// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// Search undocumented
type Search struct {
	// Entity is the base model of Search

// SearchHit undocumented
type SearchHit struct {
	// Object is the base model of SearchHit
	// _id undocumented
	_id *string `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	// _score undocumented
	_score *int `json:"_score,omitempty"`
	// _sortField undocumented
	_sortField *string `json:"_sortField,omitempty"`
	// _summary undocumented
	_summary *string `json:"_summary,omitempty"`
	// _source undocumented
	_source *Entity `json:"_source,omitempty"`

// SearchHitsContainer undocumented
type SearchHitsContainer struct {
	// Object is the base model of SearchHitsContainer
	// Hits undocumented
	Hits []SearchHit `json:"hits,omitempty"`
	// Total undocumented
	Total *int `json:"total,omitempty"`
	// MoreResultsAvailable undocumented
	MoreResultsAvailable *bool `json:"moreResultsAvailable,omitempty"`

// SearchQuery undocumented
type SearchQuery struct {
	// Object is the base model of SearchQuery
	// Query_string undocumented
	Query_string *SearchQueryString `json:"query_string,omitempty"`

// SearchQueryString undocumented
type SearchQueryString struct {
	// Object is the base model of SearchQueryString
	// Query undocumented
	Query *string `json:"query,omitempty"`

// SearchRequestObject undocumented
type SearchRequestObject struct {
	// Object is the base model of SearchRequestObject
	// EntityTypes undocumented
	EntityTypes []EntityType `json:"entityTypes,omitempty"`
	// ContentSources undocumented
	ContentSources []string `json:"contentSources,omitempty"`
	// Query undocumented
	Query *SearchQuery `json:"query,omitempty"`
	// From undocumented
	From *int `json:"from,omitempty"`
	// Size undocumented
	Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"`
	// Stored_fields undocumented
	Stored_fields []string `json:"stored_fields,omitempty"`
	// EnableTopResults undocumented
	EnableTopResults *bool `json:"enableTopResults,omitempty"`

// SearchResponse undocumented
type SearchResponse struct {
	// Object is the base model of SearchResponse
	// SearchTerms undocumented
	SearchTerms []string `json:"searchTerms,omitempty"`
	// HitsContainers undocumented
	HitsContainers []SearchHitsContainer `json:"hitsContainers,omitempty"`

// SearchResult undocumented
type SearchResult struct {
	// Object is the base model of SearchResult
	// OnClickTelemetryURL undocumented
	OnClickTelemetryURL *string `json:"onClickTelemetryUrl,omitempty"`