// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

import "time"

// Group undocumented
type Group struct {
	// DirectoryObject is the base model of Group
	// AssignedLabels undocumented
	AssignedLabels []AssignedLabel `json:"assignedLabels,omitempty"`
	// AssignedLicenses undocumented
	AssignedLicenses []AssignedLicense `json:"assignedLicenses,omitempty"`
	// Classification undocumented
	Classification *string `json:"classification,omitempty"`
	// CreatedDateTime undocumented
	CreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
	// Description undocumented
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// DisplayName undocumented
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// GroupTypes undocumented
	GroupTypes []string `json:"groupTypes,omitempty"`
	// HasMembersWithLicenseErrors undocumented
	HasMembersWithLicenseErrors *bool `json:"hasMembersWithLicenseErrors,omitempty"`
	// IsAssignableToRole undocumented
	IsAssignableToRole *bool `json:"isAssignableToRole,omitempty"`
	// LicenseProcessingState undocumented
	LicenseProcessingState *LicenseProcessingState `json:"licenseProcessingState,omitempty"`
	// Mail undocumented
	Mail *string `json:"mail,omitempty"`
	// MailEnabled undocumented
	MailEnabled *bool `json:"mailEnabled,omitempty"`
	// MailNickname undocumented
	MailNickname *string `json:"mailNickname,omitempty"`
	// MDMAppID undocumented
	MDMAppID *string `json:"mdmAppId,omitempty"`
	// MembershipRule undocumented
	MembershipRule *string `json:"membershipRule,omitempty"`
	// MembershipRuleProcessingState undocumented
	MembershipRuleProcessingState *string `json:"membershipRuleProcessingState,omitempty"`
	// OnPremisesDomainName undocumented
	OnPremisesDomainName *string `json:"onPremisesDomainName,omitempty"`
	// OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime undocumented
	OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime *time.Time `json:"onPremisesLastSyncDateTime,omitempty"`
	// OnPremisesNetBiosName undocumented
	OnPremisesNetBiosName *string `json:"onPremisesNetBiosName,omitempty"`
	// OnPremisesProvisioningErrors undocumented
	OnPremisesProvisioningErrors []OnPremisesProvisioningError `json:"onPremisesProvisioningErrors,omitempty"`
	// OnPremisesSamAccountName undocumented
	OnPremisesSamAccountName *string `json:"onPremisesSamAccountName,omitempty"`
	// OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier undocumented
	OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier *string `json:"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier,omitempty"`
	// OnPremisesSyncEnabled undocumented
	OnPremisesSyncEnabled *bool `json:"onPremisesSyncEnabled,omitempty"`
	// PreferredDataLocation undocumented
	PreferredDataLocation *string `json:"preferredDataLocation,omitempty"`
	// PreferredLanguage undocumented
	PreferredLanguage *string `json:"preferredLanguage,omitempty"`
	// ProxyAddresses undocumented
	ProxyAddresses []string `json:"proxyAddresses,omitempty"`
	// RenewedDateTime undocumented
	RenewedDateTime *time.Time `json:"renewedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// ResourceBehaviorOptions undocumented
	ResourceBehaviorOptions []string `json:"resourceBehaviorOptions,omitempty"`
	// ResourceProvisioningOptions undocumented
	ResourceProvisioningOptions []string `json:"resourceProvisioningOptions,omitempty"`
	// SecurityEnabled undocumented
	SecurityEnabled *bool `json:"securityEnabled,omitempty"`
	// SecurityIdentifier undocumented
	SecurityIdentifier *string `json:"securityIdentifier,omitempty"`
	// Theme undocumented
	Theme *string `json:"theme,omitempty"`
	// Visibility undocumented
	Visibility *string `json:"visibility,omitempty"`
	// AccessType undocumented
	AccessType *GroupAccessType `json:"accessType,omitempty"`
	// AllowExternalSenders undocumented
	AllowExternalSenders *bool `json:"allowExternalSenders,omitempty"`
	// AutoSubscribeNewMembers undocumented
	AutoSubscribeNewMembers *bool `json:"autoSubscribeNewMembers,omitempty"`
	// IsFavorite undocumented
	IsFavorite *bool `json:"isFavorite,omitempty"`
	// IsSubscribedByMail undocumented
	IsSubscribedByMail *bool `json:"isSubscribedByMail,omitempty"`
	// UnseenCount undocumented
	UnseenCount *int `json:"unseenCount,omitempty"`
	// UnseenConversationsCount undocumented
	UnseenConversationsCount *int `json:"unseenConversationsCount,omitempty"`
	// UnseenMessagesCount undocumented
	UnseenMessagesCount *int `json:"unseenMessagesCount,omitempty"`
	// HideFromOutlookClients undocumented
	HideFromOutlookClients *bool `json:"hideFromOutlookClients,omitempty"`
	// HideFromAddressLists undocumented
	HideFromAddressLists *bool `json:"hideFromAddressLists,omitempty"`
	// IsArchived undocumented
	IsArchived *bool `json:"isArchived,omitempty"`
	// AppRoleAssignments undocumented
	AppRoleAssignments []AppRoleAssignment `json:"appRoleAssignments,omitempty"`
	// Members undocumented
	Members []DirectoryObject `json:"members,omitempty"`
	// MembersWithLicenseErrors undocumented
	MembersWithLicenseErrors []DirectoryObject `json:"membersWithLicenseErrors,omitempty"`
	// MemberOf undocumented
	MemberOf []DirectoryObject `json:"memberOf,omitempty"`
	// TransitiveMembers undocumented
	TransitiveMembers []DirectoryObject `json:"transitiveMembers,omitempty"`
	// TransitiveMemberOf undocumented
	TransitiveMemberOf []DirectoryObject `json:"transitiveMemberOf,omitempty"`
	// CreatedOnBehalfOf undocumented
	CreatedOnBehalfOf *DirectoryObject `json:"createdOnBehalfOf,omitempty"`
	// Owners undocumented
	Owners []DirectoryObject `json:"owners,omitempty"`
	// Settings undocumented
	Settings []DirectorySetting `json:"settings,omitempty"`
	// Endpoints undocumented
	Endpoints []Endpoint `json:"endpoints,omitempty"`
	// PermissionGrants undocumented
	PermissionGrants []ResourceSpecificPermissionGrant `json:"permissionGrants,omitempty"`
	// Conversations undocumented
	Conversations []Conversation `json:"conversations,omitempty"`
	// Photos undocumented
	Photos []ProfilePhoto `json:"photos,omitempty"`
	// AcceptedSenders undocumented
	AcceptedSenders []DirectoryObject `json:"acceptedSenders,omitempty"`
	// RejectedSenders undocumented
	RejectedSenders []DirectoryObject `json:"rejectedSenders,omitempty"`
	// Threads undocumented
	Threads []ConversationThread `json:"threads,omitempty"`
	// Calendar undocumented
	Calendar *Calendar `json:"calendar,omitempty"`
	// CalendarView undocumented
	CalendarView []Event `json:"calendarView,omitempty"`
	// Events undocumented
	Events []Event `json:"events,omitempty"`
	// Photo undocumented
	Photo *ProfilePhoto `json:"photo,omitempty"`
	// Drive undocumented
	Drive *Drive `json:"drive,omitempty"`
	// Drives undocumented
	Drives []Drive `json:"drives,omitempty"`
	// Sites undocumented
	Sites []Site `json:"sites,omitempty"`
	// Extensions undocumented
	Extensions []Extension `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
	// GroupLifecyclePolicies undocumented
	GroupLifecyclePolicies []GroupLifecyclePolicy `json:"groupLifecyclePolicies,omitempty"`
	// Planner undocumented
	Planner *PlannerGroup `json:"planner,omitempty"`
	// Onenote undocumented
	Onenote *Onenote `json:"onenote,omitempty"`
	// Team undocumented
	Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"`

// GroupAssignmentTarget undocumented
type GroupAssignmentTarget struct {
	// DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentTarget is the base model of GroupAssignmentTarget
	// GroupID The group Id that is the target of the assignment.
	GroupID *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"`

// GroupLifecyclePolicy undocumented
type GroupLifecyclePolicy struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupLifecyclePolicy
	// GroupLifetimeInDays undocumented
	GroupLifetimeInDays *int `json:"groupLifetimeInDays,omitempty"`
	// ManagedGroupTypes undocumented
	ManagedGroupTypes *string `json:"managedGroupTypes,omitempty"`
	// AlternateNotificationEmails undocumented
	AlternateNotificationEmails *string `json:"alternateNotificationEmails,omitempty"`

// GroupMembershipGovernanceCriteria undocumented
type GroupMembershipGovernanceCriteria struct {
	// GovernanceCriteria is the base model of GroupMembershipGovernanceCriteria
	// GroupID undocumented
	GroupID *string `json:"groupId,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyConfiguration The group policy configuration entity contains the configured values for one or more group policy definitions.
type GroupPolicyConfiguration struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyConfiguration
	// CreatedDateTime The date and time the object was created.
	CreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
	// DisplayName User provided name for the resource object.
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// Description User provided description for the resource object.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// RoleScopeTagIDs The list of scope tags for the configuration.
	RoleScopeTagIDs []string `json:"roleScopeTagIds,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the entity was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// DefinitionValues undocumented
	DefinitionValues []GroupPolicyDefinitionValue `json:"definitionValues,omitempty"`
	// Assignments undocumented
	Assignments []GroupPolicyConfigurationAssignment `json:"assignments,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyConfigurationAssignment The group policy configuration assignment entity assigns one or more AAD groups to a specific group policy configuration.
type GroupPolicyConfigurationAssignment struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyConfigurationAssignment
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the entity was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// Target The type of groups targeted the group policy configuration.
	Target *DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentTarget `json:"target,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyDefinition The entity describes all of the information about a single group policy.
type GroupPolicyDefinition struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyDefinition
	// ClassType Identifies the type of groups the policy can be applied to.
	ClassType *GroupPolicyDefinitionClassType `json:"classType,omitempty"`
	// DisplayName The localized policy name.
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// ExplainText The localized explanation or help text associated with the policy. The default value is empty.
	ExplainText *string `json:"explainText,omitempty"`
	// CategoryPath The localized full category path for the policy.
	CategoryPath *string `json:"categoryPath,omitempty"`
	// SupportedOn Localized string used to specify what operating system or application version is affected by the policy.
	SupportedOn *string `json:"supportedOn,omitempty"`
	// PolicyType Specifies the type of group policy.
	PolicyType *GroupPolicyType `json:"policyType,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the entity was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// DefinitionFile undocumented
	DefinitionFile *GroupPolicyDefinitionFile `json:"definitionFile,omitempty"`
	// Presentations undocumented
	Presentations []GroupPolicyPresentation `json:"presentations,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyDefinitionFile The entity represents an ADMX (Administrative Template) XML file. The ADMX file contains a collection of group policy definitions and their locations by category path. The group policy definition file also contains the languages supported as determined by the language dependent ADML (Administrative Template) language files.
type GroupPolicyDefinitionFile struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyDefinitionFile
	// DisplayName The localized friendly name of the ADMX file.
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// Description The localized description of the policy settings in the ADMX file. The default value is empty.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// LanguageCodes The supported language codes for the ADMX file.
	LanguageCodes []string `json:"languageCodes,omitempty"`
	// TargetPrefix Specifies the logical name that refers to the namespace within the ADMX file.
	TargetPrefix *string `json:"targetPrefix,omitempty"`
	// TargetNamespace Specifies the URI used to identify the namespace within the ADMX file.
	TargetNamespace *string `json:"targetNamespace,omitempty"`
	// PolicyType Specifies the type of group policy.
	PolicyType *GroupPolicyType `json:"policyType,omitempty"`
	// Revision The revision version associated with the file.
	Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the entity was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// Definitions undocumented
	Definitions []GroupPolicyDefinition `json:"definitions,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyDefinitionValue The definition value entity stores the value for a single group policy definition.
type GroupPolicyDefinitionValue struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyDefinitionValue
	// CreatedDateTime The date and time the object was created.
	CreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
	// Enabled Enables or disables the associated group policy definition.
	Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// ConfigurationType Specifies how the value should be configured. This can be either as a Policy or as a Preference.
	ConfigurationType *GroupPolicyConfigurationType `json:"configurationType,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the entity was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// PresentationValues undocumented
	PresentationValues []GroupPolicyPresentationValue `json:"presentationValues,omitempty"`
	// Definition undocumented
	Definition *GroupPolicyDefinition `json:"definition,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyMigrationReport The Group Policy migration report.
type GroupPolicyMigrationReport struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyMigrationReport
	// GroupPolicyObjectID The Group Policy Object GUID from GPO Xml content
	GroupPolicyObjectID *UUID `json:"groupPolicyObjectId,omitempty"`
	// DisplayName The name of Group Policy Object from the GPO Xml Content
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// OuDistinguishedName The distinguished name of the OU.
	OuDistinguishedName *string `json:"ouDistinguishedName,omitempty"`
	// CreatedDateTime The date and time at which the GroupPolicyMigrationReport was created.
	CreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time at which the GroupPolicyMigrationReport was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// GroupPolicyCreatedDateTime The date and time at which the GroupPolicyMigrationReport was created.
	GroupPolicyCreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"groupPolicyCreatedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// GroupPolicyLastModifiedDateTime The date and time at which the GroupPolicyMigrationReport was last modified.
	GroupPolicyLastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"groupPolicyLastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// MigrationReadiness The Intune coverage for the associated Group Policy Object file.
	MigrationReadiness *GroupPolicyMigrationReadiness `json:"migrationReadiness,omitempty"`
	// TargetedInActiveDirectory The Targeted in AD property from GPO Xml Content
	TargetedInActiveDirectory *bool `json:"targetedInActiveDirectory,omitempty"`
	// TotalSettingsCount The total number of Group Policy Settings from GPO file.
	TotalSettingsCount *int `json:"totalSettingsCount,omitempty"`
	// SupportedSettingsCount The number of Group Policy Settings supported by Intune.
	SupportedSettingsCount *int `json:"supportedSettingsCount,omitempty"`
	// SupportedSettingsPercent The Percentage of Group Policy Settings supported by Intune.
	SupportedSettingsPercent *int `json:"supportedSettingsPercent,omitempty"`
	// GroupPolicySettingMappings undocumented
	GroupPolicySettingMappings []GroupPolicySettingMapping `json:"groupPolicySettingMappings,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyObjectFile undocumented
type GroupPolicyObjectFile struct {
	// Object is the base model of GroupPolicyObjectFile
	// OuDistinguishedName The distinguished name of the OU.
	OuDistinguishedName *string `json:"ouDistinguishedName,omitempty"`
	// Content The Group Policy Object file content.
	Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentation The base entity for the display presentation of any of the additional options in a group policy definition.
type GroupPolicyPresentation struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentation
	// Label Localized text label for any presentation entity. The default value is empty.
	Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the entity was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// Definition undocumented
	Definition *GroupPolicyDefinition `json:"definition,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationCheckBox Represents an ADMX checkBox element and an ADMX boolean element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationCheckBox struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationCheckBox
	// DefaultChecked Default value for the check box. The default value is false.
	DefaultChecked *bool `json:"defaultChecked,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationComboBox Represents an ADMX comboBox element and an ADMX text element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationComboBox struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationComboBox
	// DefaultValue Localized default string displayed in the combo box. The default value is empty.
	DefaultValue *string `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
	// Suggestions Localized strings listed in the drop-down list of the combo box. The default value is empty.
	Suggestions []string `json:"suggestions,omitempty"`
	// Required Specifies whether a value must be specified for the parameter. The default value is false.
	Required *bool `json:"required,omitempty"`
	// MaxLength An unsigned integer that specifies the maximum number of text characters for the parameter. The default value is 1023.
	MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationDecimalTextBox Represents an ADMX decimalTextBox element and an ADMX decimal element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationDecimalTextBox struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationDecimalTextBox
	// DefaultValue An unsigned integer that specifies the initial value for the decimal text box. The default value is 1.
	DefaultValue *int `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
	// Spin If true, create a spin control; otherwise, create a text box for numeric entry. The default value is true.
	Spin *bool `json:"spin,omitempty"`
	// SpinStep An unsigned integer that specifies the increment of change for the spin control. The default value is 1.
	SpinStep *int `json:"spinStep,omitempty"`
	// Required Requirement to enter a value in the parameter box. The default value is false.
	Required *bool `json:"required,omitempty"`
	// MinValue An unsigned integer that specifies the minimum allowed value. The default value is 0.
	MinValue *int `json:"minValue,omitempty"`
	// MaxValue An unsigned integer that specifies the maximum allowed value. The default value is 9999.
	MaxValue *int `json:"maxValue,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationDropdownList Represents an ADMX dropdownList element and an ADMX enum element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationDropdownList struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationDropdownList
	// DefaultItem Localized string value identifying the default choice of the list of items.
	DefaultItem *GroupPolicyPresentationDropdownListItem `json:"defaultItem,omitempty"`
	// Items Represents a set of localized display names and their associated values.
	Items []GroupPolicyPresentationDropdownListItem `json:"items,omitempty"`
	// Required Requirement to enter a value in the parameter box. The default value is false.
	Required *bool `json:"required,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationDropdownListItem undocumented
type GroupPolicyPresentationDropdownListItem struct {
	// Object is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationDropdownListItem
	// DisplayName Localized display name for the drop-down list item.
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// Value Associated value for the drop-down list item
	Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationListBox Represents an ADMX listBox element and an ADMX list element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationListBox struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationListBox
	// ExplicitValue If this option is specified true the user must specify the registry subkey value and the registry subkey name. The list box shows two columns, one for the name and one for the data. The default value is false.
	ExplicitValue *bool `json:"explicitValue,omitempty"`
	// ValuePrefix undocumented
	ValuePrefix *string `json:"valuePrefix,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationLongDecimalTextBox Represents an ADMX longDecimalTextBox element and an ADMX longDecimal element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationLongDecimalTextBox struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationLongDecimalTextBox
	// DefaultValue An unsigned integer that specifies the initial value for the decimal text box. The default value is 1.
	DefaultValue *int `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
	// Spin If true, create a spin control; otherwise, create a text box for numeric entry. The default value is true.
	Spin *bool `json:"spin,omitempty"`
	// SpinStep An unsigned integer that specifies the increment of change for the spin control. The default value is 1.
	SpinStep *int `json:"spinStep,omitempty"`
	// Required Requirement to enter a value in the parameter box. The default value is false.
	Required *bool `json:"required,omitempty"`
	// MinValue An unsigned long that specifies the minimum allowed value. The default value is 0.
	MinValue *int `json:"minValue,omitempty"`
	// MaxValue An unsigned long that specifies the maximum allowed value. The default value is 9999.
	MaxValue *int `json:"maxValue,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationMultiTextBox Represents an ADMX multiTextBox element and an ADMX multiText element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationMultiTextBox struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationMultiTextBox
	// Required Requirement to enter a value in the text box. Default value is false.
	Required *bool `json:"required,omitempty"`
	// MaxLength An unsigned integer that specifies the maximum number of text characters. Default value is 1023.
	MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength,omitempty"`
	// MaxStrings An unsigned integer that specifies the maximum number of strings. Default value is 0.
	MaxStrings *int `json:"maxStrings,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationText Represents an ADMX text element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationText struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationText

// GroupPolicyPresentationTextBox Represents an ADMX textBox element and an ADMX text element.
type GroupPolicyPresentationTextBox struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentation is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationTextBox
	// DefaultValue Localized default string displayed in the text box. The default value is empty.
	DefaultValue *string `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
	// Required Requirement to enter a value in the text box. Default value is false.
	Required *bool `json:"required,omitempty"`
	// MaxLength An unsigned integer that specifies the maximum number of text characters. Default value is 1023.
	MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationValue The base presentation value entity that stores the value for a single group policy presentation.
type GroupPolicyPresentationValue struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationValue
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the object was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// CreatedDateTime The date and time the object was created.
	CreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
	// DefinitionValue undocumented
	DefinitionValue *GroupPolicyDefinitionValue `json:"definitionValue,omitempty"`
	// Presentation undocumented
	Presentation *GroupPolicyPresentation `json:"presentation,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationValueBoolean The entity represents a Boolean value of a checkbox presentation on a policy definition.
type GroupPolicyPresentationValueBoolean struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentationValue is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationValueBoolean
	// Value An boolean value for the associated presentation.
	Value *bool `json:"value,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationValueDecimal The entity represents an unsigned integer value of a decimal text box presentation on a policy definition.
type GroupPolicyPresentationValueDecimal struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentationValue is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationValueDecimal
	// Value An unsigned integer value for the associated presentation.
	Value *int `json:"value,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationValueList The entity represents a collection of name/value pairs of a list box presentation on a policy definition.
type GroupPolicyPresentationValueList struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentationValue is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationValueList
	// Values A list of pairs for the associated presentation.
	Values []KeyValuePair `json:"values,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationValueLongDecimal The entity represents an unsigned long value of a long decimal text box presentation on a policy definition.
type GroupPolicyPresentationValueLongDecimal struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentationValue is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationValueLongDecimal
	// Value An unsigned long value for the associated presentation.
	Value *int `json:"value,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationValueMultiText The entity represents a string value of a multi-line text box presentation on a policy definition.
type GroupPolicyPresentationValueMultiText struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentationValue is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationValueMultiText
	// Values A collection of non-empty strings for the associated presentation.
	Values []string `json:"values,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicyPresentationValueText The entity represents a string value for a drop-down list, combo box, or text box presentation on a policy definition.
type GroupPolicyPresentationValueText struct {
	// GroupPolicyPresentationValue is the base model of GroupPolicyPresentationValueText
	// Value A string value for the associated presentation.
	Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"`

// GroupPolicySettingMapping The Group Policy setting to MDM/Intune mapping.
type GroupPolicySettingMapping struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicySettingMapping
	// ParentID Parent Id of the group policy setting.
	ParentID *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"`
	// ChildIDList List of Child Ids of the group policy setting.
	ChildIDList []string `json:"childIdList,omitempty"`
	// SettingName The name of this group policy setting.
	SettingName *string `json:"settingName,omitempty"`
	// SettingValue The value of this group policy setting.
	SettingValue *string `json:"settingValue,omitempty"`
	// SettingValueType The value type of this group policy setting.
	SettingValueType *string `json:"settingValueType,omitempty"`
	// SettingDisplayName The display name of this group policy setting.
	SettingDisplayName *string `json:"settingDisplayName,omitempty"`
	// SettingDisplayValue The display value of this group policy setting.
	SettingDisplayValue *string `json:"settingDisplayValue,omitempty"`
	// SettingDisplayValueType The display value type of this group policy setting.
	SettingDisplayValueType *string `json:"settingDisplayValueType,omitempty"`
	// SettingValueDisplayUnits The display units of this group policy setting value
	SettingValueDisplayUnits *string `json:"settingValueDisplayUnits,omitempty"`
	// SettingCategory The category the group policy setting is in.
	SettingCategory *string `json:"settingCategory,omitempty"`
	// MDMCspName The CSP name this group policy setting maps to.
	MDMCspName *string `json:"mdmCspName,omitempty"`
	// MDMSettingURI The MDM CSP URI this group policy setting maps to.
	MDMSettingURI *string `json:"mdmSettingUri,omitempty"`
	// MDMMinimumOSVersion The minimum OS version this mdm setting supports.
	MDMMinimumOSVersion *int `json:"mdmMinimumOSVersion,omitempty"`
	// SettingType The setting type (security or admx) of the Group Policy.
	SettingType *GroupPolicySettingType `json:"settingType,omitempty"`
	// IsMDMSupported Indicates if the setting is supported by Intune or not
	IsMDMSupported *bool `json:"isMdmSupported,omitempty"`
	// SettingScope The scope of the setting
	SettingScope *GroupPolicySettingScope `json:"settingScope,omitempty"`
	// IntuneSettingURIList The list of Intune Setting URIs this group policy setting maps to
	IntuneSettingURIList []string `json:"intuneSettingUriList,omitempty"`