#!/bin/sh #Description: intakes a file and an output location, upscales it, and then adds dithering to it. #Axioms: #Dependencies: https://packages.debian.org/sid/imagemagick https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan realesrgan -i "$1" -o "/tmp/upscaled_$1" convert -trim "/tmp/upscaled_$1" -quantize transparent +dither -colors 64 -ordered-dither o2x2 -channel A -contrast-stretch 10% "$2dither_o2x2_upscaled_$1.jpg" convert -trim "/tmp/upscaled_$1" -quantize transparent +dither -colors 64 -ordered-dither o2x2 -channel A -contrast-stretch 10% "$2dither_o3x3_upscaled_$1.jpg" convert -trim "/tmp/upscaled_$1" -quantize transparent +dither -colors 64 -ordered-dither o2x2 -channel A -contrast-stretch 10% "$2dither_o4x4_upscaled_$1.jpg" convert -trim "$1" -quantize transparent +dither -colors 64 -ordered-dither o2x2 -channel A -contrast-stretch 10% "$2dither_o2x2_$1.jpg" convert -trim "$1" -quantize transparent +dither -colors 64 -ordered-dither o3x3 -channel A -contrast-stretch 10% "$2dither_o3x3_$1.jpg" convert -trim "$1" -quantize transparent +dither -colors 64 -ordered-dither o4x4 -channel A -contrast-stretch 10% "$2dither_o4x4_$1.jpg"