// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// Platform undocumented
type Platform string

const (
	// PlatformVUnknown undocumented
	PlatformVUnknown Platform = "unknown"
	// PlatformVIOS undocumented
	PlatformVIOS Platform = "ios"
	// PlatformVAndroid undocumented
	PlatformVAndroid Platform = "android"
	// PlatformVWindows undocumented
	PlatformVWindows Platform = "windows"
	// PlatformVWindowsMobile undocumented
	PlatformVWindowsMobile Platform = "windowsMobile"
	// PlatformVMacOS undocumented
	PlatformVMacOS Platform = "macOS"

var (
	// PlatformPUnknown is a pointer to PlatformVUnknown
	PlatformPUnknown = &_PlatformPUnknown
	// PlatformPIOS is a pointer to PlatformVIOS
	PlatformPIOS = &_PlatformPIOS
	// PlatformPAndroid is a pointer to PlatformVAndroid
	PlatformPAndroid = &_PlatformPAndroid
	// PlatformPWindows is a pointer to PlatformVWindows
	PlatformPWindows = &_PlatformPWindows
	// PlatformPWindowsMobile is a pointer to PlatformVWindowsMobile
	PlatformPWindowsMobile = &_PlatformPWindowsMobile
	// PlatformPMacOS is a pointer to PlatformVMacOS
	PlatformPMacOS = &_PlatformPMacOS

var (
	_PlatformPUnknown       = PlatformVUnknown
	_PlatformPIOS           = PlatformVIOS
	_PlatformPAndroid       = PlatformVAndroid
	_PlatformPWindows       = PlatformVWindows
	_PlatformPWindowsMobile = PlatformVWindowsMobile
	_PlatformPMacOS         = PlatformVMacOS