Copyright (c) 2014 Ashley Jeffs

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


// Package gabs implements a simplified wrapper around creating and parsing JSON.
package gabs

import (


var (
	// ErrOutOfBounds - Index out of bounds.
	ErrOutOfBounds = errors.New("out of bounds")

	// ErrNotObjOrArray - The target is not an object or array type.
	ErrNotObjOrArray = errors.New("not an object or array")

	// ErrNotObj - The target is not an object type.
	ErrNotObj = errors.New("not an object")

	// ErrNotArray - The target is not an array type.
	ErrNotArray = errors.New("not an array")

	// ErrPathCollision - Creating a path failed because an element collided with an existing value.
	ErrPathCollision = errors.New("encountered value collision whilst building path")

	// ErrInvalidInputObj - The input value was not a map[string]interface{}.
	ErrInvalidInputObj = errors.New("invalid input object")

	// ErrInvalidInputText - The input data could not be parsed.
	ErrInvalidInputText = errors.New("input text could not be parsed")

	// ErrInvalidPath - The filepath was not valid.
	ErrInvalidPath = errors.New("invalid file path")

	// ErrInvalidBuffer - The input buffer contained an invalid JSON string
	ErrInvalidBuffer = errors.New("input buffer contained invalid JSON")


// Container - an internal structure that holds a reference to the core interface map of the parsed
// json. Use this container to move context.
type Container struct {
	object interface{}

// Data - Return the contained data as an interface{}.
func (g *Container) Data() interface{} {
	if g == nil {
		return nil
	return g.object


// Path - Search for a value using dot notation.
func (g *Container) Path(path string) *Container {
	return g.Search(strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// Search - Attempt to find and return an object within the JSON structure by specifying the
// hierarchy of field names to locate the target. If the search encounters an array and has not
// reached the end target then it will iterate each object of the array for the target and return
// all of the results in a JSON array.
func (g *Container) Search(hierarchy ...string) *Container {
	var object interface{}

	object = g.Data()
	for target := 0; target < len(hierarchy); target++ {
		if mmap, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
			object, ok = mmap[hierarchy[target]]
			if !ok {
				return nil
		} else if marray, ok := object.([]interface{}); ok {
			tmpArray := []interface{}{}
			for _, val := range marray {
				tmpGabs := &Container{val}
				res := tmpGabs.Search(hierarchy[target:]...)
				if res != nil {
					tmpArray = append(tmpArray, res.Data())
			if len(tmpArray) == 0 {
				return nil
			return &Container{tmpArray}
		} else {
			return nil
	return &Container{object}

// S - Shorthand method, does the same thing as Search.
func (g *Container) S(hierarchy ...string) *Container {
	return g.Search(hierarchy...)

// Exists - Checks whether a path exists.
func (g *Container) Exists(hierarchy ...string) bool {
	return g.Search(hierarchy...) != nil

// ExistsP - Checks whether a dot notation path exists.
func (g *Container) ExistsP(path string) bool {
	return g.Exists(strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// Index - Attempt to find and return an object within a JSON array by index.
func (g *Container) Index(index int) *Container {
	if array, ok := g.Data().([]interface{}); ok {
		if index >= len(array) {
			return &Container{nil}
		return &Container{array[index]}
	return &Container{nil}

// Children - Return a slice of all the children of the array. This also works for objects, however,
// the children returned for an object will NOT be in order and you lose the names of the returned
// objects this way.
func (g *Container) Children() ([]*Container, error) {
	if array, ok := g.Data().([]interface{}); ok {
		children := make([]*Container, len(array))
		for i := 0; i < len(array); i++ {
			children[i] = &Container{array[i]}
		return children, nil
	if mmap, ok := g.Data().(map[string]interface{}); ok {
		children := []*Container{}
		for _, obj := range mmap {
			children = append(children, &Container{obj})
		return children, nil
	return nil, ErrNotObjOrArray

// ChildrenMap - Return a map of all the children of an object.
func (g *Container) ChildrenMap() (map[string]*Container, error) {
	if mmap, ok := g.Data().(map[string]interface{}); ok {
		children := map[string]*Container{}
		for name, obj := range mmap {
			children[name] = &Container{obj}
		return children, nil
	return nil, ErrNotObj


// Set - Set the value of a field at a JSON path, any parts of the path that do not exist will be
// constructed, and if a collision occurs with a non object type whilst iterating the path an error
// is returned.
func (g *Container) Set(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Container, error) {
	if len(path) == 0 {
		g.object = value
		return g, nil
	var object interface{}
	if g.object == nil {
		g.object = map[string]interface{}{}
	object = g.object
	for target := 0; target < len(path); target++ {
		if mmap, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
			if target == len(path)-1 {
				mmap[path[target]] = value
			} else if mmap[path[target]] == nil {
				mmap[path[target]] = map[string]interface{}{}
			object = mmap[path[target]]
		} else {
			return &Container{nil}, ErrPathCollision
	return &Container{object}, nil

// SetP - Does the same as Set, but using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) SetP(value interface{}, path string) (*Container, error) {
	return g.Set(value, strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// SetIndex - Set a value of an array element based on the index.
func (g *Container) SetIndex(value interface{}, index int) (*Container, error) {
	if array, ok := g.Data().([]interface{}); ok {
		if index >= len(array) {
			return &Container{nil}, ErrOutOfBounds
		array[index] = value
		return &Container{array[index]}, nil
	return &Container{nil}, ErrNotArray

// Object - Create a new JSON object at a path. Returns an error if the path contains a collision
// with a non object type.
func (g *Container) Object(path ...string) (*Container, error) {
	return g.Set(map[string]interface{}{}, path...)

// ObjectP - Does the same as Object, but using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) ObjectP(path string) (*Container, error) {
	return g.Object(strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// ObjectI - Create a new JSON object at an array index. Returns an error if the object is not an
// array or the index is out of bounds.
func (g *Container) ObjectI(index int) (*Container, error) {
	return g.SetIndex(map[string]interface{}{}, index)

// Array - Create a new JSON array at a path. Returns an error if the path contains a collision with
// a non object type.
func (g *Container) Array(path ...string) (*Container, error) {
	return g.Set([]interface{}{}, path...)

// ArrayP - Does the same as Array, but using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) ArrayP(path string) (*Container, error) {
	return g.Array(strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// ArrayI - Create a new JSON array at an array index. Returns an error if the object is not an
// array or the index is out of bounds.
func (g *Container) ArrayI(index int) (*Container, error) {
	return g.SetIndex([]interface{}{}, index)

// ArrayOfSize - Create a new JSON array of a particular size at a path. Returns an error if the
// path contains a collision with a non object type.
func (g *Container) ArrayOfSize(size int, path ...string) (*Container, error) {
	a := make([]interface{}, size)
	return g.Set(a, path...)

// ArrayOfSizeP - Does the same as ArrayOfSize, but using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) ArrayOfSizeP(size int, path string) (*Container, error) {
	return g.ArrayOfSize(size, strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// ArrayOfSizeI - Create a new JSON array of a particular size at an array index. Returns an error
// if the object is not an array or the index is out of bounds.
func (g *Container) ArrayOfSizeI(size, index int) (*Container, error) {
	a := make([]interface{}, size)
	return g.SetIndex(a, index)

// Delete - Delete an element at a JSON path, an error is returned if the element does not exist.
func (g *Container) Delete(path ...string) error {
	var object interface{}

	if g.object == nil {
		return ErrNotObj
	object = g.object
	for target := 0; target < len(path); target++ {
		if mmap, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
			if target == len(path)-1 {
				if _, ok := mmap[path[target]]; ok {
					delete(mmap, path[target])
				} else {
					return ErrNotObj
			object = mmap[path[target]]
		} else {
			return ErrNotObj
	return nil

// DeleteP - Does the same as Delete, but using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) DeleteP(path string) error {
	return g.Delete(strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// Merge - Merges two gabs-containers
func (g *Container) Merge(toMerge *Container) error {
	var recursiveFnc func(map[string]interface{}, []string) error
	recursiveFnc = func(mmap map[string]interface{}, path []string) error {
		for key, value := range mmap {
			newPath := append(path, key)
			if g.Exists(newPath...) {
				target := g.Search(newPath...)
				switch t := value.(type) {
				case map[string]interface{}:
					switch targetV := target.Data().(type) {
					case map[string]interface{}:
						if err := recursiveFnc(t, newPath); err != nil {
							return err
					case []interface{}:
						g.Set(append(targetV, t), newPath...)
						newSlice := append([]interface{}{}, targetV)
						g.Set(append(newSlice, t), newPath...)
				case []interface{}:
					for _, valueOfSlice := range t {
						if err := g.ArrayAppend(valueOfSlice, newPath...); err != nil {
							return err
					switch targetV := target.Data().(type) {
					case []interface{}:
						g.Set(append(targetV, t), newPath...)
						newSlice := append([]interface{}{}, targetV)
						g.Set(append(newSlice, t), newPath...)
			} else {
				// path doesn't exist. So set the value
				if _, err := g.Set(value, newPath...); err != nil {
					return err
		return nil
	if mmap, ok := toMerge.Data().(map[string]interface{}); ok {
		return recursiveFnc(mmap, []string{})
	return nil


Array modification/search - Keeping these options simple right now, no need for anything more
complicated since you can just cast to []interface{}, modify and then reassign with Set.

// ArrayAppend - Append a value onto a JSON array. If the target is not a JSON array then it will be
// converted into one, with its contents as the first element of the array.
func (g *Container) ArrayAppend(value interface{}, path ...string) error {
	if array, ok := g.Search(path...).Data().([]interface{}); ok {
		array = append(array, value)
		_, err := g.Set(array, path...)
		return err

	newArray := []interface{}{}
	if d := g.Search(path...).Data(); d != nil {
		newArray = append(newArray, d)
	newArray = append(newArray, value)

	_, err := g.Set(newArray, path...)
	return err

// ArrayAppendP - Append a value onto a JSON array using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) ArrayAppendP(value interface{}, path string) error {
	return g.ArrayAppend(value, strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// ArrayRemove - Remove an element from a JSON array.
func (g *Container) ArrayRemove(index int, path ...string) error {
	if index < 0 {
		return ErrOutOfBounds
	array, ok := g.Search(path...).Data().([]interface{})
	if !ok {
		return ErrNotArray
	if index < len(array) {
		array = append(array[:index], array[index+1:]...)
	} else {
		return ErrOutOfBounds
	_, err := g.Set(array, path...)
	return err

// ArrayRemoveP - Remove an element from a JSON array using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) ArrayRemoveP(index int, path string) error {
	return g.ArrayRemove(index, strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// ArrayElement - Access an element from a JSON array.
func (g *Container) ArrayElement(index int, path ...string) (*Container, error) {
	if index < 0 {
		return &Container{nil}, ErrOutOfBounds
	array, ok := g.Search(path...).Data().([]interface{})
	if !ok {
		return &Container{nil}, ErrNotArray
	if index < len(array) {
		return &Container{array[index]}, nil
	return &Container{nil}, ErrOutOfBounds

// ArrayElementP - Access an element from a JSON array using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) ArrayElementP(index int, path string) (*Container, error) {
	return g.ArrayElement(index, strings.Split(path, ".")...)

// ArrayCount - Count the number of elements in a JSON array.
func (g *Container) ArrayCount(path ...string) (int, error) {
	if array, ok := g.Search(path...).Data().([]interface{}); ok {
		return len(array), nil
	return 0, ErrNotArray

// ArrayCountP - Count the number of elements in a JSON array using a dot notation JSON path.
func (g *Container) ArrayCountP(path string) (int, error) {
	return g.ArrayCount(strings.Split(path, ".")...)


// Bytes - Converts the contained object back to a JSON []byte blob.
func (g *Container) Bytes() []byte {
	if g.Data() != nil {
		if bytes, err := json.Marshal(g.object); err == nil {
			return bytes
	return []byte("{}")

// BytesIndent - Converts the contained object to a JSON []byte blob formatted with prefix, indent.
func (g *Container) BytesIndent(prefix string, indent string) []byte {
	if g.object != nil {
		if bytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(g.object, prefix, indent); err == nil {
			return bytes
	return []byte("{}")

// String - Converts the contained object to a JSON formatted string.
func (g *Container) String() string {
	return string(g.Bytes())

// StringIndent - Converts the contained object back to a JSON formatted string with prefix, indent.
func (g *Container) StringIndent(prefix string, indent string) string {
	return string(g.BytesIndent(prefix, indent))

// EncodeOpt is a functional option for the EncodeJSON method.
type EncodeOpt func(e *json.Encoder)

// EncodeOptHTMLEscape sets the encoder to escape the JSON for html.
func EncodeOptHTMLEscape(doEscape bool) EncodeOpt {
	return func(e *json.Encoder) {

// EncodeOptIndent sets the encoder to indent the JSON output.
func EncodeOptIndent(prefix string, indent string) EncodeOpt {
	return func(e *json.Encoder) {
		e.SetIndent(prefix, indent)

// EncodeJSON - Encodes the contained object back to a JSON formatted []byte
// using a variant list of modifier functions for the encoder being used.
// Functions for modifying the output are prefixed with EncodeOpt, e.g.
// EncodeOptHTMLEscape.
func (g *Container) EncodeJSON(encodeOpts ...EncodeOpt) []byte {
	var b bytes.Buffer
	encoder := json.NewEncoder(&b)
	encoder.SetEscapeHTML(false) // Do not escape by default.
	for _, opt := range encodeOpts {
	if err := encoder.Encode(g.object); err != nil {
		return []byte("{}")
	result := b.Bytes()
	if len(result) > 0 {
		result = result[:len(result)-1]
	return result

// New - Create a new gabs JSON object.
func New() *Container {
	return &Container{map[string]interface{}{}}

// Consume - Gobble up an already converted JSON object, or a fresh map[string]interface{} object.
func Consume(root interface{}) (*Container, error) {
	return &Container{root}, nil

// ParseJSON - Convert a string into a representation of the parsed JSON.
func ParseJSON(sample []byte) (*Container, error) {
	var gabs Container

	if err := json.Unmarshal(sample, &gabs.object); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &gabs, nil

// ParseJSONDecoder - Convert a json.Decoder into a representation of the parsed JSON.
func ParseJSONDecoder(decoder *json.Decoder) (*Container, error) {
	var gabs Container

	if err := decoder.Decode(&gabs.object); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &gabs, nil

// ParseJSONFile - Read a file and convert into a representation of the parsed JSON.
func ParseJSONFile(path string) (*Container, error) {
	if len(path) > 0 {
		cBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		container, err := ParseJSON(cBytes)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return container, nil
	return nil, ErrInvalidPath

// ParseJSONBuffer - Read the contents of a buffer into a representation of the parsed JSON.
func ParseJSONBuffer(buffer io.Reader) (*Container, error) {
	var gabs Container
	jsonDecoder := json.NewDecoder(buffer)
	if err := jsonDecoder.Decode(&gabs.object); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &gabs, nil
