// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// DepMacOSEnrollmentProfile The DepMacOSEnrollmentProfile resource represents an Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) enrollment profile specific to macOS configuration. This type of profile must be assigned to Apple DEP serial numbers before the corresponding devices can enroll via DEP.
type DepMacOSEnrollmentProfile struct {
	// DepEnrollmentBaseProfile is the base model of DepMacOSEnrollmentProfile
	// RegistrationDisabled Indicates if registration is disabled
	RegistrationDisabled *bool `json:"registrationDisabled,omitempty"`
	// FileVaultDisabled Indicates if file vault is disabled
	FileVaultDisabled *bool `json:"fileVaultDisabled,omitempty"`
	// ICloudDiagnosticsDisabled Indicates if iCloud Analytics screen is disabled
	ICloudDiagnosticsDisabled *bool `json:"iCloudDiagnosticsDisabled,omitempty"`
	// ICloudStorageDisabled Indicates if iCloud Documents and Desktop screen is disabled
	ICloudStorageDisabled *bool `json:"iCloudStorageDisabled,omitempty"`
	// ChooseYourLockScreenDisabled Indicates if iCloud Documents and Desktop screen is disabled
	ChooseYourLockScreenDisabled *bool `json:"chooseYourLockScreenDisabled,omitempty"`