package ini import ( "fmt" "strings" "" ) // LF is linefeed const LF byte = 0x0A // CR is carriage return const CR byte = 0x0D // getSections parses an INI formatted string, or string containing just name/value pairs, // returns map of `Section`'s. // // Any name/value pairs appearing before a section name are added to the section named // with an empty string (""). Also true for Linux-style config files where all props // are outside a named section. // // Any errors encountered are aggregated and returned, along with the partially parsed // sections. func getSections(str string) (map[string]*Section, error) { merr := merror.New() mapSections := make(map[string]*Section) lines := buildLineArray(str) section := newSection("") for _, line := range lines { name, ok := parseSection(line) if ok { // A section name encountered. Stop processing the current one. // Don't add the current section to the map if the section name is blank // and the prop map is empty. nameCurr := section.GetName() if nameCurr != "" || section.hasKeys() { mapSections[nameCurr] = section } // Start processing a new section. section = newSection(name) } else { // Parse the property and add to the current section, or ignore if comment. if k, v, comment, err := parseProp(line); !comment && err == nil { section.setProp(k, v) } else if err != nil { merr.Append(err) // aggregate errors } } } // If the current section is not empty, add it. if section.hasKeys() { mapSections[section.GetName()] = section } return mapSections, merr.ErrorOrNil() } // buildLineArray parses the given string buffer and creates a list of strings, // one for each line in the string buffer. // // A line is considered to be terminated by any one of a line feed ('\n'), // a carriage return ('\r'), or a carriage return followed immediately by a // linefeed. // // Lines prefixed with ';' or '#' are considered comments and skipped. func buildLineArray(str string) []string { arr := make([]string, 0, 10) str = str + "\n" iLen := len(str) iPos, iBegin := 0, 0 var ch byte for iPos < iLen { ch = str[iPos] if ch == LF || ch == CR { sub := str[iBegin:iPos] sub = strings.TrimSpace(sub) if sub != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(sub, ";") && !strings.HasPrefix(sub, "#") { arr = append(arr, sub) } iPos++ if ch == CR && iPos < iLen && str[iPos] == LF { iPos++ } iBegin = iPos } else { iPos++ } } return arr } // parseSection parses the specified string for a section name enclosed in square brackets. // Returns the section name found, or `ok=false` if `str` is not a section header. func parseSection(str string) (name string, ok bool) { str = strings.TrimSpace(str) if !strings.HasPrefix(str, "[") { return "", false } iCloser := strings.Index(str, "]") if iCloser == -1 { return "", false } return strings.TrimSpace(str[1:iCloser]), true } // parseProp parses the specified string and extracts a key/value pair. // // If the string is a comment (prefixed with ';' or '#') then `comment=true` // and key will be empty. func parseProp(str string) (key string, val string, comment bool, err error) { iLen := len(str) iEqPos := strings.Index(str, "=") if iEqPos == -1 { return "", "", false, fmt.Errorf("not a key/value pair:'%s'", str) } key = str[0:iEqPos] key = strings.TrimSpace(key) if iEqPos+1 < iLen { val = str[iEqPos+1:] val = strings.TrimSpace(val) } // Check that the key has at least 1 char. if key == "" { return "", "", false, fmt.Errorf("key is empty for '%s'", str) } // Check if this line is a comment that just happens // to have an equals sign in it. Not an error, but not a // useable line either. if strings.HasPrefix(key, ";") || strings.HasPrefix(key, "#") { key = "" val = "" comment = true } return key, val, comment, err }