// Package transmitter provides functionality for transmitting
// arbitrary webhook messages to Discord.
// The package provides the following functionality:
// - Creating new webhooks, whenever necessary
// - Loading webhooks that we have previously created
// - Sending new messages
// - Editing messages, via message ID
// - Deleting messages, via message ID
// The package has been designed for matterbridge, but with other
// Go bots in mind. The public API should be matterbridge-agnostic.
package transmitter

import (

	log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"

// A Transmitter represents a message manager for a single guild.
type Transmitter struct {
	session    *discordgo.Session
	guild      string
	title      string
	autoCreate bool

	// channelWebhooks maps from a channel ID to a webhook instance
	channelWebhooks map[string]*discordgo.Webhook

	mutex sync.RWMutex

	Log *log.Entry

// ErrWebhookNotFound is returned when a valid webhook for this channel/message combination does not exist
var ErrWebhookNotFound = errors.New("webhook for this channel and message does not exist")

// ErrPermissionDenied is returned if the bot does not have permission to manage webhooks.
// Bots can be granted a guild-wide permission and channel-specific permissions to manage webhooks.
// Despite potentially having guild-wide permission, channel specific overrides could deny a bot's permission to manage webhooks.
var ErrPermissionDenied = errors.New("missing 'Manage Webhooks' permission")

// New returns a new Transmitter given a Discord session, guild ID, and title.
func New(session *discordgo.Session, guild string, title string, autoCreate bool) *Transmitter {
	return &Transmitter{
		session:    session,
		guild:      guild,
		title:      title,
		autoCreate: autoCreate,

		channelWebhooks: make(map[string]*discordgo.Webhook),

		Log: log.NewEntry(log.StandardLogger()),

// Send transmits a message to the given channel with the provided webhook data, and waits until Discord responds with message data.
func (t *Transmitter) Send(channelID string, params *discordgo.WebhookParams) (*discordgo.Message, error) {
	wh, err := t.getOrCreateWebhook(channelID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	msg, err := t.session.WebhookExecute(wh.ID, wh.Token, true, params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("execute failed: %w", err)

	return msg, nil

// Edit will edit a message in a channel, if possible.
func (t *Transmitter) Edit(channelID string, messageID string, params *discordgo.WebhookParams) error {
	wh := t.getWebhook(channelID)

	if wh == nil {
		return ErrWebhookNotFound

	uri := discordgo.EndpointWebhookToken(wh.ID, wh.Token) + "/messages/" + messageID
	_, err := t.session.RequestWithBucketID("PATCH", uri, params, discordgo.EndpointWebhookToken("", ""))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

// HasWebhook checks whether the transmitter is using a particular webhook.
func (t *Transmitter) HasWebhook(id string) bool {
	defer t.mutex.RUnlock()

	for _, wh := range t.channelWebhooks {
		if wh.ID == id {
			return true

	return false

// AddWebhook allows you to register a channel's webhook with the transmitter.
func (t *Transmitter) AddWebhook(channelID string, webhook *discordgo.Webhook) bool {
	t.Log.Debugf("Manually added webhook %#v to channel %#v", webhook.ID, channelID)
	defer t.mutex.Unlock()

	_, replaced := t.channelWebhooks[channelID]
	t.channelWebhooks[channelID] = webhook
	return replaced

// RefreshGuildWebhooks loads "relevant" webhooks into the transmitter, with careful permission handling.
// Notes:
// - A webhook is "relevant" if it was created by this bot -- the ApplicationID should match the bot's ID.
// - The term "having permission" means having the "Manage Webhooks" permission. See ErrPermissionDenied for more information.
// - This function is additive and will not unload previously loaded webhooks.
// - A nil channelIDs slice is treated the same as an empty one.
// If the bot has guild-wide permission:
// 1. it will load any "relevant" webhooks from the entire guild
// 2. the given slice is ignored
// If the bot does not have guild-wide permission:
// 1. it will load any "relevant" webhooks in each channel
// 2. a single error will be returned if any error occurs (incl. if there is no permission for any of these channels)
// If any channel has more than one "relevant" webhook, it will randomly pick one.
func (t *Transmitter) RefreshGuildWebhooks(channelIDs []string) error {
	t.Log.Debugln("Refreshing guild webhooks")

	botID, err := getDiscordUserID(t.session)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not get current user: %w", err)

	// Get all existing webhooks
	hooks, err := t.session.GuildWebhooks(t.guild)
	if err != nil {
		switch {
		case isDiscordPermissionError(err):
			// We fallback on manually fetching hooks from individual channels
			// if we don't have the "Manage Webhooks" permission globally.
			// We can only do this if we were provided channelIDs, though.
			if len(channelIDs) == 0 {
				return ErrPermissionDenied
			t.Log.Debugln("Missing global 'Manage Webhooks' permission, falling back on per-channel permission")
			return t.fetchChannelsHooks(channelIDs, botID)
			return fmt.Errorf("could not get webhooks: %w", err)

	t.Log.Debugln("Refreshing guild webhooks using global permission")
	t.assignHooksByAppID(hooks, botID, false)
	return nil

// createWebhook creates a webhook for a specific channel.
func (t *Transmitter) createWebhook(channel string) (*discordgo.Webhook, error) {
	defer t.mutex.Unlock()

	wh, err := t.session.WebhookCreate(channel, t.title+time.Now().Format(" 3:04:05PM"), "")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	t.channelWebhooks[channel] = wh
	return wh, nil

func (t *Transmitter) getWebhook(channel string) *discordgo.Webhook {
	defer t.mutex.RUnlock()

	return t.channelWebhooks[channel]

func (t *Transmitter) getOrCreateWebhook(channelID string) (*discordgo.Webhook, error) {
	// If we have a webhook for this channel, immediately return it
	wh := t.getWebhook(channelID)
	if wh != nil {
		return wh, nil

	// Early exit if we don't want to automatically create one
	if !t.autoCreate {
		return nil, ErrWebhookNotFound

	t.Log.Infof("Creating a webhook for %s\n", channelID)
	wh, err := t.createWebhook(channelID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create webhook: %w", err)

	return wh, nil

// fetchChannelsHooks fetches hooks for the given channelIDs and calls assignHooksByAppID for each channel's hooks
func (t *Transmitter) fetchChannelsHooks(channelIDs []string, botID string) error {
	// For each channel, search for relevant hooks
	var failedHooks []string
	for _, channelID := range channelIDs {
		hooks, err := t.session.ChannelWebhooks(channelID)
		if err != nil {
			failedHooks = append(failedHooks, "\n- "+channelID+": "+err.Error())
		t.assignHooksByAppID(hooks, botID, true)

	// Compose an error if any hooks failed
	if len(failedHooks) > 0 {
		return errors.New("failed to fetch hooks:" + strings.Join(failedHooks, ""))

	return nil

func (t *Transmitter) assignHooksByAppID(hooks []*discordgo.Webhook, appID string, channelTargeted bool) {
	logLine := "Picking up webhook"
	if channelTargeted {
		logLine += " (channel targeted)"

	defer t.mutex.Unlock()

	for _, wh := range hooks {
		if wh.ApplicationID != appID {

		t.channelWebhooks[wh.ChannelID] = wh
			"id":      wh.ID,
			"name":    wh.Name,
			"channel": wh.ChannelID,