// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// IOSNotificationSettings undocumented
type IOSNotificationSettings struct {
	// Object is the base model of IOSNotificationSettings
	// BundleID Bundle id of app to which to apply these notification settings.
	BundleID *string `json:"bundleID,omitempty"`
	// AppName Application name to be associated with the bundleID.
	AppName *string `json:"appName,omitempty"`
	// Publisher Publisher to be associated with the bundleID.
	Publisher *string `json:"publisher,omitempty"`
	// Enabled Indicates whether notifications are allowed for this app.
	Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// ShowInNotificationCenter Indicates whether notifications can be shown in notification center.
	ShowInNotificationCenter *bool `json:"showInNotificationCenter,omitempty"`
	// ShowOnLockScreen Indicates whether notifications can be shown on the lock screen.
	ShowOnLockScreen *bool `json:"showOnLockScreen,omitempty"`
	// AlertType Indicates the type of alert for notifications for this app.
	AlertType *IOSNotificationAlertType `json:"alertType,omitempty"`
	// BadgesEnabled Indicates whether badges are allowed for this app.
	BadgesEnabled *bool `json:"badgesEnabled,omitempty"`
	// SoundsEnabled Indicates whether sounds are allowed for this app.
	SoundsEnabled *bool `json:"soundsEnabled,omitempty"`