// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// DeviceManagementScriptUserState Contains properties for user run state of the device management script.
type DeviceManagementScriptUserState struct {
	// Entity is the base model of DeviceManagementScriptUserState
	// SuccessDeviceCount Success device count for specific user.
	SuccessDeviceCount *int `json:"successDeviceCount,omitempty"`
	// ErrorDeviceCount Error device count for specific user.
	ErrorDeviceCount *int `json:"errorDeviceCount,omitempty"`
	// UserPrincipalName User principle name of specific user.
	UserPrincipalName *string `json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty"`
	// DeviceRunStates undocumented
	DeviceRunStates []DeviceManagementScriptDeviceState `json:"deviceRunStates,omitempty"`