package logr

import (

var (
	logrPkg string

func init() {
	// Calc current package name
	pcs := make([]uintptr, 2)
	_ = runtime.Callers(0, pcs)
	tmp := runtime.FuncForPC(pcs[1]).Name()
	logrPkg = getPackageName(tmp)

// LogRec collects raw, unformatted data to be logged.
// TODO:  pool these?  how to reliably know when targets are done with them? Copy for each target?
type LogRec struct {
	mux  sync.RWMutex
	time time.Time

	level  Level
	logger Logger

	template string
	newline  bool
	args     []interface{}

	stackPC    []uintptr
	stackCount int

	// flushes Logr and target queues when not nil.
	flush chan struct{}

	// remaining fields calculated by `prep`
	msg    string
	frames []runtime.Frame

// NewLogRec creates a new LogRec with the current time and optional stack trace.
func NewLogRec(lvl Level, logger Logger, template string, args []interface{}, incStacktrace bool) *LogRec {
	rec := &LogRec{time: time.Now(), logger: logger, level: lvl, template: template, args: args}
	if incStacktrace {
		rec.stackPC = make([]uintptr, DefaultMaxStackFrames)
		rec.stackCount = runtime.Callers(2, rec.stackPC)
	return rec

// newFlushLogRec creates a LogRec that flushes the Logr queue and
// any target queues that support flushing.
func newFlushLogRec(logger Logger) *LogRec {
	return &LogRec{logger: logger, flush: make(chan struct{})}

// prep resolves all args and field values to strings, and
// resolves stack trace to frames.
func (rec *LogRec) prep() {
	defer rec.mux.Unlock()

	// resolve args
	if rec.template == "" {
		if rec.newline {
			rec.msg = fmt.Sprintln(rec.args...)
		} else {
			rec.msg = fmt.Sprint(rec.args...)
	} else {
		rec.msg = fmt.Sprintf(rec.template, rec.args...)

	// resolve stack trace
	if rec.stackCount > 0 {
		frames := runtime.CallersFrames(rec.stackPC[:rec.stackCount])
		for {
			f, more := frames.Next()
			rec.frames = append(rec.frames, f)
			if !more {

		// remove leading logr package entries.
		var start int
		for i, frame := range rec.frames {
			pkg := getPackageName(frame.Function)
			if pkg != "" && pkg != logrPkg {
				start = i
		rec.frames = rec.frames[start:]

// WithTime returns a shallow copy of the log record while replacing
// the time. This can be used by targets and formatters to adjust
// the time, or take ownership of the log record.
func (rec *LogRec) WithTime(time time.Time) *LogRec {
	defer rec.mux.RUnlock()

	return &LogRec{
		time:       time,
		level:      rec.level,
		logger:     rec.logger,
		template:   rec.template,
		newline:    rec.newline,
		args:       rec.args,
		msg:        rec.msg,
		stackPC:    rec.stackPC,
		stackCount: rec.stackCount,
		frames:     rec.frames,

// Logger returns the `Logger` that created this `LogRec`.
func (rec *LogRec) Logger() Logger {
	return rec.logger

// Time returns this log record's time stamp.
func (rec *LogRec) Time() time.Time {
	// no locking needed as this field is not mutated.
	return rec.time

// Level returns this log record's Level.
func (rec *LogRec) Level() Level {
	// no locking needed as this field is not mutated.
	return rec.level

// Fields returns this log record's Fields.
func (rec *LogRec) Fields() Fields {
	// no locking needed as this field is not mutated.
	return rec.logger.fields

// Msg returns this log record's message text.
func (rec *LogRec) Msg() string {
	defer rec.mux.RUnlock()
	return rec.msg

// StackFrames returns this log record's stack frames or
// nil if no stack trace was required.
func (rec *LogRec) StackFrames() []runtime.Frame {
	defer rec.mux.RUnlock()
	return rec.frames

// String returns a string representation of this log record.
func (rec *LogRec) String() string {
	if rec.flush != nil {
		return "[flusher]"

	f := &DefaultFormatter{}
	buf := rec.logger.logr.BorrowBuffer()
	defer rec.logger.logr.ReleaseBuffer(buf)
	buf, _ = f.Format(rec, true, buf)
	return strings.TrimSpace(buf.String())

// getPackageName reduces a fully qualified function name to the package name
// By sirupsen:
func getPackageName(f string) string {
	for {
		lastPeriod := strings.LastIndex(f, ".")
		lastSlash := strings.LastIndex(f, "/")
		if lastPeriod > lastSlash {
			f = f[:lastPeriod]
		} else {
	return f