// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

import "time"

// Windows10AppsForceUpdateSchedule undocumented
type Windows10AppsForceUpdateSchedule struct {
	// Object is the base model of Windows10AppsForceUpdateSchedule
	// StartDateTime The start time for the force restart.
	StartDateTime *time.Time `json:"startDateTime,omitempty"`
	// Recurrence Recurrence schedule.
	Recurrence *Windows10AppsUpdateRecurrence `json:"recurrence,omitempty"`
	// RunImmediatelyIfAfterStartDateTime If true, runs the task immediately if StartDateTime is in the past, else, runs at the next recurrence.
	RunImmediatelyIfAfterStartDateTime *bool `json:"runImmediatelyIfAfterStartDateTime,omitempty"`