import rss import webdriver import osproc import options import os import strutils import parsetoml import sequtils import uri if not fileExists(getConfigDir() & "/indeedwatcher/config.toml"): createDir(getConfigDir() & "/indeedwatcher/") let defaultConfig = """ #Output directory of your porential job listings outdir = "" #Port you wish chromedriver to use port = 9515 #Location of chromedriver chromedriver = "" #Array of RSS urls that you wish the program to parse feeds = [ \"\", \"\"] #Phrases that, if they appear, will cause the job to be instantly thrown out [blacklist] title= [\"Senior\", \"Sr.\"] """ writeFile(getConfigDir() & "/indeedwatcher/config.toml", defaultConfig) if not fileExists(getCacheDir() & "/indeedwatcher/listings.cache"): createDir(getCacheDir() & "/indeedwatcher/") writeFile(getCacheDir() & "/indeedwatcher/listings.cache", "") #Reading the config file let config = parsetoml.parseFile(getConfigDir() & "/indeedwatcher/config.toml") ##Main section of config let feeds = config["feeds"].getElems().mapIt(it.getStr()) let outdir = config["outdir"].getStr() ##Cache section of config let chromedriverloc = config["chromedriver"].getStr() let cachefileloc = getCacheDir() & "/indeedwatcher/listings.cache" let cache = open(cachefileloc, fmAppend) ##Filtering section of config let titleblacklist = config["blacklist"]["title"].getElems().mapIt(it.getStr()) #Webdriver let chromedriver = startProcess(chromedriverloc, "", ["--headless"]) sleep 5000 echo "connecting" #TODO make the port configurable, some users may have something running here let driver = newWebDriver("http://localhost:9515") var session: Session var feedcounter = 0 var urlcounter = 0 #Behavior when CTRL+C proc terminate() {.noconv.} = echo "\nAcknowledged termination attempt..." echo "Closing the Cache..." cache.close() echo "Closing Session..." session.close() echo "Killing Chromedriver..." terminate(chromedriver) echo "Dying!" quit() setControlCHook(terminate) for feed in feeds: session = driver.createSession() if feedcounter > 3: echo "resting for 20 seconds ..." sleep 20000 feedcounter = 0 #Getting the listing URLs from the feeds var rssFeedReply: RSS for attempt in countup(0,3): try: echo "now reading " & feed rssFeedReply = getRSS(feed) except: if attempt < 3: echo "Recieved an error: trying again..." continue else: raise break for entry in rssFeedReply.items: #Sleep so doesn't freak out if urlcounter > 7: echo "resting for 10 seconds ..." sleep 10000 urlcounter = 0 #Don't even bother visiting it if its in the cache or hits a trigger word var URL = let queries = URL.parseUri.query.decodeQuery().toSeq() let jobName = queries[0].value let employer = queries[1].value let location = queries[2].value let URLID = queries[3].value #This isn't cache.readFile().contains(URLID) #because nim has no way to both open a file in append mode #and also open it as reading. Therefore, this blunder, which #creates a new file in memory, is used instead. if not readFile(cachefileloc).contains(URLID) or not any(titleblacklist, proc (input: string): bool = jobName.contains(input)): for attempt in countup(0,3): try: echo "Telling chromium to navigate to " & URL session.navigate(URL) except: if attempt < 3: echo "Recieved an error: trying again..." continue else: raise break urlcounter = urlcounter + 1 #HTML Parser echo "Beginning to parse..." let fullDesc = session.findElement("#jobDescriptionText").get().getText() var salaryInfoAndJobType: string try: salaryInfoAndJobType = session.findelement("#salaryInfoAndJobType").get().gettext() except UnpackDefect: salaryInfoAndJobType = "None Listed" echo "Finishing the parse..." echo "Beginning to write to file..." #Output var output = """ Title: $1 Employer: $2 Location: $3 Salary Info and Job Type: $4 URL : $5 Description: $6 """ % [jobName, employer, location, salaryInfoAndJobType, URL, fullDesc] writeFile(outdir & jobName.replace("/") & ".txt", output) echo "Wrote job to file!" cache.writeLine(URL) echo "Wrote listing to cache!" else: echo URL & " was in cache or hit a trigger word, discarding" session.close() cache.close() #session.close() terminate(chromedriver)