package object // import "" import ( "encoding/json" ) // StoriesViewer struct. type StoriesViewer struct { IsLiked bool `json:"is_liked"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` // For extended User struct { Type string `json:"type"` ID int `json:"id"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` IsClosed bool `json:"is_closed"` CanAccessClosed bool `json:"can_access_closed"` } `json:"user,omitempty"` } // StoriesNarrativeInfo type. type StoriesNarrativeInfo struct { Author string `json:"author"` Title string `json:"title"` Views int `json:"views"` } // StoriesPromoData additional data for promo stories. // // TODO: v3 rename StoriesPromoBlock. type StoriesPromoData struct { Name string `json:"name"` Photo50 string `json:"photo_50"` Photo100 string `json:"photo_100"` NotAnimated BaseBoolInt `json:"not_animated"` } // StoriesStoryLink struct. type StoriesStoryLink struct { Text string `json:"text"` // Link text URL string `json:"url"` // Link URL } // StoriesReplies struct. type StoriesReplies struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Replies number. New int `json:"new"` // New replies number. } // StoriesQuestions struct. type StoriesQuestions struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Replies number. New int `json:"new"` // New replies number. } // StoriesStoryStats struct. type StoriesStoryStats struct { Answer StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"answer"` Bans StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"bans"` OpenLink StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"open_link"` Replies StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"replies"` Shares StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"shares"` Subscribers StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"subscribers"` Views StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"views"` Likes StoriesStoryStatsStat `json:"likes"` } // StoriesStoryStatsStat struct. type StoriesStoryStatsStat struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Stat value State string `json:"state"` } // StoriesStoryType story type. type StoriesStoryType string // Possible values. const ( StoriesStoryPhoto StoriesStoryType = "photo" StoriesStoryVideo StoriesStoryType = "video" StoriesStoryLiveActive StoriesStoryType = "live_active" StoriesStoryLiveFinished StoriesStoryType = "live_finished" StoriesStoryBirthdayInvite StoriesStoryType = "birthday_invite" ) // StoriesStory struct. type StoriesStory struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for private object. ExpiresAt int `json:"expires_at"` // Story expiration time. Unixtime. CanHide BaseBoolInt `json:"can_hide"` // Information whether story has question sticker and current user can send question to the author CanAsk BaseBoolInt `json:"can_ask"` // Information whether story has question sticker and current user can send anonymous question to the author CanAskAnonymous BaseBoolInt `json:"can_ask_anonymous"` // Information whether current user can comment the story (0 - no, 1 - yes). CanComment BaseBoolInt `json:"can_comment"` // Information whether current user can reply to the story // (0 - no, 1 - yes). CanReply BaseBoolInt `json:"can_reply"` // Information whether current user can see the story (0 - no, 1 - yes). CanSee BaseBoolInt `json:"can_see"` // Information whether current user can share the story (0 - no, 1 - yes). CanShare BaseBoolInt `json:"can_share"` // Information whether the story is deleted (false - no, true - yes). IsDeleted BaseBoolInt `json:"is_deleted"` // Information whether the story is expired (false - no, true - yes). IsExpired BaseBoolInt `json:"is_expired"` // Is video without sound NoSound BaseBoolInt `json:"no_sound"` // Does author have stories privacy restrictions IsRestricted BaseBoolInt `json:"is_restricted"` CanUseInNarrative BaseBoolInt `json:"can_use_in_narrative"` // Information whether current user has seen the story or not // (0 - no, 1 - yes). Seen BaseBoolInt `json:"seen"` IsOwnerPinned BaseBoolInt `json:"is_owner_pinned"` IsOneTime BaseBoolInt `json:"is_one_time"` IsAdvice BaseBoolInt `json:"is_advice,omitempty"` NeedMute BaseBoolInt `json:"need_mute"` MuteReply BaseBoolInt `json:"mute_reply"` CanLike BaseBoolInt `json:"can_like"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when story has been added in Unixtime. ID int `json:"id"` // Story ID. Link StoriesStoryLink `json:"link"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Story owner's ID. ParentStory *StoriesStory `json:"parent_story"` ParentStoryAccessKey string `json:"parent_story_access_key"` // Access key for private object. ParentStoryID int `json:"parent_story_id"` // Parent story ID. ParentStoryOwnerID int `json:"parent_story_owner_id"` // Parent story owner's ID. Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Replies StoriesReplies `json:"replies"` // Replies to current story. Type string `json:"type"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` Views int `json:"views"` // Views number. ClickableStickers StoriesClickableStickers `json:"clickable_stickers"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` LikesCount int `json:"likes_count"` NarrativeID int `json:"narrative_id"` NarrativeOwnerID int `json:"narrative_owner_id"` NarrativeInfo StoriesNarrativeInfo `json:"narrative_info"` NarrativesCount int `json:"narratives_count"` FirstNarrativeTitle string `json:"first_narrative_title"` Questions StoriesQuestions `json:"questions"` ReactionSetID string `json:"reaction_set_id"` } // StoriesFeedItemType type. type StoriesFeedItemType string // Possible values. const ( StoriesFeedItemStories StoriesFeedItemType = "stories" StoriesFeedItemCommunity StoriesFeedItemType = "community_grouped_stories" StoriesFeedItemApp StoriesFeedItemType = "app_grouped_stories" ) // StoriesFeedItem struct. type StoriesFeedItem struct { Type StoriesFeedItemType `json:"type"` ID string `json:"id"` Stories []StoriesStory `json:"stories"` Grouped StoriesFeedItemType `json:"grouped"` App AppsApp `json:"app"` BirthdayUserID int `json:"birthday_user_id"` TrackCode string `json:"track_code"` HasUnseen BaseBoolInt `json:"has_unseen"` Name string `json:"name"` PromoData StoriesPromoData `json:"promo_data"` } // StoriesClickableStickers struct. // // The field clickable_stickers is available in the history object. // The sticker object is pasted by the developer on the client himself, only // coordinates are transmitted to the server. // // type StoriesClickableStickers struct { OriginalWidth int `json:"original_width"` OriginalHeight int `json:"original_height"` ClickableStickers []StoriesClickableSticker `json:"clickable_stickers"` } // NewClickableStickers return new StoriesClickableStickers. // // Requires the width and height of the original photo or video. func NewClickableStickers(width, height int) *StoriesClickableStickers { return &StoriesClickableStickers{ OriginalWidth: width, OriginalHeight: height, ClickableStickers: []StoriesClickableSticker{}, } } // AddMention add mention sticker. // // Mention should be in the format of a VK mentioning, for example: [id1|name] or [club1|name]. func (cs *StoriesClickableStickers) AddMention(mention string, area []StoriesClickablePoint) *StoriesClickableStickers { cs.ClickableStickers = append(cs.ClickableStickers, StoriesClickableSticker{ Type: ClickableStickerMention, ClickableArea: area, Mention: mention, }) return cs } // AddHashtag add hashtag sticker. // // Hashtag must necessarily begin with the symbol #. func (cs *StoriesClickableStickers) AddHashtag(hashtag string, area []StoriesClickablePoint) *StoriesClickableStickers { cs.ClickableStickers = append(cs.ClickableStickers, StoriesClickableSticker{ Type: ClickableStickerHashtag, ClickableArea: area, Hashtag: hashtag, }) return cs } // TODO: Add more clickable stickers func // ToJSON returns the JSON encoding of StoriesClickableStickers. func (cs StoriesClickableStickers) ToJSON() string { b, _ := json.Marshal(cs) return string(b) } // StoriesClickableSticker struct. type StoriesClickableSticker struct { //nolint: maligned ID int `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` ClickableArea []StoriesClickablePoint `json:"clickable_area"` Style string `json:"style,omitempty"` // type=post PostOwnerID int `json:"post_owner_id,omitempty"` PostID int `json:"post_id,omitempty"` // type=sticker StickerID int `json:"sticker_id,omitempty"` StickerPackID int `json:"sticker_pack_id,omitempty"` // type=place or geo PlaceID int `json:"place_id,omitempty"` // Title CategoryID int `json:"category_id,omitempty"` // type=question Question string `json:"question,omitempty"` QuestionButton string `json:"question_button,omitempty"` QuestionDefaultPrivate BaseBoolInt `json:"question_default_private,omitempty"` Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // type=mention Mention string `json:"mention,omitempty"` // type=hashtag Hashtag string `json:"hashtag,omitempty"` // type=link LinkObject BaseLink `json:"link_object,omitempty"` TooltipText string `json:"tooltip_text,omitempty"` TooltipTextKey string `json:"tooltip_text_key,omitempty"` // type=time TimestampMs int64 `json:"timestamp_ms,omitempty"` Date string `json:"date,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // type=market_item Subtype string `json:"subtype,omitempty"` // LinkObject BaseLink `json:"link_object,omitempty"` // subtype=aliexpress_product MarketItem MarketMarketItem `json:"market_item,omitempty"` // subtype=market_item // type=story_reply OwnerID int `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` StoryID int `json:"story_id,omitempty"` // type=owner // OwnerID int `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` // type=poll Poll PollsPoll `json:"poll,omitempty"` // type=music Audio AudioAudio `json:"audio,omitempty"` AudioStartTime int `json:"audio_start_time,omitempty"` // type=app App AppsApp `json:"app,omitempty"` AppContext string `json:"app_context,omitempty"` HasNewInteractions BaseBoolInt `json:"has_new_interactions,omitempty"` IsBroadcastNotifyAllowed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_broadcast_notify_allowed,omitempty"` // type=emoji Emoji string `json:"emoji,omitempty"` // type=text Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` BackgroundStyle string `json:"background_style,omitempty"` Alignment string `json:"alignment,omitempty"` SelectionColor string `json:"selection_color,omitempty"` } // TODO: сделать несколько структур для кликабельного стикера // Type of clickable sticker. const ( ClickableStickerPost = "post" ClickableStickerSticker = "sticker" ClickableStickerPlace = "place" ClickableStickerQuestion = "question" ClickableStickerMention = "mention" ClickableStickerHashtag = "hashtag" ClickableStickerMarketItem = "market_item" ClickableStickerLink = "link" ClickableStickerStoryReply = "story_reply" ClickableStickerOwner = "owner" ClickableStickerPoll = "poll" ClickableStickerMusic = "music" ClickableStickerApp = "app" ClickableStickerTime = "time" ClickableStickerEmoji = "emoji" ClickableStickerGeo = "geo" ClickableStickerText = "text" ) // Subtype of clickable sticker. const ( ClickableStickerSubtypeMarketItem = "market_item" ClickableStickerSubtypeAliexpressProduct = "aliexpress_product" ) // Clickable sticker style. const ( ClickableStickerTransparent = "transparent" ClickableStickerBlueGradient = "blue_gradient" ClickableStickerRedGradient = "red_gradient" ClickableStickerUnderline = "underline" ClickableStickerBlue = "blue" ClickableStickerGreen = "green" ClickableStickerWhite = "white" ClickableStickerQuestionReply = "question_reply" ClickableStickerLight = "light" ClickableStickerImpressive = "impressive" ) // StoriesClickablePoint struct. type StoriesClickablePoint struct { X int `json:"x"` Y int `json:"y"` }