// Code generated by msgraph.go/gen DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// EventType undocumented
type EventType string

const (
	// EventTypeVSingleInstance undocumented
	EventTypeVSingleInstance EventType = "singleInstance"
	// EventTypeVOccurrence undocumented
	EventTypeVOccurrence EventType = "occurrence"
	// EventTypeVException undocumented
	EventTypeVException EventType = "exception"
	// EventTypeVSeriesMaster undocumented
	EventTypeVSeriesMaster EventType = "seriesMaster"

var (
	// EventTypePSingleInstance is a pointer to EventTypeVSingleInstance
	EventTypePSingleInstance = &_EventTypePSingleInstance
	// EventTypePOccurrence is a pointer to EventTypeVOccurrence
	EventTypePOccurrence = &_EventTypePOccurrence
	// EventTypePException is a pointer to EventTypeVException
	EventTypePException = &_EventTypePException
	// EventTypePSeriesMaster is a pointer to EventTypeVSeriesMaster
	EventTypePSeriesMaster = &_EventTypePSeriesMaster

var (
	_EventTypePSingleInstance = EventTypeVSingleInstance
	_EventTypePOccurrence     = EventTypeVOccurrence
	_EventTypePException      = EventTypeVException
	_EventTypePSeriesMaster   = EventTypeVSeriesMaster