// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT. package msgraph // AndroidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration This topic provides descriptions of the declared methods, properties and relationships exposed by the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration resource. type AndroidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration struct { // DeviceConfiguration is the base model of AndroidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration DeviceConfiguration // AccountsBlockModification Indicates whether or not adding or removing accounts is disabled. AccountsBlockModification *bool `json:"accountsBlockModification,omitempty"` // AppsAllowInstallFromUnknownSources Indicates whether or not the user is allowed to enable to unknown sources setting. AppsAllowInstallFromUnknownSources *bool `json:"appsAllowInstallFromUnknownSources,omitempty"` // AppsAutoUpdatePolicy Indicates the value of the app auto update policy. AppsAutoUpdatePolicy *AndroidDeviceOwnerAppAutoUpdatePolicyType `json:"appsAutoUpdatePolicy,omitempty"` // AppsDefaultPermissionPolicy Indicates the permission policy for requests for runtime permissions if one is not defined for the app specifically. AppsDefaultPermissionPolicy *AndroidDeviceOwnerDefaultAppPermissionPolicyType `json:"appsDefaultPermissionPolicy,omitempty"` // AppsRecommendSkippingFirstUseHints Whether or not to recommend all apps skip any first-time-use hints they may have added. AppsRecommendSkippingFirstUseHints *bool `json:"appsRecommendSkippingFirstUseHints,omitempty"` // BluetoothBlockConfiguration Indicates whether or not to block a user from configuring bluetooth. BluetoothBlockConfiguration *bool `json:"bluetoothBlockConfiguration,omitempty"` // BluetoothBlockContactSharing Indicates whether or not to block a user from sharing contacts via bluetooth. BluetoothBlockContactSharing *bool `json:"bluetoothBlockContactSharing,omitempty"` // CameraBlocked Indicates whether or not to disable the use of the camera. CameraBlocked *bool `json:"cameraBlocked,omitempty"` // CellularBlockWiFiTethering Indicates whether or not to block Wi-Fi tethering. CellularBlockWiFiTethering *bool `json:"cellularBlockWiFiTethering,omitempty"` // DataRoamingBlocked Indicates whether or not to block a user from data roaming. DataRoamingBlocked *bool `json:"dataRoamingBlocked,omitempty"` // DateTimeConfigurationBlocked Indicates whether or not to block the user from manually changing the date or time on the device DateTimeConfigurationBlocked *bool `json:"dateTimeConfigurationBlocked,omitempty"` // FactoryResetDeviceAdministratorEmails List of Google account emails that will be required to authenticate after a device is factory reset before it can be set up. FactoryResetDeviceAdministratorEmails []string `json:"factoryResetDeviceAdministratorEmails,omitempty"` // FactoryResetBlocked Indicates whether or not the factory reset option in settings is disabled. FactoryResetBlocked *bool `json:"factoryResetBlocked,omitempty"` // GlobalProxy Proxy is set up directly with host, port and excluded hosts. GlobalProxy *AndroidDeviceOwnerGlobalProxy `json:"globalProxy,omitempty"` // GoogleAccountsBlocked Indicates whether or not google accounts will be blocked. GoogleAccountsBlocked *bool `json:"googleAccountsBlocked,omitempty"` // KioskModeScreenSaverConfigurationEnabled Whether or not to enable screen saver mode or not in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeScreenSaverConfigurationEnabled *bool `json:"kioskModeScreenSaverConfigurationEnabled,omitempty"` // KioskModeScreenSaverImageURL URL for an image that will be the device's screen saver in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeScreenSaverImageURL *string `json:"kioskModeScreenSaverImageUrl,omitempty"` // KioskModeScreenSaverDisplayTimeInSeconds The number of seconds that the device will display the screen saver for in Kiosk Mode. Valid values 0 to 9999999 KioskModeScreenSaverDisplayTimeInSeconds *int `json:"kioskModeScreenSaverDisplayTimeInSeconds,omitempty"` // KioskModeScreenSaverStartDelayInSeconds The number of seconds the device needs to be inactive for before the screen saver is shown in Kiosk Mode. Valid values 1 to 9999999 KioskModeScreenSaverStartDelayInSeconds *int `json:"kioskModeScreenSaverStartDelayInSeconds,omitempty"` // KioskModeScreenSaverDetectMediaDisabled Whether or not the device screen should show the screen saver if audio/video is playing in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeScreenSaverDetectMediaDisabled *bool `json:"kioskModeScreenSaverDetectMediaDisabled,omitempty"` // KioskModeApps A list of managed apps that will be shown when the device is in Kiosk Mode. This collection can contain a maximum of 500 elements. KioskModeApps []AppListItem `json:"kioskModeApps,omitempty"` // KioskModeWallpaperURL URL to a publicly accessible image to use for the wallpaper when the device is in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeWallpaperURL *string `json:"kioskModeWallpaperUrl,omitempty"` // KioskModeExitCode Exit code to allow a user to escape from Kiosk Mode when the device is in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeExitCode *string `json:"kioskModeExitCode,omitempty"` // KioskModeVirtualHomeButtonEnabled Whether or not to display a virtual home button when the device is in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeVirtualHomeButtonEnabled *bool `json:"kioskModeVirtualHomeButtonEnabled,omitempty"` // KioskModeVirtualHomeButtonType Indicates whether the virtual home button is a swipe up home button or a floating home button. KioskModeVirtualHomeButtonType *AndroidDeviceOwnerVirtualHomeButtonType `json:"kioskModeVirtualHomeButtonType,omitempty"` // KioskModeBluetoothConfigurationEnabled Whether or not to allow a user to configure Bluetooth settings in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeBluetoothConfigurationEnabled *bool `json:"kioskModeBluetoothConfigurationEnabled,omitempty"` // KioskModeWiFiConfigurationEnabled Whether or not to allow a user to configure Wi-Fi settings in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeWiFiConfigurationEnabled *bool `json:"kioskModeWiFiConfigurationEnabled,omitempty"` // KioskModeFlashlightConfigurationEnabled Whether or not to allow a user to use the flashlight in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeFlashlightConfigurationEnabled *bool `json:"kioskModeFlashlightConfigurationEnabled,omitempty"` // KioskModeMediaVolumeConfigurationEnabled Whether or not to allow a user to change the media volume in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeMediaVolumeConfigurationEnabled *bool `json:"kioskModeMediaVolumeConfigurationEnabled,omitempty"` // MicrophoneForceMute Indicates whether or not to block unmuting the microphone on the device. MicrophoneForceMute *bool `json:"microphoneForceMute,omitempty"` // NetworkEscapeHatchAllowed Indicates whether or not the device will allow connecting to a temporary network connection at boot time. NetworkEscapeHatchAllowed *bool `json:"networkEscapeHatchAllowed,omitempty"` // NfcBlockOutgoingBeam Indicates whether or not to block NFC outgoing beam. NfcBlockOutgoingBeam *bool `json:"nfcBlockOutgoingBeam,omitempty"` // PasswordBlockKeyguard Indicates whether or not the keyguard is disabled. PasswordBlockKeyguard *bool `json:"passwordBlockKeyguard,omitempty"` // PasswordBlockKeyguardFeatures List of device keyguard features to block. This collection can contain a maximum of 7 elements. PasswordBlockKeyguardFeatures []AndroidKeyguardFeature `json:"passwordBlockKeyguardFeatures,omitempty"` // PasswordExpirationDays Indicates the amount of time in seconds that a password can be set for before it expires and a new password will be required. Valid values 1 to 365 PasswordExpirationDays *int `json:"passwordExpirationDays,omitempty"` // PasswordMinimumLength Indicates the minimum length of the password required on the device. Valid values 4 to 16 PasswordMinimumLength *int `json:"passwordMinimumLength,omitempty"` // PasswordMinimumLetterCharacters Indicates the minimum number of letter characters required for device password. Valid values 1 to 16 PasswordMinimumLetterCharacters *int `json:"passwordMinimumLetterCharacters,omitempty"` // PasswordMinimumLowerCaseCharacters Indicates the minimum number of lower case characters required for device password. Valid values 1 to 16 PasswordMinimumLowerCaseCharacters *int `json:"passwordMinimumLowerCaseCharacters,omitempty"` // PasswordMinimumNonLetterCharacters Indicates the minimum number of non-letter characters required for device password. Valid values 1 to 16 PasswordMinimumNonLetterCharacters *int `json:"passwordMinimumNonLetterCharacters,omitempty"` // PasswordMinimumNumericCharacters Indicates the minimum number of numeric characters required for device password. Valid values 1 to 16 PasswordMinimumNumericCharacters *int `json:"passwordMinimumNumericCharacters,omitempty"` // PasswordMinimumSymbolCharacters Indicates the minimum number of symbol characters required for device password. Valid values 1 to 16 PasswordMinimumSymbolCharacters *int `json:"passwordMinimumSymbolCharacters,omitempty"` // PasswordMinimumUpperCaseCharacters Indicates the minimum number of upper caseletter characters required for device password. Valid values 1 to 16 PasswordMinimumUpperCaseCharacters *int `json:"passwordMinimumUpperCaseCharacters,omitempty"` // PasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout Milliseconds of inactivity before the screen times out. PasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout *int `json:"passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout,omitempty"` // PasswordPreviousPasswordCountToBlock Indicates the length of password history, where the user will not be able to enter a new password that is the same as any password in the history. Valid values 0 to 24 PasswordPreviousPasswordCountToBlock *int `json:"passwordPreviousPasswordCountToBlock,omitempty"` // PasswordRequiredType Indicates the minimum password quality required on the device. PasswordRequiredType *AndroidDeviceOwnerRequiredPasswordType `json:"passwordRequiredType,omitempty"` // PasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset Indicates the number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before the device is wiped. Valid values 4 to 11 PasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset *int `json:"passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset,omitempty"` // PlayStoreMode Indicates the Play Store mode of the device. PlayStoreMode *AndroidDeviceOwnerPlayStoreMode `json:"playStoreMode,omitempty"` // SafeBootBlocked Indicates whether or not rebooting the device into safe boot is disabled. SafeBootBlocked *bool `json:"safeBootBlocked,omitempty"` // ScreenCaptureBlocked Indicates whether or not to disable the capability to take screenshots. ScreenCaptureBlocked *bool `json:"screenCaptureBlocked,omitempty"` // SecurityAllowDebuggingFeatures Indicates whether or not to block the user from enabling debugging features on the device. SecurityAllowDebuggingFeatures *bool `json:"securityAllowDebuggingFeatures,omitempty"` // SecurityRequireVerifyApps Indicates whether or not verify apps is required. SecurityRequireVerifyApps *bool `json:"securityRequireVerifyApps,omitempty"` // StatusBarBlocked Indicates whether or the status bar is disabled, including notifications, quick settings and other screen overlays. StatusBarBlocked *bool `json:"statusBarBlocked,omitempty"` // StayOnModes List of modes in which the device's display will stay powered-on. This collection can contain a maximum of 4 elements. StayOnModes []AndroidDeviceOwnerBatteryPluggedMode `json:"stayOnModes,omitempty"` // StorageAllowUsb Indicates whether or not to allow USB mass storage. StorageAllowUsb *bool `json:"storageAllowUsb,omitempty"` // StorageBlockExternalMedia Indicates whether or not to block external media. StorageBlockExternalMedia *bool `json:"storageBlockExternalMedia,omitempty"` // StorageBlockUsbFileTransfer Indicates whether or not to block USB file transfer. StorageBlockUsbFileTransfer *bool `json:"storageBlockUsbFileTransfer,omitempty"` // SystemUpdateWindowStartMinutesAfterMidnight Indicates the number of minutes after midnight that the system update window starts. Valid values 0 to 1440 SystemUpdateWindowStartMinutesAfterMidnight *int `json:"systemUpdateWindowStartMinutesAfterMidnight,omitempty"` // SystemUpdateWindowEndMinutesAfterMidnight Indicates the number of minutes after midnight that the system update window ends. Valid values 0 to 1440 SystemUpdateWindowEndMinutesAfterMidnight *int `json:"systemUpdateWindowEndMinutesAfterMidnight,omitempty"` // SystemUpdateInstallType The type of system update configuration. SystemUpdateInstallType *AndroidDeviceOwnerSystemUpdateInstallType `json:"systemUpdateInstallType,omitempty"` // SystemWindowsBlocked Whether or not to block Android system prompt windows, like toasts, phone activities, and system alerts. SystemWindowsBlocked *bool `json:"systemWindowsBlocked,omitempty"` // UsersBlockAdd Indicates whether or not adding users and profiles is disabled. UsersBlockAdd *bool `json:"usersBlockAdd,omitempty"` // UsersBlockRemove Indicates whether or not to disable removing other users from the device. UsersBlockRemove *bool `json:"usersBlockRemove,omitempty"` // VolumeBlockAdjustment Indicates whether or not adjusting the master volume is disabled. VolumeBlockAdjustment *bool `json:"volumeBlockAdjustment,omitempty"` // VpnAlwaysOnPackageIdentifier Android app package name for app that will handle an always-on VPN connection. VpnAlwaysOnPackageIdentifier *string `json:"vpnAlwaysOnPackageIdentifier,omitempty"` // VpnAlwaysOnLockdownMode If an always on VPN package name is specified, whether or not to lock network traffic when that VPN is disconnected. VpnAlwaysOnLockdownMode *bool `json:"vpnAlwaysOnLockdownMode,omitempty"` // WifiBlockEditConfigurations Indicates whether or not to block the user from editing the wifi connection settings. WifiBlockEditConfigurations *bool `json:"wifiBlockEditConfigurations,omitempty"` // WifiBlockEditPolicyDefinedConfigurations Indicates whether or not to block the user from editing just the networks defined by the policy. WifiBlockEditPolicyDefinedConfigurations *bool `json:"wifiBlockEditPolicyDefinedConfigurations,omitempty"` }