// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// DeliveryOptimizationBandwidthBusinessHoursLimit undocumented
type DeliveryOptimizationBandwidthBusinessHoursLimit struct {
	// Object is the base model of DeliveryOptimizationBandwidthBusinessHoursLimit
	// BandwidthBeginBusinessHours Specifies the beginning of business hours using a 24-hour clock (0-23). Valid values 0 to 23
	BandwidthBeginBusinessHours *int `json:"bandwidthBeginBusinessHours,omitempty"`
	// BandwidthEndBusinessHours Specifies the end of business hours using a 24-hour clock (0-23). Valid values 0 to 23
	BandwidthEndBusinessHours *int `json:"bandwidthEndBusinessHours,omitempty"`
	// BandwidthPercentageDuringBusinessHours Specifies the percentage of bandwidth to limit during business hours (0-100). Valid values 0 to 100
	BandwidthPercentageDuringBusinessHours *int `json:"bandwidthPercentageDuringBusinessHours,omitempty"`
	// BandwidthPercentageOutsideBusinessHours Specifies the percentage of bandwidth to limit outsidse business hours (0-100). Valid values 0 to 100
	BandwidthPercentageOutsideBusinessHours *int `json:"bandwidthPercentageOutsideBusinessHours,omitempty"`