// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT.

package msgraph

// BitLockerRecoveryOptions undocumented
type BitLockerRecoveryOptions struct {
	// Object is the base model of BitLockerRecoveryOptions
	// BlockDataRecoveryAgent Indicates whether to block certificate-based data recovery agent.
	BlockDataRecoveryAgent *bool `json:"blockDataRecoveryAgent,omitempty"`
	// RecoveryPasswordUsage Indicates whether users are allowed or required to generate a 48-digit recovery password for fixed or system disk.
	RecoveryPasswordUsage *ConfigurationUsage `json:"recoveryPasswordUsage,omitempty"`
	// RecoveryKeyUsage Indicates whether users are allowed or required to generate a 256-bit recovery key for fixed or system disk.
	RecoveryKeyUsage *ConfigurationUsage `json:"recoveryKeyUsage,omitempty"`
	// HideRecoveryOptions Indicates whether or not to allow showing recovery options in BitLocker Setup Wizard for fixed or system disk.
	HideRecoveryOptions *bool `json:"hideRecoveryOptions,omitempty"`
	// EnableRecoveryInformationSaveToStore Indicates whether or not to allow BitLocker recovery information to store in AD DS.
	EnableRecoveryInformationSaveToStore *bool `json:"enableRecoveryInformationSaveToStore,omitempty"`
	// RecoveryInformationToStore Configure what pieces of BitLocker recovery information are stored to AD DS.
	RecoveryInformationToStore *BitLockerRecoveryInformationType `json:"recoveryInformationToStore,omitempty"`
	// EnableBitLockerAfterRecoveryInformationToStore Indicates whether or not to enable BitLocker until recovery information is stored in AD DS.
	EnableBitLockerAfterRecoveryInformationToStore *bool `json:"enableBitLockerAfterRecoveryInformationToStore,omitempty"`