package gateway import ( "fmt" "" "" log "" "reflect" "strings" "time" ) type Gateway struct { *config.Config MyConfig *config.Gateway Bridges map[string]*bridge.Bridge ChannelsOut map[string][]string ChannelsIn map[string][]string ChannelOptions map[string]config.ChannelOptions Name string Message chan config.Message DestChannelFunc func(msg *config.Message, dest string) []string } func New(cfg *config.Config, gateway *config.Gateway) *Gateway { gw := &Gateway{} gw.Name = gateway.Name gw.Config = cfg gw.MyConfig = gateway gw.Message = make(chan config.Message) gw.Bridges = make(map[string]*bridge.Bridge) gw.DestChannelFunc = gw.getDestChannel return gw } func (gw *Gateway) AddBridge(cfg *config.Bridge) error { for _, br := range gw.Bridges { if br.Account == cfg.Account { return nil } } log.Infof("Starting bridge: %s ", cfg.Account) br := bridge.New(gw.Config, cfg, gw.Message) gw.mapChannelsToBridge(br, gw.ChannelsOut) gw.mapChannelsToBridge(br, gw.ChannelsIn) gw.Bridges[cfg.Account] = br err := br.Connect() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Bridge %s failed to start: %v", br.Account, err) } br.JoinChannels() return nil } func (gw *Gateway) mapChannelsToBridge(br *bridge.Bridge, cMap map[string][]string) { for _, channel := range cMap[br.Account] { if _, ok := gw.ChannelOptions[br.Account+channel]; ok { br.ChannelsOut[channel] = gw.ChannelOptions[br.Account+channel] } else { br.ChannelsOut[channel] = config.ChannelOptions{} } } } func (gw *Gateway) Start() error { gw.mapChannels() for _, br := range append(gw.MyConfig.In, append(gw.MyConfig.InOut, gw.MyConfig.Out...)...) { err := gw.AddBridge(&br) if err != nil { return err } } go gw.handleReceive() return nil } func (gw *Gateway) handleReceive() { for { select { case msg := <-gw.Message: if msg.Event == config.EVENT_FAILURE { for _, br := range gw.Bridges { if msg.Account == br.Account { go gw.reconnectBridge(br) } } } if !gw.ignoreMessage(&msg) { msg.Timestamp = time.Now() for _, br := range gw.Bridges { gw.handleMessage(msg, br) } } } } } func (gw *Gateway) reconnectBridge(br *bridge.Bridge) { br.Disconnect() time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) RECONNECT: log.Infof("Reconnecting %s", br.Account) err := br.Connect() if err != nil { log.Errorf("Reconnection failed: %s. Trying again in 60 seconds", err) time.Sleep(time.Second * 60) goto RECONNECT } br.JoinChannels() } func (gw *Gateway) mapChannels() error { options := make(map[string]config.ChannelOptions) m := make(map[string][]string) for _, br := range gw.MyConfig.Out { m[br.Account] = append(m[br.Account], br.Channel) options[br.Account+br.Channel] = br.Options } gw.ChannelsOut = m m = nil m = make(map[string][]string) for _, br := range gw.MyConfig.In { m[br.Account] = append(m[br.Account], br.Channel) options[br.Account+br.Channel] = br.Options } gw.ChannelsIn = m for _, br := range gw.MyConfig.InOut { gw.ChannelsIn[br.Account] = append(gw.ChannelsIn[br.Account], br.Channel) gw.ChannelsOut[br.Account] = append(gw.ChannelsOut[br.Account], br.Channel) options[br.Account+br.Channel] = br.Options } gw.ChannelOptions = options return nil } func (gw *Gateway) getDestChannel(msg *config.Message, dest string) []string { channels := gw.ChannelsIn[msg.Account] // broadcast to every out channel (irc QUIT) if msg.Event == config.EVENT_JOIN_LEAVE && msg.Channel == "" { return gw.ChannelsOut[dest] } for _, channel := range channels { if channel == msg.Channel { return gw.ChannelsOut[dest] } } return []string{} } func (gw *Gateway) handleMessage(msg config.Message, dest *bridge.Bridge) { // only relay join/part when configged if msg.Event == config.EVENT_JOIN_LEAVE && !gw.Bridges[dest.Account].Config.ShowJoinPart { return } originchannel := msg.Channel channels := gw.DestChannelFunc(&msg, dest.Account) for _, channel := range channels { // do not send the message to the bridge we come from if also the channel is the same if msg.Account == dest.Account && channel == originchannel { continue } msg.Channel = channel if msg.Channel == "" { log.Debug("empty channel") return } log.Debugf("Sending %#v from %s (%s) to %s (%s)", msg, msg.Account, originchannel, dest.Account, channel) gw.modifyUsername(&msg, dest) // for api we need originchannel as channel if dest.Protocol == "api" { msg.Channel = originchannel } err := dest.Send(msg) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } } } func (gw *Gateway) ignoreMessage(msg *config.Message) bool { if msg.Text == "" { log.Debugf("ignoring empty message %#v from %s", msg, msg.Account) return true } for _, entry := range strings.Fields(gw.Bridges[msg.Account].Config.IgnoreNicks) { if msg.Username == entry { log.Debugf("ignoring %s from %s", msg.Username, msg.Account) return true } } return false } func (gw *Gateway) modifyMessage(msg *config.Message, dest *bridge.Bridge) { val := reflect.ValueOf(gw.Config).Elem() for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ { typeField := val.Type().Field(i) // look for the protocol map (both lowercase) if strings.ToLower(typeField.Name) == dest.Protocol { // get the Protocol struct from the map protoCfg := val.Field(i).MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(dest.Name)) //config.SetNickFormat(msg, protoCfg.Interface().(config.Protocol)) val.Field(i).SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(dest.Name), protoCfg) break } } } func (gw *Gateway) modifyUsername(msg *config.Message, dest *bridge.Bridge) { br := gw.Bridges[msg.Account] msg.Protocol = br.Protocol nick := gw.Config.General.RemoteNickFormat if nick == "" { nick = dest.Config.RemoteNickFormat } nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{NICK}", msg.Username, -1) nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{BRIDGE}", br.Name, -1) nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{PROTOCOL}", br.Protocol, -1) msg.Username = nick }