package html

import (


// Flags control optional behavior of HTML renderer.
type Flags int

// IDTag is the tag used for tag identification, it defaults to "id", some renderers
// may wish to override this and use e.g. "anchor".
var IDTag = "id"

// HTML renderer configuration options.
const (
	FlagsNone               Flags = 0
	SkipHTML                Flags = 1 << iota // Skip preformatted HTML blocks
	SkipImages                                // Skip embedded images
	SkipLinks                                 // Skip all links
	Safelink                                  // Only link to trusted protocols
	NofollowLinks                             // Only link with rel="nofollow"
	NoreferrerLinks                           // Only link with rel="noreferrer"
	NoopenerLinks                             // Only link with rel="noopener"
	HrefTargetBlank                           // Add a blank target
	CompletePage                              // Generate a complete HTML page
	UseXHTML                                  // Generate XHTML output instead of HTML
	FootnoteReturnLinks                       // Generate a link at the end of a footnote to return to the source
	FootnoteNoHRTag                           // Do not output an HR after starting a footnote list.
	Smartypants                               // Enable smart punctuation substitutions
	SmartypantsFractions                      // Enable smart fractions (with Smartypants)
	SmartypantsDashes                         // Enable smart dashes (with Smartypants)
	SmartypantsLatexDashes                    // Enable LaTeX-style dashes (with Smartypants)
	SmartypantsAngledQuotes                   // Enable angled double quotes (with Smartypants) for double quotes rendering
	SmartypantsQuotesNBSP                     // Enable « French guillemets » (with Smartypants)
	TOC                                       // Generate a table of contents

	CommonFlags Flags = Smartypants | SmartypantsFractions | SmartypantsDashes | SmartypantsLatexDashes

var (
	htmlTagRe = regexp.MustCompile("(?i)^" + htmlTag)

const (
	htmlTag = "(?:" + openTag + "|" + closeTag + "|" + htmlComment + "|" +
		processingInstruction + "|" + declaration + "|" + cdata + ")"
	closeTag              = "</" + tagName + "\\s*[>]"
	openTag               = "<" + tagName + attribute + "*" + "\\s*/?>"
	attribute             = "(?:" + "\\s+" + attributeName + attributeValueSpec + "?)"
	attributeValue        = "(?:" + unquotedValue + "|" + singleQuotedValue + "|" + doubleQuotedValue + ")"
	attributeValueSpec    = "(?:" + "\\s*=" + "\\s*" + attributeValue + ")"
	attributeName         = "[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]*"
	cdata                 = "<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>"
	declaration           = "<![A-Z]+" + "\\s+[^>]*>"
	doubleQuotedValue     = "\"[^\"]*\""
	htmlComment           = "<!---->|<!--(?:-?[^>-])(?:-?[^-])*-->"
	processingInstruction = "[<][?].*?[?][>]"
	singleQuotedValue     = "'[^']*'"
	tagName               = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*"
	unquotedValue         = "[^\"'=<>`\\x00-\\x20]+"

// RenderNodeFunc allows reusing most of Renderer logic and replacing
// rendering of some nodes. If it returns false, Renderer.RenderNode
// will execute its logic. If it returns true, Renderer.RenderNode will
// skip rendering this node and will return WalkStatus
type RenderNodeFunc func(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, bool)

// RendererOptions is a collection of supplementary parameters tweaking
// the behavior of various parts of HTML renderer.
type RendererOptions struct {
	// Prepend this text to each relative URL.
	AbsolutePrefix string
	// Add this text to each footnote anchor, to ensure uniqueness.
	FootnoteAnchorPrefix string
	// Show this text inside the <a> tag for a footnote return link, if the
	// FootnoteReturnLinks flag is enabled. If blank, the string
	// <sup>[return]</sup> is used.
	FootnoteReturnLinkContents string
	// CitationFormatString defines how a citation is rendered. If blnck, the string
	// <sup>[%s]</sup> is used. Where %s will be substituted with the citation target.
	CitationFormatString string
	// If set, add this text to the front of each Heading ID, to ensure uniqueness.
	HeadingIDPrefix string
	// If set, add this text to the back of each Heading ID, to ensure uniqueness.
	HeadingIDSuffix string

	Title string // Document title (used if CompletePage is set)
	CSS   string // Optional CSS file URL (used if CompletePage is set)
	Icon  string // Optional icon file URL (used if CompletePage is set)
	Head  []byte // Optional head data injected in the <head> section (used if CompletePage is set)

	Flags Flags // Flags allow customizing this renderer's behavior

	// if set, called at the start of RenderNode(). Allows replacing
	// rendering of some nodes
	RenderNodeHook RenderNodeFunc

	// Comments is a list of comments the renderer should detect when
	// parsing code blocks and detecting callouts.
	Comments [][]byte

	// Generator is a meta tag that is inserted in the generated HTML so show what rendered it. It should not include the closing tag.
	// Defaults (note content quote is not closed) to `  <meta name="GENERATOR" content=" markdown processor for Go`
	Generator string

// Renderer implements Renderer interface for HTML output.
// Do not create this directly, instead use the NewRenderer function.
type Renderer struct {
	opts RendererOptions

	closeTag string // how to end singleton tags: either " />" or ">"

	// Track heading IDs to prevent ID collision in a single generation.
	headingIDs map[string]int

	lastOutputLen int

	// if > 0, will strip html tags in Out and Outs
	DisableTags int

	sr *SPRenderer

	documentMatter ast.DocumentMatters // keep track of front/main/back matter.

// Escaper defines how to escape HTML special characters
var Escaper = [256][]byte{
	'&': []byte("&amp;"),
	'<': []byte("&lt;"),
	'>': []byte("&gt;"),
	'"': []byte("&quot;"),

// EscapeHTML writes html-escaped d to w. It escapes &, <, > and " characters.
func EscapeHTML(w io.Writer, d []byte) {
	var start, end int
	n := len(d)
	for end < n {
		escSeq := Escaper[d[end]]
		if escSeq != nil {
			start = end + 1
	if start < n && end <= n {

func escLink(w io.Writer, text []byte) {
	unesc := html.UnescapeString(string(text))
	EscapeHTML(w, []byte(unesc))

// Escape writes the text to w, but skips the escape character.
func Escape(w io.Writer, text []byte) {
	esc := false
	for i := 0; i < len(text); i++ {
		if text[i] == '\\' {
			esc = !esc
		if esc && text[i] == '\\' {

// NewRenderer creates and configures an Renderer object, which
// satisfies the Renderer interface.
func NewRenderer(opts RendererOptions) *Renderer {
	// configure the rendering engine
	closeTag := ">"
	if opts.Flags&UseXHTML != 0 {
		closeTag = " />"

	if opts.FootnoteReturnLinkContents == "" {
		opts.FootnoteReturnLinkContents = `<sup>[return]</sup>`
	if opts.CitationFormatString == "" {
		opts.CitationFormatString = `<sup>[%s]</sup>`
	if opts.Generator == "" {
		opts.Generator = `  <meta name="GENERATOR" content=" markdown processor for Go`

	return &Renderer{
		opts: opts,

		closeTag:   closeTag,
		headingIDs: make(map[string]int),

		sr: NewSmartypantsRenderer(opts.Flags),

func isHTMLTag(tag []byte, tagname string) bool {
	found, _ := findHTMLTagPos(tag, tagname)
	return found

// Look for a character, but ignore it when it's in any kind of quotes, it
// might be JavaScript
func skipUntilCharIgnoreQuotes(html []byte, start int, char byte) int {
	inSingleQuote := false
	inDoubleQuote := false
	inGraveQuote := false
	i := start
	for i < len(html) {
		switch {
		case html[i] == char && !inSingleQuote && !inDoubleQuote && !inGraveQuote:
			return i
		case html[i] == '\'':
			inSingleQuote = !inSingleQuote
		case html[i] == '"':
			inDoubleQuote = !inDoubleQuote
		case html[i] == '`':
			inGraveQuote = !inGraveQuote
	return start

func findHTMLTagPos(tag []byte, tagname string) (bool, int) {
	i := 0
	if i < len(tag) && tag[0] != '<' {
		return false, -1
	i = skipSpace(tag, i)

	if i < len(tag) && tag[i] == '/' {

	i = skipSpace(tag, i)
	j := 0
	for ; i < len(tag); i, j = i+1, j+1 {
		if j >= len(tagname) {

		if strings.ToLower(string(tag[i]))[0] != tagname[j] {
			return false, -1

	if i == len(tag) {
		return false, -1

	rightAngle := skipUntilCharIgnoreQuotes(tag, i, '>')
	if rightAngle >= i {
		return true, rightAngle

	return false, -1

func isRelativeLink(link []byte) (yes bool) {
	// a tag begin with '#'
	if link[0] == '#' {
		return true

	// link begin with '/' but not '//', the second maybe a protocol relative link
	if len(link) >= 2 && link[0] == '/' && link[1] != '/' {
		return true

	// only the root '/'
	if len(link) == 1 && link[0] == '/' {
		return true

	// current directory : begin with "./"
	if bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("./")) {
		return true

	// parent directory : begin with "../"
	if bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("../")) {
		return true

	return false

func (r *Renderer) ensureUniqueHeadingID(id string) string {
	for count, found := r.headingIDs[id]; found; count, found = r.headingIDs[id] {
		tmp := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", id, count+1)

		if _, tmpFound := r.headingIDs[tmp]; !tmpFound {
			r.headingIDs[id] = count + 1
			id = tmp
		} else {
			id = id + "-1"

	if _, found := r.headingIDs[id]; !found {
		r.headingIDs[id] = 0

	return id

func (r *Renderer) addAbsPrefix(link []byte) []byte {
	if r.opts.AbsolutePrefix != "" && isRelativeLink(link) && link[0] != '.' {
		newDest := r.opts.AbsolutePrefix
		if link[0] != '/' {
			newDest += "/"
		newDest += string(link)
		return []byte(newDest)
	return link

func appendLinkAttrs(attrs []string, flags Flags, link []byte) []string {
	if isRelativeLink(link) {
		return attrs
	var val []string
	if flags&NofollowLinks != 0 {
		val = append(val, "nofollow")
	if flags&NoreferrerLinks != 0 {
		val = append(val, "noreferrer")
	if flags&NoopenerLinks != 0 {
		val = append(val, "noopener")
	if flags&HrefTargetBlank != 0 {
		attrs = append(attrs, `target="_blank"`)
	if len(val) == 0 {
		return attrs
	attr := fmt.Sprintf("rel=%q", strings.Join(val, " "))
	return append(attrs, attr)

func isMailto(link []byte) bool {
	return bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("mailto:"))

func needSkipLink(flags Flags, dest []byte) bool {
	if flags&SkipLinks != 0 {
		return true
	return flags&Safelink != 0 && !isSafeLink(dest) && !isMailto(dest)

func isSmartypantable(node ast.Node) bool {
	switch node.GetParent().(type) {
	case *ast.Link, *ast.CodeBlock, *ast.Code:
		return false
	return true

func appendLanguageAttr(attrs []string, info []byte) []string {
	if len(info) == 0 {
		return attrs
	endOfLang := bytes.IndexAny(info, "\t ")
	if endOfLang < 0 {
		endOfLang = len(info)
	s := `class="language-` + string(info[:endOfLang]) + `"`
	return append(attrs, s)

func (r *Renderer) outTag(w io.Writer, name string, attrs []string) {
	s := name
	if len(attrs) > 0 {
		s += " " + strings.Join(attrs, " ")
	io.WriteString(w, s+">")
	r.lastOutputLen = 1

func footnoteRef(prefix string, node *ast.Link) string {
	urlFrag := prefix + string(slugify(node.Destination))
	nStr := strconv.Itoa(node.NoteID)
	anchor := `<a href="#fn:` + urlFrag + `">` + nStr + `</a>`
	return `<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:` + urlFrag + `">` + anchor + `</sup>`

func footnoteItem(prefix string, slug []byte) string {
	return `<li id="fn:` + prefix + string(slug) + `">`

func footnoteReturnLink(prefix, returnLink string, slug []byte) string {
	return ` <a class="footnote-return" href="#fnref:` + prefix + string(slug) + `">` + returnLink + `</a>`

func listItemOpenCR(listItem *ast.ListItem) bool {
	if ast.GetPrevNode(listItem) == nil {
		return false
	ld := listItem.Parent.(*ast.List)
	return !ld.Tight && ld.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeDefinition == 0

func skipParagraphTags(para *ast.Paragraph) bool {
	parent := para.Parent
	grandparent := parent.GetParent()
	if grandparent == nil || !isList(grandparent) {
		return false
	isParentTerm := isListItemTerm(parent)
	grandparentListData := grandparent.(*ast.List)
	tightOrTerm := grandparentListData.Tight || isParentTerm
	return tightOrTerm

// Out is a helper to write data to writer
func (r *Renderer) Out(w io.Writer, d []byte) {
	r.lastOutputLen = len(d)
	if r.DisableTags > 0 {
		d = htmlTagRe.ReplaceAll(d, []byte{})

// Outs is a helper to write data to writer
func (r *Renderer) Outs(w io.Writer, s string) {
	r.lastOutputLen = len(s)
	if r.DisableTags > 0 {
		s = htmlTagRe.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
	io.WriteString(w, s)

// CR writes a new line
func (r *Renderer) CR(w io.Writer) {
	if r.lastOutputLen > 0 {
		r.Outs(w, "\n")

var (
	openHTags  = []string{"<h1", "<h2", "<h3", "<h4", "<h5"}
	closeHTags = []string{"</h1>", "</h2>", "</h3>", "</h4>", "</h5>"}

func headingOpenTagFromLevel(level int) string {
	if level < 1 || level > 5 {
		return "<h6"
	return openHTags[level-1]

func headingCloseTagFromLevel(level int) string {
	if level < 1 || level > 5 {
		return "</h6>"
	return closeHTags[level-1]

func (r *Renderer) outHRTag(w io.Writer, attrs []string) {
	hr := TagWithAttributes("<hr", attrs)
	r.OutOneOf(w, r.opts.Flags&UseXHTML == 0, hr, "<hr />")

// Text writes ast.Text node
func (r *Renderer) Text(w io.Writer, text *ast.Text) {
	if r.opts.Flags&Smartypants != 0 {
		var tmp bytes.Buffer
		EscapeHTML(&tmp, text.Literal), tmp.Bytes())
	} else {
		_, parentIsLink := text.Parent.(*ast.Link)
		if parentIsLink {
			escLink(w, text.Literal)
		} else {
			EscapeHTML(w, text.Literal)

// HardBreak writes ast.Hardbreak node
func (r *Renderer) HardBreak(w io.Writer, node *ast.Hardbreak) {
	r.OutOneOf(w, r.opts.Flags&UseXHTML == 0, "<br>", "<br />")

// NonBlockingSpace writes ast.NonBlockingSpace node
func (r *Renderer) NonBlockingSpace(w io.Writer, node *ast.NonBlockingSpace) {
	r.Outs(w, "&nbsp;")

// OutOneOf writes first or second depending on outFirst
func (r *Renderer) OutOneOf(w io.Writer, outFirst bool, first string, second string) {
	if outFirst {
		r.Outs(w, first)
	} else {
		r.Outs(w, second)

// OutOneOfCr writes CR + first or second + CR depending on outFirst
func (r *Renderer) OutOneOfCr(w io.Writer, outFirst bool, first string, second string) {
	if outFirst {
		r.Outs(w, first)
	} else {
		r.Outs(w, second)

// HTMLSpan writes ast.HTMLSpan node
func (r *Renderer) HTMLSpan(w io.Writer, span *ast.HTMLSpan) {
	if r.opts.Flags&SkipHTML == 0 {
		r.Out(w, span.Literal)

func (r *Renderer) linkEnter(w io.Writer, link *ast.Link) {
	attrs := link.AdditionalAttributes
	dest := link.Destination
	dest = r.addAbsPrefix(dest)
	var hrefBuf bytes.Buffer
	escLink(&hrefBuf, dest)
	attrs = append(attrs, hrefBuf.String())
	if link.NoteID != 0 {
		r.Outs(w, footnoteRef(r.opts.FootnoteAnchorPrefix, link))

	attrs = appendLinkAttrs(attrs, r.opts.Flags, dest)
	if len(link.Title) > 0 {
		var titleBuff bytes.Buffer
		EscapeHTML(&titleBuff, link.Title)
		attrs = append(attrs, titleBuff.String())
	r.outTag(w, "<a", attrs)

func (r *Renderer) linkExit(w io.Writer, link *ast.Link) {
	if link.NoteID == 0 {
		r.Outs(w, "</a>")

// Link writes ast.Link node
func (r *Renderer) Link(w io.Writer, link *ast.Link, entering bool) {
	// mark it but don't link it if it is not a safe link: no smartypants
	if needSkipLink(r.opts.Flags, link.Destination) {
		r.OutOneOf(w, entering, "<tt>", "</tt>")

	if entering {
		r.linkEnter(w, link)
	} else {
		r.linkExit(w, link)

func (r *Renderer) imageEnter(w io.Writer, image *ast.Image) {
	dest := image.Destination
	dest = r.addAbsPrefix(dest)
	if r.DisableTags == 0 {
		//if && potentiallyUnsafe(dest) {
		//out(w, `<img src="" alt="`)
		//} else {
		r.Outs(w, `<img src="`)
		escLink(w, dest)
		r.Outs(w, `" alt="`)

func (r *Renderer) imageExit(w io.Writer, image *ast.Image) {
	if r.DisableTags == 0 {
		if image.Title != nil {
			r.Outs(w, `" title="`)
			EscapeHTML(w, image.Title)
		r.Outs(w, `" />`)

// Image writes ast.Image node
func (r *Renderer) Image(w io.Writer, node *ast.Image, entering bool) {
	if entering {
		r.imageEnter(w, node)
	} else {
		r.imageExit(w, node)

func (r *Renderer) paragraphEnter(w io.Writer, para *ast.Paragraph) {
	// TODO: untangle this clusterfuck about when the newlines need
	// to be added and when not.
	prev := ast.GetPrevNode(para)
	if prev != nil {
		switch prev.(type) {
		case *ast.HTMLBlock, *ast.List, *ast.Paragraph, *ast.Heading, *ast.CaptionFigure, *ast.CodeBlock, *ast.BlockQuote, *ast.Aside, *ast.HorizontalRule:

	if prev == nil {
		_, isParentBlockQuote := para.Parent.(*ast.BlockQuote)
		if isParentBlockQuote {
		_, isParentAside := para.Parent.(*ast.Aside)
		if isParentAside {

	tag := TagWithAttributes("<p", BlockAttrs(para))
	r.Outs(w, tag)

func (r *Renderer) paragraphExit(w io.Writer, para *ast.Paragraph) {
	r.Outs(w, "</p>")
	if !(isListItem(para.Parent) && ast.GetNextNode(para) == nil) {

// Paragraph writes ast.Paragraph node
func (r *Renderer) Paragraph(w io.Writer, para *ast.Paragraph, entering bool) {
	if skipParagraphTags(para) {
	if entering {
		r.paragraphEnter(w, para)
	} else {
		r.paragraphExit(w, para)

// Code writes ast.Code node
func (r *Renderer) Code(w io.Writer, node *ast.Code) {
	r.Outs(w, "<code>")
	EscapeHTML(w, node.Literal)
	r.Outs(w, "</code>")

// HTMLBlock write ast.HTMLBlock node
func (r *Renderer) HTMLBlock(w io.Writer, node *ast.HTMLBlock) {
	if r.opts.Flags&SkipHTML != 0 {
	r.Out(w, node.Literal)

func (r *Renderer) headingEnter(w io.Writer, nodeData *ast.Heading) {
	var attrs []string
	var class string
	// TODO(miek): add helper functions for coalescing these classes.
	if nodeData.IsTitleblock {
		class = "title"
	if nodeData.IsSpecial {
		if class != "" {
			class += " special"
		} else {
			class = "special"
	if class != "" {
		attrs = []string{`class="` + class + `"`}
	if nodeData.HeadingID != "" {
		id := r.ensureUniqueHeadingID(nodeData.HeadingID)
		if r.opts.HeadingIDPrefix != "" {
			id = r.opts.HeadingIDPrefix + id
		if r.opts.HeadingIDSuffix != "" {
			id = id + r.opts.HeadingIDSuffix
		attrID := `id="` + id + `"`
		attrs = append(attrs, attrID)
	attrs = append(attrs, BlockAttrs(nodeData)...)
	r.outTag(w, headingOpenTagFromLevel(nodeData.Level), attrs)

func (r *Renderer) headingExit(w io.Writer, heading *ast.Heading) {
	r.Outs(w, headingCloseTagFromLevel(heading.Level))
	if !(isListItem(heading.Parent) && ast.GetNextNode(heading) == nil) {

// Heading writes ast.Heading node
func (r *Renderer) Heading(w io.Writer, node *ast.Heading, entering bool) {
	if entering {
		r.headingEnter(w, node)
	} else {
		r.headingExit(w, node)

// HorizontalRule writes ast.HorizontalRule node
func (r *Renderer) HorizontalRule(w io.Writer, node *ast.HorizontalRule) {
	r.outHRTag(w, BlockAttrs(node))

func (r *Renderer) listEnter(w io.Writer, nodeData *ast.List) {
	// TODO: attrs don't seem to be set
	var attrs []string

	if nodeData.IsFootnotesList {
		r.Outs(w, "\n<div class=\"footnotes\">\n\n")
		if r.opts.Flags&FootnoteNoHRTag == 0 {
			r.outHRTag(w, nil)
	if isListItem(nodeData.Parent) {
		grand := nodeData.Parent.GetParent()
		if isListTight(grand) {

	openTag := "<ul"
	if nodeData.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeOrdered != 0 {
		if nodeData.Start > 0 {
			attrs = append(attrs, fmt.Sprintf(`start="%d"`, nodeData.Start))
		openTag = "<ol"
	if nodeData.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeDefinition != 0 {
		openTag = "<dl"
	attrs = append(attrs, BlockAttrs(nodeData)...)
	r.outTag(w, openTag, attrs)

func (r *Renderer) listExit(w io.Writer, list *ast.List) {
	closeTag := "</ul>"
	if list.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeOrdered != 0 {
		closeTag = "</ol>"
	if list.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeDefinition != 0 {
		closeTag = "</dl>"
	r.Outs(w, closeTag)

	//if node.parent.Type != Item {
	//	cr(w)
	parent := list.Parent
	switch parent.(type) {
	case *ast.ListItem:
		if ast.GetNextNode(list) != nil {
	case *ast.Document, *ast.BlockQuote, *ast.Aside:

	if list.IsFootnotesList {
		r.Outs(w, "\n</div>\n")

// List writes ast.List node
func (r *Renderer) List(w io.Writer, list *ast.List, entering bool) {
	if entering {
		r.listEnter(w, list)
	} else {
		r.listExit(w, list)

func (r *Renderer) listItemEnter(w io.Writer, listItem *ast.ListItem) {
	if listItemOpenCR(listItem) {
	if listItem.RefLink != nil {
		slug := slugify(listItem.RefLink)
		r.Outs(w, footnoteItem(r.opts.FootnoteAnchorPrefix, slug))

	openTag := "<li>"
	if listItem.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeDefinition != 0 {
		openTag = "<dd>"
	if listItem.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeTerm != 0 {
		openTag = "<dt>"
	r.Outs(w, openTag)

func (r *Renderer) listItemExit(w io.Writer, listItem *ast.ListItem) {
	if listItem.RefLink != nil && r.opts.Flags&FootnoteReturnLinks != 0 {
		slug := slugify(listItem.RefLink)
		prefix := r.opts.FootnoteAnchorPrefix
		link := r.opts.FootnoteReturnLinkContents
		s := footnoteReturnLink(prefix, link, slug)
		r.Outs(w, s)

	closeTag := "</li>"
	if listItem.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeDefinition != 0 {
		closeTag = "</dd>"
	if listItem.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeTerm != 0 {
		closeTag = "</dt>"
	r.Outs(w, closeTag)

// ListItem writes ast.ListItem node
func (r *Renderer) ListItem(w io.Writer, listItem *ast.ListItem, entering bool) {
	if entering {
		r.listItemEnter(w, listItem)
	} else {
		r.listItemExit(w, listItem)

// EscapeHTMLCallouts writes html-escaped d to w. It escapes &, <, > and " characters, *but*
// expands callouts <<N>> with the callout HTML, i.e. by calling r.callout() with a newly created
// ast.Callout node.
func (r *Renderer) EscapeHTMLCallouts(w io.Writer, d []byte) {
	ld := len(d)
	for i := 0; i < ld; i++ {
		for _, comment := range r.opts.Comments {
			if !bytes.HasPrefix(d[i:], comment) {

			lc := len(comment)
			if i+lc < ld {
				if id, consumed := parser.IsCallout(d[i+lc:]); consumed > 0 {
					// We have seen a callout
					callout := &ast.Callout{ID: id}
					r.Callout(w, callout)
					i += consumed + lc - 1
					continue Parse

		escSeq := Escaper[d[i]]
		if escSeq != nil {
		} else {

// CodeBlock writes ast.CodeBlock node
func (r *Renderer) CodeBlock(w io.Writer, codeBlock *ast.CodeBlock) {
	var attrs []string
	// TODO(miek): this can add multiple class= attribute, they should be coalesced into one.
	// This is probably true for some other elements as well
	attrs = appendLanguageAttr(attrs, codeBlock.Info)
	attrs = append(attrs, BlockAttrs(codeBlock)...)

	r.Outs(w, "<pre>")
	code := TagWithAttributes("<code", attrs)
	r.Outs(w, code)
	if r.opts.Comments != nil {
		r.EscapeHTMLCallouts(w, codeBlock.Literal)
	} else {
		EscapeHTML(w, codeBlock.Literal)
	r.Outs(w, "</code>")
	r.Outs(w, "</pre>")
	if !isListItem(codeBlock.Parent) {

// Caption writes ast.Caption node
func (r *Renderer) Caption(w io.Writer, caption *ast.Caption, entering bool) {
	if entering {
		r.Outs(w, "<figcaption>")
	r.Outs(w, "</figcaption>")

// CaptionFigure writes ast.CaptionFigure node
func (r *Renderer) CaptionFigure(w io.Writer, figure *ast.CaptionFigure, entering bool) {
	// TODO(miek): copy more generic ways of mmark over to here.
	fig := "<figure"
	if figure.HeadingID != "" {
		fig += ` id="` + figure.HeadingID + `">`
	} else {
		fig += ">"
	r.OutOneOf(w, entering, fig, "\n</figure>\n")

// TableCell writes ast.TableCell node
func (r *Renderer) TableCell(w io.Writer, tableCell *ast.TableCell, entering bool) {
	if !entering {
		r.OutOneOf(w, tableCell.IsHeader, "</th>", "</td>")

	// entering
	var attrs []string
	openTag := "<td"
	if tableCell.IsHeader {
		openTag = "<th"
	align := tableCell.Align.String()
	if align != "" {
		attrs = append(attrs, fmt.Sprintf(`align="%s"`, align))
	if ast.GetPrevNode(tableCell) == nil {
	r.outTag(w, openTag, attrs)

// TableBody writes ast.TableBody node
func (r *Renderer) TableBody(w io.Writer, node *ast.TableBody, entering bool) {
	if entering {
		r.Outs(w, "<tbody>")
		// XXX: this is to adhere to a rather silly test. Should fix test.
		if ast.GetFirstChild(node) == nil {
	} else {
		r.Outs(w, "</tbody>")

// DocumentMatter writes ast.DocumentMatter
func (r *Renderer) DocumentMatter(w io.Writer, node *ast.DocumentMatter, entering bool) {
	if !entering {
	if r.documentMatter != ast.DocumentMatterNone {
		r.Outs(w, "</section>\n")
	switch node.Matter {
	case ast.DocumentMatterFront:
		r.Outs(w, `<section data-matter="front">`)
	case ast.DocumentMatterMain:
		r.Outs(w, `<section data-matter="main">`)
	case ast.DocumentMatterBack:
		r.Outs(w, `<section data-matter="back">`)
	r.documentMatter = node.Matter

// Citation writes ast.Citation node
func (r *Renderer) Citation(w io.Writer, node *ast.Citation) {
	for i, c := range node.Destination {
		attr := []string{`class="none"`}
		switch node.Type[i] {
		case ast.CitationTypeNormative:
			attr[0] = `class="normative"`
		case ast.CitationTypeInformative:
			attr[0] = `class="informative"`
		case ast.CitationTypeSuppressed:
			attr[0] = `class="suppressed"`
		r.outTag(w, "<cite", attr)
		r.Outs(w, fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="#%s">`+r.opts.CitationFormatString+`</a>`, c, c))
		r.Outs(w, "</cite>")

// Callout writes ast.Callout node
func (r *Renderer) Callout(w io.Writer, node *ast.Callout) {
	attr := []string{`class="callout"`}
	r.outTag(w, "<span", attr)
	r.Out(w, node.ID)
	r.Outs(w, "</span>")

// Index writes ast.Index node
func (r *Renderer) Index(w io.Writer, node *ast.Index) {
	// there is no in-text representation.
	attr := []string{`class="index"`, fmt.Sprintf(`id="%s"`, node.ID)}
	r.outTag(w, "<span", attr)
	r.Outs(w, "</span>")

// RenderNode renders a markdown node to HTML
func (r *Renderer) RenderNode(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) ast.WalkStatus {
	if r.opts.RenderNodeHook != nil {
		status, didHandle := r.opts.RenderNodeHook(w, node, entering)
		if didHandle {
			return status
	switch node := node.(type) {
	case *ast.Text:
		r.Text(w, node)
	case *ast.Softbreak:
		// TODO: make it configurable via out(renderer.softbreak)
	case *ast.Hardbreak:
		r.HardBreak(w, node)
	case *ast.NonBlockingSpace:
		r.NonBlockingSpace(w, node)
	case *ast.Emph:
		r.OutOneOf(w, entering, "<em>", "</em>")
	case *ast.Strong:
		r.OutOneOf(w, entering, "<strong>", "</strong>")
	case *ast.Del:
		r.OutOneOf(w, entering, "<del>", "</del>")
	case *ast.BlockQuote:
		tag := TagWithAttributes("<blockquote", BlockAttrs(node))
		r.OutOneOfCr(w, entering, tag, "</blockquote>")
	case *ast.Aside:
		tag := TagWithAttributes("<aside", BlockAttrs(node))
		r.OutOneOfCr(w, entering, tag, "</aside>")
	case *ast.Link:
		r.Link(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.CrossReference:
		link := &ast.Link{Destination: append([]byte("#"), node.Destination...)}
		r.Link(w, link, entering)
	case *ast.Citation:
		r.Citation(w, node)
	case *ast.Image:
		if r.opts.Flags&SkipImages != 0 {
			return ast.SkipChildren
		r.Image(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.Code:
		r.Code(w, node)
	case *ast.CodeBlock:
		r.CodeBlock(w, node)
	case *ast.Caption:
		r.Caption(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.CaptionFigure:
		r.CaptionFigure(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.Document:
		// do nothing
	case *ast.Paragraph:
		r.Paragraph(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.HTMLSpan:
		r.HTMLSpan(w, node)
	case *ast.HTMLBlock:
		r.HTMLBlock(w, node)
	case *ast.Heading:
		r.Heading(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.HorizontalRule:
		r.HorizontalRule(w, node)
	case *ast.List:
		r.List(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.ListItem:
		r.ListItem(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.Table:
		tag := TagWithAttributes("<table", BlockAttrs(node))
		r.OutOneOfCr(w, entering, tag, "</table>")
	case *ast.TableCell:
		r.TableCell(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.TableHeader:
		r.OutOneOfCr(w, entering, "<thead>", "</thead>")
	case *ast.TableBody:
		r.TableBody(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.TableRow:
		r.OutOneOfCr(w, entering, "<tr>", "</tr>")
	case *ast.TableFooter:
		r.OutOneOfCr(w, entering, "<tfoot>", "</tfoot>")
	case *ast.Math:
		r.OutOneOf(w, true, `<span class="math inline">\(`, `\)</span>`)
		EscapeHTML(w, node.Literal)
		r.OutOneOf(w, false, `<span class="math inline">\(`, `\)</span>`)
	case *ast.MathBlock:
		r.OutOneOf(w, entering, `<p><span class="math display">\[`, `\]</span></p>`)
		if entering {
			EscapeHTML(w, node.Literal)
	case *ast.DocumentMatter:
		r.DocumentMatter(w, node, entering)
	case *ast.Callout:
		r.Callout(w, node)
	case *ast.Index:
		r.Index(w, node)
	case *ast.Subscript:
		r.OutOneOf(w, true, "<sub>", "</sub>")
		if entering {
			Escape(w, node.Literal)
		r.OutOneOf(w, false, "<sub>", "</sub>")
	case *ast.Superscript:
		r.OutOneOf(w, true, "<sup>", "</sup>")
		if entering {
			Escape(w, node.Literal)
		r.OutOneOf(w, false, "<sup>", "</sup>")
	case *ast.Footnotes:
		// nothing by default; just output the list.
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown node %T", node))
	return ast.GoToNext

// RenderHeader writes HTML document preamble and TOC if requested.
func (r *Renderer) RenderHeader(w io.Writer, ast ast.Node) {
	if r.opts.Flags&TOC != 0 {
		r.writeTOC(w, ast)

// RenderFooter writes HTML document footer.
func (r *Renderer) RenderFooter(w io.Writer, _ ast.Node) {
	if r.documentMatter != ast.DocumentMatterNone {
		r.Outs(w, "</section>\n")

	if r.opts.Flags&CompletePage == 0 {
	io.WriteString(w, "\n</body>\n</html>\n")

func (r *Renderer) writeDocumentHeader(w io.Writer) {
	if r.opts.Flags&CompletePage == 0 {
	ending := ""
	if r.opts.Flags&UseXHTML != 0 {
		io.WriteString(w, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" ")
		io.WriteString(w, "\"\">\n")
		io.WriteString(w, "<html xmlns=\"\">\n")
		ending = " /"
	} else {
		io.WriteString(w, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n")
		io.WriteString(w, "<html>\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "<head>\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "  <title>")
	if r.opts.Flags&Smartypants != 0 {, []byte(r.opts.Title))
	} else {
		EscapeHTML(w, []byte(r.opts.Title))
	io.WriteString(w, "</title>\n")
	io.WriteString(w, r.opts.Generator)
	io.WriteString(w, "\"")
	io.WriteString(w, ending)
	io.WriteString(w, ">\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "  <meta charset=\"utf-8\"")
	io.WriteString(w, ending)
	io.WriteString(w, ">\n")
	if r.opts.CSS != "" {
		io.WriteString(w, "  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"")
		EscapeHTML(w, []byte(r.opts.CSS))
		io.WriteString(w, "\"")
		io.WriteString(w, ending)
		io.WriteString(w, ">\n")
	if r.opts.Icon != "" {
		io.WriteString(w, "  <link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" href=\"")
		EscapeHTML(w, []byte(r.opts.Icon))
		io.WriteString(w, "\"")
		io.WriteString(w, ending)
		io.WriteString(w, ">\n")
	if r.opts.Head != nil {
	io.WriteString(w, "</head>\n")
	io.WriteString(w, "<body>\n\n")

func (r *Renderer) writeTOC(w io.Writer, doc ast.Node) {
	buf := bytes.Buffer{}

	inHeading := false
	tocLevel := 0
	headingCount := 0

	ast.WalkFunc(doc, func(node ast.Node, entering bool) ast.WalkStatus {
		if nodeData, ok := node.(*ast.Heading); ok && !nodeData.IsTitleblock {
			inHeading = entering
			if !entering {
				return ast.GoToNext
			if nodeData.HeadingID == "" {
				nodeData.HeadingID = fmt.Sprintf("toc_%d", headingCount)
			if nodeData.Level == tocLevel {
			} else if nodeData.Level < tocLevel {
				for nodeData.Level < tocLevel {
			} else {
				for nodeData.Level > tocLevel {

			fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `<a href="#%s">`, nodeData.HeadingID)
			return ast.GoToNext

		if inHeading {
			return r.RenderNode(&buf, node, entering)

		return ast.GoToNext

	for ; tocLevel > 0; tocLevel-- {

	if buf.Len() > 0 {
		io.WriteString(w, "<nav>\n")
		io.WriteString(w, "\n\n</nav>\n")
	r.lastOutputLen = buf.Len()

func isList(node ast.Node) bool {
	_, ok := node.(*ast.List)
	return ok

func isListTight(node ast.Node) bool {
	if list, ok := node.(*ast.List); ok {
		return list.Tight
	return false

func isListItem(node ast.Node) bool {
	_, ok := node.(*ast.ListItem)
	return ok

func isListItemTerm(node ast.Node) bool {
	data, ok := node.(*ast.ListItem)
	return ok && data.ListFlags&ast.ListTypeTerm != 0

// TODO: move to internal package
func skipSpace(data []byte, i int) int {
	n := len(data)
	for i < n && isSpace(data[i]) {
	return i

// TODO: move to internal package
var validUris = [][]byte{[]byte("http://"), []byte("https://"), []byte("ftp://"), []byte("mailto://")}
var validPaths = [][]byte{[]byte("/"), []byte("./"), []byte("../")}

func isSafeLink(link []byte) bool {
	for _, path := range validPaths {
		if len(link) >= len(path) && bytes.Equal(link[:len(path)], path) {
			if len(link) == len(path) {
				return true
			} else if isAlnum(link[len(path)]) {
				return true

	for _, prefix := range validUris {
		// TODO: handle unicode here
		// case-insensitive prefix test
		if len(link) > len(prefix) && bytes.Equal(bytes.ToLower(link[:len(prefix)]), prefix) && isAlnum(link[len(prefix)]) {
			return true

	return false

// TODO: move to internal package
// Create a url-safe slug for fragments
func slugify(in []byte) []byte {
	if len(in) == 0 {
		return in
	out := make([]byte, 0, len(in))
	sym := false

	for _, ch := range in {
		if isAlnum(ch) {
			sym = false
			out = append(out, ch)
		} else if sym {
		} else {
			out = append(out, '-')
			sym = true
	var a, b int
	var ch byte
	for a, ch = range out {
		if ch != '-' {
	for b = len(out) - 1; b > 0; b-- {
		if out[b] != '-' {
	return out[a : b+1]

// TODO: move to internal package
// isAlnum returns true if c is a digit or letter
// TODO: check when this is looking for ASCII alnum and when it should use unicode
func isAlnum(c byte) bool {
	return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || isLetter(c)

// isSpace returns true if c is a white-space charactr
func isSpace(c byte) bool {
	return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f' || c == '\v'

// isLetter returns true if c is ascii letter
func isLetter(c byte) bool {
	return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')

// isPunctuation returns true if c is a punctuation symbol.
func isPunctuation(c byte) bool {
	for _, r := range []byte("!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~") {
		if c == r {
			return true
	return false

// BlockAttrs takes a node and checks if it has block level attributes set. If so it
// will return a slice each containing a "key=value(s)" string.
func BlockAttrs(node ast.Node) []string {
	var attr *ast.Attribute
	if c := node.AsContainer(); c != nil && c.Attribute != nil {
		attr = c.Attribute
	if l := node.AsLeaf(); l != nil && l.Attribute != nil {
		attr = l.Attribute
	if attr == nil {
		return nil

	var s []string
	if attr.ID != nil {
		s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf(`%s="%s"`, IDTag, attr.ID))

	classes := ""
	for _, c := range attr.Classes {
		classes += " " + string(c)
	if classes != "" {
		s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf(`class="%s"`, classes[1:])) // skip space we added.

	// sort the attributes so it remain stable between runs
	var keys = []string{}
	for k := range attr.Attrs {
		keys = append(keys, k)
	for _, k := range keys {
		s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf(`%s="%s"`, k, attr.Attrs[k]))

	return s

// TagWithAttributes creates a HTML tag with a given name and attributes
func TagWithAttributes(name string, attrs []string) string {
	s := name
	if len(attrs) > 0 {
		s += " " + strings.Join(attrs, " ")
	return s + ">"