// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

import "time"

// GroupPolicyDefinition The entity describes all of the information about a single group policy.
type GroupPolicyDefinition struct {
	// Entity is the base model of GroupPolicyDefinition
	// ClassType Identifies the type of groups the policy can be applied to.
	ClassType *GroupPolicyDefinitionClassType `json:"classType,omitempty"`
	// DisplayName The localized policy name.
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// ExplainText The localized explanation or help text associated with the policy. The default value is empty.
	ExplainText *string `json:"explainText,omitempty"`
	// CategoryPath The localized full category path for the policy.
	CategoryPath *string `json:"categoryPath,omitempty"`
	// SupportedOn Localized string used to specify what operating system or application version is affected by the policy.
	SupportedOn *string `json:"supportedOn,omitempty"`
	// PolicyType Specifies the type of group policy.
	PolicyType *GroupPolicyType `json:"policyType,omitempty"`
	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the entity was last modified.
	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// DefinitionFile undocumented
	DefinitionFile *GroupPolicyDefinitionFile `json:"definitionFile,omitempty"`
	// Presentations undocumented
	Presentations []GroupPolicyPresentation `json:"presentations,omitempty"`