// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// EmbeddedSIMActivationCode undocumented
type EmbeddedSIMActivationCode struct {
	// Object is the base model of EmbeddedSIMActivationCode
	// IntegratedCircuitCardIdentifier The Integrated Circuit Card Identifier (ICCID) for this embedded SIM activation code as provided by the mobile operator.
	IntegratedCircuitCardIdentifier *string `json:"integratedCircuitCardIdentifier,omitempty"`
	// MatchingIdentifier The MatchingIdentifier (MatchingID) as specified in the GSMA Association SGP.22 RSP Technical Specification section 4.1.
	MatchingIdentifier *string `json:"matchingIdentifier,omitempty"`
	// SmdpPlusServerAddress The fully qualified domain name of the SM-DP+ server as specified in the GSM Association SPG .22 RSP Technical Specification.
	SmdpPlusServerAddress *string `json:"smdpPlusServerAddress,omitempty"`