripts are meant primarily for my own workflow and, because of that, certain aspects of my workflow must be assumed to be the case. In each script, I have tagged what exactly in my workflow that is unique to my workflow that a script needs. These will be called axioms. Also, most of these scripts use various tools both in and out of the Debian standard repos. I will note these as dependencies. The formatting for these will be as follows: \#!/bin/sh Description: Axioms: Dependencies: # List of Axioms CONTENTDIR - There exists a directory in ~/Videos/ named "Content". This directory is used to store downloaded videos you wish to watch, then discard. UNSORTEDDIR - There exists a directory in ~/Videos/ named "unsorted". This directory is used to store downloaded videos you wish to sort. WALLPAPERS - There exists a directory in ~/Pictures/ named "wallpapers". This directory is used to store wallpapers that the user has downloaded. GIFS - There exists a directory in ~/Pictures/ named "gif". This directory is used to store gifs that the user has downloaded. ULTRASPECIFIC - Scripts with this axiom are just too specific for normal use and it's suggested users modify these scripts to fit their needs. They likely do not work out of the box. JOBDIR - There exists a directory called ~/Documents/Jobs. In this directory exists several folders: Applying, Considering, Current, Past, Potential, Rejection, and Templates. These directories are used to store indeedwatcher jobs and for manual sorting.