// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// WindowsKioskAppBase undocumented
type WindowsKioskAppBase struct {
	// Object is the base model of WindowsKioskAppBase
	// StartLayoutTileSize The app tile size for the start layout
	StartLayoutTileSize *WindowsAppStartLayoutTileSize `json:"startLayoutTileSize,omitempty"`
	// Name Represents the friendly name of an app
	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// AppType The app type
	AppType *WindowsKioskAppType `json:"appType,omitempty"`
	// AutoLaunch Allow the app to be auto-launched in multi-app kiosk mode
	AutoLaunch *bool `json:"autoLaunch,omitempty"`